Roof Slab

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design of roofed reservoir to contain 4000m3 of water due to site conditions

the plan size will be taken as 21m x 32m and the maximum water height is
6.5m. the reservoir has two partitions each partition has 16m x 21m internal
1 Given Data
fcu 35N/mm^2
fy 460N/mm^2
γw 10KN/m^3
γc 24KN/m^3
γs 18KN/m^3
¢ 30
Ka=(1-sin¢/1+sin¢) 0.33
Es 200,000
Exposure Conditions severe
design crack width 0.2mm
3 Roof Slab
assume thickness 450.00
imposed due to light traffic 5.00
600mm soil cover 10.80
3.1 Loads
self weight 10.80
Imposed Load 15.80
design Load 26.60
maximum service moment for each
3.2 BS8110 Table 3.1
effective span 4.50
M=0.086*qu*leff^3 208.46
divide the slab in to column strip and
middle strip
mid strip 2.25
+ve moment per meter of column strip
69.49 Table 3.20
+ve moment per meter of mid strip 25% 52.11
3.3 design for 0.2mm crack width
h 450.00
¢ 20.00
S 200.00
Ms=from Table A2.8 109.00
fs=from Table A2.8 200.00
cover to lower layer 40.00
cover to upper 60.00
3.4 roof slab minimum steel
pcrit #REF!
assume T 30.00
α 1.20E-05
w 0.20
Smax=w/€ 1,111.11
¢/p= 3,333.33
therefore pc is given by
¢ pc%
12 0.36 810
16 0.48 1080
20 0.60 1350
provide 20mm 200mm
As, act 1571mm^2
3.5 Shear at Column Head
maximum column load =q*leff^2*1.15 619.45
assume §f 1.40
ultimate shear Force 867.23
allow for unequal distribution BS
ultimate shear Force 1,084.03
assume column size 350.00 350 BS8110 3.7.7
maximum shear stress< 0.8√fcu 2.21
permissible shear stress 0.8√fcu 4.73 safe
slab thickness 450.00
critical perimeter 5,600.00
steel ratio 0.449%
for M35 concrete grade, permissible
0.64 BS Table 3.9
shear stress vc
therefore permissible shear Force 1,254.40 safe

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