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08/04/2023, 21:39 Liberte Te Ex Inferis | kuhpunkt



Liberte ex inferis e a chave para o submundo

Parte 1 – O Básico

A crença em algum tipo de submundo é um conceito multicultural que faz parte de muitas
religiões. É muitas vezes descrito como o lar de demônios, fantasmas e do mal em geral. Quando
as pessoas ainda pensavam que o mundo era um disco, o submundo também se referia
realmente ao são que deveria estar abaixo do disco.

Também no show eles muitas vezes meio que brincavam sobre o inferno em geral – Gary Troup
é um anagrama para o purgatório e quando Anthony Cooper chegou à ilha, ele pensou que
estava morto e já no inferno.

Anthony Cooper: Cooper: Pouco quente para o céu, não é?

Mas realmente houve muitas dicas para o submundo, mesmo que fosse apenas nomeando
algumas pessoas de uma maneira especial.

Abaddon é uma figura da Bíblia, que foi referida como o anjo e rei do abismo / submundo, que
tinha a chave para selá-lo. Não está claro, mas insinuou que Abaddon baniu o diabo por 1000
anos no inferno – Matthew Abaddon trabalhou para Charles Widmore. 1/7
08/04/2023, 21:39 Liberte Te Ex Inferis | kuhpunkt

Na mitologia egípcia, Osíris e Anúbis eram os deuses mais importantes do Submundo –

Anúbis era retratado na câmara ritual abaixo da parede do templo.

Também os hieróglifos na estação Swan. Eles também querem dizer Submundo.

Na mitologia grega, Perséfone foi sequestrada pelo Hades, o deus do Submundo e assim ela se
tornou sua esposa e deusas – Perséfone não era apenas o pseudônimo da filha de Alvar Hansos,
Rachel Blake, era também o nome de um hotel no jogo Via Domus.

Também da mitologia grega: Cerberus, o cão de 3 cabeças e guardião do Submundo –

Cerberus foi o nome que a Iniciativa DHARMA deu ao monstro da fumaça. 2/7
08/04/2023, 21:39 Liberte Te Ex Inferis | kuhpunkt

Então, essas são algumas dicas. A questão agora é – poderia o Submundo realmente existir no
mundo de Lost? Digo que sim e para isso há algumas lacunas a preencher, o que é bastante fácil.

Parte 2 – Pegue uma Estrela Cadente

No início, haveria a música "Catch a Falling Star", que foi introduzida no episódio "Raised by
Another" e fortemente apresentada no programa. E as letras podem ser facilmente aplicadas à
Claire: Você conhece "Catch a Falling Star"? É uma canção, como uma canção de ninar.
Eileen: "Pegue uma estrela cadente e coloque-a no bolso."
Claire: Meu pai costumava cantar isso para mim quando eu era pequena. Você acha que poderia cantá-lo
para o bebê de vez em quando?
Eileen: Claro.

The lyrics:
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For when your troubles start multiplyin’
And they just might
It’s easy to forget them without tryin’
With just a pocketful of starlight
Falling star – a falling star would be a meteorite. Meteorites often have a metallic core, which
could be an explanation for the magnetic anomalies of the island. Meteorites were already
praised thousands of years ago and even the egyptians made weapons and other items from
their metal. We even could see a falling star – it killed Tricia Tanaka . 3/7
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And when meteorites hit the earth they often leave a crater. And well, the island has got a pretty
big one, which can be seen on Rousseaus map and probably also in the episode “A Tale of Two

Also interesting would be an interview by Jimmy Kimmel with Cuse/Lindelof. Kimmel just
asked about persons, nothing else – and their answer might imply some other influence from
outer space.

Kimmel: Is everyone on the island from planet Earth?

Cuse: [long pause] Yes. That may be one of the best Lost questions we’ve ever been asked.
Lindelof: When you get asked questions like that, you have to be very careful how you answer.

They also refer to a falling star in the bible – Revelation 9 – line 1,2 and 11.
01: And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet: and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth. And
there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit.
02: And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace.
And the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit.
11: And they had over them a king, the angel of the bottomless pit (whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon
and in Greek Apollyon, in Latin Exterminans).

Pocket – the star, that was falling, was supposed to be put in a pocket. And when the earth
caught the star, the island (or parts of it) became the pocket. They even refered to the “source” as
a pocket on some occasions on the show.

Eloise: The room we’re standing in was constructed years ago over a unique pocket of electromagnetic

Stuart: We hit the pocket!

Starlight – the light from the shining star. It can be seen through little cracks on the surface of
the island. And it´s described as being beautiful. 4/7
08/04/2023, 21:39 Liberte Te Ex Inferis | kuhpunkt

Mother: Don’t go in there.

Man in Black: What’s down there?
Mother: Light. The warmest, brightest light you’ve ever seen or felt. And we must make sure that no one
ever finds it.
Man in Black: It’s beautiful…

Rainy day – a rainy day as in the series finale, when there was a terrible rain and everything was
about to go to hell.

Never let it fade away

Another line in the song even directly says that you should “never let it (the starlight) fade away.
This directly parallels the task that Mother gives to Jacob and his brother in “Across the Sea”
when she basically tells them that it should never go out.
Jacob: Can they take it?

Mother: No. But they would try. And if they tried they could put it out. And if the light goes out here… it
goes out everywhere. And so I’ve protected this place. But I can’t protect it forever.

Man in Black: Then who will?

Mother: It will have to be one of you.

Part 3 – Connecting the dots

So the Angel of the bottomless pit didnt just go by the name Abaddon, the greek also called him
Apollyon, which is another form of Apollo. Apollo was pretty often refered to in form of
chocolate bars. In greek mythology Apollo was later often also identified with the god Helios. In
the book Bad Twin by Gary Troup the so called Helios Foundation is mentioned.

So by naming this character they must have wanted to refer to these lines. And this biblical
Abaddon kinda had the key to the Underworld. And what do we have on Lost? Not really a key
but rather a cork. And when Jacob explained the function of the island, he compared it to a cork,
which keeps the evil darkness right where it belongs. And in the end it was really a literal cork. 5/7
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Jacob: Think of this wine as what you keep calling hell. There’s many other names for it too: malevolence,
evil, darkness. And here it is, swirling around in the bottle, unable to get out because if it did, it would
spread. The cork is this island and it’s the only thing keeping the darkness where it belongs.

Pretty important is here also an excerpt of the season 3 bonus material. Lindelof and Cuse
described the function of the Swan already back then as a cork. So in the end the Swan was
nothing else but a modern version of the stone plug which had to contain the evil.

Damon Lindelof: Let’s just say, theoretically, inside the Island there was this ball of electromagnetic
energy. And, let’s just say, there was a group of people—we’ll call them the DHARMA Initiative—sort of
drilling around, and doing general futzing on the Island, and they accidentally drilled into this hole, and
suddenly that entire ball of electromagnetism became untapped, so they built this Swan Station above it,
in an effort that it wouldn’t get completely out of control. So, by plugging that hole, you don’t actually do
away with all the electromagnetism. It’s still there.
Carlton Cuse: It became tapped, actually.
Damon Lindelof: Yes, tapped, that’s right.
Carlton Cuse: Not untapped, but then now it’s been re-corked. Let’s just call it corked. It’s been corked.
It’s not—it’s … its fine. Don’t worry about it.
Damon Lindelof: It’s tapped.

Also in the Swan Radzinsky made the famous Blast Door Map and left some pretty interesting
notations on it. One of them would be “liberate te ex inferis”* which means “save yourself from
hell / the underworld / the spirits below”.

Dr. Chang: If we keep drilling and hit that pocket, all hell is gonna break loose!

And when they removed the cork in the cave the ground began to glow and it became pretty hot
in there. This indicates that hell was just about to be opened.

Even the script for “The End” suggests the possibility, that they are right above Hell: 6/7
08/04/2023, 21:39 Liberte Te Ex Inferis | kuhpunkt

VALETE. CORDA amarrada em torno de sua cintura - CAINDO NA CAVERNA os últimos DEZ
PÉS - WHAM! GRITA QUANDO ELE BATE no chão como uma tonelada de tijolos – como se ele já
não estivesse mortalmente ferido! Jack rola para o seu lado como RUMMMMMBLE! Outro
TREMOR BATA... eles são a cada DEZ SEGUNDOS AGORA... Jack forçando-se a levantar-se
enquanto olha em volta e - Percebemos que este lugar literalmente FOI PARA O INFERNO. Em
primeiro lugar, Jack é apenas BATIDO pelo calor extremo.


ESSE BURACO – pelo que sabemos, poderia ser uma passagem para o DEUS INTELIGÍVEL – Jack


Então, a conclusão de tudo isso seria: no mundo de Lost o submundo existe. Há milhares de
anos houve um meteorito que abriu a entrada para o inferno, mas foi selado pelas pessoas com
esta cortiça e a partir deste momento o portão teve de ser protegido – caso contrário o mundo
teria acabado. Ou algo assim. 7/7

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