3 trim B1_U1_Origins. Grammar_Continuous Aspect

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1. Read the following sentences. Why is the continuous form used?

1. These days it’s getting easier and easier to change your name.
2. She is always talking as if she’s a household name, but she’s only been on TV once!
3. I’m considering naming my dog after my hero: Che Guevara.
4. The author of the book has been trying to think of a good name for it for a months
5. My partner was reading a book about babies’ names when I got home
6. I was hoping to borrow your car, it that’s OK.

2. Match the sentences above with the different uses below.

a. To describe background action that was in progress when another (shorter) shorter action
b. To talk about something that’s incomplete, temporary, or still in progress (often emphasising the
length of time)
c. To talk about situations that are in the process of changing
d. To emphasise repeated actions (that may be annoying)
e. For plans that may not be definite
f. To sound tentative and less direct when we make proposals, inquires, suggestions.

The continuous aspect is expressed with the auxiliary be and the present participle –ing form
of the verb. Depending on the time of the action, we use the past (perfect), present (perfect),
future or modal+be

The continuous aspect focuses on the duration of an event. It expresses that the action was, is
or will be in progress at a specific point of time or over a period of time. The point of time may
be defined by a time expression (now, at 5 o’clock yesterday, this time tomorrow) or a clause
(when I came home, when I come home). For the period of time, we can also use a time
expression (all day yesterday) or a clause (while she was reading).

*** Remember: State verbs are not usually used in the continuous.

verbs of the senses (verbs of perception): see, hear, smell, taste, notice, recognize, etc.
I smell gas.

verbs of thinking: think, realize, know, understand, suppose, expect, remember, forget, mind, etc.
I don’t remember your name.

verbs of having and being: have, own, owe, belong to, possess, be, contain, matter, hold, etc.
The house belongs to my mother.

verbs of emotion: love, hate, like, dislike, refuse, want, wish, forgive, etc.
I hate people calling me late at night.

3. Fill the gaps below with the correct tenses.

A: Present Simple and Present Continuous

1. It____________________ broke (break) box-office records in cinemas all over Japan.

2. There are several pubs called “The Green Sheep”, but I am writing _________________(write) about
the one in Ebisu, famous for its unique genuine British pub garden.
3. We_____________________________________________________________________are already
planning (already plan)
to visit again, this time for the more luxurious dinner menu.

B: Present Perfect (Simple) and Present Perfect Continuous

1. I have never seen ________________(never see) a film with so many twists in the plot.
2. We have been waiting _________________________________________(wait) nearly twenty years for
another movie featuring Whoopie Goldberg, and it was worth the wait!

C: Past Simple and Past Continuous

1. I was looking forward ______________(look forward to) this sequel due to how much I enjoyed the
original film, but unfortunately it didn’t meet my expectations.
2. I don’t want to give away the plot, but I will say that the ending catched __________________(catch)
me completely by surprise.
3. The band ______________already played ______ (already play) when we arrived _______(arrive), but
we were still instantly bored.
4. This is a Hollywood remake of the classic French comedy Le Cage Aux Folles, which
______________was ______________________________ originally filmed in the 1960s.

D: Past Perfect (Simple) and Past Perfect Continuous

1. I’ve seen most of Roman Polanski’s films, some of them two or three times, but I
___________had never seen ____________________ (never see) Rosemary’s Baby until last year.

E: Future Simple (= future with will) and Future Continuous

1. Although it’s the poshest restaurant in town, you will not regret ________________________(not regret)
paying a premium.
2. I confidently predict that we will be still be talking __________________________________(still talk)
about this brunch this time next year. Ask about any vocabulary above that you don’t understand, e.g.
the words in italics.

4. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in continuous aspect. Make sure
you know the necessary verb tense.

1. Is that the new computer game you ordered? Are you enjoying ______________it? (you enjoy)
2. At 9 o’clock tomorrow, I was sitting ________________on the train. (sit)
3. When I came home, he was sleeping _______________. (sleep)
4. I have to go! She must be waintg _____________for me. (must/ wait)
5. Rob was hiking ________________all day last week. (hike)
6. While she ______was reading_______________, Bill was working________on the computer.
7. In January, I__________________________will be living at my brother’s again. (live)
8. I_________________________ amb crying because I just fell off my bike! (cry)

9. How long _____have he been working________________ there before they fired him? (he work)
10. What have you been doing ________since you graduated? (you do)
11. Who _______were you talking ______________ to when I saw you? (you talk)
12. She _____has been studying ________________ all morning, give her a break! (study)

5. Choose the best alternative from the choices below.

1. Peter isn't here at the moment.

He's working from home today. He
works from home today.

2. The Internet and conference calling have made it unnecessary for some workers to go into the office. Sam is
usually working from home now.
Sam usually works from home now.

Hilke is liking her new job very much.
Hilke likes her new job very much.
It's a challenge and the salary is much better.

The plane is arriving at Narita at seven o'clock in the morning local time. The
plane arrives at Narita at seven o'clock in the morning local time.

5. I looked out of the window and saw...

it was raining so I took an umbrella with me. it
rained so I took an umbrella with me.

6. We agreed the main points of the deal and ...

then we had dinner.
then we were having dinner.

I'm meeting Andy
I meet Andy
...at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

8. This time tomorrow,...

I'll be sitting on a beach in the sunshine! I'll
sit on a beach in the sunshine!

I've been travelling all day
I've travelled all day
...so I'm a bit tired now.

I've been travelling to China
I've travelled to China
...many times in the past.

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