Chris Hughton - Counter Attacking Masterclass - The Coaching Manual

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Chris Hughton - Counter Attacking Masterclass: Possession

Written by The Coaching Manual
Set Up
18 mins 16 players 1 ball 16 bibs 18 cones 45x30 area
Set up the area as seen above in the image.

When in possession, the attacking team (Blues in the image) must

play in only 2 thirds of the field (the left and the middle third). To
score a goal, the team in possession must complete 10 passes.

The defensive team must have at least one player in the opposite
third at all times (Red player in the third to the right), creating a
8v7 situation in favour of the team in possession.

Upon winning the team (Red team), they must look to pass to the
free player in the third as early and as quickly as possible,
creating a counter-attacking moment. Once this has been
achieved, the now defending team (Blues) must leave one player
in the third, creating another 8v7 possession exercise in the two

Work for 4 minutes with a 2-minute rest, 3 times.

Key Coaching Points

Pressing and Staying Compact
When defending, the team must stay compact and look to the press at the correct moments and with good support behind the first
player pressing the ball.
Counter Attack
Upon winning the ball, players need to think, look, and play forward as early as possible and pass the ball to the furthest player
forward. If they cannot play to the furthest player forward, then look to play to another player forward who has space and good
When counter-attacking, players need to support behind, to the side, and ahead of the ball to maintain the attack and move forward
quickly, replicating a game-like situation.

Practice Animation
Chris Hughton - Counter Attacking Masterclass: Skill Practice
Written by The Coaching Manual
Set Up
22 mins 21 players 8 balls 16 bibs 18 cones 64x60 area
Set up the area as seen above in the image.

In the area (40x20) in the middle, play a 7v7+1 possession


When in possession of the ball, the attacking team (Reds in the

image) looks to complete 6 passes. Once they have completed
the passes, or on the sixth, they can pass to the Strikers (Green).
Once they have passed to one of the Strikers, one attacker can
join in to create a 3v2 situation to the goal.

If the defending team (Blues) wins the ball, they can look to pass
to the Strikers within 2 passes. An attacker can join in creating
another 3v2 situation. If they are unsuccessful in playing into the
Strikers within 2 passes, they must complete the 6 passes before
attacking again, with the roles changing for the teams.

Work for 6 minutes with a 2-minute rest, 3 times.

Key Coaching Points

Pressing and Staying Compact
When defending, the team must stay compact and look to the press at the correct moments and with good support behind the first
player pressing the ball.
Counter-Attack and Support
Upon winning the ball, players need to think, look, and play forward as early as possible and pass the ball to the Strikers with quality
passes. Also, players need to support behind, to the side, and ahead of the ball to maintain the attack and move forward quickly.
When counter attacking, players need to create 2v1 situations and have good movement to support the player in possession. The
movements need to draw the opposition out of position.

Practice Animation

When attacking the goal, 2 attackers can join the attack as well as 1 defender recovering, creating a 4v3 situation.

Practice Animation
Chris Hughton - Counter Attacking Masterclass: Conditioned
Written by The Coaching Manual
Set Up
30 mins 22 players 6 balls 22 bibs 6 cones 75x60 area
Set up the area as seen above in the image, with a small zone
next to the halfway line.

Set up the teams in a 4-4-2 (4-4-1-1), or applicable to your

formation and oppositions formation.

The defending team (Blue) has two lines of 4, defenders and

midfielders, with the Blue #10 locked in the small zone next to the
halfway line and the Blue #9 locked in the opposition half.

When defending, Blue #9 and #10 cannot leave these areas but
can slide across to defend.

Upon winning the ball, the team must look to play as quickly as
they can to Blue #9 or #10 to counter-attack.

The attacking team (Red) can play freely.

Normal game rules apply, however, there are no corner kicks. If the ball goes out of play for a corner or goal kick it starts with the
Attacking Goalkeeper, Red.

Key Coaching Points

Pressing and Staying Compact
When defending, the team must stay compact and look to the press at the correct moments and with good support behind the first
player pressing the ball.
Counter-Attack and Support
Upon winning the ball, players need to think, look, and play forward as early as possible and pass the ball to the #9 or #10 with
quality passes. Also, players need to support behind, to the side, and ahead of the ball to maintain the attack and move forward
When counter attacking, players need to have good movement to support the player in possession. The movements need to draw
the opposition out of position.

Practice Animation

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