CELTA Lesson Plan: Listening

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Listening A2 45 min

MAIN AIM By the end of the lesson, Sts will have practiced listening for gist and details on the topic of
good weekend

SUB-AIM(S) ● To develop students’ speaking for fluency on the same topic.

PERSONAL AIM(S) ● To reduce my demonstration time by showing them the instruction

● To reduce my TTT, so I scripted what I wanted to say in each stage

MATERIALS ● Exercises adapted from: Damian Williams, Roadmap A2 Unit 6B page 102 ex 1, 2, 5.


Anticipate problems related to the learners’ behaviour and classroom management.

Language problems should be described in the target language analysis, not here.


Students might have tech problems as some of them are Have the pictures of all tasks prepared and send them to
using their phones and tablets. students if they have problems; be ready to rearrange
BOR if any student suddenly disappears/has problems
with connection.

Students join in the middle of the lesson. Include them in discussion or add to BOR and ask to join
the discussion.
The audio doesn’t work or it’s not loud enough. Have the audio on the phone and play it from there or
have the script ready and read it out for the students.

RATIONALE (Why this lesson and why now?)

The summer has come so it is a good idea to have a lesson about days off.

Target Language Analysis

(Target Language for Systems lessons / Pre-teach vocabulary for Skills lessons / Language work for Productive Skills lessons). Add or
delete boxes, as appropriate.

Eliciting Meaning
Meaning & Anticipated Problem
and Concept Pronunciation Form
Appropriacy and Suggested Solution

○ Day off - a day on CCQ: /ˌdeɪ ˈɒf/ Noun,

which you do not countable, 1. Problems with
have to work Do you work on a day singular form: days off and
off? No. day offs?
(from the Oxford Solution: ICQ: do
Advanced Learner's Do you rest on a day we say days off or
Dictionary) off? Yes. day offs? – Days

2. Problems with
+ synonym: pronunciation:
/ˌdeɪ ˈɒf/ or /ˌdeɪ
Day off = rest day ˈɒv/? /ˌdeɪ ˈɒf/
Solution: drilling or
PCQ: Do we say
/ˌdeɪ ˈɒf/ or /ˌdeɪ

Picked up - to CCQ: /pɪkt ʌp/ Phrasal verb

collect something in Past 1. Problems with
from a place When you pick up fruit Simple, meaning as pick
from the supermarket, up has many
do you buy it and take meanings.
transitive Solution: CCQ
it with you? Yes.
(from the Oxford 2. Problems with
Advanced Learner's form: regular or
irregular? Picked
+ a picture up, pickt up?
Solution: ICQ: Do
we write picked or
pickt? Picked.
3. Problems with
/pɪkt ʌp/or /pɪket
ʌp/?/pɪkt ʌp/
Solution: drilling or
PCQ: Do we
say/pɪkt ʌp/or
/pɪket ʌp/?/pɪkt ʌp/

○ Day out - a trip or CCQ: /ˌdeɪ ˈaʊt/ Noun,

visit somewhere countable, 1. Problems with
for a day Do you stay at home singular form: days out and
on a day out? No. day outs?
(from the Oxford Solution: ICQ: do
Advanced Learner's Do you go somewhere we say days out
Dictionary) to have a rest on a or day outs? –
day out? Yes. Days out.

2. Problems with
form: day aut or
day out? day out.
Solution: ICQ: Do
we write day aut
or day out? day

○ Lovely - beautiful; CCQ: /ˈlʌvli/ adjective

attractive 1. Problems with
Is lovely house a nice meaning: Sts
(from the Oxford house? might think that
Advanced Learner's lovely is
Dictionary) Is lovely house a connected to
beautiful house? “love”.
Solution: CCQ or
using synonyms

+ using synonyms: 2. Problems with

lovely = beautiful form: lovely or
loveli? lovely
Solution: ICQ: do
we write lovely or
loveli? lovely

3. Problems with
/ˈlʌvli/ or
/ˈlʌveli/? /ˈlʌvli/
Solution: drilling or
PCQ: /ˈlʌvli/ or
/ˈlʌveli/? /ˈlʌvli/

Add as many boxes as you need, according to the number of stages in your lesson.

e Stage Name Stage Aim

To contextualise the lesson

Lead in

To raise interest in the topic

Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing Script Language

1. Say hi to the sts, ask the sts how T-Sts 1. Hi everyone! How are
their week/weekends are going. our days going?
1. Give sts instructions: Look at the Look at the pictures and
pictures and discuss what people discuss what are the
5 min
are doing in groups. You have 2-3 people doing. You have
min in BORs. Don’t forget to take a 2-3 min in BORs. Don’t
photo! forget to take a photo!
2. Do a personal demo. 2. Now example for you:
3. Send sts to BOR for 2-3 min to Look at picture B: I can
discuss: What do you see in the see people who are
pictures? doing hiking.
4. Monitor the BORs 3. Now let’s go to BOR.
5. Bring the sts back and ask 1-2 of You have 2-3 min.
them what they discussed. 4. –
5. Welcome back! Sts 1,
Sts-Sts what did you discuss?

e Stage Name Stage Aim

2 Pre-teach vocab To prepare Sts for the listening and pre-teach some useful words

Interact Timin
Lesson Procedure Script Language
ion g

9 min
1. Match the words
1. Give sts instructions: Match the words (day off, T-Sts (day off, pick up, day
picked up, day out, lovely) and their meanings. You out, lovely) and their
have 3 min in BORs. Don’t forget to take a photo! meanings. You have
2. Send sts to BORs and monitor them. Bring sts 3 min in BORs. Don’t
back. forget to take a
3. Discuss their answers (nominate several people photo!
from different groups to match the options and 2. Let’s go.
show the answers on the screen). 3. Sts 1, what about
Sts-Sts word 1; sts 2, what
4. Give sts instructions: Now it’s time for
pronunciation. Repeat after me. (Model the words about word 2, etc.
and do choral drilling at first if there aren’t many sts 4. Now it’s time for
or individual drilling if there are many sts.)
Repeat after me:
5. After finishing drilling all the words come back to
T-Sts day off, pick up, day
the first/second/etc one and nominate 1-2 sts again
out, lovely.
to repeat the words without teacher’s modelling this 5. Now sts 1, repeat
time. word 1, sts 2 repeat
word 2, etc.



e Stage Name Stage Aim

3 To develop Sts’ skills of listening to get the general idea

Listening for gist

Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing Script Language

1. Give sts instructions: Listen T-Sts 1. Listen to the audio and

to the audio and answer answer the question on the
the question: Which places 9 min screen.
did they visit: the courtside, 2. Do you hear the sound?
a museum, a park? 3. –
2. Check if the audio is 4. So now you have 2 min in
working and sts can hear it BORs to discuss your
loud and clear (several answers. Don’t forget to
seconds test run). take a photo of the
3. Play the whole audio. question!
4. Give sts instructions: So 5. Let’s go.
now you have 2 min in 6. –
BORs to discuss your 7. Sts 1, what do you think?
answers. Don’t forget to Sts 2?
take a photo!
5. Send sts to BORs and
monitor them.
6. Bring sts back and discuss
the answers (nominate 1-3
sts and then show the
answers on the screen: a
park and a museum).


e Stage Name Stage Aim

Listening for details

4 To develop Sts’ skills of listening for details

Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing Script Language

1. Give sts instructions: Listen 9 min 1. Listen again carefully.

again carefully. Put the events Put the events in the
in the correct order: T-Sts correct order.
2. Do you hear the
1. It rained. sound?
2. They went to the museum. 3. Now read the
3. He decided to go to the sentences.
4. –
5. So now you have 3 min
4. They went to the park.
in BORs to discuss
2. Check if the audio is working
your answers. Don’t
and sts can hear it loud and
forget to take a photo!
clear (several seconds test
6. Let’s go.
7. Sts 1, what do you
3. Give sts 20 seconds to read think about the first
the sentences. event? Sts 2, what is
4. Play the whole audio. the second event? etc.
5. Give sts instructions: So now
you have 3 min in BORs to
discuss your answers. Don’t
forget to take a photo!
6. Send sts to BORs and monitor
7. Bring sts back and discuss the
answers (nominate several sts
and then show the answers on
the screen): 3, 4, 1, 2.



e Stage Name Stage Aim

Productive follow-up
task To provide an opportunity for Sts to react to the audio and develop their
speaking skill in the context of ‘good weekends’ discussion

Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing Script Language

1. Discuss the questions in

2. I had a great day out last
1. Give sts instructions: Discuss Sunday! I went to the park
in groups: and had a picnic. The
a) When was the last time you weather was great!
had a good day out? T-Sts 3. Take the photo of the
b) Where did you go? questions!
8 min 4. Let’s go.
c) What did you do?
d) Why was it good? 5. –
6. Welcome back!
2. Do a personal demo
3. Remind sts to take a photo.
4. Send the sts to BORs for 3-5
min with the task.
5. Monitor the BORs.
6. Bring the sts back.


e Stage Name Stage Aim

Feedback To give feedback on task achievement and language and carry out error

Lesson Procedure Interaction Timing Script Language

1. Ask the sts what new 1. So, what new

information they found out information did you
about their groupmates and learn about your
their days off.
2. Look at the screen, I
2. Give sts feedback about the really likes your
language and praise some T-Sts phrases: …
good language usage. 3. Look at the screen, let’s
3. Do error correction. 5 min correct these
sentences: …


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