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Perkembangan Feedlot

di Australia
Mulyoto Pangestu
Education Program in Reproduction and Development
Monash University - Australia

25 Juni 2020

Webinar Fakultas Peternakan

Universitas Wijaya Kusuma - Purwokerto
Feedlot di Australia
• Merupakan industry
• Menyumbang 4.4 billion AUD atau setara dengan 0.34% dari GDP
• Sebanyak 1.03 juta ekor sapi diberi pakan dalam feedlot.
• Menyediakan 31.000 pekerjaan fulltime (40 jam/minggu) di segala
jenis profesi.
• Profesi yang terlibat dalam feedlot
• Farmhand, Teknisi mesin dan listrik, Pengemudi truk,
Accountant, Nutrisionis, Dokter hewan,
Klimatologis/Hidrologis, Sanitasi, Marketing dan
• Sebagian besar sudah menggunakan mekanisasi dan padat modal.
Karakteristik Feedlot di Australia
• Daerah Tropis: Northern Territory, Northern Queensland, Northern
Western Australia, Central Australia
• Kebutuhan ekspor ternak hidup
• Kebutuhan domestic
• Sapi Brahman Cross atau turunan Bos indicus, Wagyu
• Daerah Sub-Tropis: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia,
Western Australia
• Kebutuhan ekspor daging
• Kebutuhan domestic
• Sapi Hereford, Angus atau turunan Bos Taurus, Wagyu
Feedlot bangunan dan kostruksi
• Setiap ekor sapi membutuhkan area 15 m2 (12-20 m2).
• Umumnya berupa kandang terbuka tanpa atap.
• Dibagi menjadi beberapa area
• Kandang terbuka di batasi pagar, termasuk kendang isolasi,
tempat menimbang badan
• Gudang pakan
• Pompa dan tanki air atau telaga.
• Sistem drainase
• Jalan
• Penampungan limbah
• Garasi
• Kantor
• Tempat tinggal pegawai
• Setiap Fedlot dipersiapkan untuk menampung 500 atau lebih sapi.
Pakan yang diberikan
• Hijauan
• Hay atau silase (dan rumput)
• Biji-bijian dan tambahan
• Barley, Wheat dan Oats
• Lupins
• Sorghum
• Biji kapas
• Molasses
• Vitamin dan mineral
• Bungkil (oil cake)

Sapi dapat diberi makan bijian sampai 2,5 % dari

berat badan.
Starter Diets
Day Roughage Grain plus additives
Starter diets
1 28.0% 72.0%
2 25.5% 74.5%
3 25.0% 75.0%
Finisher diets
4 20.0% 80.0%
• Normal feedlot diets contain about 4% additives (which are
premixed), 10% roughage and 86% grain.
• Vegetable protein meals may replace some of the grain in the
case of low protein grains, especially for young cattle.
• Molasses can replace some of the grain, which improves the
palatability of the diet and reduces dust.
Pertambahan berat badan harian
• Pertambahan berat badan harian (ADG) merupakan salah satu
target yang harus dicapai dalam usaha Feedlot.
“Grain vs Grass”
• Grain-fed beef is
prized for its fat, its
consistency, and its
smooth texture.
Because their diet is
not as intensively
• Grass-fed animals
produce a more
complex and
nuanced flavor
profile, and
the meat is leaner
and less intensively
“Grain vs Grass”
• Dikendalikan oleh permintaan konsumen
Grainfed meat comes from animals
which are fed grass for most of
their lives and then transition to
grain-based diets for the remainder
of their lives. The number of days
during which they are fed a grain-
based diet varies.

Grassfed meat comes from animals that

have only grazed on grass. They feed on a
range of different types of grasses,
depending on climate and region
Organic meat
• Organic meat refers to the principles used to produce, process and
retail meat products. Organic meat is raised without synthetic
pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics. How the animals
are cared for throughout their life (how they live, what they eat), and
leading up to their death matters too.
• Organic animals must have access to pastures/paddocks with
plenty of space to move around and exhibit their natural behaviours
including scratching around in the dirt and playing in their social
groups. This is often referred to as free-range, pasture raised, or
paddock raised (although these terms mean slightly different things,
they’re often used interchangeably).
• Organic livestock must be pasture fed (e.g. eat the grasses in the
paddocks) or fed on seed/grain that is also (certified) organic (e.g.
grown without pesticides and herbicides and is grown
environmentally consciously).
The animals must have access to clean and safe drinking water

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