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Functional Ecology 2011, 25, 339–347 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01789.x


The ecology and evolution of induced resistance against
Richard Karban*
Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA

1. Induced resistance is now widely accepted as a potent and widespread ecological force
although several pieces of the story remain very poorly known. Theory predicts that induced
defences should be favoured in variable environments especially when plants can use cues to reli-
ably predict future conditions; however, this idea has not been seriously evaluated for plants.
2. Theory also predicts that plastic, induced defences should be favoured over permanent, con-
stitutive defences if defences are costly and not always needed. This hypothesis has received con-
siderable attention and limited support; resource allocation costs have been difficult to detect
although ecological costs of defence may be more common. Recently, priming has emerged as a
mechanism that may further reduce costs. Primed plants do not immediately produce the gene
products associated with induced resistance but later respond more rapidly and strongly to
severe or repeated attacks. It remains to be determined how common priming is.
3. Much of what we know about induced resistance is from the herbivore’s point of view.
Induced resistance will be beneficial from the plant’s point of view if herbivores avoid induced
plants, but the behavioural responses of herbivores to induced plant variation are still poorly
4. Recent progress in understanding the detailed spatial and temporal extent of induced resis-
tance has improved our appreciation of the phenomenon. Although some induced responses are
systemic throughout entire plant individuals, many others have been found to be localized to
damaged tissues. Plant vascular architecture and transpiration rates greatly constrain the distri-
bution of vascular cues. Some plants rely on volatile cues that are active over relatively short dis-
tances and may be subject to eavesdropping by other plants, herbivores, and carnivores.
Similarly, the temporal duration of induced responses may have important consequences on
effectiveness although limited information is available concerning lag times before induction and
relaxation times following induction.
5. Limited spatial and temporal scales of induced responses make plants more variable from the
herbivore’s point of view. Recent work suggests that plant heterogeneity may be difficult for her-
bivores to cope with although this hypothesis awaits further empirical testing.
Key-words: communication, costs, defence, heterogeneity, priming, volatiles

Now, 40 years after the early descriptions of induced and can produce large effects on herbivore populations
resistance in plants to insects (Green & Ryan 1972; Benz (Karban & Carey 1984; Underwood & Rausher 2002)
1974; Haukioja & Hakala 1975), the importance of this and herbivore communities (Thaler et al. 2001; Ohgushi
interaction as an ecological force is no longer controver- 2008). Furthermore, recent progress using genetic manip-
sial. For example, induced resistance is included in most ulations has provided more definitive evidence of signifi-
ecology textbooks that discuss plant defences or plant– cant roles for several biochemical mechanisms and
herbivore interactions. Induced resistance has been found signalling pathways in the induction process. For exam-
to be widespread in plants (Karban & Baldwin 1997) ple, tobacco genotypes engineered for high and low levels
of induced proteinase inhibitors were respectively more
and less resistant to caterpillars (Zavala et al. 2004), and
*Correspondence author. E-mail:

Ó 2010 The Author. Functional Ecology Ó 2010 British Ecological Society

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340 R. Karban

tobacco plants with genetically impaired inducible jasmo- defences. One interesting study compared pairs of congeners
nate signalling pathways were more susceptible even to in resource-poor glades vs. richer non-glade habitats (Van
herbivores that normally ignore wild type tobacco plants Zandt 2007). In general, congeners from resource-poor sites
(Paschold, Halitschke & Baldwin 2007). grew more slowly and relied more on constitutive rather than
However, induced plant resistance is not the necessary or induced defences. The generality of these results remains
ubiquitous outcome of attacks by herbivores. Many plants unclear.
are damaged by herbivores without becoming measurably These important predictions relating variable and produc-
more resistant, and some plants become more susceptible tive environments to induced plant defences are still in need
to additional attacks by herbivores (Karban & Baldwin of testing. Other hypotheses involving costs of defences have
1997:116–119; Nykanen & Koricheva 2004). Plants may also been proposed to explain induced resistance and these have
express tolerance to herbivory although we know less about received more attention.
whether tolerance can be induced (Nunez-Farfan, Fornoni &
Valverde 2007). This variation in plant responses to damage
Induced resistance as a means of reducing
begs the question: can we predict the outcome of the plant–
herbivore interaction? Under what circumstances do we
observe plants inducing resistance to herbivores rather than Induced resistance has also been theorized to be favoured
becoming more susceptible? as a means of saving costs (Rhoades 1979; Karban &
Baldwin 1997; Stamp 2003). When herbivores are not pres-
ent, a plant can allocate resources to growth or reproduc-
The distribution of induced resistance
tion rather than to defence. When herbivores are present, a
In general, phenotypes should be more plastic in environ- plant can increase its allocation to defence in a manner
ments that are more variable (Darwin 1881; Bradshaw that will protect it from the particular herbivores at hand.
1965), and this prediction has been supported by compara- Allocation costs of plant defences have proven exceedingly
tive studies of a variety of organisms (e.g. frogs, Van Bus- difficult to detect under natural field conditions (Koricheva
kirk 2002). Similar theory has been applied to plasticity of 2002; Agrawal 2005). One reason for this difficulty is that
plant defences (Adler & Karban 1994; Karban & Nagasaka allocation costs are often considered in terms of carbon
2004; Ito & Sakai 2009). When the identity or severity of (C) or nitrogen (N). If plant fitness is not limited by these
damage caused by herbivory varies for a plant either across particular currencies that happen to be easy to measure,
space or time, a plastic strategy (induced resistance) may be then there is no reason to expect that allocation costs mea-
better than one that is fixed (constitutive resistance). In sured in C or N will be detectable. Focusing on C or N
addition, a plastic strategy should be favoured if a plant may reduce our ability to understand the relationship of
can adjust its defences appropriately to match its current induced defences to plant fitness and more direct measures
environment. An appropriate match to current risks will be of plant fitness are preferred. Plants can invest in many
facilitated when cues about the past environment are reli- different processes and tissues that ultimately increase life-
able predictors of future environments (Karban et al. 1999). time fitness; as a result, there is no necessary correlation
Surprisingly, despite hundreds of catalogued examples of between resources spent on defence and those available for
induced responses in plants, these long-standing predictions the particular fitness correlates that any one study mea-
have not been seriously examined for plant and herbivore sures (Karban & Baldwin 1997:196–207). For example,
systems although testing this theory would significantly tradeoffs were undetectable between induction of defences
advance our understanding of the conditions that favour and female reproduction (a common measure of plant
induced defences. fitness) but were seen when male reproduction was also
Several authors have argued that environmental conditions considered (Agrawal, Strauss & Stout 1999).
may drive or constrain the evolution of various modes of In addition, it is becoming increasingly clear that ecological
plant defence (Coley, Bryant & Chapin 1985; Grime 2001). costs of defence may exceed costs measured in terms of
Plants that are well defended will have to replace less tissue resources (Simms 1992; Karban & Baldwin 1997; Strauss
lost to herbivory. Plants that are adapted to stressful or et al. 2002). Defending against one herbivore often makes the
resource-poor environments generally grow more slowly than plant more susceptible to other attackers or ecological
those adapted to resource-rich environments. Slower growing threats. For example, induction caused by some pathogens
plants are predicted to invest more heavily in constitutive made tomato plants better defended against these pathogens
defences than rapidly growing plants. Mechanisms responsi- but more vulnerable to caterpillars (Thaler et al. 2002). How-
ble for this association include an inability to replace tissues ever, defences can have complicated consequences that affect
that are consumed by herbivores, and a lack of the machinery the interactions of the focal plant with other species and abi-
or resources needed to mount effective induced defences otic challenges and the net effects can be difficult to predict
(Karban & Baldwin 1997). This theory makes intuitive sense (Stout, Thaler & Thomma 2006). For example, defending
and has been supported by some of the studies that have against herbivores may affect a plant’s attractiveness to poll-
attempted to test it (e.g. Fine et al. 2006), although most of inators or other mutualists (Adler & Bronstein 2004; Kessler,
these have not explicitly considered induced vs. constitutive Diezel & Baldwin 2009).
Ó 2010 The Author. Functional Ecology Ó 2010 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 25, 339–347
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Induced resistance against herbivores 341

not materialize and save time in responding if the attack

Priming and costs
does occur.
Plants that are exposed to damage by herbivores may be Priming has the potential to shift the cost–benefit ratio in
‘primed’ to respond rather than mounting a full induced favour of induced rather than constitutive resistance. As such,
response (Conrath et al. 2006; Frost et al. 2008). Plants that it would be very informative to know how common priming
are primed by previous cues do not express measurable is in plant–herbivore interactions. Since it was first reported
changes in their phenotypes unless they are attacked subse- in 2004 for maize resistance against caterpillars (Engelberth
quently by herbivores. If plants that have been primed are et al. 2004), workers have looked for and found evidence for
subsequently attacked, they respond more rapidly and more priming in other systems including lima beans (Heil & Silva
strongly than plants that have not been primed. Priming has Bueno 2007), poplars (Frost et al. 2007) and blueberries
been known to occur in response to pathogen infection for (Rodriguez-Saona, Rodriguez-Saona & Frost 2009). Cues
several decades and has been considered an important part of released by experimentally damaged sagebrush primed neigh-
vertebrate immunity for much longer. However, only in the bouring wild tobacco to induce resistance to some of its herbi-
past few years we have become aware of a similar phenome- vores (Kessler et al. 2006). Priming has been shown to induce
non involving plant responses to herbivores (Engelberth et al. both ‘direct’ resistance mechanisms and ‘indirect’ defences
2004). These workers found that maize plants that were not involving other trophic levels. For example, volatiles from
damaged but had been primed by herbivore-induced volatiles experimentally damaged corn or lima bean plants primed
responded more quickly and more strongly to caterpillar neighbouring conspecifics to produce more volatiles or
attack. Priming is relevant to this discussion because this extrafloral nectar when attacked by herbivores (Heil & Silva
mechanism may allow plants to further reduce costs and to Bueno 2007; Ton et al. 2007). The volatiles or extrafloral nec-
adjust defences to current risks. tar attracted arthropods that parasitized or preyed upon her-
Plants become primed in response to cues indicative of bivores. The list of plants for which priming has been
herbivores or to low levels of attack. In the event of higher demonstrated is still relatively small although it includes a
levels of herbivore attack or repeated exposure to cues asso- variety of plant families, growth forms, and habitats. In the
ciated with herbivory, they respond by producing the more future we will certainly get a much better sense of whether
costly metabolites required to induce resistance. Priming is priming plays a role in most induced responses or only a lim-
assumed to accrue some small costs or else all plants would ited representation of examples.
remain constantly in the primed state. This difference in the
benefits and costs caused by priming vs. induced resistance
Induced plant responses and herbivore
has been best characterized for Arabidopsis infected with
pathogens (Van Hulten et al. 2006). Priming caused no
measurable costs in terms of growth or seed production for From the plant’s point of view, induced responses will be
Arabidopsis relative to unprimed controls. By contrast, most cost effective if herbivores are sensitive to plant traits
induction of resistance reduced growth by as much as 71% that provide resistance and avoid defended plants. Most
and reduced seed production by more than 30% relative to examples of induced resistance have been measured from the
controls. This is a convincing example of minimal costs of point of view of the herbivores – reduced herbivore growth
priming but it involves only one plant species, Arabidopsis rates, survival, etc. However, these ‘antibiotic’ effects on her-
attacked by pathogens in the lab, and it would be informa- bivores may not necessarily provide an advantage to the plant
tive to repeat with other species attacked by herbivores under and few workers have attempted to determine the expected
natural conditions. fitness associated with traits that are presumed to be plant
There are many potential costs of producing, storing and defences. Herbivores that feed on induced plants and require
metabolizing the morphological structures and chemicals a longer time to complete development may be more damag-
used to provide resistance to herbivores (Karban & Baldwin ing to plants than herbivores that grow quickly. Herbivore
1997). These processes or their end products may be damag- behaviour is the potential link between herbivore perfor-
ing to the plant as well as its herbivores. Another potential mance and plant fitness although herbivore choice has largely
‘cost’ of induced defences is that the plant is vulnerable to been ignored in our thinking about plant defences (Adler &
herbivores during the time between initial attack and expres- Grunbaum 1999). Examining herbivore behaviour may help
sion of the induced defence. A constitutively defended plant us determine the costs and benefits of induction. What do we
does not experience this period of vulnerability. Priming can know about herbivore choice and movement in response to
also help to reduce this ‘cost’ since plants may become changes in plant quality?
primed prior to actual herbivore attack in response to cues Early studies of induced responses to herbivory noted that
that predict a high risk of herbivory. Priming allows plants herbivores sometimes moved away from locally damaged
to produce the induced response more rapidly, perhaps plant parts and fed preferentially on undamaged tissues
because the genes involved in signalling are already up-regu- (Edwards & Wratten 1983). These responses can occur before
lated although the defensive metabolites have not been pro- the herbivores have even physically contacted the damaged
duced. In summary, plants that are primed but do not leaves. For example, plants emit different volatile chemicals
actually induce resistance save costs if herbivore attack does depending upon whether they have been damaged or not and
Ó 2010 The Author. Functional Ecology Ó 2010 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 25, 339–347
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342 R. Karban

herbivores use these volatile profiles as cues to choose sites for & Niiho 1995). Many plants are highly sectored such that the
oviposition (De Moraes, Mescher & Tumlinson 2001). Neo- exchange of nutrients, secondary chemicals, and hormones
nate caterpillars have also been found to use volatiles induced that mediate plant–herbivore interactions is limited to those
by conspecific feeding to inform their decisions to stay on plant tissues that share active vascular connections (Orians &
suitable host plants (Carroll, Schmelz & Teal 2008). Jones 2001; Schittko & Baldwin 2003). In other words, the
Plants can limit the damage that they receive from choosy limited ‘plumbing’ of plants can severely constrain transfer of
herbivores by getting these herbivores to leave or to be the vascular cues and defensive compounds that determine
removed by predators and they may also be able to influence levels of induced resistance (Viswanathan & Thaler 2004; Ori-
herbivores to feed on neighbours with which they compete. ans 2005; Rodriguez-Saona & Thaler 2005).
For example, hornworm caterpillars are most damaging to Another limitation of vascular communication is that it
their host plants as late instars (older stages). Wild tobacco may require active transpiration. Woody plants from dry
plants that were attacked by these caterpillars delayed mount- environments are particularly likely to be highly sectored,
ing their maximal induced response until hornworms were perhaps as a means of conserving moisture or avoiding
entering their most destructive stages (Van Dam, Hermenau hydraulic failure (Waisel, Liphschitz & Kuller 1972; Zanne
& Baldwin 2001). At this stage, the estimated cost–benefit et al. 2006; Schenk et al. 2008). These plants are poorly
ratio favoured caterpillars that left their natal host plant in equipped to use vascular signals to coordinate induced
search of a neighbour of the same plant species. responses and other physiological processes. These physio-
While we have some (surprisingly few) examples of herbi- logical constraints raised the question of whether plants
vores that respond to plant quality and make choices that induce resistance using non-vascular signals.
benefit their own performance or those of their offspring, the
scale at which they respond to cues seems very important and
Volatile cues of induced resistance
often unknown. There are examples of herbivores that
respond to variation at very local scales; for some systems, Recent evidence indicates that some plants use volatile signals
chemical and nutritional differences within individual leaves to coordinate systemic responses. For example, when a
have been found to be large and to have profound effects on branch of sagebrush is experimentally clipped, other branches
herbivore performance (Whitham 1983; Orians, Ardon & on the same plant become more resistant to subsequent herbi-
Mohammad 2002; Shelton 2005). Variation at this scale has vore attack, but only if air flow among branches is permitted
been found to affect the spatial distribution of damage within (Karban et al. 2006). Plastic bags that blocked air flow
a plant (Edwards & Wratten 1983; Rodriguez-Saona & between the experimentally clipped branch and assay
Thaler 2005; Underwood, Anderson & Inouye 2005), and this branches on the same plant prevented communication even
distribution of damage can have as large an impact on plant though the clipped and assay branches were physically con-
fitness as the total amount of damage that the herbivore nected and had the unrealized potential for vascular commu-
inflicts (Lowman 1982; Watson & Casper 1984; Marquis nication (Karban et al. 2006). Conversely, air transfer was
1992; Mauricio, Bowers & Bazzaz 1993; Lehtila 1996). sufficient to induce resistance between plants that were sepa-
Herbivores may also make choices at coarser scales; entire rated by several metres (Karban et al. 2010). Similar depen-
plants can become systemically resistant to their herbivores dence on volatile cues for systemic resistance has been found
and patches of plants may also influence herbivore decisions. recently in lima beans (Heil & Silva Bueno 2007), poplars
For example, plants may become relatively more or less pre- (Frost et al. 2007), and blueberries (Rodriguez-Saona, Rodri-
ferred by herbivores depending upon the identity and patch guez-Saona & Frost 2009).
size of their neighbours (associational susceptibility and resis- Reliance on volatile rather than vascular cues has several
tance, reviewed by Barbosa et al. 2009). We have paid far too possible consequences. First, an external volatile signal
little attention to the role of behaviour as a mechanism that becomes public information and other organisms in the
determines the costs and benefits of induced plant changes vicinity of the damaged plant may respond to this cue. Some
and when we have measured behaviour we often have not dis- of the organisms that respond, such as predators or parasites
tinguished processes that occur at different spatial scales. of the herbivores, may benefit the plant that released the vol-
atile cue (Dicke & van Loon 2000; Kessler & Heil 2011).
However, herbivores and other enemies may also respond to
The spatial extent of induced resistance
the volatile cue and cause more subsequent damage to the
Many of the early reports of induced responses were systemic; emitter plant (refs in Heil & Karban 2010). For example,
e.g. experimental damage to one part of the plant induced parasitic dodder has been found to respond to volatile cues
resistance throughout birch trees (Haukioja & Neuvonen to locate suitable host plants (Runyon, Mescher & De
1985), tomato plants (Pearce et al. 1991), or cotton seedlings Moraes 2006). Neighbours that compete with the plant that
(Karban & Carey 1984). However, for each of these model emitted the cue may alter their own defences such that the
systems, subsequent work suggested that the induced resis- neighbours become well matched for their expected risk of
tance was stronger in some regions of the plant, particularly damage. For example, wild tobacco plants in close proxim-
those close to the site of damage (birches – Tuomi et al. 1988; ity (within 15 cm) to clipped sagebrush became more resis-
tomato – Orians, Pomerleau & Ricco 2000; cotton – Karban tant to their shared generalist herbivores and experienced
Ó 2010 The Author. Functional Ecology Ó 2010 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 25, 339–347
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Induced resistance against herbivores 343

increased reproductive success compared with tobacco near vores vary considerably among individuals and also have a
unclipped sagebrush (Karban & Maron 2002). A similar strong genetic component (Hare 2007; Karban & Shiojiri
benefit has also been found for lima bean tendrils exposed to 2009; Schuman et al. 2009). As we know relatively little about
cues from experimentally induced neighbours (Heil & Silva which parts of the volatile profiles are biologically meaning-
Bueno 2007). ful, it is premature to attempt to evaluate the function of dif-
Secondly, reliance on volatile cues limits the spatial extent ferent profiles or the levels of variability among them. It will
over which the cues will be active. For example, cues between be very interesting to determine whether plants that are close
sagebrush individuals caused changes in resistance of neigh- relatives are more effective communicators than plants that
bours that were detectable only over distances up to 60 cm share fewer genes.
(Karban et al. 2006). Limited signal distance may have many
consequences, negative as well as positive. Limited dispersal
The timing of induced resistance
of volatile signals may make it unlikely that a large plant can
communicate with all of its tissues but may also reduce the The temporal progression of induced responses will greatly
likelihood that unrelated neighbours will be able to eaves- influence their effectiveness. A repeated conclusion of almost
drop on messages since adjacent leaves often belong to the all models of induced defence (and cycling populations) is the
same individual. Thirdly, vascular cues are constrained by importance of time-lags (Karban & Baldwin 1997:159–160).
the particular architecture of the vascular connections One disadvantage of induced defences relative to constitutive
(Orians 2005). Leaves that do not directly share vascular defences is that plants experience a period of vulnerability
channels have been found in many plants to have poor physi- during the time that it takes to activate their induced defences.
ological integration. Volatile cues allow plants to overcome Both the lag between damage and the onset of defence and
this limitation. Fourth, volatile cues move very rapidly, the lag between the cessation of damage and the relaxation of
which reduces lag times involved in signalling relative to vas- defence are critical parameters that determine the effective-
cular cues (Heil 2009). We currently have evidence for vola- ness and the costs of induction.
tile communication from approximately 10 model systems The precise time course of induction is difficult to charac-
(Heil & Karban 2010) and information about other plant terize since the state of an individual plant at one time is
systems is needed to determine the distribution and com- auto-correlated with states at other times. Studies that have
monness of volatiles as cues that coordinate induced plant characterized the time course suggest that it does not neces-
defences. sarily follow a simple trajectory. Soybeans attacked by Mexi-
If volatile cues are commonly used by plants and eaves- can bean beetles became more resistant to subsequent attack
dropping by neighbouring plants is a significant risk, then after a lag of up to 3 days (Underwood 1998). This induced
selection may favour cue specificity. Both emitting and receiv- resistance was relaxed 15 days following the initial damage
ing plants may be sensitive to the specific details of the and after 20 days the plants became more susceptible to
attacker. We know that different herbivores and different lev- attack than uninduced plants. The greater the induced resis-
els of attack cause differential emission of volatiles, although tance observed over the early portion of the time course, the
it remains unknown if plants are sensitive to these chemical greater the induced susceptibility observed later in the time
nuances. course.
We know that other organisms detect the variation in cues. We still have relatively few systems for which the complete
Parasitic wasps that use volatile cues released by damaged time course of induction and particularly, relaxation, are
host plants to locate herbivorous prey have been found to known. For those systems that have been examined, relaxa-
exhibit high sensitivity to specific cues. For example, special- tion lags are much longer than induction lags. This is true
ized wasps only respond to the plant cues associated with for systems that induce relatively rapidly as well as systems
their particular host herbivore; this sensitivity allows them to that are much slower. Trifolium repens required 38–51 h after
distinguish the most profitable foraging patches (De Moraes damage to mount a systemic defence but at least 28 days for
et al. 1998; Hoballah, Tamo & Turlings 2002). In addition, it to relax (Gomez, van Dijk & Stuefer 2010). Acacia drepa-
different herbivores cause different responses that affect sub- nolobium subjected to browsing by large mammals produced
sequent herbivory. For example, different induced plant larger spines than those produced by unbrowsed trees within
responses to initial attacks by different early season herbi- approximately 2 months (Young & Okello 1998). However,
vores caused changes that ultimately resulted in predictably relaxation for trees protected from browsing was far more
different late-season herbivore communities on milkweeds gradual than induction and continued for more than 5 years
(Van Zandt & Agrawal 2004). (Young, Stanton & Christian 2003). The time-lag between
As plant susceptibility to herbivory has a strong genetic initial damage and the onset of the induced response is pre-
component (Karban 1992; Mopper & Strauss 1998; Johnson sumably set by the physiological constraints of growing new
& Agrawal 2005), families of related individuals may share tissues. In this example involving spines, the time-lag
susceptibilities. Risk of attack should be more highly corre- between cessation of damage and relaxation of the induced
lated among close relatives, and it makes sense that they may response is presumably set by the reliability of the cue that
be particularly sensitive to the cues emitted by their close kin. risk of damage has passed (Young, Stanton & Christian
The volatiles produced by plants that are damaged by herbi- 2003). In a related Acacia system that had more reliable
Ó 2010 The Author. Functional Ecology Ó 2010 British Ecological Society, Functional Ecology, 25, 339–347
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344 R. Karban

damage, spine length decreased within 2 years after damage closest to the direct vascular connection responded more than
stopped (Gomez & Zamora 2002). Time-lags involving the side farther away (Stout, Workman & Duffey 1996). Simi-
chemical defences will generally be shorter and less depen- larly, leaf veins and midribs of wild tobacco acted as barriers
dent on the growth of new tissues although reliability of cues creating small-scale heterogeneity in the defensive jasmonate
may still be important. burst produced by plants attacked by caterpillars (Stork et al.
2009). Glucosinolates involved in defence of wild radish also
have been found to respond to damage at very fine scales
Norm of reaction models of induced resistance
(Shelton 2005). Caterpillar feeding on one leaf increased
Induced responses are changes in plant phenotype that occur glucosinolate concentrations for the entire plant but in an
following attack. Plasticity that is dependent on environmen- extremely patchy manner. Differences among leaves, and
tal conditions has been represented by norm of reaction dia- especially among regions within leaves, were greater than
grams. In the case of plasticity that involves induced variation among whole plant responses. No spatial auto-
resistance against herbivory for plants of a single genotype, correlation was found among leaf tissues as close as 1–2 cm
two resistance states are represented: induced plants exhibit apart (Shelton 2005).
greater levels of resistance than uninduced control plants. The heterogeneity caused by induced responses is pre-
Norm of reaction models emphasize differences in the mean dicted by several models to reduce herbivore performance
phenotypes of the two categories of plants. When the dia- (Adler & Karban 1994; Karban, Agrawal & Mangel 1997;
grams include measures of variance (and this should always Shelton 2004; Underwood 2004). According to this hypothe-
be the case), that variance generally reflects differences among sis, variability per se may be defensive, rather than any par-
the means for multiple individuals within a population rather ticular phenotypic state. Although this hypothesis has
than variation within each individual. Norm of reaction mod- received relatively little attention, several lines of empirical
els implicitly ignore variation around the mean resulting from evidence support it. Gypsy moth caterpillars that were
small scale variation among the different organs within an reared on diets with a constant mean level of nitrogen suf-
individual. fered reduced pupal masses and extended development as
This is an important shortcoming because plants are made the variation in daily nitrogen increased (Stockhoff 1993).
up of repeated, modular units, such as leaves on a branch or Similarly, armyworm caterpillars reared on a constant diet
branches on a tree (White 1984; de Kroon et al. 2005; Herrera that included cyanide were able to habituate to that toxin
2009). These modules vary considerably and measures of var- far better than caterpillars that were given diets with variable
iability within an individual commonly exceed variability levels of cyanide even though cyanide concentrations in the
among individuals. Most of this variation within individuals variable diets never exceeded the dose in the constant diet
can be explained by plastic responses of modules to environ- (Brattsten et al. 1983).
mental conditions (light, resources, damage), interacting with Variation among bites in space and time is expected to
internal controls (hormones) and tissues at different stages of increase the foraging costs experienced by herbivores (Herre-
development (Herrera 2009). ra 2009). In addition, non-linear benefits associated with dif-
ferent levels of plant quality will reduce the expected value of
plants that vary to herbivores (Karban, Agrawal & Mangel
Induced responses as a source of heterogeneity
1997; Ruel & Ayres 1999).
As discussed above, induced responses are often highly local- Herbivores may be able to alter their physiologies to match
ized with little integration at the scale of whole plants. those of their host plants as long as they can predict their
Induced responses that occur as scales smaller than whole host’s ‘defensive phenotype’. Many of the enzymatic systems
plants increase the heterogeneity of plant traits that are that herbivorous insects employ to detoxify induced plant sec-
important to herbivores in time and space. This heterogeneity ondary chemicals are themselves inducible (Lindroth 1991).
occurs over spatial scales ranging from microsites within a Variability in the secondary chemicals that these insect sys-
leaf to variation among individual plants as well as over tem- tems must face reduces their effectiveness (Berenbaum &
poral scales from minutes to years (see sections above). Sev- Zangerl 1993, 1996). Corn earworms eavesdrop on the plant
eral detailed maps of the induction have been instructive. signals that induce production of secondary chemicals which
Young tomato plants damaged by different herbivores allows the caterpillars to activate enzyme systems that can
responded by altering levels of defensive oxidative enzymes detoxify the induced plant responses (Li, Schuler & Beren-
measured at the scale of leaflets and leaves (Stout, Workman baum 2002). Herbivorous insects can adjust their feeding
& Duffey 1996). When the mean levels of enzyme activity strategies in an attempt to match the defences of their host
increased for whole plants, the induced responses were highly plant as long as those defences are predictable. For example,
localized so that the intraplant variance increased even more clutches of pipevine swallowtail caterpillars that start on
than the mean levels. Some of the spatial pattern was proba- undamaged leaves are able to tolerate their plant’s induced
bly due to limitations imposed by vascular connections in responses. Clutches that are experimentally added to plants
these tomato plants (Orians, Pomerleau & Ricco 2000). For that have already begun inducing defences are unable to toler-
example, following damage to leaf 2, induction was noted in ate them (Fordyce 2006). In these cases, herbivore counter
leaf 5 but not in adjacent leaf 3; similarly, the side of the leaf measures to induced plant responses are only effective if the

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Induced resistance against herbivores 345

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measure the relevant costs and benefits. Recent advances in
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and plant immunity. These less well accepted fields are where M.H.H., Saaksjarvi, I., Schultz, J.C. & Coley, P.D. (2006) The growth-
defense trade-off and habitat specialization by plants in Amazonian forests.
induced resistance was a short time ago.
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mediated through phenotypic plasticity. Journal of Experimental Biology,
Acknowledgements 209, 2377–2383.
Frost, C.J., Appel, H.M., Carlson, J.D., De Moraes, C.M., Mescher, M.C. &
I thank Martin Heil, Mikaela Huntzinger, Marc Johnson, Ariel Novoplansky,
Schultz, J.C. (2007) Within-plant signaling via volatiles overcomes vascular
and anonymous reviewers for comments that improved versions of this
constraints on systemic signaling and primes responses against herbivores.
Ecology Letters, 10, 490–498.
Frost, C.J., Mescher, M.C., Carlson, J.E. & De Moraes, C.M. (2008) Plant
defense priming against herbivores: getting ready for a different battle. Plant
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