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In the war-torn city of Luminara, where the air was heavy with the scent of destruction and the
streets echoed with the whispers of sorrow, lived a teenager named Helcia. Her life had been shaped
by the brutal bitter taste of injustice and with relentless echoes of gunfire, leaving scars that ran
deeper than the physical wounds she bore.

together with her childhood best friend named Aisha, they get through it all together in the past.
they don't want anyone to feel the same as them. their dream is to bring peace to the world. So this
is where their journey begins.

In the past, they heard from a wanderer that her dream, could come true. the wanderer tells them
about Radiant Beacon, a symbol of hope that, when ignited, will shine peace to the world. they
committed to finding this beacon and sharing its light with the world.

they went around the city looking for the wanderer to ask more about the radiant beacon. their
journey passed for days, but there was still no progress, their spirit faded, as the day got darker and
it was no longer possible to continue the journey. so they would rest for a while at an inn

Inside the inn there was an innkeeper who looked familiar to them, they explained to the innkeeper
called old man, Ymir, why they come there to look for a wanderer who had been in this city before,

Ymir said"Before I build the inn. I was the only wanderer in this city i doesn't know any other
wanderer they talk about"

they knew what they had been looking for all this time was here. they started asking for all the
information about the radiant beacon and Ymir told them all he knew.

Ymir said "The radiant beacon is from the dream realm and cannot be taken from its original world!

Helcia asks "How to take the radiant beacon to this world?"

Ymir "But you can take its light, which can provide and emit peaceful light".

So they tell Ymir that they want to go to the dream realm but Ymir warns them

"that if you die in that world you will be there forever and with my weaker power, I can only
teleport one person."

then they were stunned, one of them had to make a sacrifice. with a mixed emotion, Helcia said

"I will go" but Aisha strongly disagree

"No I refuse I can't lose you Helcia, you are like my family to me" crying

Helcia promised she would come back safely and they hugged one last time in case something bad

"be careful helcia" said Aisha

Then the ritual begins. In that world, Helcia's gaze was fixed on the Radiant Beacon, shining so
brightly but Suddenly she was shocked by the sound of very loud lightning striking continuously.
When she walked down the hill looking for the origin of the sound, she saw many statues and pieces
of war equipment that reminded Helcia of her childhood. She felt traumatized by the events she had
experienced before,

"no, I can't, I have to focus! but I can't do this"

But then, Helcia saw a person from the other world, the person wearing armor running to Radiant
Beacon, he looked very determined

"I will bring the peace to my world!"

suddenly Helcia's enthusiasm returned and began to focus on her main goal here, but after that, the
warrior was struck by lightning and slowly changed into a statue. She approached him and said

"Don't worry sir, your determination will not be in vain. I will bring the light for us."

his body was almost fully become into a statue. Before his last breath, he tells Helcia

" Be careful with the lightning by lying on the ground you won't be affected by the lightning, please
awaken the light! for our world thank you."

That became an unforgettable part of Helcia's dream, a clear proof of the struggle that many people
also fought together to fight for peace. Helcia did what the stranger told her to do, but the lighting
continued to strike continuously, but doesnt have any effect on her and she managed to approach
the radiant beacon.

As Aisha reached the Radiant Beacon,(With trembling hands), she awakened the light with her hope,
and a gentle warmth spread throughout the dream world. In that moment, Aisha felt a deep
connection to the dreams of all suffering people, a shared longing for a reality where unity
overcomes division.

When Helcia woke up, Aisha and Ymir felt something glow from Helcia, the glow of the Radiant
Beacon wrapped Helcia with its shine, casting a soft radiance over her. after their journey Filled with
great determination and hope, she turned his dream into a mission to change the world. In the real
world, Aisha shares her story through powerful art and spoken word.

News of Aisha's journey reached far beyond Luminara, touching the hearts of people worldwide. Her
story resonates with those who have endured the harsh realities of conflict and discrimination,
sparking a global peace movement.


helcia's tale, born from the dreams of a teenager in Luminara, became a reminder of the fighting
spirit that could arise from the ashes of suffering. The Radiant Beacon, a symbol of dreams, stood as
proof of the enduring hope for a world where the scars of war and discrimination could be replaced
by the healing light of peace.

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