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Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

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Study of the thermal and mechanical properties of local clay materials

activated with quicklime, Sefrou (Morocco)
Fatima Zohra El Wardi a,⇑, Sara Ladouy a, Aziza Atbir b, Abdelhamid Khabbazi a
EMDD_CERNE2D, MOHAMMED V UNIVERSITY IN RABAT, EST Salé, 227 Avenue Prince Héritier, Salé, Morocco
Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingenieurs, Mohammed V University Rabat, Department of Civil Engineering, and Construction RABAT, Morocco

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study aims at testing experimentally the stabilization of unexploited clay from the Bensmim region
Available online 25 February 2022 (Middle Atlas, Morocco) using traditional quick lime from Sefrou located nearly to Bensmim for potential
use in building applications. The main purpose of the present work is to evaluate the thermophysical and
Keywords: mechanical behavior of lime-stabilized clay blocks. Many different samples of clay specimens reinforced
Lime-stabilized clay blocks with lime at six different contents (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 70%) were prepared and tested. The
Thermophysical characterization thermal characterization was made by the Asymmetrical Hot Plate method in study state and transient
Asymmetrical hot plate method
regime to identify, respectively, the thermal conductivity and the thermal effusivity. The Flash method
Flash method
Compressive strength
was used to evaluate thermal diffusivity. The mechanical performance was measured in terms of com-
Flexural strength pressive and flexural strengths. Besides, a Chemical identification of Bensmim clay was investigated
via the X-Ray Fluorescence method. Particle size distribution of used clay was determined following a
wet sieving analysis method. The results of clay identification showed that Bensmim clay meets the min-
imum requirements for manufacturing compressed earth and adobe bricks. The thermophysical tests
results showed that the lime addition positively influences the lightness and the thermophysical proper-
ties of lime-stabilized clay specimens. For the findings of the mechanical tests, it is observed that the flex-
ural and compressive strengths of lime-stabilized clay blocks continue to increase until a lime content of
30%. After this content, the mechanical performances decrease with lime addition, and no amelioration is
detected. Therefore, a lime content of 30% represents the optimal lime content for stabilizing Bensmim
clay. At this content, the stabilized clay blocks show optimal mechanical performance and improved ther-
mal properties compared to the reference samples. Stabilized clay blocks at 30% lime content present a
14% improvement in bulk density, 13% in thermal conductivity, 12% in thermal effusivity, 20% in thermal
diffusivity, 41% in compressive strength, and 10% in flexural strength, compared to unstabilized
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Con-
gress on Materials & Structural Stability.

1. Introduction dant, natural, and recyclable resource, with low cost, little embod-
ied energy, and less environmental impact required for its
In the last few decades, an interest increase appears in sustain- transformation than concrete and fired clay bricks [6–10].
able construction materials with higher thermal efficiency and a This research paper studies the possibilities of using local mate-
low environmental impact [1–5]. The biggest challenge is develop- rials in construction. The work’s purpose is to encourage the use of
ing new building materials with improved thermal insulation, the local and ecological materials such as Bensmim clay in construc-
lowest environmental impact, and good mechanical properties. In tion applications, especially in rural areas and isolated regions like
this context, the earth is one of the oldest construction materials the rural area of Bensmim (Middle Atlas, Morocco). In addition, this
used and tested since the birth of humanity. Raw earth is an abun- article aims to improve the thermophysical and mechanical prop-
erties of the clay under study by stabilizing it with natural lime
from Sefrou located nearly to Bensmim. The use of local materials
⇑ Corresponding author. will reduce the over-costs due to transport while proposing a qual-
E-mail address: (F.Z. El Wardi). ity building material (earth stabilized with lime). Under the cur-
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability.
Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

rent distortions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the supply A chemical analysis of the Bensmim extracted soil sample was
chains, such material would limit the negative effects of the epi- established respectively via X-Ray Fluorescence. Table 1 displays
demic on the logistics by the relocation of production of bricks the results found.
on sites, especially in isolated regions. The stabilized clay will Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) being detected for the tested clay con-
allow the manufacture of bricks with improved thermal insulation firms the presence of clay in the soil. Besides, Potassium oxide’s
performance, good thermal inertia, a reduced carbon impact, and (K2O) high content (2.53%) confirms that the clay is of type Illite.
mechanical properties adequate to the requirements of construc- The presence of other elements such as Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) allows
tion standards, contributing to the introduction of the concept of classifying this clay as ferruginous clay. This presence explains its
bioclimatic construction and the reduction of energy needs of reddish color [19], while its poor calcium oxide (CaO) content
HVAC systems especially in cold areas, as Bensmim. (0.08%) allows listing our clay as non-calcareous and permits us
Stabilization is a process of mixing admixtures with soil to to manage its structure and rupture threshold [3,20].
enhance its engineering properties, including volume stability, Particle size distribution was determined following a wet siev-
mechanical strength, permeability, and durability, to improve soil ing analysis method according to NF P 94-041.
performance for building applications [11]. Literature review Fig. 1 illustrates the Bensmim soil particle size distribution,
reveals that the use of lime for stabilizing unfired clay bricks in referring to the lower and upper limits of the Adobe raw earth
masonry construction has been known since ancient remains and blocks [21]. Bensmim soil reflected 46.7% sand, 48.6% clay and silt,
other civilizations [12]. Recently, attempts to use lime as a stabi- and 4.37% grave content; this shows that the soil studied meets the
lizer in earth blocks have been reported by various researchers minimum requirements for manufacturing compressed earth and
[13–16]. A study conducted by Guettala et al. [13] tested different Adobe bricks according to Craterre’s specifications [21].
quantities of lime to enhance the mechanical performance and
durability of the blocks. Results showed considerable differences 2.1.2. Lime
in compressive strength between blocks tested under the dry and Quicklime (CaO), used as a stabilizing agent in this research,
humid states. The tested dry strength of block samples reaches was retrieved from the Sefrou region and manufactured tradition-
9.4 MPa for 5%, 14.2 for 8%, and 16.2 MPa for 12% lime content. ally by calcination of pure limestone (CaCO3) in lime kilns at a tem-
While, specimens’ compressive strength was proven to be perature above 900 °C. It was obtained in the form of highly
4.4 MPa for 5%, 8.2 MPa for 8%, and 9.8 MPa for 12% lime under agglomerated granules with a pale-white coloration. Water was
a humid state. It is observed that after an optimum lime ratio, then added in excess and allowed to stay for 24 h. Explosive reac-
the lime addition will not be so beneficial in the strength gain of tions are generated with heat release when adding water to quick
the lime-stabilized samples. Similar results were shown by results lime due to the transformation of quick lime into slaked lime (Ca
of other studies that indicate an optimum lime dosage correspond- (OH)2). The obtained paste is oven-dried for one day at 105° C.
ing to the nature of the soil; beyond this optimum, the compressive Thermal and mechanical characteristics of used lime were mea-
strength decreases [17,18]. sured experimentally in the present work on prepared specimens.
This work presents an extension of the previous study [14] that The chemical composition of lime was established using the tech-
proposes new construction materiel of enhanced thermal and nique of X-ray Fluorescence (see Table 2).
mechanical performances and less environmental impact, based
on local and ecological materials such as clay, cork, sheep’ wool
fibers, and natural lime. That study revealed an optimal composi- 2.2. Procedure of samples’ preparation
tion of lime-stabilized clay soil with outstanding mechanical
behavior for natural-local material. The main contribution of the An experimental investigation was conducted to test the stabi-
lization of Bensmim clay using traditional Quicklime. Six different
current paper is to focus on investigating the thermal behavior
while changing the composition of the clay-lime mixture soil to series of clay-lime mixtures (C_ L10%, C_L 20%, C_L 30%, C_L 40%,
C_L 50% and C_L 70%) corresponding, respectively, to six different
provide recommendations for potential use in the building sector.
Accordingly, the current article presents an experimental investi- proportions, namely 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 70% by weight,
of lime were prepared. The required lime proportion is mixed with
gation of the lightness and the thermal behavior of lime-
stabilized earth blocks. The authors used the asymmetrical hot the tested clay soil in a dry condition until a homogeneous paste is
obtained. Next, the mixture was put into a mechanical mixer, and a
plate method in the steady-state regime to characterize the ther-
mal conductivity of specimens. Besides, they deployed the asym- quantity of water was gradually added. The mixture was properly
metrical hot plate method to estimate the thermal effusivity. stirred for 5 ± 1 min at a velocity of 40 rpm until a homogeneous
mixture was obtained to obtain a uniform distribution of the addi-
They also used the flash method to define the thermal diffusivity
of lime-stabilized earth blocks. tive in the clay medium matrix. Obtained mixtures are molded to
manufacture 160x40x40 mm3 specimens for mechanical proper-
ties testing and 100x100x20 mm3 brick samples for thermal ones.
The water ratio was determined based on preliminary qualita-
tive tests to ensure the workability of the mixtures.
2. Materials and methods The number of samples produced for all lime contents was
three for consistency purposes (see Fig. 2).
2.1. Raw materials Prepared specimens were left for a full day inside the molds.
After de-molding at the age of 24 h, they were air-cured in labora-
2.1.1. Clay tory conditions with a temperature of 60 ± 10% and relative humid-
Clay is taken from the Bensmim area in the Ifrane region. ity controlled at 23 ± 2 °C, until a curing period of 28 days. Brick

Table 1
Chemical composition of Bensmim clay.

Chemical element SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 K2O TiO2 Cao P2O5 MgO L.O.I
Mass composition (%) 59.6 22.4 6.69 2.53 0.832 0.0777 0.458 0.97 5.34

Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430


cumulave percentage passing (%)

60 Bensmim clay soil

50 Lower limit
Upper limit
0.07 0.7 7
Parcle size(mm)

Fig. 1. The particle size distribution of the Bensmim clay.

Table 2
Chemical composition of lime.

Constituent SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 Cao MgO CO2 L.O.I

Mass composition (%) 2.70 <1 <1 49 16 0.64 31.32

Fig. 2. (a) Stabilized soil blocks with lime for mechanical tests; (b) View of stabilized soil samples for thermal tests.

samples are put in a drying oven for a one-day drying period until a method [22,23].The Flash method [22,23] was deployed to calcu-
constant mass is reached to eliminate total moisture content. The late samples’ thermal diffusivity.
experimental measurements will be performed on these dry sam- Finally, the CONTROLS PILOT COMPACT-Line machine, con-
ples. The experimental results are the average measured value for formed to EN 196-1 standard, applied at a loading speed
the three prepared blocks for measurement accuracy. 50 N s 1, analyzes the flexural strength behavior of the prepared
samples (see Fig. 3); three replications were applied in order to cal-
culate the average values. The same testing machine was applied at
2.3. Testing procedures a loading speed of 500 N s 1 to obtain the compressive character-
istics of the specimens. The results reported are the average of six
The experimental investigations in the present study are: compression tests.

 Bulk density 3. Results and discussion

 Dry compressive strength
 Three points bending flexural 3.1. Bulk density
 Thermal conductivity
 Thermal effusivity Fig. 4 showcases experimental results of bulk density of all
 Thermal diffusivity manufactured specimens versus lime content.
Results show that adding traditional quicklime to clay mixture
The bulk density of specimens was determined by directly mea- allows for improving the lightness of specimens.
suring their weight and dimensions, according to the standard NM
EN 772-16. 3.2. Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity was estimated using the steady-state
Asymmetrical Hot Plate method [22,23]. Test specimen’s thermal The obtained results of specimens’ thermal conductivity are
effusivity was assessed using the transient Asymmetric Hot Plate presented in Fig. 5.
Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

Fig. 3. (a) Blocks of lime under flexural strength test; (b) C-L10% blocks under flexural strength test.

2000 1885 40%

1800 1665 36% 35%
1600 1516
1419 30%
1200 1101 25%
25% Bulk density ρ (kg m-3)
1000 20% 20% Gain on lightness (%)
800 16% 15%
600 12%
200 5%

0 0% 0%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 100%
Lime contentLime content

Fig. 4. Experimental results of bulk density as a function of lime content.

0.8 0.746 40%

0.693 35%
0.7 0.657 35%
0.6 0.558 30%
0.529 0.488 Thermal conducvity
0.5 25% 25% λ (W m-1 K-1)
Gain λ (%)
0.4 18% 20%

0.3 15%
0.2 10%
0.1 5%
0 0%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 100%
Lime contentLime content

Fig. 5. Finding results of thermal conductivity measurement versus lime content.

The experimental findings revealed: a decrease in thermal con- material stores more energy but will not exchange energy quickly
ductivity of stabilized soil blocks in response to increasing lime with its ambiance.
content without exceeding an upper limit presented by the refer-
ence sample and a lower limit represented by the lime sample.
3.4. Thermal diffusivity

3.3. Thermal effusivity Fig. 7 describes the experimental results of thermal diffusivity.
Experimental graphs of Fig. 7 show that thermal diffusivity val-
The experimental results of the thermal effusivity measure- ues of specimens ranged between an upper limit of 5.26 m s 2
ments are regrouped in Fig. 6. (clay) and a lower limit of 3.79 m s 2 (lime). Besides, a decrease
Obtained results show that the thermal effusivity of the speci- in the thermal diffusivity of stabilized soil blocks with an increase
mens decreases with lime content. That means that sandwich in lime content is observed.
Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

1200 0.25
984 22%
1000 933
902 0.2
865 838
800 18% 728 Thermal effusivity
15% 0.15 E (J m-2 K-1 s-1/2)

600 Gain E (%)

400 9%

200 4%

0 0 0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 100%

Lime contentLime content

Fig. 6. Results of thermal effusivity versus lime content.

6 40%
5.26 36%
5 4.75
4.23 28% 30%
3.87 3.77 Thermal diffusivity
4 26%
3.36 25% a (m s-2)

2.84 Gain a (%)

3 20% 20%
10% 10%
0 0%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 100%
Lime content

Fig. 7. Results of thermal diffusivity versus lime content.

3.5. Compressive strength 3.7. Discussion

Results of the compressive tests are presented in Fig. 8. 3.7.1. Density and thermal results analyses
Compressive strength values of stabilized soil specimens do not Obtained values of bulk density, and thermal properties of
exceed the upper limit of 6.23 MPa shown by lime and the lower Bensmim soil are in the range of the results obtained by other
limit 3.76 MPa presented by clay registering a maximum increase authors who investigated earthen-based materials [16,24,25].
of 56% for an optimum value of lime content of 30%. After the opti- According to Gomes et al. [16], kaolinitic earth mortars with 5%
mum value, a drop in compressive strengths was observed at hemp fiber and 5% air lime addition have a bulk density of
higher dosages, and any further increase in lime will not be so ben- 1780 kg m 3. El Wardi et al. [26] also used the asymmetrical hot
eficial in the strength gain of the blocks. plate and the flash method. They measured thermal conductivity
of 0.51 W K 1 m 1, thermal effusivity of 865 J m 2 K 1 s 1/2, ther-
mal diffusivity of 3.51 m s 2 on the reference bricks without add-
3.6. Flexural strength ing fibers for a dry density equal to 1744 kg m 3, which is
consistent with the results of this study. The experimental findings
Fig. 9 relates obtained results from flexural strength tests. are comparable with those found by other authors who investi-
Flexural strength of stabilized soil blocks followed the same gated clay-based materials and deployed the same methods for
trending as well as compressive strength. The maximum increase thermal characterization [4,6,27]. Besides, quicklime used in a
registered is about 15% against the control samples for the opti- study of Oti and Kinuthia [15] has a bulk density (1150–1300 kg
mum lime content of 30%. Samples displayed a resistance decrease, m 3) very close to the bulk density of quicklime obtained by the
which was recovered at higher lime content up to 30%. present study.
Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

6.5 6.2

Compressive strength σc (MPa)

5.5 5.2 5.2
4.8 4.9
5 4.7
4 3.8
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Lime content

Fig. 8. Compressive strength as a function of lime content.

1.84 1.81 1.79
Flexural strength σf (MPa)

1.65 1.69


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Lime content

Fig. 9. Flexural strength as a function of lime content.

The obtained experimental findings revealed a decrease in bulk process and the nature of the soil. Barbero-Barrera et al. [31] stud-
density, thermal conductivity, thermal effusivity, and thermal dif- ied the effect of two types of natural hydraulic lime (NHL2 and
fusivity of stabilized soil blocks in response to increasing lime con- NHL3.5) in ratios ranging from 3% to 12%, natural hydraulic lime
tent without exceeding an upper limit presented by the reference on the stabilization of compressed earth blocks. Authors reported
sample and a lower limit represented by the lime sample. that different types of natural hydraulic lime determine different
Researchers investigating the mechanisms of soil stabilization pozzolanic reactions and formations of the calcium silicate hydrate
by adding chemical stabilizers like cement and lime have shown gels and the different properties of the mixtures. According to the
similar results. An experimental investigation of durability, water results of visual microscopic examination, a general trend was
resistance, and mechanical characteristics of clay soil samples sta- observed in which the addition of NHL2 increased the pore size
bilized by the addition of variable contents of sand and lime con- and volume. However, NHL3.5 displayed an inverse performance
ducted by Temga et al. [28] shown that the bulk density of the by decreasing pore size and volume.
specimens decreases with lime content (1.98 to 1.4 g cm 3) for 4 The obtained results of bulk density and thermal properties of
to 12% lime content. Liuzzi et al. [29] showed a decrease in thermal stabilized clay soil samples align with multiple previous studies
conductivity because of dry bulk density reduction. Adam and confirming the proportional relationship between thermal conduc-
Jones [30] tested the thermal conductivity of lime/ cement stabi- tivity, thermal effusivity, thermal diffusivity, and bulk density of
lized hollow and plain earth blocks. The findings show that lime the materials investigated for potential use in building [2–4,6,27].
stabilized soil blocks within the same soil have lower thermal con-
ductivity values than cement. 3.7.2. Mechanical results analysis
In some cases, an increase in the lime content can increase ther- The finding results of compressive and flexural strengths align
mal conductivity and bulk density of stabilized soil in the litera- with previous studies that showed that adding lime enhances the
ture; this is related to the type of lime used in the stabilization mechanical strength of clay soil [13,17,18,28,32–34]. Test results
Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

indicated an optimum lime dosage corresponding to the nature of ing, Visualization. Abdelhamid Khabbazi: Conceptualization,
soil beyond which the mechanical strength decreases. A study con- Methodology, Validation, Resources, Writing – review & editing,
ducted by Raheem et al. [34] showed that the strength gain of the Supervision.
blocks reaches 1.2 MPa for blocks made with lime for a maximum
content of stabilizer, about 25%.
Several chemical reactions can explain the mechanical behavior Declaration of Competing Interest
of lime-stabilized soil blocks, namely, flocculation, cation-
exchange, agglomeration of clay particles, carbonation, and poz- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
zolanic reactions, which appeared when lime was added to the cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
clay. These chemical clay-lime reactions form calcium silicate to influence the work reported in this paper.
hydrates, and calcium aluminate hydrates gel, which improved
particle binding [32,35], increasing mechanical strength. A
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Fatima Zohra El Wardi, S. Ladouy, A. Atbir et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1423–1430

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