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Honourable Chair and esteemed delegates

The delegate of Cyprus would like to thank the chair for their recognition
As we all know we have eliminated the risks of the coronavirus, but does that
really mean that we are safe?
Will our future generation be able to live without the fear of losing their loved
ones like we had just some time ago?
When the coronavirus hit Cyprus, it had affected over 6 million people, causing
significant impacts on health, the economy, education, the environment, and
social dynamics. The Republic of Cyprus believes that although pandemics like
the coronavirus cannot be entirely prevented, steps can be taken to reduce their
negative impacts and mortality rates.
To combat a virus, the Republic of Cyprus recommends that all countries
collaborate to address the pandemic and assist those with limited resources.
Additionally, they propose the adoption of advanced technology to achieve the
3rd sustainable development goal outlined by the UN in 2015 which is good
health and well-being.
In order to ensure global readiness for future pandemics, the Republic of
Cyprus suggests implementing a global disease monitoring program. This
program would focus on early-stage virus management and detection, with a
rapid response protocol, and at a relatively lower cost.
The delegate of Cyprus is up with the entire fraternity to fight and combat the
attack on humanity and with the help of the delegates we will rise as winners so
that out future generations are at peace.
So yes delegates such pandemics never go out of system but it us that will build
a bullet proof defence mechanism and remain untouched while coexisting with
the virus.
Thank you chair and delegates for your time.

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