Test 2 Study Guide

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Test 2 Study Guide

CSC 8400 Computer Systems Dr. Thomas Way

Test 2 questions will be drawn from material covered in class (Chapters 4, 5, 6 & 8), from the assigned readings and from the programming workshop (Workshop 3). Test questions will only be drawn from the concepts and questions contained on this study guide. The test will be OPEN NOTE but NOT OPEN BOOK, and of course you MUST WORK ALONE to complete the exam. 1. Be able to define, in a few words or a sentence: aborts ALU assembler directive cache memories cache pollution CISC code motion condition codes context switch control dependence control hazard CPE data dependence data hazard DIMM direct mapped DRAM ECF exception exception table faults file table HDL interrupts ISA kernel kernel mode latency logical control flow loop unrolling memory system optimization optimization blockers page table physical address pipelining private address space process process group process scheduling process table profilers RISC signals SIMM spatial locality SRAM stalling structural hazard temporal locality traps user mode virtual address

CSC 8400 - Computer Systems

Test 2 Study Guide

2. Be able to (do or briefly explain):

Briefly compare 5 classes of instruction set architectures (chapter 4 slides) List key differences between RISC and CISC architectures (4.1) Briefly explain the 6 stages of the instruction execution cycle (4.3.1) Explain the basic idea of pipelining, and contrast it with sequential instruction execution (4.4, slides) Given a short sequence of instructions, fill in a timing diagram (also sometimes called a pipeline diagram) (chapter 4 slides) Briefly explain the four types of data hazards (RAR, RAW, WAR, WAW) and state why one of the four is not really a hazard (chapter 4 slides) Explain the concept of data forwarding, or simply forwarding, and how it helps to overcome certain types of hazards (chapter 4 slides and textbook section 4.5.7) Given a short section of C code, demonstrate loop unrolling on the code (5.2, 5.8) Based on your experience with Workshop 3, describe techniques that can be used to improve the performance of code (workshop 3, chapter 5) Explain the difference between SRAM and DRAM (6.1) Explain the general idea of how a data value is read from memory and delivered to the CPU (6.1) Label the major elements of a disk drive (Fig. 6.9, chapter 6 slides) Explain advantages and disadvantages of DMA (6.1.2) Explain what the principle of locality is and why it is important (6.2) Explain the idea of using a cache and how it can improve performance (6.3.1) List and briefly explain kinds of cache misses (compulsory, conflict, capacity) (6.3.1) Explain the key differences between direct-mapped, set associative and fully associative caches (6.4) Briefly explain each of the four metrics for measuring cache performance, miss rate, hit rate, hit time and miss penalty (6.4.7) Give four reasons why it is important for a programmer to understand exceptional flow control or ECF (pp. 702-703) Explain the distinction between a program and a process (p. 732) Briefly explain the origins of the Internet (p. 900)

CSC 8400 - Computer Systems

Test 2 Study Guide

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