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(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Approved by AICTE New Delhi - Accredited by NBA,
NAAC with ‘A’ Grade and ISO 9001:2008 Certified)
NAMBUR – 522508, Guntur, AP


Student Name:
Host Organization/Company:
Internship Supervisor:
Date of Evaluation:

Note: The external assessment evaluated by the committee consisting of HoD, senior
faculty, supervisor concerned and external Examiner. There shall be no internal marks
for Summer Internship.

External Assessment:
Report Preparation: 20 Marks (40%)
Presentation & Viva-Voce: 30 Marks (60%)

: 50 Marks

The purpose of this assessment is to provide the student intern with constructive feedback
on his/her internship experience. This evaluation form should be completed by the
internship site supervisor or the individual who is most responsible for supervisingthe
intern’s work assignments.

The student’s grade is partially based on your evaluation of his/her/their performance

on each of the internship dimensions identified below. Use the evaluation rubric to assess
the student’s performance on each dimension by specifying a score based on the
performance ratings and descriptors delineated in the rubric form. Candid and objective
comments about the student’s performance are also appreciated. Please add your
relevant comments in the space provided in the form.

Quality of Work: The degree to which the student’s work is thorough, accurate, and
completed in a timelymanner.

Ability to Learn: The extent to which the student asks relevant questions, seeks out
additional information from appropriate sources, understands new concepts/ideas/work
assignments, and is willing to make needed changes and improvements.

Initiative and Creativity: The degree to which the student is self-motivated, seeks out
challenges, approaches and solves problems on his/her own, and develops innovative and
creative ideas/solutions/options.

Character Traits: The extent to which the student demonstrates a confident and positive
attitude, exhibits honesty and integrity on the job, is aware of and sensitive to ethical and
diversity issues, and behaves in an ethical and professional manner.

Dependability: The degree to which the student is reliable, follows instructions and
appropriate procedures, is attentive to detail, and requires supervision.

Attendance and Punctuality: The degree to which the student reports to work as
scheduled and on-time.

Organizational Fit: The extent to which the student understands and supports the
organization’s mission, vision, and goals; adapts to organizational norms, expectations,
and culture; and functions within appropriate authority and decision-making channels.

Response to Supervision: The degree to which the student seeks supervision, when
necessary, is receptive to constructive criticism and advice from his/her supervisor,
implements suggestions from his/her supervisor, and is willing to explore personal
strengths and areas for improvement.

Supervisor Evaluation of Internship – Grading Rubric

Performance Rating
Dimensions Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Excellent Score
1 2 3 4 5 6
Internship Evaluation Dimensions – Grading Criteria

Work was done in a With a few minor Thoroughly and

careless manner and exceptions, accurately
was of erratic quality; adequately performed all work
Quality of work assignments performed most work requirements;
Work were usually late and requirements; most submitted all work
required review; work assignments assignments on
made numerous submitted in a timely time; made few if
errors manner; made any errors
occasional errors
Asked few if any In most cases, asked Consistently asked
questions and rarely relevant questions relevant questions
sought out additional and sought out and sought out
information from additional additional
appropriate sources; information from information from
Ability to was unable or slow appropriate sources; appropriate sources;
Learn to understand new exhibited acceptable very quickly
concepts, ideas, and understanding of understood new
work assignments; new concepts, ideas, concepts, ideas, and
was unable or and work work assignments;
unwilling to assignments; was was always willing
recognize mistakes usually willing to to take
and was not take responsibility responsibility for
receptive to making for mistakes and to mistakes and to
needed changes and make needed make needed
improvements changes and changes and
improvements improvements
Had little observable Worked without Was a self-starter;
drive and required extensive consistently sought
close supervision; supervision; in some new challenges and
showed little if any cases, found asked for additional
Initiative interest in meeting problems to solve work assignments;
and standards; did not and sometimes asked regularly
Creativity seek out additional for additional work approached and
work and frequently assignments; solved problems
procrastinated in normally set his/her independently;
completing own goals and, in a frequently proposed
assignments; few cases, tried to innovative and
suggested no new exceed requirements; creative ideas,
ideas or options offered some creative solutions, and/or
ideas options
Regularly exhibited a Except in a few Demonstrated an
negative attitude; minor instances, exceptionally
was dishonest demonstrated a positive attitude;
and/or showed a positive attitude; consistently
lack of integrity on regularly exhibited exhibited honesty
Character several occasions; honesty and integrity and integrity in the
Traits was unable to in the workplace; workplace; was
recognize and/or was was usually aware of keenly aware of and
insensitive to ethical and sensitive to deeply sensitive to
and diversity issues; ethical and diversity ethical and diversity
displayed significant issues on the job; issues on the job;
lapses in ethical and normally behaved in always behaved in
professional behavior an ethical and an ethical and
professional manner professional manner
Was generally Was generally Was consistently
unreliable in reliable in completing reliable in completing
completing work tasks; normally work assignments;
assignments; did followed instructions always followed
Dependability not follow and procedures; was instructions and
instructions and usually attentive to procedures well; was
procedures detail, but work had careful and extremely
promptly or to be reviewed attentive to detail;
accurately; was occasionally; required little or
careless, and work functioned with only minimum
needed constant moderate supervision supervision
follow-up; required
close supervision

Was absent Was never absent Always reported to
excessively and/or and almost always on work as scheduled
was almost always time; or usually with no absences and
Attendance late for work reported to work as was always on-time
and scheduled, but was
Punctuality always on time; or
usually reported to
work as scheduled
and was almost
always on-time
Was unwilling or Adequately Completely
unable to understood and understood and fully
understand and supported the supported the
support the organization’s organization’s
Organizatio organization’s mission, vision, and mission, vision, and
nal Fit mission, vision, goals; satisfactorily goals; readily and
and goals; exhibited adapted to successfully adapted
difficulty in organizational to organizational
adapting to norms, expectations, norms, expectations,
organizational and culture; and culture;
norms, generally functioned consistently
expectations, and within appropriate functioned within
culture; frequently authority and appropriate authority
seemed to disregard decision-making and decision-making
appropriate channels channels
authority and
Rarely sought On occasion, sought Actively sought
supervision when supervision when supervision when
necessary; was necessary; was necessary; was
unwilling to accept generally receptive to always receptive to
Response to constructive constructive criticism constructive criticism
Supervision criticism and and advice; and advice;
advice; seldom if implemented successfully
ever implemented supervisor implemented
supervisor suggestions in most supervisor
suggestions; was cases; was usually suggestions when
usually unwilling to willing to explore offered; was always
explore personal personal strengths willing to explore
strengths and areas and areas for personal strengths
for improvement improvement and areas for

Evaluator contentment: Based on the student’s overall performance, a rating will be given
Performance Rating
Good Excellent
1 2

Summary Performance Ratings on Internship

Evaluation Criteria Score
(From above)
Quality of Work
Ability to Learn
Initiative and Creativity
Character Traits
Attendance and Punctuality
Organizational Fit
Response to Supervision
Evaluator contentment
Total Score

Overall Performance Evaluation of Student Intern

Outstanding Very Good Satisfactory Marginal Unsatisfactory


Yes No
we have reviewed this evaluation with the student
Date of Review
If yes, the date of review:


Signature of Committee members:


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