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1 Design of Cantilever Wall

depth of water 3m
depth of soil 3.2m
thickness of heel and toe 300mm
width of base 2.9m
width of heel 0.6m
width of toe 2.0m
thickness of Wall 300mm
unit weight of concrete 24KN/m3
unit weight of soil 18KN/m3
unit weight of water 9.81KN/m3
angle of repose 35^0
super imposed Load 5KN/m2
1.1 Design
effective head of soil 3.478m
service moment from water Ms 44.15KN/m
from graph 9/6 use h= 300mm
and steel required 16mm 175mm
As, prov 1148.9mm2
cover 60mm
horizontal pressure from soil
Ps=(1-sin¢)/(1+sin¢)*rs 4.88KN/m2
results of stability and bearing pressure
self weight 46.8KN/m
self weight+ earth 84.4KN/m
self weight+ water 105.7KN/m
full loaded 143.2KN/m
case 1 tank empty soil outside
stem 25.9 2.15 55.7
base 20.9 1.45 30.3
soil 37.6 2.60 97.7
84.4 183.7
overturning moment about B 126.2
Net Moment 57.5
F.s against overturning 1.5 unsafe
Mc=£W*(Net M/£W-b/2) -64.9
x=£M/£W 0.7
e=b/2-x 0.8 0.5
case 2 tank full no soil outside
stem 25.9 0.75 19.4
base 20.9 1.45 30.3
water 58.9 1.90 111.8
105.7 161.5
overturning moment about A 44.1
Net Moment 117.4
F.s against overturning 3.7 safe
Mc=£W*(Net M/£W-b/2) -35.8
x=£M/£W 1.1
e=b/2-x 0.3 0.5
case 3 fully loaded
stem 25.9 0.75 19.4
base 20.9 1.45 30.3
water 58.9 1.90 111.8
soil 37.6 0.30 11.3
143.2 172.8
overturning moment about A 82.0
Net Moment 90.8
F.s against overturning 2.1 safe
Mc=£W*(Net M/£W-b/2) -116.9
x=£M/£W 0.6
e=b/2-x 0.8 0.5

design of cantilever wall stem for water

concrete fcu 35N/mm2
steel fy 460N/mm2
w 0.2mm
min cover for horizontal steel 45mm
cover to vertical steel 60mm
Esteel 200,000
Econ 13.3
effective depth 232mm
effective ht 3.116m
Ms(for crack calc) 44.2
Mu= 69.3
Vu= 61.8
design for maximum permitted crack
b) 0.2
width due to service moment
for service moment of 44.2 using graph 9/6 &
graph 9.6
crack design for first principle
ae=Es/Ec 15
p=As/bd 0.495%
ae*p= 0.074
x/d= -ae*p+√(ae*p(ae*p+2)) 0.318
x= 73.835
z/d=1-x/3d 0.894 ok
z= 207.388
stress in steel fs 185.5
es=fs/Es 0.0009
e1=es*(h-x)/(d-x) 0.0013
e2=b/3*(h-x)^2/(3*Es*As*(d-x)) 0.0005
em=e1-e2 0.0009
spacing s= 175.0
cover+¢/2 68.0
acr=√((s/2)^2+(cc+¢/2)^2)-¢/2 102.82
Cmin=cc+¢' 60.00
w=3*acr*em/(1+2*(acr-Cmin)/(h-x)) 0.192 satisfactory
c) design for ultimate moment
Mu= 69.300
k=Mu/fcubd2 0.0368
z=d(0.5+√(0.25-k/0.9) 220.4
z=limit 220.4 0.035
from table 9/11 for Mu/fcu*b*d^2 & z=220.4 table 9.11 0.037
As, req 785.68 0.040
use 16mm 175mm
As, prov 1149mm2
d) design for ultimate shear
Vu= 61.8
v=Vu/b*d 0.266
100As/bd 0.495
vc=(100As/bd)^1/3*(400/d)^1/4*(fcu/25)^1/3 0.641 safe
from BS 8110 Table 3.9 or table 9/14 for
0.640 safe
100As/bd=, fcu=35 and d=232 vc=
e) deflection
span/depth 14.99
permitted span to depth
for cantilever span/d 7.0
modification factor for tension steel
steel stresses fs 185.50
Mu/bd2 1.288 0.45
therefore M.
1.660 180.0
Note 185.5
from table 9/17, for Mu/bd2 1.661 table 9.17 190.0
modification factor for compression steel
comp steel A's=tension steel
M. F=1+100A's/bd/(3+A's/bd) 1.142
Modification factor for triangular load
effective span/depth > permitted span to
16.591 ok
Note:- BS 8007 encourage caution when
designing for deflection particularly When I)
the pressure distribution beneath the base is
almost triangular which could lead to
significant rotation of the base and ii) over
zealous backfilling which may cause
additional deflection.
f) Minimum Steel
I) pcrit vertical steel
outer zone min As 525.000
inner zone min As 525.000
ii) Horizontal Steel
As gives the following equations
Smax= fct/fb*¢/2p and wmax=Smax*R*a*T1
hence wmax=fct*¢*R*a*T1/2*p*fb
where, Smax=max spacing (cracks), fct is
Tensile strength of concrete, fb is average
bond strength, p is area of steel (surface zone
area), R is restraint factor, a is Coefficient of
thermal expansion
T1=fall in temperature between hydration
peak and ambient
wmax is maximum crack width
finally %p=(fct/fb*¢/2wm*R*a*T)*100 542.7
let fct/fb= 0.67
¢= 12.0
Rmax= 0.5
wmax= 0.2
a= 0.000012
T 30
%p= 0.3618
min area of horizontal steel= 542.7
12mm 200mm
As, prov 565mm2
I. from graph 9/16 for T=30,¢=12 %p=0.36 graph 9.16
ii. where Tmax=0.5,A's=0.18% < 0.482%
use minimum
III. slab tension steel
min=0.13%*1000*300 both ways, each face 390
provide steel 10mm 200mm
As, prov 393mm2
g) Bond Length
force in bar= Bond(the force resisted by steel
embedded in concrete)
permitted ultimate bond stress=fb=£*√fcu,
£=0.5 for type 2 steel
£=0.5 for type 2 steel 0.500
fbu= 2.96
embedded bar resistance=π*¢*l*fbu
ultimate force in bar=area*0.85fy
l=0.213*¢*fy/fbu bond Length
l/¢=0.213*fy/fbu 33.12
for ¢= 16
l= 529.97
summary of steel requirements
As, horizontal As, vertical use
inner outer inner outer ¢
ultimate moment 786
service moment 1,149
ultimate shear 1,149 1,149 16
deflection 1,149 1,149
BS 8007 min 525 525 12
BS 8007 565 565 12
BS 8110 min 393 393 393 393

Design of tie between slab to resist

horizontal forces
a) wall without rib
horizontal force= 44.20
safety factor against Sliding 2.00
resistance required=2*Fh 88.40
Coeff of friction 0.30
resistance provided by wall and water on
slab=105.7*0.3, 105.7=wt of (stem + 31.70
resistance provided by adjoining slab 6m of
total=31.7+61.6=93.3>88.4 ok 93.30 ok
tie force =(88.4-31.7) 56.70
permitted stress=130 130.00
area of steel =56700/130 436.17
use T16 at 300mm 16mm 460mm
bond Length=34d/0.7= 11.27
b) wall with ribs
permitted safe bearing pressure=200 200
a simple Method of estimating the depth of rib
is given in military engineering vol xiv
concrete part ii RC design
depth of rib =force/(0.7*safe bearing pressure
of soil)=56.7/(0.7*200)
c) Estimate of deflection
a1=deflection due to water pressure cracked
1/rb=0.00000411 table 9/13 0.00000411
k=0.175 0.175
lh=3.116 3.116
lw=3.716 3.716
deflection at water level a
a=k. lw^2.1/rb 9.93
lw/lh=0, htop/hbott=1
a2=deflection due to rotation of base
soil very stiff clay
ks= 45,000
B 2.90
therefore a2= 1.65

a=a1+a2 11.58
span/ deflection 320.91
curvature for uncraked section
1/rb=M/(I*Es) 0.00000147 ok
cracked section provide more overall

2 design of 5.8 m wall (stem only)

height 5.80
Bw 5.50
heel width 2.20
toe width 2.50
t wall at top 0.40
t wall at bottom 0.80
t base 0.60
design using tables chapter 9 5.50
Ms=rw*h3/6 319.01
from table 9/8, h= 800 table 9.8
¢-s 25mm 200mm
As, prov 2454mm2
effective depth 727.50
effective height 6.164
modulus subgrade reaction 45,000
2.1 design for front and rear soil pressure
lever arm
item area density force Moments
about B
stem Rectangular 2.32 24 55.7 2.70 150.3
stem triangular 1.16 24 27.8 3.43 95.6
base 3.30 24 79.2 2.75 217.8
base heel 0.22 24 5.3 4.03 21.3
base toe 0.25 24 6.0 1.67 10.0
water 14.50 9.81 142.2 1.25 177.8
water 0.25 9.81 2.5 0.83 2.0
stem 0.16 24.00 3.8 2.90 11.1
Sum 322.5 686.0
Mw=Mw about B
center of gravity of force from B 3.54
eccentricity from center line of base 0.79 0.92 1.00
PA=maximum pressure at toe
PB=min pressure at heel
2.2 design for maximum crack width 0.20
Ms= from table 9/8 319.01 table 9.8
steel 25mm 200mm
As, prov 2454mm2
%p 0.3374
x/d= from table 9.10 0.27 table 9.10
z/d= from table 9.10 0.91
by calculation
fs=Ms/(z*As) 196.43
es=fs/Es 0.00098
e1=es*(h-x)/(d-x) 0.00112
e2=b*(h-x)^2/3*Es*As*(d-x) 0.000465
em=e1-e2 0.000651
acr= 112.07
w= 0.189 ok
2.3 design for ultimate moment
Mu= 536.02
R= 0.03
from table 9/11
z= 0.95
Asu= 1,937.97 ok
2.4 design for shear
Vu= 260.89
u= 0.36
from table 9/14,100As/bd 0.3374
vc= 0.51 ok table 9.14
2.5 deflection
basic factor 7
tension steel fs 197
Mu/bd2= 1.01
from table 9/17, factor 1.74 table 9.17
compression steel %p 0.34, factor 1.10
load/varying thickness effect for ht/hb=0.5,
0.92 table 9.19
from table 9/19, factor
permitted s. l 12.33
actual s. r 8.47 ok
2.6 estimate deflection
using computer program p44
1/rb= 0.00
k 0.27
lw 6,163.75
a1= 14.41
using rotational deflection
a2= 2.36
LH/def= 367.44 ok

uncraked section
1/rb= 0.0000009 ok
2.7 Bond
34¢min= 850
2.8 minimum steel
I) T=
at bottom of Wall stem R 0.50 table 9.16
from table 9/16
As= 1,600
horizontally each face 16mm 125mm
As, prov 1608mm2
at top of Wall stem R 0.25
from table 9/16
As= 640
horizontally each face 16mm 300mm
As, prov 670mm2
BS 8007 CL
at bottom of Wall stem
As= 875
at top of Wall stem 0.25
As= 700
BS 8110 TABLE 3.27
at bottom of Wall stem
As= 1,040
horizontally each face 16mm 200mm
As, prov 1005mm2
at top of Wall stem
As= 520
horizontally each face 16mm 300mm
As, prov 670mm2
3 Flat Slab
long span 4.8m
short span 4.8m
assume slab thickness 225mm
soil cover 250mm

fy 460N/mm^2
fcu 40N/mm^2
max crack width 0.2mm
fs= 266.8
Es 2E+05
3.1 Loading
Serv Ult
wt of earth=t*γs 4.8 6.7
slab sel WT=t*γc 5.4 7.6
total dead load 10.2 14.3
super imposed 3 4.8
F=total design load on the strip
max service UDL 13.2KN
max ultimate UDL 1.4DL+1.6LL 19.1KN
Column Head
lc 500mm
dh 540mm
lh, max=lc+2*(dh-40) 1500mm
lh0=lc+1000 1500mm
lh= 1200mm
use lh 1200mm
h 225mm
assume clear cover 45mm 0.0034782608696
d 156mm
let T= 30
¢ 16mm
from Table 9/12
min As 540
use ¢ 16mm
spacing 300mm
As, prov 670.208
min As 393.75
min As 292.5
3.2 moment and shear force diagram
l1=l2= 4.8m
l=lc-2/3*lh 4.0m
F=w*l1^2 440.1KN-m
Fl=F*l 1760KN-m
position strip/strip coeff Mv
edge/edge -0.004 -7.0
mid/edge -0.005 -8.8
mid/edge -0.015 -26.4
mid/edge 0.012 21.1
mid/edge 0.010 17.6
mid/mid 0.037 65.1
mid/col -0.016 -28.2
mid/col 0.046 81.0
mid/mid 0.032 56.3
col/col -0.047 -82.7
mid/mid 0.039 68.6
shear coeff V
edge 0.400 176.0
col 1.200 528.1
3.3 Reinforcement design
the design is based on minimum depth of steel
bd^2fcu 9.7E+08
bd^2 2.4E+07
bd/100 1560
w 0.2
design for maximum positive bending
Mu/strip width 27.1KN-m
Mu/m 27.1KN-m
Ms/m 18.8KN-m
ii design for crack width
try 16mm 300mm
As 670mm2
p% 0.43
from table 9/12
x=0.3004*d 47.3 0.800
e=0.8996*d 140.2 0.425 0.299
stress in steel fs=Ms/(As*z) 199.6 0.430 0.303
therefore es=fs/Es 0.001 ok 0.450 0.306
e1=es*(h-x)/(d-x) 0.0016
e2=b*(h-x)^2/(3*Es*As*(d-x)) 0.00072
em=e1-e2 0.0009
acr=((s/2)^2+(cover+dia/2)^2)^0.5-dia/2 151.09
w=3*acr*em/(1+2*(acr-cmin)/(h-x)) 0.188 safe
III Design for maximum negative moment
Mu strip width Mu/m -34.5
Ms/m -23.8
design for crack width 0.2
¢ 16mm 300mm
¢ 12mm 300mm
As, prov 1047mm2
p,prov 0.465
from table 9/12 0.400
x= 48.3912 0.450 0.306
e 139.9008 0.465 0.310
stress in steel 162.6 0.475 0.313
therefore e2= 0.0008
e1=e2*(h-x)/(d-x) 0.0013
e2=b*(h-x)*(a'-x)/(3*Es*As*(d-x)) 0.00046
em=e1-e2 0.00087
acr=((s/2)^2+(cover+dia/2)^2)^0.5-dia/2 94.57
w=3*acr*em/(1+2*(acr-cmin)/(h-x)) 0.179 safe
IV Deflection
by inspection of the design ultimate moment,
the most critical span is the column strip at
the corner, where an ultimate moment of
81KN-m occurs. this moment is only slightly
less than the maximum negative moment of -
the same reinforcement will be used for this
moment and the actual stress in the steel will 159.2
be taken as
actual l/d= 30.8
basic l/d= 23.4 BS 8110 table 3.10
modification factor as per BS 8110 table 3.11
for As=
0.55+(477-fs)/(120*(0.9+Mu/b*d2))<=2 1.7 ok
fs=(2*fy*As,req/3*As,pro)*1/βb 162
Mu/bd2= 1.39

modification factor as per BS 8110 table 3.11

670.2mm^2 BS 8110 table 3.11
for As=
1+(1000*As'/(bd))/(3+100*As'/bd)<=1.5 1.125 ok
therefore permitted l/d= 44.7 ok
v Shear
BS 8110 table 3.11
V= 528.1
Mu= 38.7
average d 164
effective steel 1047
vc= 0.795
first critical perimeter=4*(3d+hc) 12000
lc= 600
hc= 1200
4 Column
Size of column
h 500
D 500
Lo= 5.4
le= 5.625
clear cover 45
main ¢ 16mm
link ¢ 8mm
4.1 design of column
BS 8110 Section 3.8
column unbraced
U. L. S square column 500
Le=Lc*β 8,100
β= 1.5
le/b 16.2 column is slender
hence bent about both axes
shear N 528
F 440
au=£a*K*h 0.065
£a=from table 3.24 of bs8110 0.130
K= 1.0
M,add=au*V 34.3
M= 38.7
Mxx=Myy 73.1
biaxial bending Mx'=Mx+£*h'/b'*My 0.0528
N/(b*D*fcu)= 0.0528
β 0.94
h' 439
b' 439
Mx' 141.7
d/h 0.878
N/bh 2.1
M/bh2 1.1
from chart value of 100Asc/bh= 0.4
Asc= 1000mm^2
use 4 20mm
As,prov 1257mm^2
use ¢6 8mm 225mm
4.2 Serviceability State (Elastic Theory)
forces load moments
ultimate 528 142 0.268366667
service 365 98
100As 0.50%
e=Ms/N 0.2684
e/h 0.537
assume long term αc
αe=Es/Ec 15.0

use computer Method 7P1 or chart 7/2

x/d= 0.462
x= 203
from which Mu/bh^2*fcb= 0.10
fcb= 7.68
Tensile stress in steel
fs=αe*fcb*(1-x/d)/(x/d) 134.2
Crack Width
h 500
d 439
x 202.8
d-x 236.2
Asc 628.3
Cmin= 59.0
es=fs/Es 0.00067
e1=es*(h-x)/(d-x) 0.00084
e2=b*(h-x)*(a'-x)/(3*Es*As*(d-x)) 0.00037
em=e1-e2 0.00047
acr=√((s/2)^2+(cc+¢/2)^2)-¢/2 188.0
w=3*acr*em/(1+2*(acr-Cmin)/(h-x)) 0.127 ok

1.25 0.85 1.50
1.70 1.58
1.68 1.661 1.56
1.66 1.55


x/d z/d
0.325 0.267 0.911
0.3374 0.271 0.910
0.350 0.276 0.908


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