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Vestige Unbound

July 2023
Hello everyone! In Vestige for the next few months we’ll be umbrella term, but if asked what their race is they have
splitting the party, and some new stuff is going to get various answers they might give.
involved. I decided I’d take some time to use Vestige
Unbound this month to show you guys some of the Kua Hono in Retia
materials that will be used, as well as some that won’t be to The kua hono in Retia all tend to hail from the Scattershot
smokescreen things a bit! Please enjoy the following race
Islands of High Wave, where most seemed to emerge from
and subclasses. the near-tropical coastal environments there. They thrive in
Elf Subrace: Wood Elf hot damn terrains as well as beaches, and though they are
capable of living beneath the ocean they prefer to live on
The most common elf to live, either in Retia or Cu Chullis, the ground (though often near the water). Kua hono
and renowned as the friendliest to other races. Wood elves generally prefer warm salt water to cold or freshwater,
have a natural desire to explore and seek new lands, and to purely as a matter of comfort.
protect the environments they find themselves in. Their Though they are highly populous in High Wave, the kua
dispositions are famously warm. hono mostly don’t care to approach or live in or around the
The appearance of a wood elf more often than not Rising Peak. The citadel of science and technology it
features dark or yellowish skin, a more robust build than represents does not appeal to them, so they more often
other elves, earthy browns and reds for hair, and skin that remain outside - juxtaposed against it.
has a leafy texture not unlike their wild elf relatives. They
can be mistaken sometimes for dryads due to the overlap in Traits
appearance. As a kua hono, you have the following traits, in addition to
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
those granted by your subrace and legacy traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
Acid Resistance. You are resistant to acid damage.
by 2, and one other score increases by 1 based on your
Forest Movement. You have a climbing speed equal to
your base movement speed, and can climb rough surfaces
Alternatively, at your GM’s discretion, you can choose
without requiring any sort of climbing gear without penalty. one of the following options:
When you fall further than 10 feet while adjacent to a wall
or surface, you can use your reaction to brace yourself Increase one of your Ability scores by 2, and another by
against it and take no falling damage ( landing on your feet). 1.
Swift Footed. When you take the Dash action, the Increase three of your Ability scores by 1.
movement speed you gain is doubled (unless taken as a
bonus action). None of the Ability score increases gained through your
race can increase any Ability score above 20.
Age. Kua hono reach maturity in their late teens, and the
Kua Hono lifespan largely depends on their subrace -
Creature Types Humanoid
Crocodiles and Turtles can live to be up to 500.
Life Expectancy Varies (Min 90 years, Max 500 years)
Frogs and snakes live to be up to 90.
National Alignment Other
Lizards and salamanders live to be up to 150.
Planar Origins Elemental Plane of Water Sharks live to be up to 300.
Planetouched? No
Alignment. There is no set alignment that kua hono fall
Regions Scattershot Islands (High Wave), Greater Motian
under, but many are neutral.
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Size Range Small / Medium (Large)
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and

Kua hono are wildly varied, not just within their own Draconic.
subraces, but also from one to another. Some resemble Reptilian Regeneration. As a bonus action you can

humanoid reptilians in the way that you would expect of a spend up to half of your total hit dice (rounded up) as if you
lizardfolk, while others look more like a reptile that stood have completed a Short Rest, rolling each and adding your
upright without much change - some, however, can strongly Constitution modifier to each to regain hit points equal to
resemble humans or elves who are covered in scales, hide the total of all spent hit dice. When you do so, you can also
or shells. They are a species that is defined by a wide spend one or more of those hit dice without rolling it to
gamut of mutations and adaptations, and their appearances regain hit points, and if you do you benefit from the effects
strongly represent this. of lesser restoration once for each. You can use this trait
once per Short Rest.
Vague Disambiguation Size. You are Small or Medium (you choose when picking

Kua hono is generally not considered a unified race in the this race).
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have
cultural sense. Its various members use the term as others
might use “mankind”, and refers vaguely to those under a a swim speed equal to your walking speed.
family best represented as “reptile-kind”. Their ability to live
underwater and regenerate damage through accelerated
healing tend to be what define their inclusion under this
Legacy Traits Subraces
Choose two of the following options when creating your Kua hono subraces express what sort of reptile the kua
character: hono is. Some resemble lizards, frogs, turtles, snakes, etc.
Accelerated Regeneration. When you use hit dice to When creating your character, please choose one of the
regain hit points, you regain an additional amount of hit following:
points per hit die equal to half your proficiency bonus
(rounded down). Frog
Darkvision. You have darkvision out to 60 feet, allowing The diminutive frog kua hono resemble frogs that walk
you to see in dim light as if it was bright light, and in upright on two legs. Their bodies are stout and usually
darkness as if it was dim light. You discern colors in adorable, coming in many shades of yellow, blue and green.
darkness as shades of gray. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by

Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you 1.

aren’t wearing armor, your base AC is 13 + your Dexterity Leap. As a bonus action you can leap an amount of feet

modifier. You can also use this base AC calculation if armor equal to your proficiency bonus x 5, entering into an
you are wearing would result in a lower AC score. For the unoccupied space within range. When you leap this way
purposes of features that require you to wear medium or you can arc into the air to reach a height half as high as
heavy armor, calculating your AC this way can be treated as your maximum leap distance, and opportunity attacks
wearing armor of those types. against you when moving this way have disadvantage.
Nature’s Intuition. You have proficiency in two of the You can use this trait a number of times per Long Rest
following skills (you choose when gaining this trait): Animal equal to your proficiency bonus.
Handling, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth or Survival. Size Requirement. You are Small.

Slippery. You have advantage on ability checks and Sticky Climber. Once per Short or Long Rest, as a bonus

saving throws made to resist or stop being grappled or action, you can cause your skin to adhere securely to
restrained. surfaces as though you were under the effects of the spider
Temperate Blood. Choose fire or cold damage. You are climb spell for 10 minutes (requiring no concentration).
resistant to your choice, but vulnerable to the other.
Mixed Blood Traits Similar to lizardfolk, the lizard kua hono resemble large,
If you are of mixed blood and kua hono is not your dominant well-built lizard people with bodies covered in sleek scales,
race, you may consider the following traits when choosing slitted predatory eyes and a skillset well suited for hunting.
your Legacy Traits: They are well-meaning and welcoming by nature, and their
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water. families and settlements are known to warmly welcome
Bloodline. Choose one of the following traits, which you newcomers. These reptile-folk are found more often than
gain from its corresponding subrace: not near beaches and in swamplands.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Sticky Climber (frog) 1.
Scent Tracker (lizard) Chameleon Phase. As a bonus action you can blend into
Fire Resistance (salamander) the environment, becoming invisible until the start of your
Sandpaper Scales (shark)
Shell (turtle) next turn. If you take no other actions on that next turn
however, you can use your bonus action to continue the
Reptilian Regeneration. You have the kua hono’s effect (but taking any action or movement after this will end
Reptilian Regeneration trait. it). You can use this trait a number of times per Long Rest
Size Options. You are Small. equal to your proficiency bonus.
Scent Tracker. You can make Wisdom (Perception)

checks made to find hidden creatures as a bonus action,

and when you do you are able to tell where invisible
creatures are as if they were visible. If you find an invisible
creature this way you can treat them as if they were visible
until the start of your next turn.
Salamander Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Salamander kua hono have vibrant orangish-red skin, large
Shell. You have a natural shell that grants you protection.
curious eyes and long bodies with somewhat silly little arms
and legs. They like naturally hot environments where they You have a based AC of 17 (unaffected by your Dexterity
bask, and though they are curiously built they have intricate, modifier). You can’t wear light, medium or heavy armor but
honor-based cultures in which many serve as kings, can wield and benefit from a shield.
Withdraw. You can pull yourself back into your shell as an
queens, knights, squires, and so forth.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
action, and emerge as a bonus action. While inside your
shell your AC increases by 4, you have advantage on
by 1.
Fire Pop. In place of one attack made as part of an Attack
Strength and Constitution saving throws, you are prone,
action, you can spit a puff of fire at a creature within 30 feet your speed is 0 and can’t be increased, you have
of you. Your target must make a Dexterity saving throw disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and cannot take
(Con), taking fire damage equal to 1d10 x half your reactions. You cannot take actions while withdrawn except
proficiency bonus (rounded down) on a failed save, or half to emerge.
as much on a successful one. You can use this trait once
per turn, and a number of times per Long Rest equal to your
Fighter Subclass: Guardian
proficiency bonus. As an immovable defender, the Guardian relies on clever
Fire Resistance. You are resistant to fire damage. use of their shield to prevent harm from coming to them and
those around them. They strike as freely with their shield as
Shark they do with their sword, bludgeoning and crushing
Resembling a shark taking humanoid form (including opponents while forcing back their attacks. They are the
dangerous jaws and an extended tail), shark hua kono are pinnacle of defensive combat mastery.
large and fearsome. Retaining the predatory nature and
tactics of their submerged brethren, they are powerful
hunters with keen tracking abilities. Though they largely are
said to resemble sharks, their heads and faces have rigid
skeletal features that give them a nearly fiendish
Due to their split nature leaving them civilized as often as
leaving them predatory, they are called the Ogres of the
Sea by many seafarers. One is as likely to find them trading Guardian Features
with a port town or living among merefolk as they are to see
Level Features
their ship boarded from below by a shark-lead pirate crew.
3rd Shield Strike
Ampullae of Lothezari. You can see electromagnetic

waves and nerve signals in the bodies of other creatures. 7th Guardian Fighting Styles, Imposing Sentinel
You have blindsight out to 10 feet, which increases to 60 10th Exceptional Armor Master
feet if your head is submerged in a body of liquid (in which 15th Full Deflect
case, this vision only extends to the edge of that liquid). 18th Ultimate Defense
Blood In the Water. If you damaged a creature on your

previous turn and that creature is within the range of a

movement speed you have and could take to get close to
them, you can use your bonus action to Dash and make Shield Strike
one weapon attack against them, but all movement you 3rd-level Guardian feature
take after Dashing this way must be spent moving toward When you take the Attack action while wielding a shield,
them with the intention of ending your movement adjacent you can make an attack with the shield as a bonus action.
to them if possible. This effect does not apply when you For the purposes of these attacks your shield is treated as
damage constructs or creatures without blood. being a weapon with the heavy property that you are
Sandpaper Scales. When a creature starts its turn proficiency with, uses Strength for attacks and adds the
grappled by you or grappling you, they take slashing shield’s enhancement bonus to its attack roll. If it hits, you
damage equal to your Constitution modifier plus your can choose one of the following effects:
proficiency bonus.
Size Option. You can choose to be Large instead of Your target, if they are no more than one size category
Small or Medium when creating your character. larger than you, is knocked prone or 5 feet back (your
Turtle Your target takes bludgeoning damage equal to (1d4 x
Turtle kua hono often resemble turtles that stood upright, the shield’s total bonus to your armor class) + your
Strength modifier.
extended their arms and legs and started walking. They are That creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll
slow but peaceful people who live long lives, and take in they make before the start of your next turn.
what they can during that time. Their primary feature is a
strong shell on their back that provides them with protection
in times of peril.
Guardian Fighting Styles Monk Subclass: Beloved Tribute
7th-level Guardian feature
You gain the Defense and Protection fighting styles. If you Beloved Tributes are trained to entertain as often as fight.
already have one or both of them, the existing fighting They are an order of monks who associate with the Idol
style(s) advances instead. Choir so closely that they answer to its name, and go as far
as to perform religious services for followers of T’quinn.
Imposing Sentinel Their martial arts focus on grace, hypnotize movement, and
7th-level Guardian feature personal expression. Their order can be found in the Itonian
Capital, where they train on the same grounds as the divine
If you or a creature within 5 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit
points by damage from a source you can see, you spend a servants of the Idol Choir.
use of Combat Mastery to reduce the damage by an The monks who follow these traditions train to separate
amount equal to 1d10 plus your Fighter level, and if this the important aspects of their lives from each other, learning
damage would still reduce them to 0 hit points they are to treat each experience as an isolated one. Joyous
reduced to 1 instead. You can only use this effect once per occasions are pure and uplifting, while stress and conflict
turn per protected target. are given their unclouded attention in the moment. This
practice is inspired by T’quinn’s split selves serving two very
Exceptional Armor Master different purposes.
10th-level Guardian feature
As long as you’re wearing heavy armor, all piercing,
slashing and bludgeoning damage you take is reduced by Beloved Tribute Features
half your Fighter level (rounded down). Level Features
3rd Charming Conduct, Monk Weapons
Full Deflect 6th Soothing Diva
15th-level Guardian feature 11th Beloved Guidance, Victorious Echo
If you are hit with a weapon attack while wielding a shield 17th Waltz of One
you can use your reaction to roll a d10 and add the result to
your armor class, possibly changing the outcome. If this
causes the triggering attack to miss and the creature was
within 5 feet, you can make a Shield Strike attack with your Charming Conduct
shield as part of the same reaction.
3rd-level Beloved Tribute feature
You can use this feature twice per Short or Long Rest,
Whenever you hit a creature with an attack using your
after which you can only use it by spending a point of
unarmed strike or monk weapon, you can spend 1 ki point
Combat Mastery.
to impose one of the following effects on your target; you
Ultimate Defense can do the same when you hit a creature with one of your
attacks through your Flurry of Blows, requiring no extra ki
18th-level Guardian feature Once per turn, when you take
be spent;
damage from an effect you can see while you are wearing
heavy armor or wielding a shield, you can use a point of They must succeed a Charisma saving throw or be
Combat Mastery to reduce all damage you take from that charmed by you until the start of your next turn.
source by three times your Fighter level. Following this, you They must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be
are resistant to all damage until the end of the current turn. knocked prone.
They take thunder damage equal to two of your Martial
Arts damage dice.
Furthermore, you have proficiency in the Performance
skill, which you can choose to use Dexterity for when
entertaining through dance or physical conduct.

Monk Weapons
3rd-level Beloved Tribute feature
Twinblades count as monk weapons for you. When you
use the secondary attack of the twinblade you can add
thunder damage to the damage roll equal to your
proficiency bonus.

Soothing Diva
6th-level Beloved Tribute feature
You can perform a dance that invigorates and inspires
your allies, while protecting them from outside mental
interference. While you are not restrained or incapacitated,
as an action, you can choose a number of willing creatures
equal to your proficiency bonus, who must be within 60 feet.
Those creatures gain temporary hit points equal to two of
your Martial Arts dice plus your Monk level, and for 1 minute
Ranger Subclass: Technoscope
they are charmed by you. While charmed this way they Some rangers lean into their knowledge of technology to
cannot be charmed or frightened by other creatures or attempt to solve short-term problems, applying their
effects. This charm ends early if you are knocked understanding of science and its principles. Though their
unconscious. solutions often give out after only a moment, they provide a
You can use this feature once per Long rest, then cannot brief relief. Technoscopes are inventors, tinkerers and
use it again unless you spend 3 ki points to do so. curious minds.

Beloved Guidance
11thh-level Beloved Tribute feature
When you have fewer than half of your total hit points
remaining, you receive guidance that heightens your
senses. While in this state, each time you make an attack
roll or saving throw you roll 1d4 and add it to the result. This
effect ends when you regain half or more of your total hit
points. Technoscope Features
Victorious Echo Level Features
11thh-level Beloved Tribute feature 3rd Mechanical Focus, Techmending
If you move more than 20 feet on your turn you can use 7th Tinkertech
any amount of your remaining movement to teleport to an 11th Arcane Mine
unoccupied space you can see within that distance. 15th Gizmo Solution

Waltz of One
17th-level Beloved Tribute feature
As an action, you can spend 3 or more ki points to project Mechanical Focus
invisible duplicates of yourself to attack creatures you can 3rd-level technoscope feature
see who are within your movement range (regardless of You are proficient with tinker’s tools, and automatically
how much movement you’ve taken). The number of have one extra Favored Enemy: constructs. If you already
duplicates you send is equal to 2 half the number of ki picked constructs you may select another Favored Enemy
points you spend on this action (rounded up). from the original options.
Each duplicate attacks the target it is sent after, making
those attacks as if invisible, and their attacks mirror yours Techmending
using an unarmed strike or monk weapon in your 3rd-level technoscope feature
possession. Each deals the damage that attack would When you cast a spell that restores hit points and it states
normally deal plus an extra Martial Arts die of thunder it cannot target constructs, it restores hit points to them
damage. anyways by magically rewiring them or reproducing the
magic that created them. This cannot restore a construct’s
destroyed body parts, however.

7th-level technoscope feature
You are adept at using minor mechanical devices to aid in
momentary tasks. You have a number of Tinkertech points
equal to your Favor Bonus, and as long as you have tinker’s
tools or sufficient technological equipment to quickly create
them, you can invoke the effects below when described
(requiring the action listed), each costing 1 Tinkertech point
when used. You regain spent Tinkertech points when you
complete a Short or Long Rest.

Compression Burst
When you make a weapon attack, you can affix a
propulsion device to the weapon or ammunition to help it
strike its target: you gain a bonus to the attack and damage
roll for that attack, equal to your Favor Bonus and Favor Die
Evasive Projector Arcane Mine
When a creature makes an attack against you, you can use 11th-level technoscope feature
your reaction to deploy a projection device that projects an You can cast a spell as you usually would, requiring the
illusion of you briefly - until the end of this turn or until that usual action, spell slot and components, but instead of
creature hits you (whichever comes first), that creature invoking its effects you may place them in a stationary
subtracts your Favor Bonus from attack rolls made against magical mine adhered to a surface you can touch. You may
you. choose a trigger that sets off the mine, which can be
anything you describe in the same way you describe a
Magnetic Target readied action. You can set a number of mines per Long
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can use Rest equal to your proficiency bonus, and no two mines can
your bonus action to affix a magnetic device to them, as store the same spell at the same time - setting the same
well as one to a melee weapon you are wielding - for 1 spell a second time renders the previous mine inert. No two
minute, that weapon is magnetized to that target in such a mines can be set within 10 feet of one another.
Preparation Limit. The spell placed within the mine
way that you can treat them as your Favored Enemy. The
target may, in place of a weapon attack, attempt a Dexterity cannot have a casting time longer than 1 action and cannot
check against your spell save DC, removing the device require concentration.
Trigger. The trigger must describe the situation that sets it
early on a success.
off, and what it will target. This trigger must be either within
Magnification Scope 10 feet of the mine, or within a distance equal to the stored
spell’s range (whichever is lower). If the spell has a range of
When making a ranged weapon attack you can create a
self, the trigger must be within 5 feet of it, and it can target
temporary high-powered scope as a bonus action, which
any creature within that range.
allows you to fire up to that weapon’s long range without
Fragility. This mine is unmovable once set. You can
causing you to have disadvantage. This scope remains in
disarm it as an action, but any attempt to move it more than
effect for attacks with that weapon for 1 minute.
1 foot or damage it will set it off early, causing it to attempt
to follow its trigger conditions as closely as it can.
Thunder Grenade
Detonation. When the mine goes off, the spell uses your
As a bonus action, you can throw a sonic device at a point spell attack, spell save DC, is cast at the level you cast it at,
you can see within 30 feet. Each creature in a 5-foot-radius and otherwise acts the way it would have when you cast it
centered on that point must make a Constitution saving and set the mine. If no target is available as described when
throw. On a failure they are pushed 5 feet away from the it is set, it will target the nearest creature. If the spell’s effect
center of the radius and fall prone. must be centered on a point, it must be centered on the
mine’s space or a point touching the space it’s in. If you are
Wild Rocket within 60 feet of the mine when it goes off due to its trigger
As a bonus action or in place of a weapon attack, you you can use your reaction to prevent it from going off until
construct a device with some method of propulsion and the start of your next turn, at which point its trigger
throw or launch it at a target within a distance equal to your conditions reset.
Favor Bonus x 15 feet. Make a ranged attack against that Spoting. A creature attempting to find it must succeed an

target, using your spell attack for the roll. On a hit, the target Investigation check against your spell save DC.
takes piercing, slashing, bludgeoning or fire damage (your Temporary. The mine becomes inert after 24 hours or

choice) damage equal to your Favor Dice plus your Favor after you complete a Long Rest.
Bonus, and if they are no larger than one size category
larger than you they are knocked prone. Gizmo Solution
15rd-level technoscope feature
When you would make an attack roll, ability check or
saving throw with disadvantage while you have tinker’s
tools or sufficient means to construct a suitable device to
solve the problem, you can use your reaction to attempt to
create a temporary device to help - when you do, roll 1d100
plus your Ranger level. On a result of 51 or higher, this
device prevents you from having disadvantage from that
particular effect or circumstance until the start of your next
turn (including on the triggering roll). On a result of 50 or
lower it has no effect.

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