MKTG101 (2017 S1) Session 9 - Promotion

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Week 09
Session 9: Promotion

Learning objectives:
• explain promotion and its role in the marketing mix
• understand the IMC approach to marketing promotion and
the major elements of the promotion mix
• describe different types of advertising and the steps in
creating an advertising campaign
• outline the role of public relations in promotion
• explain how sales promotion activities can be used
• understand the nature of personal selling
• discuss a range of marketing communication options
additional to the traditional promotion mix.
The marketing process
Communication process

Figure 9.1
Objectives of promotion:

• To support the organisation's

overall marketing objectives
• To demonstrate features and
• To encourage product trial and
create demand
Objectives of promotion (2)

• To reinforce the product or brand

and encourage repeat purchase
• To increase support offered by
• To retain loyal customers
Objectives of promotion (3)

• Marketing communications can be

designed to increase general awareness
about and goodwill towards an
• Cause-related marketing
 Philanthropic activities tied to the
purchase of a product.
Haagen-Dazs – Help the Honey Bees
Integrated marketing

• Integrated marketing communications (IMC)

The coordination of promotional efforts to maximise the
communication effect.

• Promotion mix
⁻ Combinations of methods used to promote a
product or idea
⁻ The four elements of a promotion mix are:
• advertising
• public relations s/2016-06-05/nestle-ramps-up-online-
• sales promotion
• personal selling.

• The transmission of paid messages about an organisation,

brand or product to a mass audience.
• Worth over $12 billion/year in Australia

• Benefits: Reaches many people at relatively low cost per

• Limitation: Difficult to measure effectiveness
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble
is I don't know which half.” - John Wanamaker US department
store merchant (1838 – 1922)
Public relations

• Communications aimed at creating and maintaining

relationships between the marketing organisation and its
• Effective PR messages are timely, engaging, accurate and in the
public interest.

• Benefits: Credibility, resulting word-of-mouth, low- or no-cost,

effectively combat negative perceptions or events.

Sales promotion

• Offers of extra value to resellers, salespeople and consumers

in a bid to increase sales.
• Used irregularly to smooth demand
• Rewards the sale of company’s products
• Resellers and sales people

• Limitations: Can lose effectiveness if overused, easily copied,

public becoming increasingly cynical about whether they offer
real value.
Personal selling

• Personal communication efforts that seek to persuade

consumers to buy products.
• Expensive, high-involvement or industrial products favour
personal selling
• Prestige brands, cars, fashion, home furnishings, B2B

• Benefits: Can be specifically tailored to individuals, so has

greater influence than advertising, sales promotions and PR
• Limitations: Expensive, limited reach, labour intensive, time-
Integrating promotion mix

• Marketing organisations have different promotional

needs and finite financial and other resources, so must
choose from options in the promotion mix.
• Those with large promotion budgets usually use
multiple strategies.
• Small budgets will rely on fewer, simpler strategies.
• Best promotion mix will change over time
Push and pull promotion

• An approach in which a product is promoted to the next
institution to “push” goods through the marketing
channel. Generally B2B.
• Greater reliance on personal selling and sales
• An approach in which a product is promoted to
consumers to create demand to “pull” goods through
the marketing channel. Generally B2C.
• Greater reliance on advertising
Creating an advertising campaign

• Key steps in creating an advertising campaign:

1 Understand the market environment
2 Know the target market (audience)
3 Set specific objectives
4 Create the message strategy
5 Allocate resources
6 Select media
7 Produce the advertisement
8 Place the advertisement
9 Evaluate the campaign
These …support these Specific Communication
advertising Objectives
To Inform - to increase brand awareness (esp new brand)
- to educate target consumers about brand feature/benefits/new
product usage (usage expansion), brand improvements
- to facilitate the creation of positive brand image

To Remind - to maintain the brand in target consumers’ evoked set

- to maintain / increase target consumers’ interest in a mature brand
- to influence brand switching through reminders of our brand’s benefits
and features

To Persuade - to persuade trial for new product (build primary demand)

- to provide reasons to try Brand A over B (build secondary demand)
and reasons for buying immediately, instead of delaying
- to convince target consumers of product quality hence the relatively
higher price

To Add Value - to add value to product offering via changing consumer perceptions
(esp, perceived quality)

To Assist Other - to facilitate other marketing efforts (Remember the marketing Mix,
4P? “Promotion” is only a part of the total marketing programs)
Marketing - Advertising is just one element of marketing communications – may
Efforts lend credibility to salespeople’s claims 19
- to reduce the effectiveness of competitors’ communication effects

• Competitive advertising
Using advertising to promote the features and benefits of a product
relative to competing products. 1989 1960s

• Comparative advertising
• Using advertising to directly compare a product
against a competing product.
Advertising media options

Table 9.3
Advertising media options cont.
Advertising media options cont.
Advertising media options cont.
Public relations

• Public relations
Promotional efforts designed to build and sustain good relations between an
organisation and its stakeholders.
• Publicity
Unpaid exposure in the media.
Positive preferred, but ‘any publicity is good publicity’
Often better received by public who are increasingly sceptical about PR and
paid-for advertising
Media release, press conference – something newsworthy
• Sponsorship
A paid association with an event or a person. The Block Sports
Consumer sales promotions

Free samples
• Sample of a product provided for free so that
consumers can experience it without committing
to a purchase.

Premium offers
• Given as a bonus for purchasing a product.

Loyalty programs
• Schemes that reward customers
based on the amount they spend.
Consumer sales promotions

• Effective in promoting product benefits and
allow organisations to build a database of
members of their target market.

• Vouchers that offer consumers a discount price
on a product or service e.g. ‘Shop-A-Docket’.

• A certain amount off the regular price.
Consumer sales promotions

• Return of some of purchase price upon
presentation of proof of purchase.

Point of purchase promotions

• Includes in-store signage and display, and free
product trials or demonstrations in stores.

Event sponsorships
• E.g. Exclusive merchandise deal, where sponsor
has sole right to sell products at venue.
Personal Selling

• Use of personal communication with consumers to persuade them

to buy products.
• Almost all businesses will require personal selling (either face to
face, telesales or on-line)
• Models of personal selling include INPLCF:
• Information, Needs, Product, Leverage, Commitment/close,
Following up
• Information: What benefits, features and strengths should be promoted
to prospect – i.e. what are their particular needs?
• Needs: Salesperson should begin building up relationship with customer
by finding out more and more of customer’s needs
• Product: Highlight how product features match customer needs, to
stimulate and hold interest in product. Demonstrate product
Personal selling cont’d

• Leverage: highlight comparative and competitive

• Deal with objections or any hesitation from customer
• salesperson should treat objections as requests for further
• If needs analysis performed well, should be possible to anticipate
likely objections and have prepared responses
• Commitment or close: The stage in the selling process
when the salesperson asks the prospect to buy the
• Following up: Customer loyalty and repeat business can
be encouraged by following up with customers
• Follow up should determine if the delivery and setup of the order was
completed to the customer’s satisfaction
• Follow-up also helps reduce post-purchase dissonance.
Additional forms of promotion

Ambush marketing
• The presentation of marketing messages at an event that is
sponsored by an unrelated business or a competitor.
• Marketers considering sponsoring events need to defend
themselves against ambush marketing, including assessing
risk and sponsorship value.
• Major events (eg Olympics, World Cup) will take steps to
reduce impact and protect sponsors.

Additional forms of promotion

Product placement
The paid inclusion of products in movies, television
shows, video games, songs and books.
Additional forms of promotion

A plug
• When the media overtly promotes a product
within a program rather than as a separate
Additional forms of promotion

• Guerrilla marketing
The use of an aggressive and unconventional marketing approach to grab
• Viral marketing
Using social networks to spread a marketing message. Can fail to fire or
backfire. Commercial benefits hard to measure.
• Permission marketing
Marketing that aims to build on an ongoing relationship with customers
e.g. ‘opt-in’ email or social media (“friending”, “liking”, and “following”).
• Clearly advertising/marketing can achieve a range of objectives and the
traditional lines are blurring

• explain promotion and its role in the marketing mix

• understand the IMC approach to promotion and the major
elements of the promotion mix
• describe different types of advertising and the steps in
creating an advertising campaign
• outline the role of public relations in promotion
• explain how sales promotion activities can be used
• understand the nature of personal selling
• discuss a range of marketing communication options
additional to the traditional promotion mix.

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