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Application of alkalis, polyelectrolytes, and

nanoparticles for reducing adsorption loss of novel
anionic surfactant in carbonate rocks at high salinity
and temperature conditions

Alexandra Scerbacova, Anastasia Ivanova, Pavel

Grishin, Alexey Cheremisin, Elena Tokareva, Ivan
Tkachev, Georgy Sansiev, Gennady Fedorchenko,
Igor Afanasiev

PII: S0927-7757(22)01751-4
Reference: COLSUA129996

To appear in: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering

Received 13 June 2022
Revised date: 10 August 2022
Accepted 16 August 2022
Please cite this article as: Alexandra Scerbacova, Anastasia Ivanova, Pavel
Grishin, Alexey Cheremisin, Elena Tokareva, Ivan Tkachev, Georgy Sansiev,
Gennady Fedorchenko and Igor Afanasiev, Application of alkalis,
polyelectrolytes, and nanoparticles for reducing adsorption loss of novel anionic
surfactant in carbonate rocks at high salinity and temperature conditions, Colloids
and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2022)
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Application of alkalis, polyelectrolytes, and nanoparticles for reducing adsorption loss of
novel anionic surfactant in carbonate rocks at high salinity and temperature conditions
Alexandra Scerbacovaa,d1, Anastasia Ivanovaa*1, Pavel Grishina, Alexey Cheremisina
Elena Tokarevab, Ivan Tkachevb, Georgy Sansievc, Gennady Fedorchenkoc, Igor Afanasievc
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 121205, Moscow, Russia
Vniineft', 127422, Moscow, Russia
Zarubezhneft, 101000, Moscow, Russia
Curtin University, 6845, Perth, WA, Australia

*Corresponding author.

Surfactant and alkaline/surfactant/polymer (ASP) flooding are commonly used chemical
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. However, they are traditionally carried out in sandstone

reservoirs and not in carbonates due to high adsorption of surfactant onto carbonate rock and,
therefore, economic expenses. One of the strategies to reduce surfactant adsorption is the
application of adsorption inhibitors. Therefore, this work evaluates the performance of a novel
nonionic-anionic surfactant composition designed for a carbonate field with high temperature (70
°C) and salinity (201 g/L). The study focuses on the adsorption behaviour of surfactant onto the
rock surface through a static adsorption test using high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) and interfacial tension (IFT) measurements for surfactant concentrations determination.
The adsorption data obtained were analyzed with equilibrium models (Langmuir, Freundlich). In

order to find the chemicals able to decrease the adsorption loss, a list of alkalis, polyelectrolytes,
and nanoparticles was tested for compatibility and thermal stability, pH and interfacial

performance in mixture with the surfactant. Then, the effectiveness of agents that passed the

screening criteria was examined. It was found that the selected adsorption inhibitors decreased
the adsorption significantly and reached a value lower by one order of magnitude in comparison
with the surfactant. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that compares the

effectiveness of all types of adsorption inhibitors that are mainly applied in EOR, namely alkalis,
polyelectrolytes, and nanoparticles. The outcomes of this study contribute to the future design of
surfactant flooding in carbonates even in harsh reservoir conditions.

Graphical abstract

These authors contributed equally

enhanced oil recovery, surfactant flooding, carbonate reservoir, adsorption, alkalis,
polyelectrolytes, nanoparticles
1. Introduction

Owing to the gradual decline in oil production from conventional reservoirs, it is crucially

important to develop and apply different enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. One of the
promising EOR techniques is chemical flooding, which includes injection of surfactant, polymer

and alkali or combinations thereof [1,2]. Surfactant flooding technology is one of the most

studied and widespread EOR that has been considered effective for increasing the oil recovery
efficiency [3]. This stems from the ability of surfactants to reduce the oil-water interfacial
tension (IFT) and shift rock wettability towards more water-wet, which makes oil moving more

freely through the porous network. As a result, the displacement efficiency increases with
residual oil saturation decrease [4–7].However, surfactant flooding is challenging under harsh
reservoir conditions, namely high temperatures (from 70°C to 120°C) and brine salinities (up to
200 g/L) [8,9]. The two main issues are the poor stability of chemicals and the high adsorption of
surfactants onto the rock surface. These factors have led to the development of new chemical
formulations that can perform even in the complicated conditions [10–13].
The leading cause of reduced surfactant flooding efficiency and economic performance is the
loss of surfactants in the reservoir. Depending on the mechanism, it can be divided into
precipitation, phase trapping, and adsorption. Surfactant adsorption on rock is influenced by
many factors, such as oil saturation, rock mineralogical composition, reservoir temperature, brine
salinity, presence of divalent metal cations, and surfactant chemical structure [12,14–17].

Adsorption can be considered as the distribution of the adsorbate between the interface and
the bulk solution, and this process can occur if the interface is energetically more attractive to the
surfactant molecules than the bulk. The adsorption process is driven by covalent bonding,
electrostatic attraction, hydrogen bonding, formation of molecular associates, solvation, and
desolvation [18]. Total adsorption is usually the combined result of all or several of these forces
[19]. The adsorption can be roughly divided into physical and chemical depending on the
interactions involved. Electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, and interactions between
hydrophobic sites/radicals cause physical adsorption. It is a weak and reversible process,
characterized by a high velocity of a process and the formation of multilayers [20]. The
formation of covalent bonds leads to irreversible chemical adsorption, causing significant energy

changes. It is characterized by low adsorption rates and the formation of monolayers [20,21].

Notably, in a system where the surfactants and the rock surface are charged, electrostatic
interactions will play a leading role in adsorption.
The carbonate rocks are known to be predominantly oil-wet or mix-wet due to adsorbed

surface-active oil components such as resins, asphaltenes, or carboxylic acids [22–24]. The
surface charge of calcite is related to the reservoir brine pH and zero point of charge (ZPC) that
determines the excessive species on the surface [25]. The surface is negatively charged above
ZPC, and positive below ZPC that varies in the range between 8 and 9.5 for calcite [26]. As it
was accepted that brine pH in carbonates is below ZPC, the calcite surface charge is inclined to
be positive [26,27]. Thus, both hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions can occur between the
adsorbed polar oil components and the injected surfactants. In the case of hydrophilic
interactions, ionic pairs are formed among the surfactant "heads" and the polar components of

the oil [28]. In hydrophobic interactions, intermolecular bonds are formed between the "tail" of
the surfactant molecule and the adsorbed oil components [23].

The loss of anionic surfactant due to adsorption is a critical issue of surfactant EOR in
carbonate reservoirs. Thus, several strategies have been proposed to reduce surfactant adsorption

on the rock. For instance, using cationic surfactants (they adsorb much less than anionic
surfactants due to similar charge), reducing salinity of injection fluid (using a pre-flush), and

adding adsorption inhibitors to the surfactant composition [12]. The main idea of applying the
surfactant adsorption inhibitors is to make the charge of surface more negative by changing pH
(alkalis), thus leading to electrostatic repulsion between surfactants and carbonate surface.
Furthermore, some alkalis can react with acidic components in crude oil, forming in situ
surfactant at the oil/brine interface, contributing to IFT reduction. Moreover, additives, such as,
polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles serve as “sacrificial agents” by adsorbing on reservoir rocks
instead of surfactants, and thus filling the adsorption sites [29–32].
It is interesting to point out that alkalis such as sodium hydroxide NaOH and sodium
carbonate Na2CO3 are the most applied in sandstone reservoirs, showing promising results [1,2].
However, the main limitation of using alkalis in carbonate reservoirs is high salinity of reservoir
brine and the presence of divalent ions such as calcium and magnesium that can consume
hydroxide ion and form insoluble calcium and magnesium hydroxides [20].

In this work, we studied surfactant properties at salinity ~201 g/L with high divalent cations
concentrations and temperature - 70°C in accordance with the real field carbonate reservoir
conditions. Therefore, considering the limitations in using sodium hydroxide and sodium
carbonate, the alternative alkalis should be investigated.
More recently, sodium metaborate NaBO2 was proposed as an alternative to traditional alkalis
[33,34]. It is a chelating agent and forms complexes with calcium and magnesium ions, raising
the surfactant compatibility threshold with divalent cations [35]. According to Sharma et al.,
NaBO2 maintains pH in alkaline range with almost no permeability loss and maintains the
adsorption level of an anionic surfactant onto carbonate rock of approximately 0.2 mg/g-rock
[36]. Sodium tetraborate Na2B4O7 was suggested as a less expensive alternative to sodium

metaborate [37–39]. Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH has also been considered a component of

ASP or AS flood formulations [11,15,16]. Sodium silicate Na2SiO3 was also used as an
alternative to alkali in various surfactant flooding scenarios [43] and showed promising results.
In addition to inorganic alkalis, the use of organic ones such as sodium polyaspartate (sodium

salt of polyaspartic acid) is possible. Its tolerance to mineralized water is higher than sodium
carbonate, hydroxide, and metaborate. Sodium polyaspartate can be used in brines comprising
Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ ions [44]. Another organic alkali is ethanolamine C2H7NO [19,20].
The introduction of ethanolamine to surfactant composition leads to a further reduction in
interfacial tension at the boundary with the oil and an oil recovery factor increase [32].
Polyelectrolytes can be also applied as “sacrificial agents” for adsorption reduction of anionic
surfactants in carbonate reservoirs. Generally, they should possess the same charge as surfactant
molecules and demonstrate the ability to adsorb more actively onto the rock surface than anionic

surfactants. This mechanism is called "competitive adsorption". When electrolytes with high
molecular weight are preferably adsorbed on rock and create a negatively charged layer,

electrostatic repulsion occurs between the solid surface and surfactants [29,30,47].
ShamsiJazeyi et al. [29,30,47] evaluated a list of sodium polyacrylates with different

molecular weights. According to the obtained results, polyacrylates' molecular weight and
concentration play a key role in the competitive adsorption process. Increasing the polyacrylate

mass increases its efficiency, but only up to a mass value of 4500 Da. At this mass and above,
the desorption of molecules from the rock surface is almost impossible. Thus, the recommended
molecular weight of sodium polyacrylate is 4500 Da. Moreover, surfactant showed no effect on
the adsorption of polyacrylate, and the amount of surfactant adsorbed can be decreased by almost
an order of magnitude in its presence.
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) is another polyelectrolyte that decreases surfactant
adsorption onto the rock surface. The performance of PSS as a "sacrificial" agent has been
studied under high salinity conditions over 300 g/L. Its effectiveness depends on PSS molecular
weight, and it must be above 20 kDa. The application of PSS can reduce adsorption by five times
Recently, nanoparticles, such as SiO2, CaCO3, TiO2, ZrO2 and Al2O3, have been regarded as
promising “sacrificial agents” for adsorption reduction of surfactants in oil reservoirs [49–52].

As such, nanoparticles are of great interest for application in surfactant flooding due to their
unique properties and economic availability. Kesarwani et al [51] has shown that addition of
colloidal SiO2 to 2500 ppm anionic surfactant solution (sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS)) caused
the reduction of surfactant adsorption onto sandstone surface up to 61%. The authors explained
this phenomenon by formation of hydrogen bonds between hydrophilic head of surfactant
molecules and hydroxyl groups of nanoparticles. As such, less free surfactant molecules are
presented in the aqueous solution. The same results were obtained in the work Wu et al [53],
where addition of 0.5 wt.% SiO2 nanoparticles to 1 wt.% SDS solution led to 40% decrease of
adsorption value onto sandstone. In the work of Yekeen et al [50] authors have found that
addition of 1000 mg/l of ZrO2 and SiO2 to anionic surfactant solution (sodium

dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SBDS)) resulted in more than 50% reduction in amount of surfactant

molecules adsorbed. Authors explained that the prominent role in this effect played competitive
adsorption between nanoparticles and surfactants. Furthermore, the same effect was observed for
carbonate rocks. Authors [54] reported that addition of 2000 ppm of hydrophilic silica

nanoparticles to SDS solution led to 33% decrease in SDS adsorption amount onto carbonate
surfaces. Authors illustrated that the adsorption mechanism when nanoparticles are added is
driven by electrostatic interactions between surfactant molecules and nanoparticles, as well as by
their competitive adsorption. Although, many studies have been published about nanoparticles
influence on surfactant adsorption, there is a lack of knowledge regarding their performance at
real reservoir conditions, such as high temperatures (> 50 °C) and complex salinities (> 100 g/l).
Therefore, in this work we aimed to cover this gap, and thus investigate the effect of different
adsorption inhibitors, including nanoparticles, on adsorption behavior of nonionic-anionic

surfactant onto carbonate reservoir rocks. Notably that nanoparticles have been also regarded as
potential wettability modifiers [95].

In this work, the authors focused on the adsorption behaviour of a novel nonionic-anionic
surfactant composition designed for a carbonate reservoir with harsh conditions (70°C, 201 g/L).

Oil and rock samples were obtained from a natural carbonate reservoir. As the adsorption loss of
surfactant in carbonates is crucial, a list of alternative adsorption inhibitors has been studied,

including alkalis, polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles. The stable compositions that passed the
screening criteria of 14-days thermal stability were selected for further research. The pH and oil-
water interfacial behaviour studies were performed, followed by an adsorption evaluation. The
adsorption pattern of the surfactant composition was obtained as a result of a static adsorption
test onto a crushed rock. The adsorption isotherm was fitted to equilibrium models (Langmuir,
Freundlich and Temkin) to describe the behaviour of surfactant in contact with the rock. Further,
the effectiveness of the selected chemical in reducing adsorption was examined. Findings
reported in the present study contribute to the surfactant flooding design in carbonate reservoirs.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Chemicals

An anionic-nonionic surfactant blend based on alkoxylated fatty alcohol (alkyl ether
carboxylate) with 43.1 wt.% active matter content was used. This composition is effective in a
narrow range of conditions, i.e., fixed salinity and temperature interval of 68 ÷ 72°C. This
surfactant has been shown as a promising chemical to be used in high salinities and temperature
carbonate reservoirs [55]. Inorganic salts sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium
chloride, and sodium sulfate of chemical grade were used for model brine preparation in
accordance with the field data. The total salinity of brine is 201 g/L, and its composition is
shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Composition of model brine

Salt Mass, g/L

NaCl 159.26

CaCl2 32.08

MgCl2 9.41

Na2SO4 e- 0.94

Total salinity: 201.7

A list of chemicals that were tested in this work is shown in Table 2. Their main properties
are also specified. All chemicals in this study were used as received without further purification.

Table 2– Brief characteristic of tested “sacrificial agents”


Chemical Structure Appearance Manufacturer Reference


metaborate NaBO2·4H2O White crystals Sigma Aldrich [44,56]
tetrahydrate (MB)

Inorganic tetraborate Na2B4O7·10H2O White powder Sigma Aldrich [36]
alkali decahydrate (TB)

Ammonium Clear liquid with a

NH4OH Chimmed [40,41]
hydroxide characteristic odor

Sodium silicate Na2SiO3 White granules Chimmed [43]

Clear liquid with a

Organic alkali Ethanolamine C2H7NO Chimmed [45,46]
characteristic odor

Polyelectrolyte (C8H7SO3Na)n Yellow powder Sigma Aldrich [48]
sulfonate (70

polyacrylate Clear, viscous liquid SNF
(Flosperse 1000)
polyacrylate Clear, viscous liquid SNF
(Flosperse 3000)

Sodium [-CH2-CH(COONa)-
Yellow to brown
polyacrylate ]n modified with BASF -
viscous liquid
Alcomer DP 1 hydrolyzed protein

Hydrophilic White powder (12

SiO2 Evonic [66]
silicon dioxide nm)


Calcium White powder (15-40 Skyspring
CaCO3 -
carbonate nm) Nanomaterials

Crude oil from a carbonate field was used for IFT measurements. Its density is 0.85 g/mL at
70°C and ambient pressure. The oil was dehydrated before starting the experiments, and water
content was less than 0.3 wt.%. e-
Natural carbonate core samples (99.8% of calcite with the small inclusions of quartz) from the
oilfield were used for adsorption studies. The rock was treated prior to use in the static
adsorption experiment. First, it was crushed to a 1-4 mm fraction with a mill. Then extracted
with chloroform in Dean-Stark apparatus for 7 days and dried in the oven until constant mass at
105°C. After, the rock obtained was powdered to fine particles with diameter 250 μm. For the
zeta potential measurements, the particles size was less than 140 μm.

2.2 Nanoparticles - surfactant formulations preparation


Six concentrations of SiO2 and CaCO3 nanoparticles were tested – 0.001 wt.%, 0.005 wt.%,
0.01 wt.%, 0.02 wt.%, 0.04 wt.% and 0.05 wt.%. The dispersions of surfactant and nanoparticles
were prepared as follows: at the beginning, the nanoparticles were dispersed in a solution of 1

wt.% surfactant for 3 minutes using a Bandelin Sonopuls homogenizer to reduce the
polydispersity of the particles. After that, NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and Na2SO4 salts were added to
the dispersion so that the final salts concentrations reached the formation water (Table 1).
Further, the prepared solution was again dispersed for 3 minutes by a homogenizer. For the
thermal stability test, the solutions were placed in an oven for 14 days at 70°C. Precipitation was
assessed by visual inspection – solutions free of sediment were further sampled for pH and
interfacial tension measurements.

2.2. Rock characterization

The elemental analysis of a core sample was performed with a portable X-ray fluorescence
spectrometer Olympus Vanta C [57]. It was found that the calcium is a predominant element,

which is consisted with the field data. The specific surface area of a crushed rock sample was
characterized with Micromeritics ASAP 2020. It was determined through nitrogen physisorption
according to Brunauer−Emmett−Teller (BET) method [58], and the value was calculated – 0.52
The zeta potential of carbonate rock fine particles with a diameter of 140 μm was determined
using Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS. The measurements were performed in synthetic brine and
1 wt.% surfactant dissolved in brine. First, 0.1 g of rock powder was placed into a glass vial, and
10 g of the solution was added. Then the system was homogenized with a sonicator for 5
minutes. Next, the U-shaped capillary cell DTS1070 was filled with 1 ml of the suspension and
equilibrated for 3 minutes at 25°C. Each measurement was performed with 2 runs and 100 sub

runs [59].

2.3. Compatibility and thermal stability test

The compatibility of selected sacrificial agents with brine and surfactant was performed in
two stages. The first batch of adsorption inhibitors was prepared based on model brine. The
second batch was prepared based on surfactant dissolved in brine. The surfactant concentration
was fixed in all compositions and equal to 1 wt.% (higher that CMC) while the concentrations of
adsorption inhibitors varied.
To prepare a synthetic brine, each salt was dissolved in deionized water separately (to
dissolve Na2SO4, we used a UV bath) and then mixed in a flask. A specified amount of surfactant
was dissolved in brine with a magnetic stirrer for at least 2 hours to make homogeneous

surfactant solutions. Adsorption inhibitors were dissolved in brine or surfactant solution with a
magnetic stirrer, only nanoparticles, sodium metaborate and sodium tetrahydrate with ultrasound.

The surfactant may oxidize at the high reservoir temperature and lose its stability and activity.
Thus, oxygen control is critical in laboratory experiments, and it is required to reproduce

anaerobic reservoir conditions. The surfactant solutions were prepared following the modified
methodology described by Belhaj et al. [60] and Zulkifli et al. [61]. First, all glass flasks and

vials were "washed" with nitrogen before work. Then, synthetic brine was purged with nitrogen
for at least 1 hour to remove the dissolved oxygen. This brine was used in surfactant solutions
preparation. Further, each solution was also treated with nitrogen for at least 10 minutes and
nitrogen "cap" was created.
Then all compositions were placed in a thermostat preheated to 70°С. The heating continued
for 14 days, the solutions were periodically evaluated visually, and changes were noted.

2.4. pH measurements

pH measurements were performed with a Mettler Toledo Seven Compact Duo S213 unit at
room temperature 23°C. The pH-meter was calibrated before each series of measurements using

calibration standards 4.01, 7.00, and 9.21 supplied by the manufacturer. Each measurement was
repeated three times, and then the arithmetic mean was calculated.

2.5. Interfacial tension

The interfacial tension (IFT) between crude oil and aqueous surfactant solutions was
measured in dynamic mode at 70°C with a Kruss Spinning Drop Tensiometer. A small drop of
oil (light hydrocarbon phase) was placed into a volume of aqueous solution in a glass capillary.
The rotation launched, and after the target temperature was achieved (70°C), the measurement
started [62,63]. Densities of oil and water phases were measured under appropriate temperatures

with density meter Mettler Toledo D4 Excellence. All measurements were conducted until the

IFT reached a plateau, and the final value was calculated as the arithmetic mean in this region

2.6. Static adsorption test

The static adsorption of surfactant on the rock was determined by measuring its equilibrium
concentration in an aqueous solution after contact with crushed rock using high-performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC). The experiment consisted of three parts: calibration curve set,
adsorption isotherm, and evaluation of sacrificial agents’ performance.
To obtain a calibration curve, solutions with the following surfactant concentrations were
prepared: 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 wt.%. The post-CMC range of concentrations was

considered in this work, as it is of interest in the following experiments and pilot tests. After the
analysis, the characteristic chromatographic peaks were determined, and a calibration curve in
the coordinates "Peak area (mV) – Surfactant concentration (wt.%)" was plotted (shown in

Supplementary material). A quadratic function with R2 = 0.9997 was obtained.


Then, the adsorption test was performed with the following surfactant concentrations: 0.1,
0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 wt.%. For adsorption experiments 3 g of crushed rock (mrock) and 9 g of

solution (msurf) were placed into a 20 mL glass vial, purged with nitrogen and put in a heat
chamber to achieve the adsorption-desorption equilibrium for 24 hours at 70°С [67–70].The
solutions were periodically shaken manually to update the contact area of the surfactant with the
rock. After 24 hours expired, the solutions were centrifuged for 20 minutes at 2500 rpm to
remove rock particles. Then the supernatant was filtered through a PTFE syringe filter, placed
into a 2 mL vial and analyzed with HPLC. Knowing the surfactant concentrations in the solution
before (C0) and after (Ceq) contact with the rock, the adsorption value (Г) was determined using
the formula below, Eq. (1):


After the adsorption isotherm was obtained, the compositions with selected stable sacrificial
agents were prepared. The surfactant concentration was fixed (1 wt.%), and the concentrations of
additives varied. The procedure of the adsorption test was the same as described previously.
It should be noted that surfactant dispersions with nanoparticles were unable to measure by
HPLC owing to the limitations of the apparatus. Therefore, in this work, we measured the
adsorption value by using IFT data of such dispersions before and after contact with the core
samples. The procedure of static adsorption test was the same as for tests with other adsorption
inhibitors, and thus the adsorption value was calculated by Eq. 1.
In this method, the unknown concentration after contact with rock was determined by IFT
value, which corresponded to a particular surfactant concentration. For this purpose, we have

measured IFT of all dispersions with nanoparticles after static adsorption test. Each dispersion

was measured three times at 70°C (see section 2.5) and standard deviation was calculated.

2.7. Surfactant concentration determination with HPLC

The surfactant concentration in the water phase after the contact with rock was determined
with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using Shimadzu Nexera XR. The unit
was equipped with an evaporative light scattering detector ELSD-LT II and Thermo Scientific
Acclaim Surfactant Plus column. The column temperature was 35°C, the evaporative
temperature in the detector was 50°C. Mobile phase A was ammonium acetate, and mobile phase
B was acetonitrile. The flow rate was 0.6 mL/min. The injection volume of the sample was 20
μL. Each measurement was repeated twice to obtain more accurate results [67,71,72].

The surfactant was detected between 16 and 33 minutes, fully analyzed within the
measurement time range. The sacrificial agents were identified to have a different yield time and
had no affect the shape of the surfactant peak, hence didn’t influence the analysis of its

concentration, and additional calibration curves were not required. The obtained chromatograms

were analyzed, the static adsorption was calculated, and the inhibition efficiency was evaluated.
Examples of brine, surfactant, sodium metaborate tetrahydrate and Alcomer DP 1 peaks are

shown in Supplementary Material.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Compatibility and thermal stability tests of surfactants with different adsorption

The compatibility of surfactant and artificial brine (Table 1) and stability of adsorption
inhibitors were tested at reservoir temperature - 70°C. The concentration of surfactant in all
experiments was 1 wt.%. The samples were visually assessed after 1, 7, and 14 days of heating in
the following way: C – clear, O – opalescent, T – turbid, P – precipitation, S – stratification. The
detailed results of the stability test are given in Supplementary material (day 14 with surfactant).

The concentrations of sodium metaborate tetrahydrate (MB) and sodium tetraborate
decahydrate (TB) were 0.05 wt.%, 0.1 wt.%, 0.2 wt.%, 0.3 wt.%, 0.5 wt.% and 1 wt.% due to
limited solubility of these alkalis in the synthetic brine with salinity 201 g/L. The solutions of
MB with low concentrations 0.05 wt.% and 0.1 wt.% were clear. In the range of concentrations
from 0.2 wt.% to 0.5 wt.% a light opalescence was observed, and precipitation was noticed in
1 wt.% solution after 14 days of heating. Thus, MB was selected as one of the potential
surfactant adsorption inhibitors in the range of concentrations from 0.05 to 0.5 wt.%. Our results
support the previous findings regarding sodium metaborate high salinity tolerance. Sharma et al.
[36] described the effectiveness of sodium metaborate and its tolerance towards 1604 ppm of
Ca2+ ions. Flaaten et al. [73] reported that sodium metaborate demonstrated tolerance towards
6000 ppm Ca2+ and Mg2+ hardness ions.

In the solutions of TB precipitations were observed in almost all solutions except 0.05 wt.%,
which was turbid. As it was reported previously [37,73], monomeric borate ion (B(OH)4-) which
is produced by the hydrolysis of sodium metaborate is the most stable form at high pH. This

finding was proved by the stability results obtained in the present work.
Another seven sacrificial agents were considered in a wider concentration scale: 0.05 wt.%,
0.1 wt.%, 0.25 wt.%, 0.5 wt.%, 0.75 wt.%, 1 wt.%, 1.5 wt.% and 2 wt.%. Ammonium hydroxide
and sodium silicate precipitated in a whole range of concentrations; a similar situation was
noticed for ethanolamine, and all these chemicals were eliminated from the screening program.
Although sodium polystyrene sulfonate was compatible with brine, it showed opalescence in the
surfactant composition, and thus was excluded. Two sodium polyacrylates of the Flosperse series
showed similar behavior: gel-like sediment was observed in vials with the solutions when the

concentrations were higher than 0.1 wt.%. This result is not in agreement with findings reported
by He et al. [74]. The authors demonstrated that polyelectrolytes could not only decrease

surfactant adsorption, but also perform as scale inhibitors. However, the type of polyelectrolytes
was not specified. Alcomer DP 1 was clear in each solution, and thus showed the best salinity

and temperature resistance. As a result of the bottle test, two chemicals with different
mechanisms of action were selected for the next stage of study: polyacrylate Alcomer DP 1 and

alkali sodium metaborate tetrahydrate.

The stability of varied dispersions of 1 wt.% surfactant with 0.001 wt.%, 0.005 wt.%, 0.01
wt.%, 0.02 wt.%, 0.04 wt.% and 0.05 wt.% SiO2 and CaCO3 nanoparticles in brine were tested at
70°C. The procedure was the same as described above. As such, thermal stability of dispersions
was visually inspected after preparation, and after 7 and 14 days. The results showed that for
both types of nanoparticles at 0.04 wt.% and 0.05 wt.% concentrations precipitation occurred.
The dispersions with nanoparticles concentrations of 0.01 wt.%, 0.02 wt.% and 0.04 wt.% were
opalescent. Interestingly that the dispersion with 0.005 wt.% and 0.01 wt.% SiO2 were also
opalescent while with CaCO3 were clear for the 14 days. Therefore, for further adsorption studies
concentrations of 0.001 wt.%, 0.005 wt.% and 0.01 wt.% for CaCO3 and only one concentration
of 0.001 wt.% SiO2 were selected.

3.2. pH measurements and zeta potential

Zeta potential values of carbonate rock fine particles with a diameter <140 μm were measured
in synthetic brine and surfactant solution. As shown in Table 3, zeta potential in brine is positive
with a low value (+4.01 ÷ +5.55 mV) that is typical for carbonate rock in high salinity water. Our
results are similar to ones reported by Mahani et al. [73]: the zeta potential was about +5 mV in a
formation brine with mineralization 180 g/L and pH about 6. Zeta potential was positive in a
wide pH range and increased with the pH growth [73].
When the surfactant was present in the solution, the zeta potential became negative with a
higher value of -11.4 ÷ -13.3 mV. These results indicated that anionic surfactant molecules

adsorbed on positively charged calcite surface and created a negative surface charge by

carboxylic and hydroxyl groups [52,74].
It is worth noting that during the measurements, the instrument showed results with a
significant error due to the high mineralization of the water and its high conductivity. When

attempting to measure formulations with adsorption inhibitors, the values were close to 0, and
there was a high noise level, i.e., the results were not reliable.
Table 3 – Zeta potential values of carbonate rock in the water phase
Surfactant solution 1 wt.%
Zeta potential Synthetic brine
in brine

Measurement 1 +4,01 mV -13,3 mV


Measurement 2 +5,55 mV -11,4 mV


Average +4.78 mV -12.35 mV


pH 5.27 5.1

The pH values were measured for concentrations selected in the previous stage of the study:
sodium polyacrylate Alcomer DP 1, sodium metaborate tetrahydrate and SiO2 and CaCO3
nanoparticles. The measurements were performed on 1, 7, and 14th days of heating; the results
are shown in Figure 1.
The addition of sodium metaborate in an amount higher than 0.05 wt.% keeps the pH of the
solutions in the alkaline range (pH is about 8.2, Figure 1a) and prevents it from dropping back to
its original level. It creates a negative charge on the rock surface and can lead to the repulsion of
anionic surfactants that preferably adsorb onto positively charged minerals. Although the pH
values of the surfactant compositions with MB are below recommended (more than 9) [36,75],
MB effectiveness as an adsorption inhibitor was tested. The higher concentrations of sodium
metaborate and the application of more strong alkalis are limited due to stability issues.

A wider range of polyacrylate Alcomer DP 1 concentrations was studied in pH measurements.
The values are in slightly acidic range close to the neutral one from 5 to 6.7 (Figure 1b). Alcomer
DP 1 is not an alkali, and thus does not maintain the alkaline pH, performing as a more active
adsorbate in the competitive adsorption process. In contrast to sodium metaborate alkali, the pH
values of surfactant compositions with Alcomer DP 1 decreased over time, which may stemmed
from gradual oxidation of the surfactant despite the removal of oxygen.
The pH values were also measured for the selected stable dispersions of 1 wt.% surfactant
with 0.001 wt.% of SiO2 and 0.001 wt.%, 0.005 wt.% and 0.01 wt.% CaCO3 nanoparticles. The
results are presented in Fig.1c,d. As it can be seen in Fig.1c,d the pH decreased over time for
each type and concentrations of nanoparticles. It also can be noticed that the range of pH values
corresponded to solutions with sodium metaborate and Alcomer DP 1 and equaled to 5 to 7

(Figure 1c,d). Nanoparticles showed insignificant effect on pH values of surfactant solution
illustrating that pH reduction rather stemmed from surfactant oxidation with time than upon
addition of nanoparticles.

n al

Figure 1 – pH values of sodium metaborate tetrahydrate (a), Alcomer DP 1 (b), CaCO3 (c)
and SiO2 (d) in 1 wt.% surfactant solution in brine

3.3. Interfacial tension measurements

The initial interfacial tension between brine and oil without surfactant at a reservoir
temperature of 70°C was measured – 20.98 ± 2.98 mN/m. Then, IFT values were measured with
the range of surfactant concentrations from 0.005 to 1 wt.% in order to determine the CMC value
and the concentration of optimum interfacial activity [76]. Solutions were prepared in artificial
brine (Table 1), and the temperature of each experiment was 70°C. As shown in Figure 2a, a
typical “L-shaped” IFT profile was earned in the coordinates “IFT (mN/m) – Surfactant
concentration (wt.%)” [77]. The IFT sharply decreases in the pre-CMC region, reaches CMC,
and then slightly reduces in the post-CMC region. The experimental CMC value was determined
as 0.025 wt.% with the IFT value of 0.155 ± 0.006 mN/m, and the minimum IFT was found to be

at 1 wt.% surfactant concentration and is 0.032 ± 0.0054 mN/m. According to Liu et al. [65] and
Rosen [78], with the increase of surfactant concentration, more surfactant molecules adsorb at
the oil-water boundary and replace the solvent molecules, thus reducing the interfacial tension in

the pre-CMC region. It is generally accepted that once the CMC is reached, any further addition
of surfactants should not lead to IFT reduction as the surface layer between the two phases is
already in the saturated state at which the maximum reduction in IFT is observed [78]. However,
this is not always true in practice and depends on the surfactant molecular structure as one can
see in Figure 2a.
Indeed, when the concentration of surfactant in the solution increases (above the CMC),
spherical micelles are formed, usually called Hartley micelles [79]. The interior of Hartley
micelles consists of intertwined hydrocarbon chains, with the polar groups of surfactant

molecules facing the aqueous phase and hydrated. The diameter of these micelles is
approximately equal to double the length of the surfactant molecules. The number of surfactant
molecules in a micelle (aggregation number) increases within a narrow concentration range

(close to the CMC), and further increasing the concentration practically does not change - only

the number of micelles in the solution increases. Aggregation into micelles is energetically
favourable, as the system's free energy decreases due to the reduced contact area between the

hydrophobic parts of the surfactant and water. When spherical surfactant micelles come in
contact with hydrocarbons, the latter can colloidally dissolve or be solubilised within the
micelles, causing the volume of the organic phase to gradually decrease, resulting in a decrease
in volume in a reduction of the free energy of the system and of the interfacial tension.
It was reported in the literature that alkyl ether carboxylate surfactants could reach ultralow
IFT values of 10-2–10-3 orders of magnitude in the presence of electrolytes [60,65,80,81]. This
can be explained by the fact that the solubility of surfactants in water decreases, and they tend to
further partition in oil phase. Besides that, electrolytes decrease electrostatic repulsion between
heads of surfactants, and thus lead to a more dense molecular arrangement at the interface.
Furthermore, bivalent cations such as calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+ are more effective in
reducing the attractive forces between surfactant polar groups than monovalent sodium Na+
cations [65,82,83]. In this study, the brine contains a considerable amount of mono- and bivalent
cations, and the surfactant shows excellent performance under these conditions.

The IFT values between oil and surfactant compositions with adsorption inhibitors sodium
metaborate, Alcomer DP 1 and SiO2 and CaCO3 nanoparticles were measured to evaluate their
influence on surfactant interfacial performance. The experiment results are shown in Figure 2b
and Table. As it can be seen from the data no significant effect of sacrificial agents on the IFT
was found. Alkali sodium metaborate leads to a gradual IFT decline with its concentration
growth and achieves 0.022 ± 0.01 mN/m when added 1 wt.% of MB. It was reported that alkalis
react with carboxylic acids present in crude oil and form in-situ surfactants, reducing the IFT
[84,85]. On the contrary, polyacrylate Alcomer DP 1 leads to an IFT increase within one order of
magnitude up to 0.066 ± 0.005 mN/m.


Figure 2 – IFT in dependence of surfactant concentrations (a) and IFT values between oil and
surfactant compositions with adsorption inhibitors sodium metaborate and Alcomer DP 1 (b)

The influence of nanoparticles on interfacial behavior of 1 wt.% surfactant at 70°C is


presented in Table. As it can be seen in Table the addition of 0.001 wt.% CaCO3 nanoparticles
showed insignificant influence on IFT value of surfactant solution. This result stems from very

small concentration of nanoparticles to affect the interfacial behavior of surfactant molecules.

Further increase of nanoparticles concentration led to slight increase in IFT values from 0.036 ±

0.009 mN/m to 0.098 ± 0.019 mN/m, which still correspond to ultra-low values. The same
increase of IFT values was observed upon addition of 0.001% SiO2. It can be explained by taking
into account the interactions between nanoparticles and surfactant molecules, as such more
surfactant molecules will tend to stay in the bulk phase rather that approach the interface,
resulting in IFT decrease. These results are consisted with literature data [66,86].
Therefore, the same nanoparticles concentrations were further evaluated as adsorption
inhibitors, as they showed slight effect on IFT of surfactant solution.

Table 4 – The influence of SiO2 and CaCO3 nanoparticles on IFT of 1 wt.% surfactant solution at

Nanoparticles IFT, mN/m

0.001 wt.% SiO2 0.100 ± 0.017

0.001 wt.% CaCO3 0.036 ± 0.009

0.005 wt.% CaCO3 0.042 ± 0.012

0.01 wt.% CaCO3 0.098 ± 0.019

3.4. Adsorption isotherm of surfactant onto carbonate rocks

This work aims to evaluate the performance of different surfactant adsorption inhibitors.
Therefore, it is first critically important to characterize the behavior of AEC surfactant under
conditions reproducing the reservoir ones (70°C) to understand the character of adsorption
process. The adsorption was evaluated in a post-CMC region in the range of concentrations 0.1
wt.% - 1 wt.% . By analyzing surfactant adsorption it is possible to estimate potential surfactant
losses and the economic efficiency of surfactant flooding. The adsorption isotherm was obtained
by plotting the amount of surfactant adsorbed per 1 gram of rock in dependence of surfactant
concentrations remained in water phase after equilibration (Error! Reference source not
found.). As it can be seen, the maximum adsorption capacity was 2.23 mg/g-rock at a surfactant

concentration of 1 wt.%. Notably that the adsorption value calculated based on IFT data was 2.59
mg/g-rock (Supplemental material). The appearance of the obtained adsorption isotherm on

carbonate rock is similar to the surfactant isotherm on sandstone described by Belhaj et al.

[67,68], where a carboxylate surfactant with an analogous structure was studied. The authors
reported that the maximum adsorption capacity of the AEC was ~2 mg/g-rock at initial

concentration of 1 wt.% [68]. Besides that, the authors evaluated the adsorption of AEC in
mixture with an alkylpolyglucoside (APG) in the presence of crude oil. It was observed that the
adsorption value increased significantly, and the main income into the adsorption belonged to the
AEC [70]. Jian et al. [97] compared the adsorption of two anionic and one amphoteric surfactant
onto different minerals: calcite, dolomite, silica, and kaolin in different brines. One of anionic
surfactants used was C13-alcohol polyethylene glycol ether carboxylic acid L38 (otherwise,
AEC). It was found that the adsorption value of L38 was less than 1 mg/m2 in deionized water
and significantly raised in the presence of 5 wt.% CaCl2 due to increased positive zeta potential
of the rock surface. Besides that, the adsorption of L38 on calcite decreased by ~4 times when it
was mixed with an amphoteric betaine.

Figure 3 – Adsorption isotherm of surfactant (Equilibrium adsorption profile)

According to Giles’ classification of the solute adsorption isotherms [87], this one belongs to
L-type and subtype 3 (Langmuir isotherms). The heat of adsorption is independent of the surface
filling level, and there is no competition from the solvent. The initial curved area along the
concentration axis indicates that as the percentage of occupied adsorption sites increases, it is
more difficult for adsorbent molecules to find a vacant spot. The effect is more substantial when
they tend to form large associates with the increase of concentration in the solution due to
intermolecular interactions. As the surfactant concentration increased, adsorption has not reached

its limit but progressed after filling the monolayer. This may result from polymolecular
adsorption or repositioning of molecules or their associates relative to the rock surface. Indeed,

Langmuir's conception of adsorption reaching a plateau significantly approximates and


simplifies the actual adsorption process [88,89]. In fact, the surface of most adsorbents is not
homogeneous, the adsorbate molecules interact with each other on the adsorbent surface, and

adsorption often does not end up forming a monomolecular layer. In this case, the adsorption
isotherm equation becomes more complicated. There are several accepted statements in
polymolecular adsorption, which is different from monomolecular adsorption (Langmuir).
According to one of them, each molecule of the previous layer is considered to represent a
possible active site for the adsorption of the molecule of the next adsorption layer [90, 93]. This
process is schematically shown in Figure 4.
Thus, considering the "S" shape of the adsorption isotherm, it can be concluded that the
adsorbed molecules may interact with the adsorbate. According to Polanyi and BET's (Brunauer,
Emmet and Teller) theory of polymolecular adsorption [93], it can be assumed that in this case,
physical forces cause the adsorption. As follows, there is no chemical interaction between
surfactant molecules and carbonate rock surface and only intermolecular electrostatic forces
between ions, dipoles or other charged particles occur.

Figure 4 – Scheme of the adsorption layer structure for multilayer adsorption on carbonate rock

3.4.1. Equilibrium adsorption models

The obtained adsorption isotherm (Figure 3) was fitted to two-parameter Langmuir,

Freundlich and and Temkin equilibrium adsorption models [95].

Langmuir isotherm was introduced to describe gas adsorption on solid surfaces and used to
characterize the performance of bio-sorbents [67,88]. The main attributes of the Langmuir model
are the one-molecule layer thickness (monolayer) and the limited number of identical localized

adsorption sites. The adsorption process is finite, and no interactions occur between the adsorbed
molecules. The Langmuir isotherm is described in Eq. (2) [91]:
e- (2),
The linear form of the mathematical expression is shown in Eq. (3):


where is the amount of surfactant adsorbed (mg/g-rock), is the maximum adsorbed


amount (mg/g-rock), is the equilibrium surfactant concentration in water (mg/L), is the


Langmuir adsorption constant (L/mg).

As per Eq. (3), was plotted versus and the straight line equation was obtained (Eq. (4))

with the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.9821:


Further, the model parameters and were calculated, as corresponds to the slope,
is the intercept. The Langmuir model linear form-fitting is shown in Figure 5a, and the calculated
parameters are indicated in Table 5.

Freundlich isotherm can be applied for reversible polymolecular (multilayer) adsorption with
an irregular adsorption heat distribution and different types of active sites [92]. The main idea of
the Freundlich isotherm is that the higher the concentration of the dissolved substance, the more
substance will be adsorbed on the surface, but the relationship must be not a linear but a power-

law dependence. This isotherm is particularly often used in studies of adsorption on porous and
powders and in areas of intermediate concentrations [88,93]; it is described in Eq. (5) [92]:


The linearized form of the Freundlich isotherm model expression can be presented as in
Eq. (6):


Where is the Freundlich adsorption constant (L/mg), and is a constant which indicates
the adsorption strength.
Figure 5b shows the plot of versus , where is the slope, and is the

intercept. The parameters calculated are shown in Table 5. The linear function obtained with R2
= 0.9822 is described by Eq. (7): e- (7)
Temkin adsorption isotherm takes into consideration the interaction between adsorbate and
adsorbent [68,88]. According to the Temkin model, the reduction in heat of adsorption as a
function of temperature for all molecules present in the layer is assumed to be linear rather than

logarithmic as surface coverage increases [68]. The Temkin isotherm is described in Eq.
(8) [88,94]:


The linearized form of the Temkin isotherm model expression can be presented as in

Eq. (9) [94]:


Where is a universal gas constant 8.314 J/(mol K), is temperature (K), is the Temkin
constant related to the heat of adsorption (J/mol), is Temkin equilibrium binding constant
Figure 5c shows the plot of versus , where is the slope, and is the
intercept. The parameters calculated are shown in Table 5. The linear function obtained with R2
= 0.7560 is described by Eq. (10):


The fitting of adsorption data is shown in Figure 6. We can conclude that the Freundlich
model fits experimental data. This finding supported the above discussion on polymolecular
adsorption of AEC surfactant onto the carbonate rock and the formation of multilayers.

Table 5 – Isotherm parameters for Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin models

Isotherm model Parameter Value

R 0.9821

Langmuir KL -0.9873
q0 -0.9991
R 0.9822

Freundlich KF 2.4232
n 0.7489

e- R2
bT 3470.07
n al

n al

Figure 5 – The fitting of adsorption isotherms with Langmuir (a), Freundlich (b), and Temkin (c)


Figure 6 – The adsorption isotherm models and experimental data
3.4.2. Effect of different additives on surfactant adsorption onto carbonate rocks

Once the adsorption mechanism of surfactant was investigated it is become possible to study

the effect of different adsorption inhibitors selected in the previous sections. For this purpose, a
weak alkali sodium metaborate tetrahydrate, an anionic modified polyacrylate Alcomer DP 1 and

SiO2 and CaCO3 nanoparticles were tested.

Figure 7 shows the equilibrium adsorption values obtained in the result of the static test,

which lasted for 24 hours at 70°C, the effectiveness of adsorption inhibitors is shown in Table 6.
It can be seen in Fig.7a,b that sodium metaborate tetrahydrate and anionic modified polyacrylate

Alcomer DP 1 showed a similar behavior when the concentration in the surfactant solution was
increased. As such, the inhibitions efficiency raised to a particular concentration, and then a
decrease was observed. Furthermore, as it can be observed in Fig.7c that the addition of
nanoparticles led to the gradual surfactant adsorption decrease. Indeed the addition of only 0.005
wt.% of CaCO3 resulted in more than half of reduction of adsorption losses of surfactant. Further
increase in CaCO3 concentration illustrated more pronounced effect on surfactant adsorption
reduction. This observation supports suggestion of competitive adsorption between surfactant
molecules and nanoparticles, where nanoparticles act as “sacrificial agents” adsorbing on
carbonate surface. Interestingly, that the addition of SiO2 nanoparticles showed insignificant
effect on surfactant adsorption. This can stem from the small concentration of nanoparticles
(0.001 wt.%), which is not high enough to compete with surfactant molecules. Moreover, the
size of SiO2 nanoparticles is smaller than CaCO3, which also affect its ability to prevent

surfactant molecules from adsorption. Note that higher SiO2 concentrations led to their
precipitation at reservoir conditions.

n al

Figure 7 – Static adsorption values of AEC surfactant in the presence of sodium metaborate
tetrahydrate (a), Alcomer DP 1 (b), and nanoparticles (c)

Table 6 – Static adsorption test results


Inhibitor concentration, wt% Adsorption, mg/g-rock Effectiveness, %

Sodium metaborate tetrahydrate
0 2.23 -
0.05 1.17 48
0.1 0.81 64
0.2 1.10 51
0.3 1.03 54
Alcomer DP 1
0 2.23 -
0.5 0.60 73
0.75 0.47 79
1 0.23 90

1.5 0.85 62
2 0.69 69
CaCO3 nanoparticles*
0.001 1.96 24
0.005 1.15 56
0.01 0.81 69
SiO2 nanoparticles*
0.001 2.46 5
* Please note that for adsorption calculations with nanoparticles, reference adsorption value of
2.59 mg/g-rock was used from IFT data.

Reducing adsorption by adding MB to the surfactant composition led to a 2 times lower

adsorption. Notably that adsorption is slightly dependent on MB concentration. This may be
caused by close pH values (pH=9) that MB is able to maintain.
The introduction of Alcomer DP 1 resulted to a more significant reduction in adsorption

losses in comparison with MB (Figure 7b). It showed maximum efficiency at a concentration of
1 wt.%, and the adsorption of the surfactant in this composition was 0.23 mg/g-rock, which was
an order of magnitude lower than the reference value of 2.23 mg/g-rock without the addition of
inhibitors. This is due to the fact that Alcomer DP 1 is a polyelectrolyte that blocks the
adsorption sites on the carbonate surface, and thus repels the negatively charged surfactant
anions due to electrostatic repulsion, resulting in adsorption reduction [29].
It is interesting to point out that all inhibitors showed significant impact on surfactant
adsorption on carbonate rocks. However, the effect was more pronounced when competitive
adsorption between inhibitors and surfactant molecules took place rather than creation of

additional negative charge near surface. Moreover, small concentrations (0.001 wt.% - 0.01
wt.%) of nanoparticles are needed to achieve considerable results in adsorption reduction, while

for other inhibiters these concentrations should be higher for several orders of magnitude. This
observation illustrates technical and economic potential of applying nanoparticles in surfactant


4. Conclusions

The present work performs a study of the adsorption inhibitors that can reduce the adsorption
loss of a novel anionic ethoxylated carboxylate surfactant onto carbonate rock under harsh
reservoir conditions - 70°C and salinity of 201 g/L. The effectiveness of all main types of
adsorption inhibitors was evaluated, i.e. alkalis, polyelectrolytes, and nanoparticles. The
following conclusions can be drawn from the study:
 The CMC of the surfactant is 0.025 wt%, and the operation surfactant
concentration was selected as 1 wt.% (the IFT value is 0.032 ± 0.054 mN/m). The addition
of adsorption inhibitors has not lead to significant IFT changes: the alkali MB slightly
decreased, and the polyacrylate increased the IFT within one order of magnitude.
 The static adsorption tests were conducted (1) to describe the adsorption isotherm
of the surfactant and (2) to evaluate the effect of sacrificial agents. It was found that the

isotherm obtained is of L-type according to Giles’ classification, and the adsorption value
was 2.23 mg/g-rock at 1 wt.%. The Freundlich model (R2 = 0.9822) optimally described
the data obtained, indicating that the adsorption was polymolecular and characterized by
the formation of multilayers.
 A number of alkalis and polyelectrolytes were listed to find suitable adsorption
inhibitors, and a weak alkali sodium metaborate tetrahydrate and an anionic modified
sodium polyacrylate Alcomer DP 1 were selected as stable agents. MB was stable in the
narrow range of concentrations under the present conditions, namely 0.05 ÷ 0.3 wt.%. It
maintained the pH of the surfactant compositions at the level 8 ÷ 9 (a mildly alkaline
environment). MB reduced the static adsorption by about a half. The highest inhibition
efficiency was achieved at sodium metaborate concentration of 0.1 wt.% and was

63.68 %.

 Alcomer DP 1 was stable in the whole range of the concentrations examined
(0.05 ÷ 2 wt.%), and the concentrations from 0.5 to 2 wt.% were selected as they were
comparable to surfactant content in the composition (1 wt.%). It showed maximum

efficiency at a concentration of 1 wt.%, and the adsorption of the surfactant in this
composition was 0.23 mg/g-rock, which is an order of magnitude lower than the reference
value 2.23 mg/g-rock without the addition of inhibitors.
 The nanoparticles-augmented surfactant solutions showed good thermal and
salinity stabilities. Furthermore, nanoparticles addition resulted in surfactant adsorption
reduction. The maximum reduction was observed when only 0.01 wt.% CaCO3 was added
– 0.81 g/g-rock, which is 69% reduction. Notable that the concentration of nanoparticles is
low to achieve such effect, which makes this technology economically attractive in
comparison with other inhibitors.

Overall, this work puts forward the application of surfactant flooding in carbonate reservoirs

with harsh reservoir conditions and can be used as a basis for further experiments.

CRediT authorship Contribution statement


A.S. Investigation, Visualization, Writing - Original Draft

A.I. Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing -
Original Draft
P.G. Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision
A.C. Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision
E.T. Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision
I.T. Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision
G.S. Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision
G.F. Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision
I.A. Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision

Declaration of Competing Interest

☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:

This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian
Federation under agreement No. 075-10-2020-119 within the framework of the development
program for a world-class Research Center.
The authors acknowledge their colleagues Alexey Malakhov and Emil Saifullin from Kazan

(Volga Region) Federal University and Head of Enhanced Oil Recovery Center Mikhail
Varfolomeev for performing the analysis of surfactant concentrations with HPCL unit and a

fruitful discussion.

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