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Summary from “Is the U.S. on Its Way to Becoming a Cashless Society?

” by
Shelle Santana

The United States is indeed experiencing a shift towards digital payments,

with more consumers using credit and debit cards for smaller purchases. The
percentage of cash transactions for daily purchases has decreased in recent
years, and this trend is not confined to major metropolitan areas but is also
observed in smaller markets. The reasons, including marketing efforts from
credit card companies encouraging card usage for day-to-day purchases.
Furthermore, business owners are responding well to this cashless trend to
improve efficiency, reduce wait times, and enhance safety.

However, the decision to go cashless isn't always straightforward, as seen

in contrasting experiences from different businesses. While some businesses,
like ModCup Coffee, find success in going cashless, others, such as Pieces
restaurant and game bar, face challenges and eventually decide to accept cash
to accommodate customer preferences.

To concluded, it's evident that the U.S. is moving towards a "less cash"
society, but a fully cashless society is unlikely in the near future since many
Americans still rely on cash for transactions. Regardless, looking ahead, the
integration of digital payment habits among younger generations could
accelerate the shift towards cashless transactions. However, businesses must
carefully consider their customer preferences and regulatory environments
when making decisions about payment strategies to ensure they don't miss out
on sales opportunities in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Key Finding: Fully cashless society is unlikely

in the near future in U.S

Example from Article:

Pieces restaurant face challenges for limit
into cashless payment only and eventually
decide to accept cash to accommodate
customer preferences.

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