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Here's a detailed questionnaire for Ashewa to understand their current ecosystem and gather information to create

a digital strategy.

Detailed Questionnaire for Ashewa

1. Present Ecosystem - Listing to Delivery

How do you manage the product listing process on your website?
Describe the order processing workflow from order receipt to delivery.
What logistics and delivery partners do you work with?
What is the average delivery time for orders within Addis Ababa vs. other regions in Ethiopia?
Do you have any automated systems in place for inventory management and order tracking?

2. Transaction Numbers vs. Targets

What is the total number of transactions made on your platform in the last month/quarter?
What are your transaction targets for the next quarter and year?
What is the average rate of transactions per customer?
What is the average ticket size (value) per transaction?

3. Customer Base vs. Targets and Rate of Onboarding

How many active customers do you currently have?
What are your targets for customer acquisition for the next quarter and year?
What is the current rate of customer onboarding per month?
What methods are you using to onboard new customers?

4. Vendor Base vs. Target and Rate of Onboarding

How many active vendors are currently selling on your platform?
What are your targets for vendor acquisition for the next quarter and year?
What is the current rate of vendor onboarding per month?
What methods are you using to onboard new vendors?

5. Customer Acquisition Channels

How many customers are acquired from Google?
How many customers are acquired from Instagram?
How many customers are acquired from Facebook?
How many customers are acquired through referrals?

6. Vendor & Customer Onboarding Traffic from Digital and Non-Digital Channels
What percentage of your vendor onboarding comes from digital channels (e.g., website, social media)?
What percentage of your vendor onboarding comes from non-digital channels (e.g., direct sales, events)?
What percentage of your customer onboarding comes from digital channels?
What percentage of your customer onboarding comes from non-digital channels?

7. Present Digital Activities for Promotion and Budget

What digital marketing activities are you currently engaged in (e.g., SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email
What is the average monthly budget allocated to each digital marketing channel?
How do you measure the success of these digital activities?
8. Customer/Vendor Distribution in Addis Ababa vs. Rest of Ethiopia
How many of your customers are based in Addis Ababa?
How many of your customers are from other regions in Ethiopia?
How many of your vendors are based in Addis Ababa?
How many of your vendors are from other regions in Ethiopia?

9. Customers/Vendors from Outside Ethiopia

How many of your customers are from outside Ethiopia?
How many of your vendors are from outside Ethiopia?

10. Targets for Ethiopia and Rest of Africa

What are your customer and vendor acquisition targets for Ethiopia for the next quarter and year?
What are your customer and vendor acquisition targets for other African countries for the next quarter and year?
What strategies do you have in place to achieve these targets?

11. SEO Activities and Budget

What SEO activities are you currently undertaking?
Which keywords are currently driving the most traffic to your website?
What is the monthly budget allocated for SEO activities?

12. Instagram Posts/Ads and Budget

How many Instagram posts do you make per day/week?
How many Instagram ads do you run per day/week?
What is the monthly budget for Instagram marketing?

13. Facebook Posts/Ads and Budget

How many Facebook posts do you make per day/week?
How many Facebook ads do you run per day/week?
What is the monthly budget for Facebook marketing?

14. Content Types for Social Media

What type of content do you post on social media (e.g., static images, videos)?
What is the ratio of static images to videos in your social media posts?
Which type of content has been more effective in driving engagement and conversions?

Additional Information
What are the primary challenges you face in customer and vendor acquisition?
Are there any specific goals or KPIs you are focused on achieving in the next quarter?
Ashewa Response
Additional Queries for Ashewa
Business Model and Value Proposition
What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?
What differentiates your platform from competitors in the market?
What are the core products or services that drive the most sales?
How do you define your target market?

Financial Metrics and Funding

What are your revenue and profit margins for the last quarter?
Do you have any external funding or investment? If yes, how much and from whom?
What are your financial goals for the next quarter and year?

Technology and Platform

What technology stack is your website built on?
Do you have a mobile app? If yes, what percentage of traffic comes from the app versus the website?
Are there any planned upgrades or new features for your platform in the near future?

Customer Experience and Support

How do you handle customer service inquiries and complaints?
What is your average response time for customer queries?
Do you have a return policy? If so, what is it?
How do you collect and utilize customer feedback?

Marketing and Branding

What are your primary marketing channels?
How do you currently measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns?
Do you have any brand ambassadors or spokespersons?
What is your brand’s tone and messaging strategy?

Partnerships and Collaborations

Do you have any strategic partnerships or collaborations with other businesses?
How do these partnerships benefit your business?
Are there any potential partnerships you are exploring?

Supply Chain and Inventory Management

How do you manage your supply chain and inventory?
Do you face any challenges in inventory management or supplier relationships?
What systems or software do you use for inventory management?

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Are there any specific legal or regulatory requirements you must adhere to?
Have you faced any legal challenges in the past? If yes, how were they resolved?
Do you have measures in place to ensure data privacy and protection for your customers?
Growth and Expansion Plans
What are your short-term and long-term growth strategies?
Are you planning to expand into new markets or regions?
What are the biggest challenges you anticipate in achieving your growth targets?

Customer Retention and Loyalty Programs

Do you have a loyalty program for repeat customers? If yes, how does it work?
What strategies do you use to retain customers and encourage repeat purchases?
How do you measure customer satisfaction and retention rates?

Market Position and Competitiveness

Who are your main competitors in the market?
How do you position yourself against these competitors?
What market share do you currently hold in your niche?

Employee and Team Structure

How many employees do you have, and what are their roles?
Do you have dedicated teams for marketing, customer service, and technology?
How do you ensure your team stays motivated and aligned with your business goals?

Environmental and Social Responsibility

Do you have any sustainability initiatives in place?
How do you ensure ethical practices in your supply chain?
Are there any community or social projects you support?

Feedback and Improvement

How do you gather feedback from vendors and customers?
What are the most common feedback points you receive?
How do you implement changes based on this feedback?

Specific Questions for Target Markets:

What are your key marketing messages for customers in Addis Ababa versus the rest of Ethiopia?
Are there any cultural or regional preferences you cater to in different markets?
How do you plan to adapt your strategies for expansion into other African countries?

Innovations and Trends

Are there any industry trends that you are currently leveraging or planning to leverage?
How do you stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in the Ecommerce industry?
Ashewa Response

the website?

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