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Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78

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Construction and Building Materials

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Experimental analysis of Pressed Adobe Blocks reinforced with Hibiscus

cannabinus fibers
Younoussa Millogo a,b,⇑, Jean-Claude Morel b, Jean-Emmanuel Aubert c, Khosrow Ghavami d
Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences et Techniques, Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso, 01 BP 1091 Bobo 01, Burkina Faso
Laboratoire Génie Civil et Bâtiment, LTDS UMR 5513 CNRS, Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat, Université de Lyon, Rue Maurice Audin, 69518 Vaulx en Velin cedex, France
Université de Toulouse, UPS, INSA, LMDC (Laboratoire Matériaux et Durabilité des Constructions), 135 Avenue de Rangueil, F-31 077 Toulouse cedex 4, France
Pontificia Universidade Catolica (PUC-Rio), Rua Marques de Sao Vicente 225, 22451-041 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

 Short Hibiscus cannabinus fibers in feeble amount improved physical and mechanical properties of Pressed Adobes Blocks.
 Additions of these fibers improve the microstructure homogeneity within the specimens with reduction of pores size.
 Increasing of mechanical properties is mainly linked to nonpropagation of cracks in the amended clay matrix with fibers.
 Impact of fibers on flexural strength was positive because of their high tensile strength and adhesion to the clay matrix.
 The elaborated Pressed Adobe Blocks specimens were suitable as building material with contribution for thermal comfort.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is an intense on-going search for less polluting materials and technologies, which consume little
Received 18 May 2013 energy in their production, construction and/or utilization. Attention of the researchers has turned to
Received in revised form 26 October 2013
materials, which found applications in engineering in pre-industrial times: local vegetable fibers and
Accepted 31 October 2013
Available online 30 November 2013 earth composites are one of the promising materials. This paper presents the results of an investigation
in establishing the physical and mechanical properties of Hibiscus cannabinus fibers which have been
Keywords: used in the fabrication of Pressed Adobe Blocks (PABs). The PABs have been reinforced with 0.2–
Hibiscus cannabinus fibers 0.8 wt.% of 30 mm and 60 mm lengths of H. cannabinus fibers. The microstructural characteristics of
Pressed Adobe Blocks the PABs composites were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetric analyses
Microstructural characteristics (TGA), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and video microscopy. It was established that the addition
Physical and mechanical characteristics
with 0.2–0.6 wt.% of 30 mm long fibers reduced the dimensions of the pores in the PABs with the
Sustainable building material
improvement of their mechanical properties. However, the addition of 0.8 wt.% of 60 mm fibers had neg-
ative effects on the compressive strength. The elaborated Pressed Adobe Blocks specimens were suitable
as building material with contribution for thermal comfort.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in earthen structures [1,2]. In most developing countries, houses

are essentially constructed using locally produced adobes. The bin-
During the past three decades, there was an increasing of inter- der of this material is composed mainly by the clayey fraction of
est in the research and development of nonconventional materials the soil. Although the traditional application of adobe by local
and technologies (NOCMATs), such as local soil, bamboo and builders goes back thousands of years, their know-how has not
vegetable fibers, as ecofriendly materials in a wide range of appli- been registered systematically for transfer to future generations.
cations in engineering and in civil construction. Soil has been used As an example of a negative aspect of using adobe, at present, is
in the construction of shelters and houses for thousands of years. its low mechanical strength in the humid state. Therefore, prob-
At present, approximately 30% of the population of world still lives lems can arise during the rainy period of the year. In most part
of the world before the introduction of industrial materials, such
as steel and concrete, adobe was the most commonly used material
⇑ Corresponding author at: Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences et for the construction of the houses. In most cases the adobe has
Techniques (UFR/ST), Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso, 01 BP 1091 Bobo been stabilized by locally available vegetable fibers. This empirical
01, Burkina Faso. Tel.: +226 70 26 33 83; fax: +226 20 98 25 77.
practice improved the mechanical characteristics and the
E-mail address: millogokadi@gmail.com (Y. Millogo).

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
72 Y. Millogo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78

impermeability of the adobe in different weather conditions. At the 2. Materials and experimental procedures
universities around the world, the emphasis of the research and
2.1. Clayey soil sample
development programs up to present time has been directed prin-
cipally to the study of industrialized materials, and not the locally 2.1.1. Soil properties
developed traditional materials and technologies, which have been The clayey soil from Rochechinard, at a site located in the Isère valley (France),
used since the beginning of the human civilization therefore their was chosen for this investigation. It is a red lateritic soil. The particle size distribu-
tion presented in Fig. 1 was determined by wet sieving and sedimentation. It was
study have been very limited.
mainly composed of 45 wt.% sand, 30 wt.% silt and 25 wt.% clay (particle si-
To improve the mechanical strength, impermeability and the ze < 2 lm). The Atterberg limits of the sample was: liquid limit (wL = 38%), plastic
durability of locally produced adobe, in general, small amounts of limit (wP = 20%) and plasticity index (PI = 18%). The methylene blue value and the
hydrated lime or natural fibers are added to the soil matrix [2–18]. activity of clay minerals were, respectively, 2.5 g/100 g and 10 g/100 g.
The use of local natural fibers, especially in developing countries, is
more beneficial for the population as fibers are locally available in 2.1.2. Mineralogical characterization
abundance and their productions are of low cost and low consum- X-ray diffraction was performed on a crushed sample of size <80 lm using a
Siemens D5000 power X-ray diffractometer equipped with a monochromator using
ing energy besides are not polluting. In the available literature, sev- a Ka (k = 1.789 Å) cobalt anticathode. Thermal gravimetric analyses (TGAs) on the
eral experimental investigations have established the positive crushed samples heated up to 950 °C at a constant rate of 10 °C/min were carried
effects of the addition of vegetable fibers such as sisal, coconut, out to establish the thermal mineralogical characterization of the soil.
wheat straws, oil palm empty fruit bunches, jute, flax, barely straw,
bamboo, cane, and lechuguilla on the physical and mechanical 2.1.3. Chemical composition
properties of soil composite blocks and PABs [2,4,6,7,10,15–19]. The major oxide composition was estimated on the basis of the macroelemental
analysis performed on digested crushed samples of size <80 lm by inductively cou-
The effect of synthetic fibers on soil composites have been also
pled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The loss upon ignition and
studied theoretically [20–23] with the objective of producing spe- calcinations at 1000 °C was also measured.
cific analytical model for soil composites [24,25]. The main param-
eters which influences strongly the physical, mechanical and the 2.1.4. Mineralogical composition
durability behavior of soil composites are: the type, tensile The mineralogical composition of the sample was obtained by using the results
strength and durability of fibers besides the fibers’ length and their of X-ray diffraction and the chemical analyses. Relation (1) was used to calculate
the amount T (a) in oxide (wt.%) of chemical element « a » :
volume fraction in the composite mix [26].
The type of fiber has an important influence on the imperme- TðaÞ ¼ M i Pi ðaÞ ð1Þ
ability of the composites depending on the percentage of the lignin
in the fiber. Higher the percentage of lignin in the vegetable fiber, where Mi is the amount (in wt.%) in mineral i in the material under study containing
the element i, Pi (a) is proportion of element a in the mineral i.
higher the impermeability. Depending on the mixture of soil its
differential shrinkage during the drying process could be high. To
2.1.5. Microscopic observations
prevent the shrinkage cracks of the soil matrix, fibers are added. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, a JEOL 6380 LV equipped
The higher the resistance of fibers with high bonds, less shrinkage with a backscattered electron (BSE) detector was used. The microscopic examina-
cracks in the PABs. The optimum volume fractions and length for tions were carried out on the fractured surfaces of the PAB pieces obtained after
most vegetable fibers have been found to be between 0.3% and flexural strength testing. Direct observations were made using SEM in low-vacuum
(LV) mode (no metallization necessary, with a pressure of 60 Pa in the SEM cham-
0.8% in weight with 30–80 mm length respectively. Fibers tensile
ber). The images of these fractured surfaces were taken with a video microscope di-
strength directly determines the crack resistance of fiber-rein- rectly on the fresh fractured surface.
forced soil. The long-term stability of this feature is not studied
in this article, but existing buildings where fibers did not decom- 2.2. Hibiscus cannabinus fibers
pose in the soil validate the durability of soil composite reinforced
with vegetable fibers. The fiber length determines the pullout H. cannabinus is a plant in the Malvaceae family. It is an annual herbaceous plant
(rarely a short-lived perennial) growing to 1.5–3.5 m in height with a woody base.
resistance of the embedded fiber in the soil matrix and therefore
The diameters of the stems are 1–2 cm, and they are often but not always branched.
directly determines the reinforcement force, which is less than or The leaves are 100–150 mm long and variable in shape. Leaves near the base of the
equal to the fiber tensile strength. The amount of fiber determines stems are deeply lobed with 3–7 lobes, while leaves near the top of the stem are
the intensity of the reinforcement: for small amounts (<0.2 wt.%), shallowly lobed or unlobed lances. The flowers are 80–150 mm in diameter and
the strength of the reinforcement increases with the number of fi- white, yellow, or purple; when white or yellow, the center is still dark purple.
The fruit is a capsule 20 mm in diameter, containing several seeds. The plant was
bers. However, at a higher fiber mass fraction over a certain thresh- cut at the age of six months. The H. cannabinus plant stem and extracted fibers
old, the fibers are so numerous that they weaken the soil matrix
and thus lead to a lower resistance of the reinforced soil compos-
ites [4].
This paper presents the results of an investigation on the phys-
ical and mechanical properties of Pressed Adobe Blocks (PABs)
with and without the addition of Hibiscus cannabinus fibers avail-
able in abundance in Burkina Faso in West Africa.
To manufacture PABs, the raw soil sample was sieved to obtain
particles with a size less than 5 mm. The soil composite was mixed
for 15 min until it became a homogeneous paste with water con-
tent around 20 wt. % depending on mixture composition. The dif-
ferent pastes were introduced in the parallelepiped mold
(295  140  100 mm3) of a GEO 50 manual press to produce the
compressed soil blocks.
Pressed Adobe Blocks (PABs) were reinforced with 0.2–0.8 wt.%
of 30 mm and 60 mm length fibers. The bonding of the fibers in the
composite was studied through the microstructural characteristics
of the PABs composite using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)
and video microscopy. Fig. 1. Particles size distribution of raw material.
Y. Millogo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78 73

Fig. 3. Tensile testing of fibers in the INSTRON, (a) fiber fixed in the equipment and
(b) failed fiber in the machine.

The unconfined compressive and three-point bending strength tests were

carried out using an INSTRON hydraulic press on the PAB specimens. The test
was conducted at a constant speed of 0.01 mm s1. The load sensor used had a
capacity of 50 kN.
The thermal conductivity (k) of the PABs was evaluated on PAB samples. The
measurements are made with a hot wire probe which is a heating resistor with a
sensor measuring temperature in a transient state. The probe is placed between
two blocks, as smooth as possible to avoid air contact. This measurement procedure
allows measuring thermal conductivity for any water content, because it does not
Fig. 2. Pictures of Hibiscus cannibinus plant stem and extracted fibers (a) Hibiscus modify the water content of the material. In Fig. 4, is described the test procedure.
cannibinus plant stemand (b) extracted fibers. Laboratory tests were conducted to simulate the rain erosion process using a
spray test with a flow of 5 L/min for 10 min. The spray was placed 120 mm above
the PAB. To simulate the angle of impact of the rain drops, the PAB was placed at
an angle of approximately 30° from the horizontal. The percentage of loss material
are presented in Fig. 2(a and b). The fibers were obtained from the stems near Bobo-
after the test characterizes the erosion degree of PABs, which was estimated by an
Dioulasso in Burkina Faso in West Africa. The fibers were extruded manually by
erosion coefficient in Eq. (2).
pulling the fibers from the stalks.

M0  M s
C E ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
2.2.1. Physical and mechanical characteristics of the fibers
The diameter of the fibers, assumed circular in shape, was measured using a
in which M0 is the weight of the air-dried PAB and Ms is the weight of the PAB sub-
micrometer with a precision of 0.01 mm. The natural humidity of the air-dried fi-
mitted to the erosion test and dried at 105 °C for 24 h. The Fig. 5 explains clearly the
bers after being kept in an oven at 105 °C for 24 h were established.
test procedure.
The tensile strength of fibers was established according to ASTM D 3822-07
The abrasion strength test was carried out on the PAB submitted to mechanical
choosing the dried samples in the laboratory with their natural moisture [27].
erosion by using a metal brush with a constant pressure over a given number of cy-
The 100 mm gauge length test specimens were realized at the Mechanical Testing
cles. The friction was applied to the PAB faces that would be exposed in situ. The
Laboratory (ITUC) of the PUC-Rio, in the universal testing machine INSTRON Model
coefficient of abrasion expresses the ratio of the quantity of material detached
5500R No. 6233 using software Bluehill to analyze to the testing data with the max-
and the surface by brushing, which is given in Eq. (3).
imum load capacity of 10,000 kN. The test samples were fixed to the grips of the
machine, removing the slack without stretching the sample; making certain that
m1  m2
specimen is well aligned and straight within the grips and is in the line along the C A ðg=cm2 Þ ¼ ð3Þ
applied load to the fiber. Any misalignment could produce the transverse move-
ment of the clamps and hence introducing errors in the measurements of elonga-
in which S is the brushed surface and m1 and m2 are the masses before and after
tion and contribute to the premature failure of the fiber. The displacement of the
brushing. The difference is proportional to the abrasion. The procedure of the
machine clamps was 0,05 mm/s until the failure of the fiber. The samples fixed in
abrasion test is given by Boubekeur and Rigassi [28].
the INSTRON testing machine before and after failure are shown in Fig. 3. For not
having biased results some fibers were tested in the Laboratory of Structures and
Materials (LEM) of the Civil Engineering Department of the PUC – Rio, in the EMIC
DC3000 universal machine, connected to a PC computer where the data are pro-
cessed using TESC program. The same procedure using ASTM D 3822-07 was

2.3. Manufacturing and test procedure for the Pressed Adobe Blocks (PABs)

To manufacture PABs, the raw soil sample was sieved to obtain particles with a
size less than 5 mm. The powdered sample was mixed with fiber lengths of 30 mm
and 60 mm, up to 0.8 wt.% in relation to the weight of the soil. The average water/
soil ratio used was 20 wt.%. The soil composite was mixed for 15 min until it
became a homogeneous paste. The different pastes were introduced in the
parallelepiped mold (295  140  100 mm3) of a GEO 50 manual press to produce
the compressed soil blocks. The pressure applied during compaction was
approximately 2 MPa. The as-molded PABs were dried in the laboratory at room
temperature (average 22 °C) with a humidity of 60% until the block weight became
constant (average 3 weeks) [25]. Fig. 4. Procedure to measure the thermal conductivity on PABs.
74 Y. Millogo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78

Table 2
Properties of the fibers.

No. Diameter (mm) Area (mm2) E (GPa)

1 0.12 0.0113 169
2 0.09 0.0063 149
3 0.12 0.0113 138
4 0.16 0.0201 104
5 0.13 0.0133 119

Fig. 5. Spray test procedure on PABs.

Table 1
Physical properties of Hibiscus cannabinus fibers.

Properties Results
Diameter (mm) 0.13
Natural humidity: H (%) 6.10
Water absorption: W (%) 307
Specific weight: c (g/cm3) 1.04 Fig. 7. X-ray diffraction pattern of the raw material (k) kaolinite, (q) quartz, (i) illite,
(g) goethite and (c) calcite.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000




% Dm





T (°C)

Fig. 6. Tensile stress–strain curves of the fibers. Fig. 8. TGA and DTGA curves of the raw material (a) TGA and (b) DTGA.

The tensile stress–strain curves are given in the Fig. 6. Table 2

3. Results and discussion
shows the physical properties of samples and modulus of elasticity
(E) that was calculated by drawing a line tangent to the stress–
3.1. Physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of the fibers
strain curve. Considering all the values obtained, average modulus
of elasticity are 136 GPa, with a standard deviation of 25 GPa and
The physical properties of the fibers (diameter, natural humid-
the coefficient of variation is 19%.
ity, specific weight and water absorption) are shown in Table 1.
The tensile strength has a mean value of 1 GPa, with a high
The diameter and the specific weight of H. cannabinus fibers were
standard deviation depending on the natural variability of the fi-
in the range of the values for sisal, coconut and lechuguilla fibers
bers. The tensile stress is approximately twice higher than steel
[4,16], but these parameters were smaller than those reported
with a stiffness twice smaller, which means that this material is
for straw fibers and oil palm empty fruit bunch fibers [10,17].
4 times more deformable than steel. This deformability is favorable
The natural humidity of the fibers was inferior, but their water
to reinforce PAB which is a material with a low stiffness [25].
absorption was superior to that of sisal, coconut and lechuguilla fi-
bers [4,16]. Straw fibers presented higher water absorption, with
value 500–600% higher than H. cannabinus fibers [10]. The tensile 3.2. Mineralogical and chemical characterizations of the soil
strength of H. cannabinus fibers was higher than the tensile
strength of sisal, lechuguilla, coconut and oil palm empty fruit The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the soil sample is
bunch fibers [4,16,17]. shown in Fig. 7. The X-ray diffraction showed that the sample
Y. Millogo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78 75

Table 3
Chemical composition of the raw material.

Oxides SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO P2 O5 MnO Na2O K2O TiO2 LOI⁄ Total
Wt.% 50.6 23.44 5.81 1.13 2.48 0.17 0.02 0.05 1.69 0.65 14.91 100.43

Loss on ignition at 1000 °C.

was essentially composed of quartz (SiO2), kaolinite (2SiO2Al2O3- of the PAB without fibers is shown in Fig. 9-a; a heterogeneous
2H2O), illite (K Al2 (Al Si3)O10(OH)2), goethite (Fe2O3H2O) and a microscopy with some cracks and large pores can be observed.
small amount of calcite (CaCO3). The PAB reinforced with 0.2 wt.% of 30 mm fibers showed homoge-
To complete the mineralogical characterization and identify the neous microstructure, as can be observed in Fig. 9-b, with small
amorphous compounds, the sample was subjected to thermal size pores and no cracks. When the fiber content increased to
gravimetric analyses (TGAs). Results are presented in Fig. 8. The 0.4 wt.% of 30 mm length fibers, the PAB microscopy (Fig. 9-c)
loss of mass around 120 °C is due to the hygroscopic water. The was more homogeneous. The rough surface and the warp of the fi-
thermal phenomena around 275, 500 and 700 °C characterized bers improved the link between the soil grains. In the case of a
the dehydroxylation of goethite, the kaolinite transformation into higher fiber content of 0.8 wt.% of 30 mm length fibers, the fibers
metakaolinite and the decomposition of calcite and its transforma- were distributed in the bulk (Fig. 9d).
tion into lime with the loss of carbon dioxide, respectively. Video microscope images of the fractured surfaces of PABs are
The chemical composition of the raw material is given in shown in Fig. 10(a–d). The image of an unreinforced PAB
Table 3. The chemical composition showed a high amount of silica (Fig. 10-a) showed the heterogeneity of the structure and the pres-
and alumina, a low quantity of iron oxide, calcium oxide and potas- ence of large pores, often disconnected particles and significant
sium oxide. These results were well corroborated by the identified fractured areas. The presence of larger pores explains the lower
mineral phases. Based on the chemical composition and minerals compactness of the structure. With fibers reinforcing the PAB
identified by X-ray diffraction, the mineralogical composition (Fig. 10b–d), the soil matrix became more compact, enhancing
was estimated using Eq. (1). The sample was composed of kaolinite the connection between soil grains. The fibers with a rough aspect
(45 wt.%), quartz (23 wt.%), illite (14 wt.%), goethite (7 wt.%) and seem well distributed in the soil matrix and adhered well to the
calcite (4 wt.%). soil.

3.3. Microscopic observations of the PABs 3.4. Physical and mechanical properties of the PAB

Scanning electronic microscopy micrographs of the fractured The evolution of the thermal conductivity (k) versus the fiber
surfaces of the PABs are presented in Fig. 9(a–d). The micrograph content and fiber length is presented in Fig. 11. The thermal

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Fig. 9. SEM micrographs of fibers stabilized PAB (a) raw material, (b) 0.2 wt.% fibers, 3 cm, (c) 0.4 wt.% fibers, 3 cm and (d) 0.4 wt.% fibers, 3 cm.
76 Y. Millogo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78



Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)








0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fibers content (wt.%)

Fig. 11. Thermal conductivity evolution with the content and the length of fibers.

Fig. 12. Erosion degree evolution and abrasion coefficients versus the content and
the length of fibers.

2.9 3 cm
2.8 6 cm
Compressive strength (MPa)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fibers content (wt.%)

Fig. 10. Video microscope images of fibers stabilized PAB (a) raw material, (b) Fig. 13. Compression strength of fibers stabilized PAB.
0.2 wt.% fibers, 3 cm, (c) 0.4 wt.% fibers, 3 cm and (d) 0.8 wt.% fibers, 3 cm.

of the thermal conductivity is favorable for buildings because it im-

conductivity decreased with increasing amounts and lengths of proves energy savings. The decrease varied from 9% for 0.4 wt.% of
fibers. With long fibers 60 mm in length, there is a greater 30 mm fibers to 20% for 0.8 wt.% of 60 mm fibers. On the thermal
occupation of volume in the PAB compared with 30 mm long behavior point of view, the best fiber content would be 0.8 wt.%
fibers, and the thermal conductivity decreased slightly. Decrease with 60 mm long fibers which corresponds to the decrease of the
Y. Millogo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 52 (2014) 71–78 77

PAB dry density due to degradation of the soil matrix due to the additional proof of the increase of the flexural strength. The fiber
bulky fibers. However this fiber content and length weakens the length did not influence the flexural strength for fiber content of
resistance to erosion, which may not be acceptable in the case of 0.4 and 0.8 wt.%. However in the case of 0.2 wt.%, the difference
adobes. is high between 30 mm and 60 mm fiber long. This means that
Results of erosion and abrasion tests are shown in Fig. 12. The the embedded length of the fiber is important in this case of low
PABs reinforced with 60 mm fibers were more eroded than those fiber content. The results obtained with H. cannabinus fibers were
with shorter fibers. For a small amount of 30 mm fibers (0.2 and better than those reported for soil reinforced by straw and sisal
0.4 wt.%), the feeble value of erosion coefficient was due to the [7,10,13]. The results of this investigation show that the fiber-sta-
good repartitioning and adhesion of fibers in the clay matrix. With bilized PABs are acceptable as a building material according to the
a high amount of fibers (0.8 wt.%), a small increase of value of ero- required standards [29].
sion coefficient was observed, which can be explained by the pres-
ence of bulky fibers in the PABs, as shown by microscopic
observations. Abrasion coefficient of the PABs decreased down to 4. Conclusions
0.4 wt.% and slightly increased with the length and content of
the fibers. For the 0.8 wt.% fiber content with 60 mm long fibers, The effects of H. cannabinus fibers (amount: 0.2–0.8 wt.%;
the abrasion was greater than that of unreinforced PABs because length: 30 and 60 mm) from Burkina Faso on the microstructural
of the bulky distribution of fibers in the clay matrix, as shown by characteristics of Pressed Adobe Blocks elaborated with a clayey
microscopic observations. The abrasion coefficient explains why material from Rochechinard (France) were investigated. Additions
the fiber-reinforced PAB was resistant to mechanical erosion: fiber of H. cannabinus fibers did not lead to the formation of new miner-
adhesion with the raw material matrix increased its resistance. alogical phases but contributed for a homogenous microstructure
The compressive and flexural strength versus fiber content and within the specimens with the reduction of the pore size. H. cann-
fiber length are shown in Figs. 13 and 14. As for erosion and abra- abinus fiber addition improved the physical and mechanical char-
sion, the compressive strength had an optimum value near 0.4 wt.% acteristics of the specimens. The impact was observed with
and then decreased. At this optimum, the compressive strength in- 30 mm-long fibers. Longer fibers and high contents of fibers
creased by 16% for short fibers (30 mm) and by 8% for long fibers (60 mm; 0.8 wt.%) had a negative effect on the compressive
(60 mm). The increase of the compressive strength is linked to strength. The increase of the mechanical properties is linked to
the homogeneous microstructure because of the presence of fewer the nonpropagation of cracks due to the presence of fibers in the
pores, as demonstrated by microscopic studies (SEM and video clay matrix. The impact of these fibers on the flexural strength
microscopy). These pores are occupied by fibers. Moreover, the was positive because of the high tensile strength of the fibers
microscopic observations of PABs reinforced with fibers proved and their adhesion to the clay matrix.
the quasi-absence of cracks, which shows that the association of fi- It is shown here that it is possible to find an optimum soil block
bers and the clay matrix prevents the spread of cracks and contrib- thanks to the addition of fibers. This reinforced material can be
utes therefore to the improvement of the compressive strength. For
optimized by modifying the quantity of fibers and their length.
long fibers and high amounts of fibers (0.8 wt.% and 60 mm), the
The optimization can be oriented through the type of building con-
compressive strength is smaller when compared with that of unre-
cerned, for example improving the tensile strength or reducing the
inforced PABs because of the degradation of the soil matrix due to
thermal conductivity. If the principal problem of adobes construc-
the bulky fibers. The compressive strength of reinforced samples,
tion is its durability, then the resistance against erosion and abra-
except for the one manufactured with 0.8 wt.% 60 mm fibers, are
sion must be the best as possible, which corresponds in our study
higher than other values reported in the literature on soil blocks
to a fiber content of 0.3–0.5 wt.% with 30 mm or 60 mm long fibers.
stabilized with fibers [2,4,12,13], which could be due to the high
The reinforced Pressed Adobe Block specimens were suitable for
resistance of H. cannabinus fibers compared with those used in
use as a building material which is very important for developing
other studies.
countries, particularly Burkina Faso, because of the abundance
For all formulations, fiber-reinforced PABs presented flexural
and low cost of H. cannabinus fibers.
strength values higher than those of unreinforced PABs. The in-
crease of this parameter is mainly due to the high tensile strength
of H. cannabinus fibers, which was proven by microscopic observa-
tions that showed uncut fibers. Furthermore, the homogeneous
repartitioning and adhesion of fibers with the clay matrix is an
Funding of this project was provided by a grant from Aire-Sud
Project and Région Rhône-Alpes. Erwan Hamard from ENTPE is
thanked for his help in the experiments for the compression tests
1.2 and Lorena Chamoro, Ricardo Andre Ph.D., students at PUC-Rio
for the execution of tensile tests. Sobéré Augustin Traoré from
Flexural strength (MPa)

‘‘Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso’’, Burkina Faso, for

1.0 his help in Hibiscus cannabinus plant characterization.

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