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Vestige Unbound

April 2023
Sword Saint Changes

T Class Features
he following are changes being made to the
Sword Saint, which are going to be launched with
the class in the Retia’s setting guide. After years of As a Sword Saint, you have the following features.
feedback and seeing various Sword Saints played,
these changes are intended to address some of the issues Hit Points
the class has had at certain tables, as well as refine its Hit Dice: 1d10 per Sword Saint level
gameplay loop to be more fun. Not all tables run things the Hit Points At 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier.
same way, and Vestige’s content leans into a more Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution

versatile, option-oriented style of gameplay - to some, at a modifier per Sword Saint level after 1st.
glance, this can make our content sometimes seem front-
loaded. Please keep in mind as always that what a class Proficiencies
can do and what it will end up doing in motion are always Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
going to be different. The latter is often more valuable than Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
the former. Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
Below are the Sword Saint changes, including several Skills: Choose three skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
subclasses that have been adjusted with it. History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Survival
Tools: None

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:

(a) chain shirt or (b) studded leather, a longbow, 20

The Sword Saint arrows
Focus Max Per (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial
Level Bonus Features Points Turn
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 4 javelins
1st +2 Focus Channeling 3 2 (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
2nd +2 Dragon Surge 4 2
3rd +2 Path of Devotion 5 3 Focus Channeling
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 7 4 1st-level Sword Saint feature
6th +3 Devotion Feature 8 4
You have a number of focus points equal to 2 + your level
as a Sword Saint. Focus can be spent on various abilities
7th +3 - 9 5
you gain as a Sword Saint, automatically gaining the
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 10 5
abilities listed under Sword Saint focus techniques. You can
9th +4 Burgeoning Mastery 11 6
only use a number of focus points each turn equal to half
10th +4 Soul of Luxus 12 6 your Sword Saint level (rounded up).
11th +4 Devotion Feature 13 7 The save DC for focus techniques = 8 + your proficiency
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 14 7 bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
13th +5 Extra Attack 15 8 You regain your spent focus points whenever you
14th +5 Saint Weapon Bond, 16 8 complete a Long Rest.
Devotion Feature
15th +5 - 17 9 Sword Saint Focus Techniques
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 18 9 As a Sword Saint, you automatically know the following
17th +6 Devotion Feature 19 10 focus techniques:
18th +6 Moment of Tranquility 20 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 21 11
Adept Moment
20th +6 Unwavering Legend 22 11 When you make a skill check with a skill you have
proficiency in, you may spend 1 focus point as a bonus
action to roll 1d4 and add it to the result.

Cunning Vertical
On your turn, you may spend 1 focus point to take the
Disengage action as a bonus action.
Falcon Wing Deflection Your personal mastery of your skills develops in a
direction unrelated to your Path of Devotion. When you gain
You may spend 2 focus points as a reaction to a melee
this feature, choose one saving throw you are not proficient
weapon attack being made against you to gain a bonus to
in. You gain proficiency in that saving throw.
your Armor Class equal to your proficiency bonus, which
applies before resolving the triggering attack. This bonus
lasts until the start of your next turn. You must be wielding a
Soul of Luxus
weapon you have proficiency with to use this reaction. If 10th-level Sword Saint feature
you are restrained or knocked prone you lose the bonus While you complete a Short Rest you regain focus points
from this effect. equal to twice the number of hit dice you use to regain hit
Falter Fleeting
On your turn, you can spend 1 focus point as a bonus
Saint Weapon Bond
action to move an additional number of feet equal to your 14th-level Sword Saint feature
proficiency bonus multiplied by five. You may attune yourself to a specific weapon of your
choice and allow your spirit to connect to it. To do so you
Overwhelming Advance must perform a ritual over the course of a short rest,
When you miss a creature with a weapon attack you can requiring incense and other materials unique to your
spend 2 focus points to roll a d20 and must use the result in traditions that are collectively worth 500 gold pieces.
place of the d20 of your attack roll, possibly changing the Mixing these materials with a drop of your own blood, you
outcome of the attack. imbue the weapon with a connection to your spirit that
marks it as yours. Its hue may change, and the weapon
Dragon Surge may gain new aesthetic characteristics in response to your
spirit. This weapon is now considered to be your Saint
2nd-level Sword Saint feature Weapon. Creating a new Saint Weapon breaks your
You can expend 2 focus points on your turn to take an
connection with the first.
additional action. This feature cannot be used twice on the You can attune to this Saint Weapon as if it were a
same turn or during the same turn when you use another magical item, and if you do you gain the following benefits:
feature that allows you to take another action (such as a
fighter’s Action Surge). Each time you use Dragon Surge, If it is a weapon that requires ammunition, it can now
the number of focus points it costs increases by 1 until the create unremarkable ammunition magically when used (if
next time you complete a Short or Long Rest. it must reload, creating new ammunition takes the same
When you use your Dragon Surge your movement speed action you would take to reload it).
increases until the end of your turn by 5 feet x the number If it is a thrown weapon, you can use a bonus action to
of focus points it costs. recall it if it is within 100 feet of you, causing it to fly into
your hands.
Path of Devotion You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it.
3rd-level Sword Saint feature Attacks you make with it are magical.
You choose a Path of Devotion. You pledge yourself to a You no longer have a limit to the number of focus points
style of combat and lifestyle from the paths of devotion you can spend each turn, but if you have passed that
listed, and gain the 3rd-level features listed. You gain that limit and use a focus technique requiring an attack roll
Path’s other features at the Sword Saint levels listed. you must use your Saint Weapon for that attack.
Any benefits that would normally be gained from attuning
Ability Score Improvement to that item.

4th/8th/12th/16th/19th-level Sword Saint feature If you lose this weapon you always know which direction
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, it’s in and the condition of the weapon.
and 19th level, you can take one feat you meet the
conditions for, increase one ability score of your choice by
Moment of Tranquility
2, or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As 18th-level Sword Saint feature
normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using When you complete a Short Rest you regain all of your
this feature. spent focus points.

Extra Attack Unwavering Legend

5th-level Sword Saint feature 20th-level Sword Saint feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the When you are reduced to 0 hit points you do not fall
Attack action on your turn. When you reach 13th level as a unconscious (or gain the dying condition). Instead, you can
Sword Saint you can attack three times instead. continue fighting as normal (making death saves as normal
until you regain hit points). Each time you would fail a death
Burgeoning Mastery saving throw you can spend 1 focus point to negate the
9th-level Sword Saint feature failure. While in this state you cannot regain focus points by
any means.
Paths of Devotion Central Aura
6th-level Way of Blue Metal feature
The Sword Saint walks a path of devotion. They study the
Choose one of the following energy types: cold, fire,
teachings of a famous Sword Saint who defined a
lightning, or poison.
generation, trying to emulate their style and skills while
You learn to attune your internal energy to that element
putting their own twist on them. The paths teach various
and bend it into a protective shroud. Any time you would
lifestyles, mentalities, and practices that support the skills of
take damage of that type, you may spend 2 focus points as
those individuals.
a reaction to negate the damage and gain temporary hit
A Sword Saint will usually gravitate to the teachings that
points equal to the damage instead, then gain resistance to
best suit their outlook on life. The methods by which they
that type of damage for as long as you have those
learn their path can be from scrolls, books, stories passed
temporary hit points.
down, a teacher, or other sources of information. To some
You may, as an action, spend 2 focus points to imbue a
rare Sword Saints, these skills come to them in visions or
weapon you’re wielding with the same element you selected
through meditation.
for your central aura. For 10 minutes your weapon attacks
Way of Blue Metal deal extra damage of that damage type equal to half your
Sword Saint level (rounded down).
The Way of Blue Metal is an ancient tradition forged by an
elven swordsman who sought out inner peace. Among all of Extra Focus
the Paths of Devotion, it is the most attuned to the spiritual 11th-level Way of Blue Metal feature
energy that is employed when focusing on the superhuman You learn additional two focus techniques as described
feats Sword Saints are capable of. by the Blue Metal Focus Techniques feature.
The swordsmen who follow the Way of Blue Metal are
capable of learning the various skills of many different Purity of Form
paths, incorporating them into their own style of 14th-level Way of Blue Metal feature
swordsmanship. In critical moments in battle, they find As long as you are attuned to your Saint Weapon, all of
peace that can restore their focus and let them keep your focus techniques cost 1 fewer points (minimum 1). If a
fighting. focus technique involves a weapon or attack roll, it must
Defined by versatility, one of the key features of these utilize your Saint Weapon for that effect to receive this
swordsmen is traced back to legends that it was taught to benefit.
its original practitioner by a series of dragons who each
contributed their knowledge to its form. That practitioner Roaring Dragon Surge
learned to harness the elements, drawing out the power of 17th-level Way of Blue Metal feature
their own spirit and forcing it to manifest as elemental You can use an advanced version of the Dragon Surge
energy representing their soul’s nature. technique. Your regular use of dragon surge no longer
causes it to cost extra focus points on subsequent uses.
Whenever you use your Dragon Surge, you can spend an
Way of Blue Metal Features additional focus point to use a Roaring Dragon Surge,
Level Features gaining advantage on weapon attacks you make with your
3rd Focus Masery, Focus Techniques Saint Weapon until the start of your next turn. Those attacks
6th Central Aura
deal an additional 1d10 damage of your weapon’s type on a
successful hit.
11th Extra Focus
The amount of extra movement you gain from your
14th Purity of Form
dragon surge is increased to 30 feet when using a roaring
17th Roaring Dragon Surge
dragon surge.

Way of Musashi
Focus Mastery A notorious figure in the history of Sword Saints, Musashi
was a rambunctious and disloyal swordsman who bounced
3rd-level Blue Metal feature
from master to master. He was an innately skilled individual,
Whenever you roll a 20 on an attack roll’s d20 result, you
however, developing a style of two-weapon swordplay that
regain focus points equal to your proficiency bonus. On
remains unmatched. His belief was that no action should
subsequent results of 20 on the same turn you regain 1
ever be wasted, and so should be in service to making an
focus point instead.
attack, even when defending.
Focus Techniques Those who follow in their footsteps learn defensive
techniques that give them durability and staying power in
3rd-level Way of Blue Metal feature
combat. They seek creative ways to defeat their opponents
You learn any two focus techniques, choosing from those
rather than overpowering them directly. Musashi’s brilliance
of other Sword Saint Paths of Devotion. Each time you gain
has not been replicated, but their approach and style have
a level as a Sword Saint you may switch one of these
been co-opted into techniques that allow others to exploit
techniques out for another.
opponents by quickly pin-pointing weaknesses in their
defenses and overwhelming them simultaneously.
To follow this path is to hold a blade in each hand, Creatures that gain bonuses from surrounding you (such
unrelentingly seeking out joy and purpose to a fault. They as Sneak Attack, flanking, or Pack Tactics) cannot gain
live fully and pursue what they feel is right for them. those benefits or use those features against you. If those
Musashi discovered a certain pure truth through this way of features have other triggers (such as needing advantage for
living and became unbeatable. Others reaching the same Sneak Attack) they still work under those conditions.
place is not outside the realm of possibility.
Way of Five Souls
11th-level Way of Musashi feature
You gain proficiency in all saving throws.
Subclass Features
Level Features The Undeniable Path
3rd Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting, Focus 14th-level Way of Musashi feature
Techniques You can bond to a second weapon as your Saint
Weapon, which gains all the same benefits as the first. You
6th Point Zero
can attune to both as if they were a single magic item,
11th Way of Five Souls
gaining access to all of the features you would normally
14th The Undeniable Path
gain from attuning to both individually while only counting as
17th Heartless Heavenly Blade one item.

Heartless Heavenly Blade

17th-level Way of Musashi feature
Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting As an action you can spend 6 focus points and make a
3rd-level Way of Musashi feature sweeping strike against all creatures within 15 feet of you.
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add You make a single weapon attack with one of your Saint
your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. Weapons, and its results are applied to each of those
If another feature gives you the option of taking another creatures as if they were different attack rolls. You then
fighting style option you cannot take the two-weapon make a single damage roll with the weapon, and apply its
fighting option again. results to each creature that was hit similarly. This attack is
made without advantage or disadvantage.
Focus Techniques These attack and damage rolls are not subject to effects
3rd-level Way of Musashi feature that modify the attack or damage roll results of single
You learn the following focus techniques: attacks, but it can be affected by those with ongoing effects
that last a turn or longer.
Exemplary Deflection Every creature you hit must make a Constitution saving
As a reaction to a weapon attack you can see hitting you, throw against your focus technique DC. Any creature that
you may spend 1 focus point to reduce the damage from fails takes an additional 2d12 damage of your weapon’s
the attack to half. damage type and is stunned until the end of your next turn.
You cannot use this technique and Dragon Surge in the
Reposition same turn.
When a creature makes a melee attack against you and
misses, you may spend 2 focus points to move immediately
Way of Pendragon
up to 20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. The Way of Pendragon follows legends of an ancient knight
king who led a band of noble, if not troubled, knights on a
Scatter Petals quest to acquire an ancient god-touched artifact. Chosen by
After you take an Attack on your turn and use your bonus prophecy, Pendragon drew a holy sword of selection from a
action to make an additional attack with an off-hand stone, and so became a legendary leader of men. His
weapon, you may expend 1 focus point each time you make kingdom flourished and his elegance and charisma were
another weapon attack with your primary weapon to take an spoken of in tales for ages to come. His kingdom’s downfall
additional off-hand attack. eventually came at the hands of treachery within his own
You may only use this technique on the attacks of a court, but this noble knight stood tall and radiant until the
single Attack action each turn. end.
Though unconventional as a sword saint, this
Point Zero swordsman’s divine power and skill cannot be denied. Many
6th-level Way of Musashi feature seeking the means to rule or lead others follow this path;
You learn how to defend against critical situations with becoming one of the Way of Pendragon means becoming a
expert proficiency. When a creature scores a critical hit holy knight who stands against injustice. Pendragon’s
against you, you can use your reaction to make it a normal legends spoke of him as unwoundable and as benefiting
hit instead. As part of the same reaction, you can make two from god-given luck. Those who follow him emulate and
weapon attacks against a creature within reach (one each practice similar tactics, and look to fate when in doubt.
with your primary weapon and one with an off-hand
Brave Assault
6th-level Way of Pendragon feature
Way of Pendragon Features Whenever you take your first attack on your turn you can
Level Features use your bonus action to push forward relentlessly,
3rd Fighting Style: Defense, Focus Techniques attacking with great fervor. When you do, each time you
6th Brave Assault make a weapon attack roll on that turn you roll 1d8 and add
11th Instincs & Luck it to the result.
14th Light of Hope You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
17th Avalon’s Guidance proficiency bonus per Long Rest.

Instincts & Luck

11th-level Way of Pendragon feature
Fighting Style: Defense You can rely on your heightened instincts and uncanny
luck to pull you through difficult situations. Whenever you
3rd-level Way of Pendragon feature
complete a Long Rest you roll a number of d20s equal to
Whenever you are wearing armor you gain a +1 bonus to
your proficiency bonus, re-rolling any results of 10 or below
your armor class.
until they are 11 or higher - these are your Instinct results. If
If another feature gives you the option of taking another
you roll a natural 1 on any of these rolls, that Instinct result
fighting style you cannot take the defense option again.
is not re-rolled and is instead lost until next time you re-roll.
Additionally, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and
You lose these Instinct results when you complete
Charisma saving throws.
another Long Rest. At any time when you make an attack
Focus Techniques roll, ability check or saving throw you can choose to spend
one of these Instinct results to use it as the result instead of
3rd-level Way of Pendragon feature
rolling. You must do so before you roll.
You learn the following focus techniques:
Alternatively, you can spend 1 focus point to replace a
d20 result you have already rolled with one of your Instinct
results, even if the success or failure was already declared.
When you take the Attack action, you can spend 1 focus
point to add extra damage to each melee weapon attack Light of Hope
that hits as part of it.. The damage is of the weapon’s 14th-level Way of Pendragon feature
damage type and equal to your Strength modifier. You can As a bonus action you can cause your Saint Weapon to
only use this technique once per Attack action. glow, shedding 50 feet of magical bright light with another
50 feet of dim light beyond that. Any magical darkness
Hold Fast created by a 4th level or lower spell is penetrated and
When a creature hits you with a weapon attack, you can dispelled by the bright light from this effect. This lasts until
spend 2 focus points to reduce the damage you take from you are incapacitated, drop your weapon or use your bonus
the attack by an amount equal to 1d8 + your Constitution action to end the effect.
modifier. You can choose to expand up to 4 focus points (minimum
You may use this feature multiple times on the same 1) as a bonus action to infuse your Saint Weapon with
damage source, but must choose to use it before you take radiant energy, which remains for 1 minute. Next time you
damage. hit a creature with it during this time, the radiant energy
unleashes outward and causes the attack to deal an extra
Inspiring Call 1d10 radiant damage per focus point spent, ending the
On your turn you can spend 2 focus points as a bonus
action to give a rousing battle cry. You can choose a
number of creatures that can see or hear you equal to your
Avalon’s Guidance
17th-level Way of Pendragon feature
Wisdom modifier. These creatures gain temporary hit points
Whenever you receive healing from any source you
equal to 1d10 + your proficiency bonus. These temporary
always regain the maximum amount of hit points possible. If
hit points disappear after 1 minute, or if you are reduced to
you are suffering from exhaustion that you could recover
0 hit points or fall unconscious.
from normally, you recover from all levels of exhaustion
While creatures have these temporary hit points they
have advantage on saving throws against being frightened after you complete a single Long Rest, and you are immune
or charmed. to Combat Fatigue
Additionally, whenever you roll a saving throw against an
effect that would deal half damage to you on a successful
saving throw, you take half damage on a failed save and no
damage on a successful one.
Race Preview

he following is a preview of the goblin race
for the setting guide. As usual, some flavor text and
subraces have been removed for now. The rules
regarding Legacy Traits can be found in the 2023-
02 edition of Vestige Unbound.

Goblins are diminutive green and yellow-skinned folk who
get an unfavorable rap among most. They have a historic
Legacy Traits
habit of banding together into wild groups of raiders, Choose two of the following options when creating your
opportunists and bandits, but many are just as ready to character:
engage kindly with the rest of mankind. goblins can be Adaptive. You have a climbing or swimming speed (your

found all over - mostly in High Wave - and for the most part choice when gaining this trait) equal to your base
seem to originate from the Strikelands, where they picked movement speed.
up most of their territorial habits. Carry-On. As a bonus action you can jump onto a willing

Goblins are known to be tenacious workers who get an creature that is larger than you and move with them,
idea in their head and see it through. It’s difficult to stop causing no penalty as long as you do not exceed their
them once they set their mind to a task. For this purpose weight limits. You can jump off on your turn by using 5 feet
they fit in well in the Land of Industry, since their help in of your movement or using your reaction, entering a space
advancing all forms of technology is sorely needed. Though adjacent to them when you do so.
it is often more in the case of following orders or helping Darkvision. You have darkvision out to 60 feet, allowing

with labor, they contribute more than their fair share to the you to see in dim light as bright light and in darkness as if it
advancement of Retia’s many industries. was dim light. You see color in this way in shades of gray.
Fairy Magic. You know one cantrip and one 1st-level spell
Traits from the Druid or Sorcerer spell lists, and must pick
As a goblin, you have the following traits, in addition to Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. You can cast the cantrip
those granted by your subrace and legacy traits. at will, and the 1st-level spell a number of times per day
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
equal to your proficiency bonus, using the ability score you
2, and one other score increases by 1 based on your picked as your spellcasting ability for both. You can also
subrace. cast it using appropriate spell slots.
Fury of the Small. Once per turn, when you deal damage
Alternatively, at your GM’s discretion, you can choose
one of the following options: to a creature with an attack (or spell attack) and the
creature’s size is larger than yours, you can cause the
Increase one of your Ability scores by 2, and another by attack or spell to deal extra damage equal to your
1. proficiency bonus.
Increase three of your Ability scores by 1. You can do so a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus per Long Rest.
None of the Ability score increases gained through your
Nervous Watch. You cannot be surprised in combat.
race can increase any Ability score above 20.
Age. Goblins reach adulthood at 8 years of age, and
Mixed Blood Traits
those lucky enough to live to the extent of old age live to
If your character is of mixed blood and goblin is not their
roughly 60 years.
dominant race, you may choose from the following traits
Alignment. Goblins are typically chaotic. Many outlandish
when considering your character’s Legacy Traits:
tribes of goblins act in service to tyrants, bandits and are a
Bloodline. Choose one of the following traits, which you
nuisance to polite society, but these do not represent
gain from its corresponding subrace:
goblins as a whole. Though one might expect it, they do not
have any particular proclivity to evil. Tireless Little Guy (badland goblin)
Creature Type. As well as a humanoid and a goblin, you Death Run (dust goblin)
are also considered a goblinoid. Bigger Bother (fear flock goblin)
Hardly Noticed. You can move through the spaces of non I Get It! (gear goblin)
hostile creatures that are larger than you without any
Hardly Noticed. You have the goblin’s Hardly Noticed
penalty to movement, and through the spaces of hostile
creatures larger than you as if they were difficult terrain.
Nimble. You have the goblin’s Nimble Escape trait.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and

Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide

action as a bonus action.

Size. You are Small.

Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Subraces Fear Flock Goblin
Fear flock goblins were descended from a strain of goblins
Goblin subraces, like many, are based on where they best
bred to serve as foot-soldiers and cannon fodder for an
thrive. Choose one of the following subraces when creating
ancient tyrannical warlord in the Strikelands. These intrepid
your character:
goblins rose up against their master and took their freedom
by force, and their survivors swore to use their talents and
Badland Goblin new freedom to act honorably and to put some good into
Often making up the bulk of outlaw tribes of goblins, these the world.
worrisome scavengers are known for doing what they must They have a great resistance to fear, and are in fact
to survive in even the most difficult conditions. Individually enraged and empowered in situations where others might
they are relatively harmless, but when in large groups out in be terrified.
the wild they are a sure sign of trouble for caravans and
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
wandering adventurers. Of course, many law-abiding
by 1.
badland goblins would try to work in direct opposition to this
Bigger Bother. Your size is Medium instead of small. You
are not as large as average humanoids, but are larger than
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
average goblins.
by 1.
Defy Terror. You have advantage on saving throws made
Ambush Tactics. When you make an attack against a
to resist or avoid being frightened.
creature while one of your allies are within 5 feet of that
A number of times per Long Rest equal to half your
target and not incapacitated, you can roll 1d8 and add the proficiency bonus (rounded down), you can react to terror
result to your attack roll. You can do so a number of times by flying into a minor rage. You can either do so as a
per Long Rest equal to your proficiency bonus, but uses are reaction to succeeding a saving throw against being
only considered spent if your attack hits. frightened, or as a bonus action if you are frightened (also
Survivor of the Wastes. You are proficient in the Survival
ending the effect as if you had succeeded). When you do
and Nature skills. so, until the end of your next turn you have advantage on
Tireless Little Guy. You have advantage on saving throws
attack rolls and saving throws.
made to resist or avoid being exhausted. Regardless of
Disorienting Call. You can cast the confusion spell once
what is causing exhaustion for you, you can never suffer
per Long Rest, requiring no spell slots or components.
more than one level of exhaustion at a time from a single
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
effect (such as dehydration while already having one level
When you cast confusion this way, its radius must be
of exhaustion) - this does not mean the same effect multiple
centered on you (affecting all creatures within 10 feet of
times cannot stack.
you), but the effect ignores you.
Dust Goblin Gear Goblin
Hiding in sandy and hot climates are goblins with skin that Witty and interested in figuring out how things work (and
either matches the hues of their surroundings, or has a how to make them NOT work), gear goblins might be
distinctly burnt look to it - like charcoal. These goblins are mistaken for having black skin for how often they’re found
used to the unforgiving elements of these terrains and more covered in soot and gunpowder. They are inventive, curious
than often know how to take advantage of those who aren’t and the most common to find working in cities and
ready for them.
settlements to build contraptions to make life better - or in
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
warbands making machines and tools to make someone
by 1.
else’s life worse.
Countermeasures. If a creature makes an opportunity
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases
attack against you, you can use this trait to force it to make
by 1.
a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier +
Bonus Proficiencies. You are proficient in two additional
your proficiency bonus). If they fail, their attack misses, their
skills that would normally require Intelligence, Charisma or
reaction is spent, and you can make a melee attack against
Wisdom, as well as one set of Artisan’s Tools of your
them as part of the same reaction. You can use this trait a choice.
number of times per Long Rest equal to your proficiency Fix It Up. You can cast the mending cantrip at will, using
bonus. your Intelligence as your spellcasting ability.
Death Run. On your first turn in combat your movement
I Get It! When you make an ability check using a skill you
speed is doubled, you do not provoke opportunity attacks, are not proficient in, you can roll 1d6 and add it to the result.
and the first melee attack you make has advantage. You can do so a number of times per Long Rest equal to
Heat Resistance. You are resistant to fire damage.
your proficiency bonus.
Optional Rules Condition: Dying
It is no secret that the optional rule below was written with When you drop to 0 hit points you receive the dying
heavy inspiration from XP to Level 3’s video on stun/dying - condition, but do not fall unconscious. While dying, your are
he makes some salient points. Though I don’t necessarily subject to the following effects:
immediately agree with his specific solution, it inspired me
to outline a new variant rule for dying that is designed to Your movement speed is reduced to 10 feet, and cannot
keep players involved in the game while without entirely be increased higher than that.
washing away the consequences of death - narratively, it You cannot stand from being prone, and if you are
also allows for more dramatic final moments. Please unsupported by a creature or supportive surface you fall
prone automatically.
consider the following optional rule if it insterests you!
You cannot take actions or reactions, but may still take
Alternatively, please see the video by XP to Level 3 that
your movement and possible bonus action on your turn.
inspired this variant rule: You have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity and
Constitution saving throws.
You cannot concentrate on spells or effects.
The dying condition is removed at the start of a creature’s
turn if they have 1 or more hit points.

Death Saving Throws

When you begin your turn while dying, you make a death
saving throw as normally described by the core 5th Edition
Rules. If you succeed three death saving throws you are
automatically stabilized. If you fail three you die. The rules
for rolling a natural 1 or natural 20 on your death saving
throw are as described in the core rules, resulting in two
failed death saves or regaining 1 hit point automatically.
When a creature takes damage while dying with 0 hit
points they automatically fail one death saving throw. A
critical hit from an attack automatically causes two failures.
Death saving throws reset when the creature is stabilized or
the dying condition is removed, but taking damage while
stabilized causes the creature to fail one and begin making
them again.

Being Stabilized
The rules for stabilizing a creature remain unchanged from
the core 5th Edition Rules. When a creature is stabilized
they stop making death saving throws, but they retain the
dying condition and its effects until they regain at least 1 hit
point. A stabilized creature automatically regains 1 hit point
after 1d4 hours or after completing a Short or Long Rest.

NPCs and Nonlethal Damage

Non-player characters instantly die when reduced to 0 hit
points as normal, unless the GM decides they should make
death saving throws. If they do, they follow the rules of the
dying condition as described above.
A creature who reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a
melee attack, or when such an attack would cause them to
begin making death saving throws, they can decide to do so
nonlethally. If they do, the target must make a Constitution
saving throw. The DC is equal to the damage exceeding
their remaining hit points. On a failure they fall unconscious
and are stabilized until the dying condition is removed. On a
success they begin dying and are stabilized, but do not fall

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