class 12 phys investigatory project

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To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on
the angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled with
different tansparent fluids.

Guided by,Mr.
Submitted by:


The successful completion of any task would be

incomplete without mentioning the names of those persons
who helped to make it possible. I take this opportunity to
express my gratitude in few words and respect to all those
who helped me inthe completion of this project.
It is my humble pleasure to acknowledge my deep
senses of gratitude to my Physics teacher, Mr.Dileep for his
valuable support, constant help and guidance at each and
every stage, without which this project would not have come
I also register my sense of gratitude to our principal,
Mr.Maria Joe Jagadish, for his immense encouragement that
has made this project successful.
I would also like to thank my friends and family for
encouragingme during the course of this project.Last, but not
the least, I would like to thank CBSE for giving us the
opportunity to undertake this project.
INDEX Subtopic

I Cover page 1

II Certificate 2

III Acknowledgement 3

IV Index 4

V Introduction 5-6

VI Aim and Apparatus required 7

VII Theory 8

VIII Procedure 9

IX Observation 10-11

X Conclusion 12

XI Precaution , Sources of errors 13

XII Bibliography 14

In optics,a prism is a transparent optical device that refracts light

and has polished, flat surfaces. The application determines the
precise angles between the surfaces. In everyday language, "prism"
generally refers to the classic geometric shape of a triangular prism,
which has rectangular sides and a triangular base. Certain kinds of
optical prisms aren't really shaped like geometric prisms. Any
substance that is transparent to the wavelengths for which it is
intended can be used to create prisms. Materials such as glass,
plastic, and fluorite are typical. Light may be split out into its
component spectral hues—the colors of the rainbow—using a

Additionally, light may be separated into components with different

polarizations or reflected using prisms.

Prior to Isaac Newton, it was thought that color was formed by the
prism and that white light was colorless. Newton's investigations
showed that "corpuscles," or particles of light, were fanned out and
that all the hues already existed in the light in a heterogeneous
Due to the fact that various colored particles passed through the
prism at different rates. The combination of Huygens' wave
theory and Newton's particle theory by Young and Fresnel only
later demonstrated that color is the wavelength of light's visible
manifestation. Newton came at his conclusion by observing that
the color red remained the same after passing it through a second

This led him to the conclusion that since white light is made up
of a variety of hues, the colors had to be present in the incoming
light beforehand. The triangular prism divides white light into a
group of hues that include violet, red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
and indigo. The spectrum is the group of colors created by the
prism. Dispersion is the term used to describe the division of
white light into its spectrum.

Because every color moves through the prism at a different pace,

dispersion happens. Violet exhibits the greatest amount of
refraction since it passes through the prism the slowest. Red, on
the other hand, is too scarce to be seen because it passes through
more quickly, reducing its angle of refraction.

To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on
the angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled with different
transparent fluids.
Apparatus Required:
 Hollow glass prism
 Various liquids like water, carbon disulphide,
benzaldehyde etc.
 Drawing pins
 Drawing board

A prism is a transparent optical element with flat, polished surfaces

that refract light.Prisms can be made from any material that
istransparent including glass, plastic and fluorite. A prism can be
used to break light up into its constituent spectral colors. Prisms can
also be used to reflect light, or to split light into components with
different polarizations.

The refractive index of the liquid

Is given by the formula:
U=refractive index of the liquid.
a= the angle of minimum
deviation d=angle of prism
i=angle of incidence
r=angle of refraction

 Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board

with help of drawing pins.

 Keep the prism and mark the outline of it as ABC.

 Drop a normal PQ on the side AB.

 Draw the angle of incidence in accordance with the

normal PQ and place 2 pins so that they appear to be
in the straight line.

 Place the prism filled with given sample of liquid

,on the marked outline ABC.

 Now take the pins and place them on the side AC so

that all the 4 pins appear to be in same line.

 Remove the prism and draw the line joining the

points so obtained.

 Mark the diagram as shown in the figure.

 Repeat this with different liquids and different

angle of incidence.
 Benzaldehyde: a º(angle of i º (angle of d º (angle of

prism) incidence) deviation)
1 60 30 45
2 60 35 42
3 60 37.5 40
4 60 39 42
5 60 40 45

= 1.504

 Water: a º(angle of i º (angle of d º (angle of

prism) incidence) deviation)
1 60 30 25
2 60 35 22
3 60 40 20
4 60 45 22
5 60 50 25
6 60 55 28

= 1.306
Dilute Sulphuric Acid: a º(angle of i º (angle of d º (angle of

prism) incidence) deviation)
1 60 20 33
2 60 30 30
3 60 35 25
4 60 40 29
5 60 45 30

U= sin((60+25)/2)/sin(30)
= 1.351
Refractive indices at room temperature:

 Benzaldehyde

o Actual: 1.546
o Experimental: 1.504

 Water

o Actual: 1.33
o Experimental: 1.306

 Dil . Sulphuric acid

o Actual: 1.355
o Experimental: 1.351

From the observations

above, we can analyze that
the angle
of deviation is depending
on the liquid present in the
From the observations above, we can analyze that the angleof deviation
is depending on the liquid present in the prism, the angle of deviation is
different for Benzaldehyde, water and dilute sulphuric We can also see
that the angle of deviation does depend on the angle of incidence, as
when the angle of incidence is changed the angle of deviation also
changes.The theoretical values of all the angle of deviations for all
liquids may vary due to different concentration and different prisms
being used for the experiment. The observations may also be affected
by the physical conditions like humidity and temperature of
o Angle of incidence should lie between 35-60 degree.

o Pins should be vertically fixed and should lie in same


o Distance between two points should not be less than


o Same angle of prism should be used for all observation.

o Arrow head should be marked to represent

emergent and incident ray.


o Pin pricks may be thick.

o Measurement of angles may be wrong.


The following sources were used for the appropriate

information required to complete the project:

1. Comprehensive: Practical Physics Class XII

2. NCERT textbook of class XII
3. Google

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