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Honourable Chair and esteemed delegates

The delegate of Cyprus would like to thank the chair for their recognition
Imagine a world where pandemics don’t cause millions of deaths, the delegate of Cyprus wants to
share on this platform that there has been a substantial concrete scientific development, which has cut
down the mortality rate
Pandemics can have profound effects on the society and on aspects like health, economy ,education,
environment and social dynamics. When the coronavirus hit Cyprus, over 6 million people were
impacted. The republic of Cyprus believes that such pandemics like the coronavirus cannot be
avoided but the negative impacts and mortality can be reduced. To contain a virus all countries should
work together and overcome the pandemic by helping out those countries that have a scarcity in the
required resources.
To ensure global preparedness for future pandemics, countries need to focus on these specific areas:-
-access to global disease monitoring programs
-immediate reaction protocol
-ensure a expert workforce with trained professionals
-early stage virus management and detection

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