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___GA212 Turntable Service Service Service Manual PHILIPS AUDIO VIDEO SYSTEMS CORP. AUDIO SERVICE DEPT. ° 31 McKEE DRIVE . MAHWAH, NEW JERSEY 07430 PHILIPS OPERATION 4, Stabileation of the supply vl ‘Tho supply voltage has bocn adjusted to -0 V, Assume that this voltage drops, when, for Instance, the load af the cireatt { Increased, Vin DABS and RA7D the base of T8441 tocor Tess negative in regard to the emltier. This omitiér has bean adjusted to a constant voltage owing t diode Dis? being ad Justed to its noo voltage. ‘As a result ofthe voltage drop, TS{41 will conduct more. Consoquontly, the collector current of T8441 will alto rise. ‘Thus, T8402 wll become more conductive, ‘The circuit is so dimensioned that owing to the fact that TS405 {s more conductive, the emitter collector voltage decreases ‘80 much that the drop in supply voltage ts just compensated, >, Start ofrou 1, Switehing on the maine ‘The eircult is go designed that, when the mains voltage is sswitched on with SKL, the transistors TS426 and TSiS1 conduct tnd the transistors T3428 and T9429 do not exnduct. Conse ‘quently, no voltage ts applied, Transistor TS435 1s conducting So that LAALS (etop) te burning. Note ‘ransistors T5426 and S428 a9 well ae TS421 and TSA20 are bistable multivBrators, 2, Start 88 r.p.m, oF 48 r.p.m. {tthe touch control (38 r.p.m.) 18 touched by a finger, the base of T6402 tg connoctod to earth through tho fingor rosistance of some MR, As a result, T9432 starts conducting. The collector ‘current flows via R550 to tho baso of TS428 so that S428 be- ‘comes conductive and T8426 dove not conduct any more. GBistable multivibrator), Lamp LAO (83 .p.m.) is burning, ‘A postive voltage 1s applted tothe collectors of TS438 and ‘ia R568, As a result, the speed control 33 r.p.m. La evitchod tnd the motor runs af a speed of 33 r-p.m. ‘Tho start 45 rp.m. happene inthe same way aa the start 88 r-pum, from the postion "stop Switching over from 83 ¥.p-m 10 49 p.m, and vice veres alvaye hes to take place via "Sop". Switching over directly trom 39 t.p.m., to 45 x.pam. 1s prevented aa follows Tie totam is runing at espe of 33 x.y. Tho etlctor of TSI28 ts connected to earth, Tho omitier of TSASS a con- ‘ected to the collector via HSSS. This impliew that TSts can ‘ever become conductive aa long as T3426 fe conducting. Ik {ouch control 48 r-pam. 1s now ewitchod on, nothing happens. ‘To prevent T9128 and T8429 from bocoming conductive at the tame time, they have been eut off as follows, Exanple: IPTBIEE conducts, T9426 doos not conduct (stable multe braton. Vie Di46'a current ows tote base of Tst0), Conce- uently, TStat fe beng hot conduttve co that 79429 cannot Secome contuctive- ©. Stop elzeutte 1, "Stop" with toweh contro! ‘Assume that the apparatus is running in position 38 r.p.m. So ‘T5426 Is conductive, Ihe "stop" touch control is operated by a fingor, the base of ‘T5494 1s comected to earth owing to the flnger resistance, and ‘T5494 ctarta conducting, The collector cutrett of T8434 flows to the base of TSize via RSs? and R530, TS426 then starte con- Avcting, whereas TS128 does aot conduct (stable multiibrator). [No curvent flows to the mater, and therefore it will not Tun, 2, "Stop" with LDR, the stylus moving inte lead- out grgove of a tecord Assume the apparatus ts running at a spoed of $8 r.p.m. ‘When the stylus of the P.U. bead is moving inwards and ts about @5 ram from the middle of the turatabl, the film on bracket 98 exposes R404 less strongly. Consequently, the esistance of the LDR ts inereased ani the voltage also viscs. ‘After one revolution of th turatablo the stylus has moved oe ‘roove inwards; the LDR is thea exposed lesa strongly, which Tesults ina voltego increase of AF volts per revolution of fhe turntable, This increase of 4 volts aleo available across the series clreuit C726 ~ RB - RAGE (apparatus in postion 88 r.p.m,), The RC time of these companeats has beeu so chosen that the increase fn voltage per revolution ofthe turntable can Just flow off So nothing happene, However, when the stylus of the P.U, head moves into the lead {m groove of the record, the inoreaae in voltage across the IEDR (240d) per revolution ofthe turntable ie mach larger then AE volte (Mote: The lead of the leadout groove is much larger then that rmuste groove.) This larger increase in voltage cannot ‘low off completely within tho samo time so that part of ts voltage will become available boswoen’the base and the emiter of T8127. This transistor {e driven into conduction, andy con SSoquently, the base of T9126 becomes more nogative through [RSQO, T8426 starts conducting. T8428 dove not conduct any more Qistable multivibrator), The motor then stops, because than bo voltage 1s applied to it, TS435 now also starts conducting. TAdL4 ('Stop") ts burning agatn. 4, Control ofthe speed The apparatus azo oqupped with stacho-controlled motor. ‘Thexefore, wm AC voltage generar has bon coupled 9 the shaft of tho Bc mater: tis goneretor Slivers 8 speed-cependent voltage. operatto When the speed of the motor decreases owing to an increasing load, tho voltage dalivered tothe tacho generator also decrease ‘Tals voltage a rectified and cavcoe the base voltage of TSI08 ‘to docroaso aloo, As a result, the transistor becomes less Conductive. The gollector current also becomes less conductive, snd the voltage across RS79 has become love high. Owing to this voltage drop the base of TSi38 becomes more positive, feauslng the collector current to increase. ‘The emitter current of TSI20 alao increases; this current is also the base current of T8440. Tho collector cursent of TSH4O flso increases and 1s then algo the current for the motor, ‘Tho epeed Increases. Note: The transistors TS438 - TSi99 - TS440 form a DC amplifier. = C720 and C729 are anti-interferencecapettor, 1 Bisa, Biot ane DISS are Used for tabling in temperature, 1 C9'sorvos to mnont che sppla onthe taco volagee 1 Gao and bo sorve fo nart te motor gulch. 2 Gin ised to prove generating, 1 Bie and Des cut off TH488 fnpostion 39 3/9 oF 45 p.m. lcero one SPEED CONTROLS, tone 255 sToP_circuit cet s@ ae “ya ree was Cae an MC rand] Besso sath Loaoe ésron -ony START_cIRCUIT by ov gy t Kew as ~ “ if 210% 250v polyester # #B -20/rs0% S000. pinup Dawe GQ eu » eG sur BR rsannaes OD ses.arc0se8209 19820 PPOP POO ie, -78V] ey - er -8.9V bE -8.4) lc Qv| | ¢}-0.26 ct -0.26V brown pigcie }TACHO GENERATOR yeyo™ } MoTOR 1 br -0.23V b+ -0.65V 5 th aay br -8.9V b--8.9V | ch -8.9V cl -006sy cl ch BV ct -83V : -_—— _——— - —————— - ————— - 1353D Electrical Parts List 4822 145 90097 T8405 AD162 4822 130 40213 LA41geLAd11 6V- 005A "4822 134 40003} 4822 262 20007 TS4314T S426 BC158B 4822 130 40477 LAL A+LA4I4 63V-01A 4822 134 40005 “F 4822 276 10513 78427478430 BC149C 4822 130 40216 R404 LDR 4822 116 10001 4822 272 10083 T94284TS4294T S435 BC308A 4822 130 40891 R465 4 R467 4.7 ko 4822 101 10026 4822 361 60187 7843247 S433 BCL48C 4822 130 40361 R468 1ke 4822 101 10018 BA2I7 4822 130 30703 78434+TS436 +TS439 © BC148B 4822 130 40318 R470 470 9 4822 101 10063 oaa7 4822 130 30284 78440 BC338 4822 130 40892 R47 2,2 4822 101 10023 BY164 4822 130 30414 Ts441 ACI27 4822 180 40096 RATE Like 4822 101 10005 oFis6 4822 130 30265 C730 47 uF - 40V 482.124 20374 BZX19/CTV5 4822 130 30066 C734 470 uF - 25 V 4822 124 20406 a ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 1. a ——— n regard flag ths vokage by 2, REDE and sS' tw abpardion mont have the conrect isl tne apood by setting RUG 2nd Sata to msa-pottion toto adjust the correct speed by Tens of RAGD and heck with the strbosconte dts on the turntable mat oF feat record 483 297 20000, 3. Tn Sloarance btwoen the film onthe scanser abd RAD4 {Cba) mnt tren 8s ‘Raju tte clearance a» dllowe taut Serew Even bradiet S17 and move scaner 98, Then felghen racket Si 4. We ie arene othe Par support andthe epparatsa Inia postion "py the voltage aorons 4 (LDN) at be Sin8 tbe wap eltan muse ben n= oe pum. alt by toring Rast on eee, head and to mle of tm. {able ary 68 mm ape he voltage aro RaOe (LDR) rouse wes eoe ‘The supply voltage must then be -9 V (aee Rais 1), ‘ust eo fllowe. {noon socuing grew 22 on bracat 12. ISS i ee a honoring sve. record witha lead of La mim or loss le flayed, be {iparstun mst nt vito of Sere the 8108 Sd fe ‘Mlle af he torneo are fd tn spar Bestdoasvhon a record witha lead of 1.8m or mo Payot ihe apparatus must rite of when te rae and themida oPtortabie are £0'mm or Leen apa Cock with font record 1822 397 30015 att wo apes. Adjust by turning R466 (33 r.p.m.) or R467 (45 r.p.m.) Voltages ‘The voltages stated in the wiring dlagram and circuit diagram have beon measured tn the rest postion (position "Stop"). In the Tist below these voltages and the voltages measured in the playing position (33 1/3 rpm.) are stated ‘All voltages have been measured tn regard tothe collector of, ‘T8405 (= chasate). eee ceace <<< TH ve Ts4s3 Ve Tes Ye Tei Ve Tei Ve 385 T8435 Ve re16 Ve Tsi6 Ve tsa Ve Teas Ve Teas Vo Teo Ve Teas Ve 40 Ve To Ve Ts Vb Tea Ve Output Circuit List of mechanteal parts (player) 88 4822 691 30031 4822 505 10464 9 4822 413 10003 ooo Soe thos 92 4822 413 10094 Ee EEe eS fea % ses Sons 4822 502 50108 4822 530 60083 44822 502 10081, 4822 530 70125 4822 530 70121, 14822 530 70043, 4822 502 11112 4822 502 11051, 4822 530 70123 4822 502 11083 4822 502 11004 4822 530 80075 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 1, Mount gearwheel 75 and guide bracket 95, sane 502 t0ess 2. i the playing position with the P.U, stylus onthe record, ‘e22 532 Loans the clearance between the upperside of lit 7 ant the 4822 502 10896 lower side of PU, arm 60 must be about 0.9 mr, {taza 530 soove ‘Adjust ths cloarance by bending fag Hof brace 85. a 4gz2 os2 sosT8 3. When Pt. atm 89 has boon raised by If 71, the cle . en P.U. arm 89 has been ralsod by lif 71, the clesrance Saveoies02 (60 He) 4022 466 50068 between the sulus tip ofthe PU, heed and the tarmtable 3 ene 4s0 s1aas tat inet bo # mms a ‘ene son 10184 ‘ajo thi Clearance by turning set screw 21. Ssis2vso 4822 448 90169 — C— 7-80 yen 2 ssz2 290 soant Repalr hint a {bez aot sorts 1, The motor pulley, the belt and th deve dise must be 58 4922 499 nore completely free of grease, s $822 26 0910" oe cohol or opt, to an2 41 coiaT= an wth aleshol epi a1 43522 905 polos & S82 10 Soot os ena 462 tosis ei ‘ana fez gone & ‘ena cet soos e sete 520 1ozat or ‘ene 270 10512 os ez2 528 10276 8 deze os8 soise to ‘bee ace cones n fszz 40a ase 2 ‘aaa aez conse 3 ane 525 goisr Pt fate sez 1087 is {ane 622 sits) s 4bze 400 20050 " ‘302 421 cones 1 4822 520 10208 i fuze 921 gored oo 522 doz roses a {ez2 $58 goss & {szz 411 soos 83 222 525 90504 a ‘822 40 40308 5 ‘802 40a 00008 56 ‘sea toe coast ot ‘buz 255 10007 rosa + See Addendum for Mark 11 MARK I List of mechanical parts (cabinet) Maik T 1 4822 505 10325 83 zz 417 10515 5 2 4822 502 11168 5¢ 4822 521 10074 * 3 4822 802 11083 55 4822 272 10003, 4 4822 502 10591 56 4822 268 40067 8 eee bse 20811 31 4822 265 20089, 6 4822 532 10332 7 4822 530 s0082 58 4822 444 40059" 8 4822 502 10974 58 4822 444 50189 8 4822 502 30084 60 4822 454 30179 10 4822 502 10695, a 4aa ana eoone 3 4822 444 goz12* 2 4822 462 40245 52 4822 417 10281 - 4522 264 40026 (plug) * See Addendum for Mark 11 -7- MARK II ADDENDUM 1, Part Number Changes to Mechanical Parts List — Cabinet Cabinet On model 22GA212/66Z starting with production week AHO3-435 the following changes are effected (produc- tion label is located under the turnplatter): a. Item No. 58 4822 459 40345 AC switch mount b. Item No. 59 4822 276 10519 AC switch c. Item No. 60 4822 361 60261 Motor w/flange 2. Hinges, Cabinet, Mains Lead Transparent cover (51) has been replaced by a transparent cover part number 4822 444 20159. New Friction hinges are used and consist of the following: a, Pin (63) — 4822 417 10543 b. Clamping block (64) — 4822 417 10545 ce, Clamping plate (65) 4822 417 10544 d. Screws (11) M4 x 25 — 4822 502 10695 The separate mains lead (54) has been replaced by a fixed lead. The connecting block for the lead and the preamplifier has been replaced by connecting block 4822 290 60198. Cabinet (58) has been modified because of the friction hinges and mains lead. The new code number is 4822 444 40068. 4822 444 40068.

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