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A Children's Songbook


Candle Service • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1
Garment of White Light •••••••••••• 2
•• Oh, What a Beautiful Morning •••••• 3
"I AM" a Child ••••••••••••••••••• 4
Light from Venus, Uranus and Mars. 5
Seven Great Angel Friends ••••••••• 6
Friends of Heaven•••••••••••••••• 7
Master Kuthumi has a School •••••• 8
First Edition 1977© Thanks to Your Three-fold Flame •• 9
Happy Song • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10
"I AM" Free, • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11
Gratitude to Thee••••••••••••••• 12
Blessed Elementals•••••••••••••• 13
Kings Park, N. Y. Flame Bearer•••••••••••••••••••• 14
11754 March On! America! •••••••••••••• 15
I Feel the Joy•••••••••••••••••• 16
Thank You God, Amen••••••••••••• 17
Magical Violet Flame•••••••••••• 18
Christ "I AM" in Action••••••••• 19
Compiled by Kuthumi1s School of Light ,t. Adoration - Mother Mary and Jesus. • 20
Thank Thee - Dear God ••••••••••• 21
Beloved "I AM" Presence ••••••••• 22
Flame in My Heart••••••••••••••• 23
Forgive Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
God's Love •• a ••••••••••••••• a • • • 25
The Angels (of Healing) •••••.••• 26
We Praise Thee - Holy Trinity •••• 27
I Love You, Saint Germain ••••••• 28
Angel Friends • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29
Beings of the Elements •••••••••• 30
Benediction··-·················· 31
Your Guardian Angel ••••••••••••• 32

We call forth these Flames of

Dear Child of The Light: Blazing Light!
And salute the Flame in our Heart!
God Bless You! All the Songs in
The BLUE, the GOLD, and PINK
this little book are brought to you
so bright,
to fill your world with Love and Joy
- and an understanding of your Place For the Christ Flame we are a part!
God 9s World.
We light the Flame of Illumination,
Songs number one (1) thru number To Beloved Kuthumi, dear!
nine ( 9) are to tunes you are famil- The VIOLET - to Beloved Saint
iar with and may have sung them many Germain,
times yourself o The others are ori-
The BLUE - to Michael, fair!
ginal songs (whose music and lyrics
were lovingly dedicated by chelas -
pf The Bridge to Freedom)o You will We invite the Ange ls of Great Light!
see opposite each one - the melody To be with us this Day!
is written - this will help you to As we ring the Bells - to our delight,
become quickly acquainted with them. They come in Grand Array!

You, too, can write songs of Love ( Tune: Amazing Grace - quick tempo)
and Joy --- its lots of fun! Get
very still - put your attention on
the Flame in your heart - then on the
beautiful God Quality or Great Being (needed for above service -)
of Light you wish your song to be Small bells
about. -- Then beautiful words will Candles
come - to a happy nursery tune - or Gold
perhaps a delightful melody of your Violet Blue
very own - Try it!
Blue Gold Pink
A Teacher

Oh what a beautiful morning,

MY GARMENT OF WHITE LIGHT Oh what a beautiful day.
I've got a beautiful feeling,
So everything good comes my way.
I am clothed now
I woke up with a smile and was
In my garment
Of White Light
I woke up with a smile and was
Of White Light
happy ---
Blazing all around me
For God gives a chance to do
Dazzling a.11 around me
everything right,
Ring of Light
And I try to be good from morning
Ring of Light. 1
til night!
And it keeps me
Oh what a beautiful morning,
Safe and happy
Oh what a beautiful day,
Day and night
I put on something real special,
Day and night -
So everything good comes my way.
Nothing now can hurt me
First I put in my legs and they
Bother or disturb me
Clothed in Light
Then I put in my arms and they
My White Light.
I m sparkling all over and glittering
(Tune: Are you sleeping,
Brother John?) This morning I glow with God's
glorious Light.

(Repeat first four lines)

Tune: Oh What a Beautiful Morning

"I AM" a child of Saint Germain
"I AM" a child of Saint Germain Oh let the Lig~t come shining in
I will love and serve My Master Oh let the Light come shining in
1 Til I see Him once again. Oh I want to be on this Planet - -
When the Light comes shining in!
I'll use His Violet Flame
I'll use His Violet Flame Let + 1
s Light come shining in
1 Til my world is purified forever - Let , s Light come shining in
Oh I praise His Sacred Name. Oh I want to be on this Planet
When ' s Light comes shining
+++++ in!
"I AM" a child of Kuthumi
"I AM" a child of Kuthumi
Oh I want to be in His Schoolroom Repeat first verse three times - then
When His Light all will see! + insert in second verse the names
Venus or Uranus or Mars:
I'll use His Illumination Flame one time each.
I'll use His Illumination Flame
1 Til my world is filled with His Wisdom
{Tune: When the Saints come Marching in)
Oh I praise His Sacred Name.

(Tune: When the Saints come Marching

Seven great Angel Friends lead the
big parade,
With the dancing Cherubim right Friends of Heaven, here we come!
behind, Right back where we started from,
Followed by rows and rows Where Angels and Devas all can be seen;
Of the finest girls and boys - We'll live inthe Heart of the Presence
Who believe that Angels can be seen! serene!

First there Is Michael, and then J ophiel, Our Sun Blest Friends, say - "Dori "t
And Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel be late! 11
and Zadkiel; That's why we can hardly wait.
Parading on the rainbow rays, Open up, open up that Golden Age!
To keep you happy all your days - Friends of Heaven, here we come!
Come join God 1s Angel Friend Parade.

(Tune: California - here we come")

(Tune: 76 Trombones - Music Man}

O. You put your Blue Flame in, 4--

MASTER KUTHUMI HAS A SCHOOL £ You take your Blue Flame out, -+
li: You lift your Blue Flame up, 1'- ·
~ And you shake it all about, _
Master Kuthumi has a School,
You receive God's Power
this I truly know! IU
t,, Thru your own left hand,
And in this School he has :"l Thanks to your Three-Fold Flame,
Angels of__±
this I truly know!
You put your Gold Flame in, ~
With a Angel here,
~ You take your Gold Flame out, --+
And a Angel there,
~ Your lift your Gold Flame up, 1'
Here an Angel, there an Angel :to And you shake it all about, ,.••---

Everywhere an Angel, u,
v, You receive God's Wisdom
Master Kuthmi has a School, ::) Rising from your heart,
this I truly know!
Thanks to your Three-Fold Flame.

Q You put your Fink Flame in, 'Ill!:-

+Choose any color you wish
~ You take your Pink Flame out,~
Blue, Gold, Pink, White, Green
Ruby, Violet or a
You lift your Pink Flame up, 'I'
And you shake it all about. - ~
Quality - as Joy, Peace, Grace <.I:' God's divine Love flows
Love etc. ~ Thru you own right hand,
(Tune: Old MacDonald had a Farm) ~ Thanks to your Three-Fold Flame!

(Tune: Hokey Pokey)


I'm happy, happy, as I can be,

~ '" c 1 J n uI r J J ~ And I'm able to show it for all to see;

For I know the Secret of setting -Life Free
It's to toss My troubles in the Violet Fire

I'm grateful, grateful as I can be - -

For all the Masters have done for me;
And I will show it for them to see -
By calling daily to set Life Free!

I'll purify my world by the Violet Fire;

For this is my earnest Heart's desire -
To be happy and pure each and every day -
That I can show the Youth how to live
God's Way!
1 AM" FRE'E !

"I AM" Love! "I AM" Joy!

"I AM" Peace in my fee lings;
"I AM" Happy and free as a bird;

"I AM" Faith! I AM" Kindness!

"I AM" Comfort and Truth.
"I AM" all that I need for God1s Healing;

1 AM" grateful for Life;
I see Beauty - not strife;
"I AM" Victory in all that I do;

God abides within me;

All Perfection I see.
''I AM'' FREE!
4 d J IJ. I~~~~-

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude
to Thee,
Grateful to, Grateful for,

:# b b b@ t, J J I d J / J. 13 z=
Life Eternally.

Happy now, busy now, serving

now Life free,
Grateful to, Grateful for,

'P~l)pp J J IJ. IE •Jd. opportunity.

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude

to Thee!
Willing to They Will do thru

tpvb~~ J J IJ J I J- /Jz Eternity!

Blessed Elementals,
Harbingers of Spring,
Oh, such joy you bring our eyes
Our praises to you sing!

Blessed Elementals,
Pink and white and green,
Violet flowers from the earth
Are added beauty seen!

Blessed Elementals,
For mankind you provide,
Food and clothing, shelter, too;
We thank our God for you!

Summer's warmth brings growing,

Rain and skies of blue,
Harvests rich and more bright hues
Are autumn's gifts from you.

Though in winter sleeping,

You bring us cold white snow, _
Crystal gems and loving friends, \lb
To share a fire's glow. ~

Blessed Elementals, , ( .f} j',i)

We send our love to you! ~~ \ ~
For your bounty to our earth, ~ · IL; :-\.0

We sing our thanks to you! \ ~·'f?7·

God's own Flame Bearer,

Hold aloft thy Flame;
Bear it in honor
To His Sacred Name.

Hear His voice gentle

Follow this thy soul;
There is but one God,
And this be thy true Goal

Hail! Hail! His Presence

Here within - above;
Hail! Hail His Pi-esence
Sacred Flame of Love!

Look now to this ONE;

All to Him now raise.
Here be thy purpose -
All strength and all praise!
c fl.c~vs: - •

l4p. 4 J J .J ! .a J I ~ ~ J Free men now march again -

All shall be free!
Sing sons and daughters
Sing for Liberty!

0IJ JJ1 JJ J J Deeds done by Gods and men;

All march as one for
God and Their Country
And homes of men all free.
~b\Pffe n jJ Io IJJJ 1 £JJ ,
March on, America! +
Victory is thine.
Lead on, America - +
Thy destiny Divine .
Soar on, America, +

~Hrf f • f J. J I• ~ l ~~ J
;~ Q ".
To thy heights sublime.
Respond!March on! The New
Age dawns!

j "~; J J
In Freedom's Name

I J ,J J J t r z JI

C" b ~ ~ '
(+ if you live in another country
insert her name + here)

I fee 1 the Joy of the Light ( 3X)

For Presence is ever near!

. $!•1 J J J \ J JJ I c J. Jjj. I feel the Joy of My Presence (3X)

For the Angels are right here!

I feel the Joy of the Angels (3X)

For the Ascended Host are near!

if-=JJ J JI J iJI/J.111
'--' - .
I feel the Joy of the Ascended Host (3X)
For the Golden Age is here!

I feel the Joy of the Golden Age (3X)

For The Cosmic Light we now see!

I feel the Joy of the Cosmic Light (3X)

For the Earth is now ALL FREE!
For the Earth is now ALL FREE!
For the Earth is now ALL FREE!

( 3X = three times)

Now I lay me
Down to slumber
In My Maker's Ar m s;
May He keep me,
May He keep thee
Safe from fear and harm.
Please forgive us,
Every trespass
'Gainst our fellowman,
May we waken,
None forsaken,
Thank You God, AMEN!

When we wonder
At the thunder!
And the ways of men,
Just remind us
Of each kindness
And the happy end!
When we stumble,
Still the rumble

J JI J±J z I
Of our waywardness;
Stand beside us,
Ever guide us,
Thank You God, AMEN!
J1. -tr

What1 s this Magical Gift

That can give such a lift?

It's the Beautiful Violet Flame.

@ F HI f pJ IJJjJ \JH Like an answer to prayer,

When you call, lt1 s right there;
It's the Magic of Saint Germain's Love,
You'll find dreams all come true;

~!'@ ,Jnl rrrlrcrlrtFlrrr

Hopes and plans work out too;
Your skies always sunny above.
It's the Faith in the Light
That makes everything right;
It's the Magical Violet Flame.

~· ' J l J*n I Jll\JJJ I JJJ What makes cares disappear?

What makes Heaven right here
Instead of somewhere up above?
lt1 s the Transmuting Flame
Sent in Saint Germain's Name -
A Magical Gift of His Love!
There is nothing below
That's so priceless you know,
As this wonderful Gift all Divine.
Evermore let It blaze;
All God's Life here now raise
By this Magical Blest Violet Flame.

\ ~ -<.' ,·

CHRIST 111 AM" '-' with Light surround me!

CHRIST within and all around me!

~& CJ.J\ ;JJ:flJjJJJ j From above God's Love enfolds me!

"I AM" the CHRIST in action here! ~

GRACE "I AM" - with GRACE surround me!

J .fIJ31 J j ~~!£ E r ~· ~
..._,/ . .._/ .
GRACE within and all around me!
From above God's Love enfolds me;
11 1
1 AM ' the GRACE of Mary here!

Michael - come! With FAITH surround me 1

~Ii r r tr rr' r. J l JJ u z
Blaze Thy Pow'r of FAITH around me!
From above God's Love enfolds me;
"I AM 11 Thy great PROTECTION here!

VIOLET FIRE - come NOW - surround me!

Blaze Thy Mighty Pow'r around me!
Saint Germain's great LOVE enfolds me;
1 AM'1 the FLAME OF FREEDOM here!

Thy name, Dear Mary, we adore;

Thy Healing Power revere;
And as we seek, so shall we ever
Thy great Presence ever near.

Beloved Mary, through Thy Power,

We feel Love's new rebirth
And once again that Family Divine
Shall come to each home on Earth.

rjg, r J l J JI J tJ Id J ++++++++++++

0 Jesus, Teacher of mankind,

Thy all - enfolding Love
Leads each dear child of Light in

-*' . ,_J.1.Jp4J1J. IJ~~ Ways Divine

To Heavenly Realms above.

God1s great Forgiveness, Joy and Peace

Flow from Thy Heart to ~11
Help all children to know God's Sacred
His Plan to each one recall.


Thank Thee, dear God, for the Light

of each day;
Thank Thee, dear God, for the
privilege to pray;
Thank Thee, dear God, for Thy Love
and Thy Way;
Thank Thee, dear God! AMEN.
Tba nk Thee, dear God, for Thy
Friends I can greet;
Thank Thee, dear God, for sweet
Earth 'neath my feet;
Thank Thee, dear God , for the Air
and the Sun;
Thank Thee, dear God! AMEN.
Thank Thee, dear God, for the food
you provide;
Thank Thee, dear God, for Thy
Strength by my side;
Thank Thee, dear God! for Thy
Life everywhere;
Thank Thee, dear God! AMEN.

Beloved "l AM11'Presence;

Beloved Three-fold Flame;
Beloved Holy Christ Self,
Thy Love - Thy Light - l claim.
Beloved 111 AM11 Presence;
Thy Love - Thy Light - 111 AM11
Beloved 111 AM11 Presence;
"l AM11 ! "l AM11 ! 111 AM11 !

Beloved "l AM11 Presence;

Beloved Ange ls bright;
Be loved Holy Spirit;
Charge Earth with Your great Light.
Belov'd Ascended Masters;
Great Cosmic Beings free;
Come shower Earth with blessings;
We send our Love to Thee!

There is a Flame in my Heart,

It is my Love and my Life,
I call it forth till it envelopes all.
Flowing forth to wipe out stress

\)I~ b C J J J I J J Jl J J ~ and strife.

These are my feet yours to move,

These are my hands let them heal,
These are my lips and my tongue

*\ ~ b' r J J I J J 3 I J ~ J and my throat,

Form God's words or in peace silence

1&bc ® I
There is a Presence above,
It is my Lord and my Guide,
I call it down till it envelops all.
Flowing forth with that blest Flame

Forgive me, 0 my Presence;

Forgive me - I do pray;
Forgive all my transgressions
Against Love's sweet way.
Oh, help me love enough
To wipe out all mistakes of mine.
I love You! I love You!
Oh, help me be Di vine!

Forgive them, 0 great Presence;

Forgive mankind we pray;
Forgive all their trangressions
Against Love's sweet way!
Oh, help them love enough

£ J J. l I J J r t I E II To wipe out all that ne I er should be.

Oh, love them! Oh, love them!
Until they' re ONE with Thee!

God Is Love now around me,

God Is Love now abounds,
God's Love now I feel -
God Is Love now is in me -
Love only is real.

It's Joy in my heart felt,

It's Joy in my heart,
Joy only is real.
Love and Joy expressing -
For all Life to feel.

God1 s Angels around me,

God Is Angels abound,
God's Angels I feel.
God Is Angels are near me -
Their God gifts are real.

Qualities in my heart felt,

Qualities in my heart,
God Is qualities real.
Qualities expressing _
For all Life to feel.
(Of Healing)

Angels of ~~a_!in_g_, come straight from

God's Heart
Bringing God's ~~a_!0_g__!o You ;
Loving you always They answer your call;
"Ange ls of ~~~i_n_i;, come through! 11


Angels of ~~~i_n_i;.!...
Ange ls of H~~!i_~_we call!
Angels of ~~a_!0_g_L-
Flood forth God's love to bless all!
Angels of ~~~i_n_g,
Gifts from the Presence above
Spread forth Thy Wings,
God Is Love_h~~!i_ng'~brings,
Angels of ~~~0..S.L- WE CALL!

( Use a l s o for Angels of Victory,

Freedom, Mercy, Joy _,.-c joy now,
Love ..>:<love now, etc. )

Praise God, the Father,

Praise God, the Son;
Praise Holy Spirit -

J~b,,zy- J J .i J IJJ JIJJ JJ Blessed Three-in-One.

Praise Him in Heav'n
Ye Angels shining bright;
Praise Him on Earth

Rb b J J J I J J ,J .11 r r J All ye who love the Light.

Sing - Hosts of Angels!

Sing - choirs of men!
Now shall our voices
Blend in praise again.
All powers of Nature -
~ Sing triumphantly
In exultation,
To the Trinity.

Through Earth and Heaven

Our praises ring;
Throughout creation
Blended voices sing:
"Hail to the Father!
Glory to the Son
And Holy Spirit-
Mighty Three-in-One."

Saint Germain, that magic Name,

Brings to all sweet Freedom's Flame,
Enables all mankind to claim
All Light, from whence they came.
~" "i r· I .J l I• J J I J r CHORUS

I love You, Saint Germain!

I love Your Violet Flame!

' i;bi,1 L. I e r I e J I J ~
And I love Your Sacred Name
Be loved Saint Germain!

( suggested additional lyrics for the above

I love You, Morya dear;
I love Your Presence here;
And I love You more each year,
Beloved Morya dear.

(Also for: Jesus: Mother Mary: Serapis:

Kuthumi : Lord Divino : Confucius : Hilarion'.
Lady Nada : Lady Rowena: Lord Gautama ;
Maha Chohan : AEolus: Lanto ...•.. etc.
The Temple Bells all ring,
The sky is blue, the Earth is round,
With Messages that bring
The waters bring forth such a
Glad tidings of impending things!
bubbling sound;
The winds blow, to and fro;
Their peals are loud and clear, The Sylphs have a lot to do with
And speak of things quite near, that you know!
And of Celestial Events so very Pelleur and Virgo are busy too;
dear! Trying to keep the Earth cleaned up
for you, you, you and you!
CHORUS: Neptune and Lunara work ceaselessl
Angels Friends, my heart sends That you cart tell by
love to Thee! Their beautiful seas.
Love and Peace and Love's Own
All hearts sing with' the Love that
you bring, Thor and Aries' beautiful breeze
Joyous Songs blend along - all The usual companion a r o und
Life sings! these Seas!
Angels COME! Every One! to
Sweet Earth. S-E-A-S!
All mankind here to find Love's
Rebirth Helios and Vesta, we can never forget!
Angel Friends, Love's New Friend For They are responsible for
is to be every Sunset!
Angel Friends, and to blend ONE When the Sun rises, there's a beautiful
with Thee! glow
And it shines on all of us,

that you k

( continued)
Are we grateful to These Beings?
Who work so selflessly and
A Guardian Angel comes to guide you,
seemingly with ease?
On the day that you are born.
So - - shouldn It we take time out each day
He knows what is happy and is good.
to pray and pray and pray and pray
And if you don 1t know what to do,
With Love and Gratitude to Them?
IIe will whisper it to you ....
And if you're still
lle1ll speak to you, His Will.
For your Guardian Angel is the best
Friend you have, the best Friend
31. you have, the best Friend you have.
For your Guardian Angel is the best
Friend you have ...
Now 1til we meet another day.
He s a Gift from God to you.
May God's great Angels with us stay
To ever raise our consciousness on high;
(Tune: Spoonful of Sugar - Mary Poppins)
That all of life is blessed as we pass by,
Thus we do God Is Most Holy Will,
And our own Plan Divine fulfill,
May the Light of God surround us
Like a halo all around us,
Til we attain our Viet' ry bright
In our Ascension's Holy Light,

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