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MERN Full Stack Development

Topics Theory Hours Practical Hours Total Hours

Front-End Development
1 React.js 5 10 15
2 TypeScript 3 7 10
3 Redux 3 7 10
4 Context API & Hooks 3 5 8
5 Tailwind CSS 2 5 7
6 Sass 2 4 6
Back-End Development
7 Node.js 4 9 13
8 Express.js 4 8 12
9 MongoDB 3 7 10
10 Mongoose 3 6 9
API Design and Management
11 RESTful Services 3 6 9
12 GraphQL 3 7 10
DevOps and Deployment
13 Docker 3 6 9
14 Jenkins/GitHub Actions 3 4 7
15 AWS/Azure/Google Cloud 3 5 8
16 Jest 2 4 6
17 Cypress 2 4 6
Total 56 124 180

Technology Topics Theory Hours

Practical HoursTotal Hours
Core Concepts
1 AWS Fundamentals 5 10 15
2 Identity and Access Management (IAM) 4 8 12
3 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 4 8 12
4 EC2 Instances 4 8 12
5 Lambda Functions 3 7 10
6 Elastic Beanstalk 3 6 9
7 S3 Buckets 3 7 10
8 EBS Volumes 2 5 7
9 Glacier 2 5 7
10 RDS 3 7 10
11 DynamoDB 3 7 10
12 Route 53 3 6 9
13 CloudFront 3 6 9
14 Security Groups 3 6 9
15 KMS and Encryption 3 6 9
Monitoring and Logging
16 CloudWatch 3 6 9
17 CloudTrail 2 5 7
18 CodeCommit 2 5 7
19 CodeBuild 2 5 7
20 CodeDeploy 2 5 7
21 CodePipeline 2 5 7
AI and Machine Learning
22 SageMaker 3 6 9
23 Rekognition 2 5 7
24 Comprehend 2 5 7
Total 70 150 220
Cyber Security

Cyber Security
Technology Topics Theory Hours Practical HoursTotal Hours
1 Cybersecurity Fundamentals 6 12 18
2 Networking Basics 5 10 15
3 Cryptography 5 10 15
Security Management
4 Risk Management 4 8 12
5 Security Policies and Procedures 4 8 12
6 Incident Response 5 10 15
Network Security
7 Firewalls and VPNs 5 10 15
8 Intrusion Detection Systems 4 8 12
9 Wireless Security 4 8 12
Application Security
10 Secure Coding Practices 5 10 15
11 Web Application Security 5 10 15
12 Mobile Security 4 8 12
Operational Security
13 Physical Security 4 8 12
14 Social Engineering Prevention 4 8 12
15 Security Awareness Training 4 8 12
Data Security
16 Data Loss Prevention 4 8 12
17 Database Security 5 10 15
18 Cloud Security 5 10 15
Ethical Hacking
19 Penetration Testing 6 12 18
20 Vulnerability Assessment 5 10 15
21 Exploit Development 5 10 15
Compliance and Legal
22 Legal and Regulatory Compliance 4 8 12
23 Security Standards (ISO, NIST, etc.) 4 8 12
24 Privacy and Data Protection 4 8 12
Total 100 140 240
Python Full Stack

Python Full Stack

Technology Topics Theory Hours Practical HoursTotal Hours
Front-End Development
1 HTML/CSS Basics 6 12 18
2 JavaScript Fundamentals 6 12 18
3 React.js 6 12 18
4 Responsive Design 5 10 15
5 Bootstrap/Tailwind CSS 5 10 15
Back-End Development
6 Python Basics 6 12 18
7 Advanced Python 5 10 15
8 Django Framework 6 12 18
9 Flask Framework 5 10 15
10 RESTful APIs 5 10 15
Database Management
11 SQL and Databases 5 10 15
12 PostgreSQL 5 10 15
13 MongoDB 5 10 15
DevOps and Deployment
14 Version Control (Git/GitHub) 5 10 15
15 Docker 5 10 15
16 CI/CD Pipelines (Jenkins/GitHub Actions) 5 10 15
17 Cloud Deployment (AWS/Azure/GCP) 5 10 15
18 Unit Testing with Python 5 10 15
19 Selenium for Web Testing 5 10 15
20 Web Security Fundamentals 5 10 15
21 Secure Coding Practices 5 10 15
Project Work
22 Capstone Project 5 20 25
Total 122 158 280
JAVA Full Stack

Technology Topics Theory Hours Practical Hours Total Hours

Front-End Development
1 HTML/CSS Basics 6 12 18
2 JavaScript Fundamentals 6 12 18
3 React.js 6 12 18
4 Responsive Design 5 10 15
5 Bootstrap/Tailwind CSS 5 10 15
Back-End Development
6 Java Basics 6 12 18
7 Advanced Java 5 10 15
8 Spring Framework 6 12 18
9 Spring Boot 6 12 18
10 RESTful APIs with Spring Boot 5 10 15
Database Management
11 SQL and Databases 5 10 15
12 MySQL/PostgreSQL 5 10 15
13 MongoDB 5 10 15
DevOps and Deployment
14 Version Control (Git/GitHub) 5 10 15
15 Docker 5 10 15
16 CI/CD Pipelines (Jenkins/GitHub Actions) 5 10 15
17 Cloud Deployment (AWS/Azure/GCP) 5 10 15
18 Unit Testing with JUnit 5 10 15
19 Integration Testing with Spring Boot 5 10 15
20 Web Security Fundamentals 5 10 15
21 Secure Coding Practices 5 10 15
Project Work
22 Capstone Project 5 20 25
Total 122 158 280
Ethical Hacking

Technology Topics Theory Hours Practical Hours Total Hours

1 Introduction to Ethical Hacking 4 8 12
2 Networking Fundamentals 5 10 15
3 Cryptography Basics 5 10 15
4 Footprinting and Reconnaissance 4 8 12
5 Scanning Networks 5 10 15
System Hacking
6 Enumeration 4 8 12
7 Vulnerability Analysis 5 10 15
8 System Hacking Techniques 5 10 15
Network Security
9 Snif ng and Spoo ng 4 8 12
10 Social Engineering 4 8 12
11 Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) 4 8 12
Web Application Security
12 SQL Injection 5 10 15
13 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 4 8 12
14 Web Application Vulnerabilities 5 10 15
Wireless Security
15 Wireless Network Security 4 8 12
16 Bluetooth and Mobile Device Hacking 4 8 12
Penetration Testing
17 Planning and Scoping 5 10 15
18 Conducting Penetration Tests 5 10 15
19 Post-Exploitation Techniques 4 8 12
Malware Analysis
20 Types of Malware 4 8 12
21 Malware Analysis Techniques 4 8 12
Defensive Techniques
22 Incident Response and Handling 5 10 15
23 Secure Network Architecture 5 10 15
Project Work
24 Capstone Project 5 15 20
Total 105 95 200
MEAN Full Stack

Technology Topics Theory Hours Practical HoursTotal Hours
Front-End Development
1 HTML/CSS Basics 5 10 15
2 JavaScript Fundamentals 6 12 18
3 Angular Basics 6 12 18
4 Advanced Angular 6 12 18
5 Responsive Design 5 10 15
Back-End Development
6 Node.js Basics 6 12 18
7 Advanced Node.js 5 10 15
8 Express.js Fundamentals 6 12 18
9 Advanced Express.js 5 10 15
10 RESTful APIs 5 10 15
Database Management
11 MongoDB Basics 6 12 18
12 Advanced MongoDB 5 10 15
Full Stack Development
13 Integrating Front-End and Back-End 6 12 18
14 Full Stack Application Development 5 10 15
DevOps and Deployment
15 Version Control (Git/GitHub) 5 10 15
16 Docker 5 10 15
17 CI/CD Pipelines (Jenkins/GitHub Actions) 5 10 15
18 Cloud Deployment (AWS/Azure/GCP) 5 10 15
19 Unit Testing with Jasmine/Karma 5 10 15
20 End-to-End Testing with Protractor 5 10 15
21 Web Security Fundamentals 5 10 15
22 Secure Coding Practices 5 10 15
Project Work
23 Capstone Project 5 15 20
Total 122 108 230
Data Science

Data Science
Technology Topics Theory Hours
Practical HoursTotal Hours
1 Introduction to Data Science 4 8 12
2 Python for Data Science 6 12 18
3 R for Data Science 6 12 18
Data Handling
4 Data Wrangling with Pandas 6 12 18
5 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing 5 10 15
6 SQL for Data Science 5 10 15
Data Visualization
7 Data Visualization with Matplotlib 5 10 15
8 Data Visualization with Seaborn 5 10 15
9 Interactive Visualizations with Plotly 5 10 15
Statistics and Probability
10 Descriptive Statistics 5 10 15
11 Inferential Statistics 5 10 15
12 Probability Theory 5 10 15
Machine Learning
13 Introduction to Machine Learning 6 12 18
14 Supervised Learning 6 12 18
15 Unsupervised Learning 6 12 18
16 Model Evaluation and Selection 5 10 15
Deep Learning
17 Introduction to Deep Learning 5 10 15
18 Neural Networks and TensorFlow 6 12 18
Big Data
19 Introduction to Big Data 5 10 15
20 Hadoop and Spark 6 12 18
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
21 NLP Fundamentals 5 10 15
22 Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis 5 10 15
Capstone Project
23 Capstone Project 5 15 20
Total 122 118 240

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