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I know you will be wondering why i sent you a friend request on here.

We don't know
each other, I'm new on this social network and am surfing on the web when Facebook
brings your profile to my wall,saying people which may know,that's why i sent you a
friend request and i am sorry if i sound too rude for doing that..I don't much get
on here, let me have your number so i can text you on there and chat more better..

Do you care for a chat and get to know each other more better?
I'm Lauren from Lacrosse WI 30 years..

What are you looking for in a woman?

Am here looking for a serious and long term relationship with the right man for
me.Age difference does not bother me. What matter to me is both partner pure
heart,cause am human pure heart is like a pot of Gold.

How long have you been single and do you like being single?
I have been single for about three years and i hate being single cause it is
lonely, i need someone to be with for the rest of my life

Have you ever been into any relationship before?What will you like to tell me more
about that?
I have been into a bad relationship.My ex hurt and cheated on me a lot,that's why
am on net to give it a try.

Tell me more about your families,i do want to know you more better and see where
the future lead us to..
I was the only child of my mom,i never knew who my father was because he got my mom
pregnant & ran away all i have is just pictures of him..My mom is an orphan ,My mom
is a German while my dad is from US, i lost my mom,she passed away last 2
years,since then i have been lonely seeking for the right man to be with for the
rest of my life.. My late mom buy and sell Antiques and she take me along each time
she traveling on trip,That's how I become a business woman. Before she dead I have
know much about the business and I took on where she stop.

What do you seek for in a woman?

love me for me and me alone and not love me for what i do for them cause i give it
all when it comes to a relationship and always there for my man,if he does this,i
will treat him like no woman as ever treated him and make him my one and only
Love. mostly importantly i want to get married to a caring, down to earth,
romantic,God fearing man soonest. the main thing is life that will make me happy is
to have a loving, passionately man and a happy family as well. am religiously in
dined, God fearing , and believe Jesus die for me on the cross of Calvary. I don't
need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths, I need someone who
will appreciate me for everything that I am. My past relationship was bad ever
since then i have been single and scared to fall in love but now i am willing and
ready now for a relationship. I am easygoing,open mined and i know how to treat my
man and make him feel good,i gives to him every love he wants and always there for
him when he needs a shoulder to lean on...

What do you do for a living?

Well i am the boss of my own and i don't work under anyone and neither do i have a
manager,i don't have a company name i am self employed and i work all by my self,i
buy and sell Antiques materials for a living. Am presently in (West Africa Nigeria)
To buy some antiques... I will be back to State before the end of next week. Have
you ever been to Nigeria or chat with someone from Nigeria before???.
What do you seek for in a relationship?
I want a serious and long term relationship that involves commitment with the right
man for me.

What more do you do for fun?

I like going to beach,picking the shells of the beach.I smile and laugh a lot, I
really enjoy a fun night out, I like go out for dinner, I have excellent taste in
restaurants, I like cinemas, and I love nature. I love taking care of my body, mind
and soul. I love to take care of my man, to play guitar, Japanese food. I love to
travel. I like to read and write, I like computers, I love listening to music, I
love dancing (I grew up dancing to salsa and meringue, are my favorites...

How do you treat your woman?

I treat my man like no one has ever treated him before and make him my one and only

What is love to you?

Love is not about finding the right person,but creating a right relationship. It's
not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till
the end..

What are the things can't you stand whenever you are in a relationship?

Liars,Cheats,Thieves,dishonest people and everything bad are the things i cant

stand when am in a relationship.

Can you cook? if so, what do you like to make?

I love to cook mexican burittos,tamales,seafood and tacos

When was the last time you cried?

The last time i cried is when my ex broke my heart..And the day i lost my mother.

Do you drink or smoke?

I don't smoke but drink wines and sodas occasionally.

Are you a christian and you believe in God and how often did you go to church??
Am a Good Christian and well devoted and born again,i go to church on Wednesday and

When is your birthday? My birthday is 20th of July

What are your dislikes?

My dislikes are liers,Rude people, dishonesty, immaturity, bad communicator,

1. Tell me about your relationship with God.

My relationship with God is improving day by day. It's a process. I talk to him
like he's my best friend and I pray to him because he's my Father in heaven.

2. What do you believe spiritually? (as far as what it takes to get to heaven)
I believe that god was Jesus manifested in the flesh and he came down to the earth
and lived among us ( John 1:1-2, John 1:14) and lived a perfect life free from sin.
I believe that he was crucified and rose again the third day (2 Corinthians5:14-15)
and later ascended into heaven (John 3:13-18) I believe that the only way to God is
through Jesus as John 14:6 says. I believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today
and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and that all the things that were performed in the bible
are still applicable for today since he remains the same.
We are his vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7-12) and we can chose to let the Lord use us
as his vessels or we can choose to let the advesary use us as his vessel. Ephesians
6:11-12 or 13 states that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but agains
principalitites, powers, dark forces and so on and so on. I believe that when we
accept Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and savior and repent of our sins that he
forgives us and at that point we are given the gift of eternal life with him after
we leave this earth. ( John 3:16 )..

3. What are you pet peeves?

My pet peeves are i do not like loud and obnoxious people, or people who degrade
other people because they are'nt as fortunate as someone else, I despise bullies
who pick on people who can't defend themselves. I don't like people who constantly

4. What's one of your dreams.

One of my dreams is to have my own Antiques Company. And to have the right man to
settle down with for the rest of my life.

5. What is your favorite food. I love apple pie,mexican tamales,taquitos and

burritos,i also love french and italian fries..

6 How do you handle anger?

If I'm mad I'll try to think before I speak because I have to be careful of the
words that come out of my mouth.. The bible says that life and death are in the
tongue. I don't like to argue even though sometimes you can't avoid it. I prefer to
discuss it in a civil way without strangling each other.

7. If you were mad at me how would I know?

If I was extremely angry I would tell you that I need to calm down before I talk
about it. If I was just angry I'd say something like "that really hurt me or made
me upset when you did this or that"

8. How much stress do you have in your life?

I don't have a lot of stress in my life at all unless I allow someone to come in
and stress me.The stress i know i have right now is making sure that i get marry to
someone who is God fearing,kind hearted,caring..

9. How do you usually prefer to dress?

I'm comfortable in casual clothes. And I do like my jeans

10. Tell me about some of your talents?

God has given me the gift to communicate with deaf individuals.I'm conversational
with American sign Language.

11. How often do you attend church?

I attend church every Sunday and Wednesday

12. Physically what do you look for in your woman?

Handsome and Good looking Man with all the right curves in the right places like

13. What's your favorite band of music???

R&b, Blues,christian, and country band

14. What dancing step do you like most, like going to concerts, flea market?
I like going to concert and my dancing step is salsa.
15. What is your ideal night in with a significant other?
Depends on how serious it is. Maybe cuddling on the couch with light snacks and
movies. Later on, Home-cooked dinner, playful teasing, and maybe, if the
relationship is to that point, a few hours of sex and cuddling and just being close
in as many ways as we can think of.

16. What is your favorite drink? My favorite drink are Apple juice and Budweiser
What qualities are important in your mate? i want Someone kind, romantic,
passionate, kid loving,generous, loving,caring, respects others.

Do you have any pets?

None presently but i would love to have that one day,especially dog and cat.

Are you a neat person, a messy person or somewhere inbetween?

Am always neat.

Are you quiet? the life of the party?

I am a very quiet and understanding person and always ready to listen..

Do you drink or smoke?

I don't drink and i do not smoke.

How important is having children to you?

Having kids is very important to me, i love kids so much and i love been around
them to help them..I do go to the less prieveldge home down here also to have fun
with the motherless kids and help them with clothes and foodstuff,cause my mom was
once an Orphan before she passed away and she taught me how to be helpful to those
in needy..I would love to have kids of my own with the right man,cause i do not
believe in divorcing

Do you want to have more kids??

I can't receive a call and I can't call out with my number for now till I get back
in the states because I roamed my number while coming down to Nigeria, so I can use
it for texting only till I get back in the states and start functioning well.. if i
didn't roam it, i wouldn't be able to use it at all...

How much is your income in a week if you don't mind me asking? Am only asking you
if you can merge doing the same Antiques business with me when i get back to state,
cause it is a well profit oriented business and i love doing it..

If he does this, I will treat him like no woman as ever treated him and make him my
one and only Love.mostly importantly i want to get married to a caring, down to
earth, romantic,God fearing man soonest. The main thing in life that will make me
happy is to have a loving, passionately man and a happy family as well. am
religiously inclined, God fearing , and believe Jesus die for me on the cross of
calvary. Trust and massive care is mandatory in every relationship and i really
want that.

But now i am willing and ready now for a relationship. I am easygoing,open mined
and i know how to treat my man and make him feel good,i gives to him every love he
wants and always there for him when he needs a shoulder to lean on...
Do you get jealous or very protective?
I don't usually get jealous,but could be protective at times,I have every reason to
be jealous because God the creator himself is jealous,so why won't I be?

What do you look for in a woman and what would you want from your partner?
I want my man to be calm both inside and
outside,honest,kind,loving,caring,trustworthy,hardworking,God fearing,great sense
of humor and I would expect him to give all his heart and 100% of his love because
that's what I'm willing to give in return.

What turns you on?

Self esteem and achievements..Hmm kissing and sitting at the fire front telling
each other sweet things.

What turns you off?

Lies and dishonesty... playing with others emotional feelings... i believe you
understand what i meant by that !!!

Do you compromise in certian situations Or is it your way or the highway?

I could compromise,and could do that to any length

Would you ever do anything to hurt your partner?

Would you ever not tell your partner something because it may hurt them, Or would
you tell them because you don't want to keep anything from them?

First and foremost,I won't hide anything from my partner,If it's something that
could hurt him,I'ld weigh my chances and know how to say it,because if he
eventually finds out later,that could be worse..

Are you affectionate in public or distant?

I could get affectionate in public and sometimes,in distance but the distance could
be killing at times

Do you like or have tattoos?

I like tattoos but I don't have any but i will like to have that one day.

If you could be any superhero who would you be and why?

If I could be a superhero,I would be a "Genie",so all my wishes could be granted at
the snap of my fingers.

If you could be any animal which one would you be and why?I would be lioness so no
woman i say again no woman will ever come near my man because, i wanna have my man
all to myself.

I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give
himself to a wife to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring a joy of
life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day. There is a lifestyle of
marriage in the Lord that gives life and purpose to being married and can really be
enjoyed. I am looking for that quality of marriage and ready for commitment and
everlasting relationship..
I feel I am a woman of integrity and a family provider. I think I am kind in heart
and tender of soul. I am proud in the quality of what I do and responsible. I
believe in taking care of a man and treating him as a gift that God meant her to
be. I also understand that making love is not just a physical act of two bodies.I
want someone that is kind, caring, loving, enjoys life, one that knows there is
stress in life..but doesn't let it run her life, one that isn't afraid to show and
express their feelings, someone that agrees to disagree at times.

I search for everlasting love the way God meant it to be, and I am not ashamed of
that. Myupbringing was to be a woman at all times. I am a well polished diamond. I
don�t like to play games, no wasting anyone�s time, life is to short.

I miss having a man on my couch, watching, laughing, listening, caring, watching,

kissing, holding, rubbing each other sore backs, necks, heads. Just being together,
looking into each others eyes and know what each other is saying without speaking a

I am a passionate woman and l love to be affectionate. In the long run it is

companionship and enjoyment of what each person loves to do.

Most woman today are all about self gratification and not concerned about
tomorrow.. That is shallow and leads to a very empty, unfulfilled life.If I should
capture your heart you will have, my heart that offers that deep unconditional love
we all desire. My boundless personality that will keep you laughing and loving and
my soul which you will have captured forever. I am one of a kind. If this is what
you desire for the rest of your life, search no more.

Am an energetic and sociable person. I appreciate decency and sincerity in a

relationship between a woman and a man.

I'm seeking a man (open, kind, serious, confident,cheerful, responsible) who is

ready for marriage. I was raised with a strike Christian background and taught from
a young age to always respect myself and other people.I still maintains this value
wherever i goes.The inner beauty is more important for me than the beauty of

You are such a gentleman, I also miss having a man in my life, I can say that I
truly miss having time to cuddle and caress, kissing, just being with that special
man. I like to stay home sometimes because I don't get to do that much.I am very
loyal to all who know me, I have never betrayed anyone's confidence, it is a part
of who I am. I take commitments very seriously, if you want good things from life
you have to have goals. My main goal has been to find a loyal, caring, affectionate
soul mate.

I want to find a soul mate that is caring, kind-hearted,passionate, loving,

wonderful, intelligent, passionate about what they do in life as well as their
relationship.You are so amazing..

I never thought I would find a man who truly is the genuine, kind, loving, loyal,
and caring Man like you in my life

Respect is so important, if you can find all that once in your life you are so very
fortunate,I think you are all that and much more, you are truly amazing. You are
one of a kind.

I have not experienced such wonderful conversations with anyone like this before.
It truely tells a lot about you, you really sound like who i have been looking for
to be with and to spend all the whole and rest of my life with forever..

I am so full of love and affection that I have been waiting for such a special man,
I have never let my standards down even when I was told they were too high, I just
prayed that someday I would find all the wonderful things that I wanted.I don't let
people into my life easily, nor do I let them out of it, I am true and loyal.

I'm a quiet, kind, loyal. A great meaning for me is a human's soul. Circle of my
interests is various. I like the literature, music, and cinema. personality traits
are; calm, honest, kind, loyal, flexible, elegant, sociable, sensitive, gentle,
cheerful, optimistic, romantic .

To be honest Im looking for a partner in life. There is no physical criteria except

it must be attracted to them.I realize attraction is more than skin deep though.
I'm not looking for someone to take care of me but someone to share his feeling
with me

I am looking for my partner for life. Someone to care for someone to love and share
with my hopes my dreams my sorrows. Someone who knows a relationship is a work of
art something that you strive together in building and molding it into place. I
miss the touch of a man, and sharing affection with a man. you might laugh but I
miss every aspect that comes with being that significant other for another I miss
talking kissing and laughing with someone..

My perception of an ideal , I would like to see near me clever, intelligent, and

reliable man. Which would require my emotional heat, capable to like and respect
the man. I have to let you know as well, that am an honest person as i have said,
and i have to be honest with that, i don't have any boyfriend at present now and am
not in any serious relationship.am a great giver because I so much believes in the
multiplied returns and that's why I doesn�t lack anything. I never speak negatively
about people I take less and listen more to people and does not jump into other
people's affairs.

Am very understanding,open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and caring with
sense of humor, hard working with cheerful character,honest,sincere,kind, warm and
intelligent with good look ...

My favorite food is Jollof Rice, Plantain,meats,Fruits,and I eats plenty of Fruits

and Vegetable,I also do like to eat French Pizza and Pasta.

I have been Hurt before and will not allow `that to happen to me again,thats why i
took my time to look for my Love Life.

It will be so great to be together and love and I hope, someday we'll meet and we
will be happy in our souls and hearts!

Would you embrace my heart and soul as you would your own.I don't let people in
often, only when I feel that are of character and would not hurt me. I so want
someone who would cherish me for all that I am and want to be in life.

Everything I give in life is real and from the heart. Your heart would be safe with
my heart.

I hope to create a happy, cosy, secure marriage with a nice man, I would love to
have a loving family in a nice house where everyone feels good to come home to.I
have fully decided to be a role Model to my children and a good, loving and caring
wife to my husband.But I doesn�t want to mess myself with the wrong man.Basically i
decided to settle with a nice, good loving and caring man in any part of the world.

If I allow you into my heart which is a very special place,can I trust you to hold
it or will you throw it back in myface? Will you give it alot of love,kindness and
affection,or will you lie and mislead it in all different directions?

Would you take care of it as it would take care of you,or would you rip it out and
step on it with your shoe?

If I allow you in my heart which is capable of generating warm feelings of love

your way, would you hold it tenderly and caress it each and everyday? A heart as
bright as the sunshine rays lighting the very corners of you soul, holding you
taking your breath away.

If I allow you in my heart,through all it's up and downs will you be there holding
it to the end, understanding it's emotions not allowing your love to bend?

If I allow you in my heart to feel the warmth of your hand will you embrace it with
your love,your passions,your plans?

If I allow you in my heart will I know your love for it is real,will you cherish it
and show it how a real woman feels?

If I allow you in my heart will you fill it with all of your manhood your passion
your fire, the very essence of you...your desire?

To get in my heart it will except no imitation,if you promise to love, cherish,and

take care of it, my heart extends to you..

I Would like us to build more trust and Honest with faith more in this conversation
so that we can move forward and plan more better on how to plan and meet each other
face to face. The Holy Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that
build it."y Spirit reminded me of that as it applies to marriage.Only God can meld
two hearts together so that only the love He can give may be experienced by both
toward each other..When we can totally surrender to His will, even in love...when
it's not forced or planned or manipulated, that is when marriage will really honor
God. When the union is for His Glory...and not our own, then it will flourish and
be the example that God intended it to be. I am a Spirit-filled believer in the
Lord Jesus Christ, and He is the source and strength of my life. The desire of my
heart is that I meet and grow to love the man with whom I hope to spend the rest of
my life. Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No matter how
much you love someone if you don't have these ingredients you will never succeed.
To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her
first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only
thing that will never fade until you die, your heart.Love is like trust, when you
find your special someone it is as if you're trusting them with your heart.Trust is
what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to. Trust is what makes
everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what makes everyone
realize that you are always there to help them in case they need some help Love
makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that you
are always there for her, to be with her, to make her realize how much you really
love her. Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets
unstable.Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will
be returned to you to give again and again. You can get advice from family, friends
and strangers, but the best advice comes from your heart; it never lies trust
it.There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting
with your heart; choose wisely.To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be
loved. For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing.The heart already
knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot,they are on
the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person
in the world.Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It
is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It
keeps no record of wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the
truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.Love takes many things: trust,
hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going
be enough.Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple
understanding and trust between two people. As we all want to nurture those that we
love. We want the best in life for those that we care about.We all turn to our
loved ones for support from time to time. When your loved one does not offer you
their support it may be time to look at your relationship. If your partner is
unwilling to listen to you, and to your problems, they are not meeting your needs
when you need support. Support can come in many forms, someone lending an ear,
someone going out of their way to help you, or something as simple as a phone call
to cheer you up. Make sure your partner gives you support when you need it. When
engaging in a relationship with another person there is always going to be things
that you do not agree upon. You want to have the ability to compromise so both
partners are getting their wishes met. If someone isn't willing to compromise, they
are not willing to acknowledge your wants and desires. If they can not acknowledge
your wants they are likely not emotionally developed enough for you to have your
needs met. Open and honest communication is one of the more desirable qualities you
want to have in a relationship.. Watch to see that your partner is not secretive,
nor are they willing to tell lies to avoid certain subjects. For example, if a
partner is married, and fails to tell you that, you can rightfully assume if they
can lie about big things, they can lie about small things. While you may not like
everything your partner may say, freedom to be honest should be there in your
relationship. Likewise, you need to be open and honest with your partner; a
relationship based upon false truths is not likely to be successful, because both
partners do not have the correct frame of reference in the relationship. There are
many qualities that make relationships good support, compromise, and open and
honest communication is just a few of these qualities that you may desire in a
relationship. Engage only in relationships where both partners can openly discuss
their wants and needs, this can take practice. Remember loving relationships grow
and only become better, eliminate those who do not meet your needs when they
continually fail to support you, will not compromise, and will not be honest. These
three qualities alone will help you nurture and develop a deeper relationship with
your partner. I Hope to read from you soon..

1.I wished on a star one night, wished to have a friend I will love for life, days
passed and I started to cry, I didn't know that my wish came true cause the person
I wished for was you.

2.I�d rather be with someone who loves me more than I love him. I�m 100% sure that
my happiness is his priority, and no more sleepless nights.
It�s not easy to let go of something you've put everything. But it�s harder to
realize later on that you've been holding on to something that wasn't

3.It�s wrong to hurt those who love you, but it�s worse to love those who hurt you.
I began to make a step the moment I knew where I stand. Then I moved on.

4.Accidents do happen, I slip, I trip, I stumble and fall, usually I don�t mind it
at all but now I don�t know what to do cause I slipped and fell in love with you.

As I lay down the cards in the game of solitaire. I see the king and queen of
hearts side by side, I remember you and me and how you left me for the jack of

5.As you admire the wonderful things God has made today, remember you�re one of
them � wonderful inside and out. You�re blessed. You�re special. You�re loved.

6.Did you know that most people assume that the summation of all the causes of
hurt, pain and hatred in one word is just expectations?

Don�t ask the sun to always shine, the clouds exist, don�t ask the leaves not to
fall, the wind exists, don�t ask me to just forget, I can�t, you exist.

7.I know nothing lasts forever and maybe we won�t always stay together but every
smile and laughter we shared convinces me that the memories of our friendship will
last for the rest of my life. Good Morning!

I look at you and I realize just how much you've been a part of my life, how
special you are and how much you've made me happy. I look at you and I realize that
heaven must be missing an angel.sweet romantic text messages

I look at you and I realize just how much you've been a part of my life, how
special you are and how much you've made me happy. I look at you and I realize that
heaven must be missing an angel.

8.Love is a contradiction, it�s hard to find but easy to lose, makes you feel good
but hurts so bad, opens your eyes but makes you blind, fills up your heart then
tears it apart.

9.My silence for a long time doesn't mean that I've forgotten you. My being hush is
a simple symbol, a promise that even if I�m being quite, I�ll always be here for

10.Never ask why the heart is red, the sky is blue, the cloud is white cause it�s
like asking why of all people it�s you I care about.

11.Sometimes people decided to be just friends even if they still love each other.
Ever wonder why? Maybe because it�s not the love that�s hard to sustain, it�s the
commitment that complicates everything!

12.Somewhere in your heart, try to find a place for me. Somewhere in your heart, I
don�t care where it might be. One little corner may not mean so much to you but one
little corner would be enough to see me through.
Staying with someone you really like even if you know you can�t be together for a
lot of reasons are like standing under the rain. It feels good but you know it�s
going to make you sick.

13.There were times I love to hate you. And then I love to love you. It�s like I
want to throw you off a cliff, then rush to the bottom to catch you.
When torn between two lovers don�t choose the one who makes your heart flatter but
the one who fills it with laughter cause the excitement will just fade away but the
smile in your heart will always stay.

14.When you are running after the person you love and you�re too busy to notice me
running after you, don�t mind me. But when you stumble and fall, take my hand and
let me be the one to help you get up again.

Scott Jenner
Gary Turner



Earl Klemm




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