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1. Every rational number is
(a) a natural number (b) an integer (c) a real number (d) a whole number
2. The decimal representation of a rational number cannot be.
(a) terminating (b) non-terminating
(c) non-terminating repeating (d) non-terminating non-repeating
3. The product of any two irrational number is
(a) Always on irrational number (b) always a rational number
(c) always an integers (d) sometimes rational sometimes irrational

4. The representation of 1. in the from is

(a) (b) (c) (d) none of these

5. An irrational number between and is

(a) (b) (c) (d) none of these

6. The value of is.
(a) 60 (b) 3600 (c) 216000 (d) 503

7. Which of the following is not equal to

(a) (b) (c) (d)

8. The equation x = 7, in two variables x and y, can be written as.
(a) 1.x + 1.y = 7 (b) 1.x + 0.y = 7 (c) 0.x + 1.y = 7(d) 0.x + 0.y = 7
9. The graph of the linear equation 4x – 3y – 12 = 0 cuts x-axis at point.
(a) (3, 0) (b) (– 3, 0) (c) (4, 0) (d) (–4, 0)
10. If (4, 19) is a solution of the equation y= ax + 3, then a =
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
11. If x > 0 and y < 0, the point (x, – y) lies in
(a) I quadrant (b) II quadrant (c) III quadrant (d) IV quadrant
12. If {(27)2/3 – (81)1/2}x = 0, then which at the following cannot be the value of x ?

(a) –1 (b) 1 (c) (d) 2

13. If 30625, then x =
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1


14. Find the value of

15. Solve for x.

16. Simplify
17. Simplify
18. Show that x = 3 and y = 2 is a solution at the linear equation 2x + 3y = 12

19. Draw the graph of the lines x–y = 1 and 2x + y = 8 shade the area formed by these two lines and the y-axis. Also, find
the area.
20. Insert 16 rational number between 2.1 and 2.2.

21. Simplify
22. Locate 3.895 on the number line.
23. Find the value of a and b.

24. If x = 2 – find the value of

25. Simplify
26. Find the value of

27. , then x =
Case Study based
28. Aarushi and Avni arc playing with match-sticks by making different geometrical and other figures. Avni kept
one match-stick horizontally and then two match-sticks vertically as own m Figure ! ; and then asks Aarushi to
join the open ends of horizontally and vertically placed strings by a thread. Avani sister Mira comes and ask them
to find the length of the thread if each matchstick is of unit length.

Aarushi replies that the length of the thread can be found by using Pythagoras Theorem and it is equal to

units using your knowledge about numbers, answer the following questions.
(i) is
(a)a rational number (b) an irrational number (c) an integer (d) a whole number
(ii)The decimal representation of an irrational number is
(a)terminating (b) non-terminating recurring (c) non-terminating non-recurring (d) not possible

(iii) The decimal representation of a rational number cannot be

(a) terminating (b) non- terminating non-terminating repeating (d)non-terminating non- repeating

(iv) the sum of any two irrational numbers is

(a) always an irrational number (b) always rational number
(c) always an integer (d) sometime rational number and sometime irrational

Chap 4 Linear Equation in two variables (in Project file)
Writing Skills
1. Make a collage on A3 sheet or chart paper . Use powerful cutouts/slogans/quotes/sayings from newspaper or
magazine .Minimum use of poster colours and sketch pens. Use any ONE of the socially relevant theme :
a) Save girl child/stop female foeticide

b) Save the environment

c) Protect endangered species

d) Technological developments

e) Educate the girl child

2. Write 2 specimens of each with their format of all the below mentioned type of letters:

a) Informal letter : To friend and family

b) Letter to editor

c) Letter to place order

d) Letter to Inquiry

e) Complaint letter

Grammar Section

1. Make chart on any of the 2 topic

a) Determiners

b) Tenses

c) Modals

d) Subject-Verb concord
1. कबीरदास जी के जीवन परिचय का सचित्र वर्णन कीजिए I
2. " सोशल मीडिया का दैनिक जीवन पर पड़ता प्रभाव " विषय पर 100 से 150 शब्दों का एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए I

SCIENCE (Physics)
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is an example of a rectilinear motion?
a) Motion of a car on a straight road b) Motion of a satellite around the Earth
c) Motion of a spinning top d) Motion of a wave on a string.
2. What is the unit of speed in the SI system?
a) m/s b) km/h c) cm/s d) mm/s
Short Answer Questions
1. Define displacement and give an example.
2. What is the difference between speed and velocity?
Long Answer Questions
1. Describe the concept of uniform motion and give an example.
2. Explain the concept of acceleration and give an example.
Fill in the Blanks

1. The distance traveled by an object in a given time is called ___________.

2. The speed of an object is calculated by dividing the distance by the __________.
3. The direction of motion is specified by the direction of the _______.
4. An object moving with a constant velocity has a constant ________.
5. The acceleration of an object is measured in units of _________ per second squared.Chap 4 Linear Equation in two
variables (in Project file)
m *Very short questions*
1. Who discovered the cell.
2. Name the phenomena by which reasons placed in water swell up
3. What is tonoplast
4. What is full form of ATP.
*Short questions*
5. Differentiate between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
6. Explain the structure and functioning of Golgi apparatus.
7. Plasma membrane is permeable to water, how does a cell show and endosmosis and Exosmosis.
*Long answers questions*
8. Give an illustrate account of nucleus
9. Describe with a diagram the fluid mosaic organisation of the plasma membrane
10. Write main differences between Plant and Animal cell.
Very short questions::

1)What is mean by diffusion? explain given an example

2)Why are light and sound are not considered as matter?
3)Why are liquids and gases called fluids?

Short type questions::

1)Explain intern conversion of three states of matter with the help of flow chart.

2)Define( i) latent of fusion ( ii) latent of vaporisation

3)Give reasons

i) Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid.

ii) A gas expert pressure on the balls of the container.

LONG Type Questions::

Q1)Define terms
a) Rigidity b) Compressibility c) Density
Q2 Give reasons::
i)Why do gases diffuse very fast?
ii) Why do sandy soils ,get heated up quickly as compared to wet soil?
iii ) How can we liquify a gas ?

Q3) Define terms ::

i) Freezing ii) Melting iii)Evaporation iv) Condensation v)Sublimation

Q4) Write five properties of each solids , liquids,gases?

Topic: Disaster Management
Project should cover following topics:

, 1. Acknowledgement
2. Certificate
3. Index
4. Introduction
5. What is Disaster?
6. Types of Disaster Natural/ manmade
7. Explain any five types of natural disaster
8.Factors responsible for Vulnerability
9.Plans to prevent and Mitigate the effects of natural calamity

*It should be hand written (In project file)
* It should be of 15 to 20 pages
*Paste coloured pictures on left hand side

COMPUTER (Information Technology)*

Make a project file by performing the following activities in *OpenOffice Writer*:-
1. Write a paragraph and do the formatting given in Unit -3 ' Digital Documentation (Part B)'.
2. Write a two days leave application to the principal and do the necessary formatting.

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