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Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) risk mapping

in Hunza River Basin (Pakistan) using geospatial


Arjumand Z. Zaidi Zeenat Yasmeen

Department of Remote Sensing and Geo-information Department of Remote Sensing and Geo-information
Sciences, Institute of Space Technology Sciences, Institute of Space Technology
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan

Mohammad Danish Siddiqui

Department of Remote Sensing and Geo-information Sciences, Institute of Space Technology
Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract— In Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) region, mapping, both spatial and temporal, as opposed to a limited
observations on glacial fluctuations indicate substantial retreat of frequency point measurement can reduce the devastating
glaciers, especially in Pakistan, Nepal, India and China. Recent impact of such hazards. Sometimes it is not easy to avoid
global temperature rise has allegedly been responsible for the natural phenomena causing disasters such as GLOFs, but a
depletion of these glaciers and consequently creation of lakes on prior knowledge about their nature and possible extent can
their terminus. Several of these lakes have burst and caused flooding develop a capacity of disaster management authorities to
or Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) in the recent past. GLOFs respond and recover from emergency and disaster events.
have a potential of releasing millions of cubic meters of water in a Similarly, hazard maps cannot stop a disastrous event from
few hours causing catastrophic flooding downstream and damaging
happening but an effective use of hazard maps can prevent an
whatever comes into their way. Hazard mapping of elements at risk
may enhance the capacity of the vulnerable communities to face these
extreme event from becoming a disaster. This paper proposes
disasters in order to reduce their devastating impacts. Study of a mechanism for reliable and cost effective GLOF hazard
GLOFs hazard in Hunza River basin of Pakistan using geospatial mapping and damage assessment using advanced geospatial
techniques consisting of satellite remote sensing, Geographical hydrologic/hydraulic modeling techniques in Hunza River
Information System (GIS), hydraulic and hydrology tools is proposed basin.
in this paper. Geospatial techniques have a capacity to acquire A. Nature of the Problem
information regarding the status of glaciers and glacier lakes at
spatial and temporal resolutions beyond the capability of infrequent Recent global warming has allegedly been responsible for
and point scale in-situ monitoring. Remotely sensed satellite data many alterations in the natural phenomena in many regions of
along with ground based data are used in this study for risk mapping the world. Few of the impacts of the recent climate change in
of Passu Lake in Hunza River basin, Pakistan. The outcomes of the the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) are the creation of glacier
proposed study will be helpful for GLOFs risk management and an lakes on the lower sections of these glaciers. Several of these
overall strategy to address possible risks from future GLOFs events lakes have burst in the recent past causing Glacial Lake
in the country. Outburst Floods (GLOFs) that resulted in a loss of human lives
and destruction and damages of infrastructure in the valleys
Keywords—galcial lake outburst flood (GLOF); remote below. GLOFs may develop abruptly in a river with no history
sensing; GIS; hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, risk map of outburst flooding and for that reason magnitude and
I. INTRODUCTION frequency of glacial-outburst floods cannot be predicted using
standard statistical methods. Due to remote locations of such
Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) occurs when a dam lakes, a continuous spatial and temporal monitoring required to
containing a glacial lake fails. This is mainly due to the glaciers reduce the devastating impact of GLOFs is very challenging
retreat. As glaciers retreat, glacial lakes are formed behind given the rugged terrains and harsh weather conditions.
moraine or ice dams or inside the glaciers. A sudden breach in Remote Sensing (RS) techniques have a capacity to acquire
its walls may lead to a discharge of huge volumes of water and information at spatial and temporal resolutions beyond the
debris. Several of such lakes have been burst in the recent past capability of infrequent and point scale in-situ monitoring.
resulting in a loss of human lives and destruction and damages Utilizing this capability of RS and GIS techniques status of
of infrastructure in the valleys below. Glacier-outburst floods glaciers and glacier lakes can be continuously monitored.
cannot be predicted and therefore, a continuous monitoring and

978-1-4673-6396-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 191

B. Background of Previous Work reports. Passu Lake at Hunza river basin has a past history of
According to World Meteorological Organization (2011), flooding at a random interval of 2-5 years. The severity of the
the first decade of the 21th century (2001-2010) was the potential flooding of Passu Lake may be assessed for several
warmest decade recorded over the globe. Due to rise in global criteria like prior history of flooding, area, lake expansion rate,
temperature, most of the world glaciers are subject to depletion surrounding environment, socio-economic parameters such as
with a few exceptions and are posing serious challenges to economic activities in downstream river valleys, and
water security [1]. The heavily glacierized region of Pakistan downstream settlements and infrastructure. Hydrologic tools
has also experienced a similar trend of rising annual mean and hydraulic simulation models, integrated with GIS, were
temperatures along with significantly increased heat waves used to perform watershed based analyses to delineate
over the southern slopes of HKH [2]. Rapid retreat of glaciers catchment area and runoff flow pattern and flood mapping.
increases run-off and contributes to the growth of glacial lakes State-of-the-art software packages include, but not limited to,
[3] that may burst and destroy downstream river valley. These ERDAS Imagine, ArcGIS 10, ArcHydro, HEC-GeoRAS and
GLOFs have adverse socioeconomic impacts and are massive HEC-RAS. Satellite data used in this study were derived from
threats for downstream located elements at risk including, various satellite systems (Landsat TM, and Advanced
human lives, infrastructure, natural forests, agriculture lands, Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer-
settlements, and other assets. ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model). Salient features of
the proposed project are:
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
(ICIMOD) has developed an inventory of glaciers, glacier 1. Hydrology and hydraulic modeling for delineation of
lakes, and potential GLOFs affected by global warming in drainage basin and assessing impact of GLOF downstream
mountains of Himalayan regions. Around 2,420 glacial lakes 2. Identification of potential risk areas and element at
are identified in the HKH region of Pakistan of which 52 lakes risks downstream due to flooding.
are declared as potentially dangerous lakes [4]. This inventory
is very useful for study of GLOFs in the HKH region of II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Pakistan. The proposed study is based on one of these A. Study Area
dangerous glacier lakes at the terminus of Passu Glacier in
Hunza Watershed. Passu Lake had two (02) outbursts in last The northern Pakistan is a mountainous region and
two (02) decades blocking Karakoram Highway (KKH) and numerous glaciers and glacial lakes are found in high
destroying settlements located along Hunza River [5]. Since mountain range of Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) region.
glacier lakes may burst abruptly without any prior history of Glacier and glacial lakes have been a hazard to people and
flooding and for that reason a continuous monitoring and property located downstream [12]. According to ICIMOD’s
mapping, both spatial and temporal, is required to reduce the inventory published in 2005, a total of 2,420 glacial lakes have
devastating impact of such hazards. Remote Sensing and GIS been identified in ten (10) river basins of HKH region of
techniques along with hydraulic and hydrologic simulations Pakistan. The maximum glacial lakes are identified in Gilgit
have a capacity to acquire information regarding status of River basin (614) followed by Indus (574), Swat (255) and
glaciers and glacier lakes at spatial and temporal resolutions Shingo (238) River basins. In Gilgit River basin out of 614
and to map flood extent. Several studies, around the world, glacial lakes, 380 lakes have been characterized as major lakes
have already used satellite images for monitoring glaciers and which are about 62 % of the total lakes. These major lakes
glacier lakes and hydraulic and hydrologic models (HEC-RAS, contribute about 93 % of the lake area of the basin. Glacier
HEC-GeoRAS, HEC-HMS, HEC-GeoHMS, Arc Hydro and thinning and retreat in HKH region has resulted in the
others) for GLOFs mapping [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Study of
formation of new glacial lakes, expansion of existing lakes
GLOFs hazard in Hunza watershed of Pakistan using satellite
remote sensing, GIS, hydraulic and hydrologic tools is and glacier lakes outburst floods (GLOFs). There were 52
proposed here. potentially dangerous lakes identified in Pakistani HKH
mountain ranges. The site selected for this study is Passu lake
C. Purpose and Significance in Hunza River watershed. Passu Lake is located at the
A broader area can be monitored or mapped utilizing terminus of 38 Km long East-West oriented Passu glacier in
satellites data and extent of glaciers and presence of glacier HKH region. Passu subwatershed within which Passu Lake is
lakes can be detected at selected sites. The main purpose of this situated was selected for floodplain mapping (Figure 1).
research was monitoring, and risk and hazard mapping of
dangerous glacial lake in Hunza valley utilizing RS, GIS and B. Methodology
hydraulic/hydrology tools and techniques. Passu Lake has 1. Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
natural drainage and apparently the probability of its outburst is
low [11] but the expected losses in case of GLOF are huge. Drainage basin, subbasins and stream network of Hunza
The outcomes of the proposed study are helpful to address River watershed were delineated using 30 meter resolution
possible risks from future GLOFs events. ASTER Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Arc Hydro
software. Arc Hydro is a geospatial and temporal data model
D. Addressing the Problem for water resources that operates within Environmental
The study presented in this paper includes temporal Systems Research Institute’s (ESRI) GIS mapping software
mapping of glacial lake extent at the study area using RS and ArcGIS [13]. The DEM processing is necessary to remove
GIS tools based on satellite images and available maps and misleading elevation values and was done using ‘Fill Sink’

Figure 1: Study Area

Figure 2: HEC-GeoRAS Geometry Layers

function of Arc Hydro. Watershed and stream network of GLOF. Hydraulic simulation models HEC-RAS and HEC-
delineation were performed with Arc Hydro after DEM GeoRAS were used for this purpose. HEC-RAS, developed by
processing. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering
Center (HEC), is designed to perform one-dimensional
Hydraulic modeling of Passu Lake and Hunza River was hydraulic modeling [13]. Hunza River reach flowing through
done for flood mapping and to evaluate the downstream impact Passu subwatershed was used for creating HEC-RAS geometry

layers in HEC-GeoRAS that has GIS interfacing capabilities 2. Risk Mapping of Potential Risk Areas
(Figure 2). HEC-GeoRAS processes geospatial data in ArcGIS
for preparing geometric layers to be imported into HEC-RAS. Identification of potential risk areas downstream due to
The layers created for this study were stream centerline, flooding was done by overlapping the GIS layers of elements at
channel banks, flow paths, and river cross sections. risk with flood inundation map. The elements at risk used for
this study were settlements and roads/highways. For future
The geometric layers created for this study were imported studies, agricultural areas, trees and utilities will also be added
in HEC-RAS for further analysis. HEC-RAS is capable of for risk evaluation.
analyzing both steady flow and unsteady flow data. For this
study steady flow data analysis was performed for calculating III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
flood inundation area and water depths at various predefined
cross sections. Manning roughness coefficient was arbitrary
selected as 0.03 for main channel and 0.04 for floodplain. A Risk map was developed by overlay of element at risk layers
higher roughness coefficient for floodplain was selected to with flood map. Potential risk areas are shown in Figure 3.
account for higher resistance to flow in vegetated areas. Segments of Karakoram highway are within risk zones and few
Although a multiple number of flow profiles can be added in settlements along the river have potential to get effected by
the model but a single flow profile was used here based on future GLOF events. Hunza River blockage due to landslide in
probable maximum discharge. For calculating flow or 2010 had also resulted flooding in the area downstream of
discharge an empirical relationship developed by Huggel et al. Passu Lake. The flood water is still not completely drained out
[14] was used where volume, V (in m3), of a glacial lake can and the situation may get worse if flood water after GLOF also
be expressed as a function of lake area A (in m2): reaches there.
The flood inundation was based on moraine dam bursting
V = 0.104A1.42 (1)
and releasing all water in the lake. Though this may be
The above relationship is based on glacial lakes data in considered as the worst case scenario but precipitation data
North America, South America, the Himalayas, Iceland, and from extreme rain events has not been considered here and
the European Alps [10]. Area of Passu Lake was determined by therefore its influence is yet to be analyzed. Also high
digitizing the lake extent in April 2005 Google Earth image.
resolution data should be used to refine this analysis that may
Comparing other images of different time periods (both Google
Earth and Landsat TM), the April 2005 image showed the enhance the estimation of GIS data like lake area, dam height,
maximum lake area. More recent images were analyzed but locations of elements at risk, and other related geometric
either the area was smaller or the images had cloud covers. The parameter.
lake area determined from 2005 Google Earth image was IV. CONCLUSIONS
125,300 m2. Using equation (1), the volume of Passu Lake was
estimated to be 1.8 x 106 m3. Equations (2) and (3) were used The proposed study will develop a mechanism for reliable and
to calculate maximum discharge assuming the worst case cost effective monitoring of glacier lakes and GLOFs in near
scenario when a GLOF event will cause bursting out of all real time, hazard mapping and risk and damage assessment
water in the lake [7]. using advance geospatial hydrologic/hydraulic modeling
techniques. Knowledge of risk is essential for all disaster risk
PE = 9800 x h x V (2)
reduction activities either these are through policies,
Qmax = 0.00013 x PE (3) development planning, or other structural or non structural
control measures. Hazard and risk maps are used in all phases
of disaster management (DM); Mitigation, Preparedness,
h = Height of the moraine dam (approximately 46 m from the Response and Recovery. The hazard and risk maps cannot stop
top to the bottom of the dam, measured from Google Earth a disastrous phenomenon from happening but an effective use
image) of hazard maps can prevent an extreme event from becoming a
PE = Potential energy of the lake water (calculated to be 8.1 x disaster. Sometimes it is not easy to avoid natural phenomena
10 11 J) causing disasters such as GLOFs, but a prior knowledge about
their nature and possible extent can develop a capacity of DM
Qmax = Maximum probable flow (calculated to be 1,817.6 m3/s) authorities to respond and recover from emergency and disaster
After entering flow data, reach boundary conditions were events. Greater capacity to face these disasters also reduces
defined. Downstream slope of 0.004 m/m for normal depth their impacts. The vulnerable areas include portions of
computation of reach was selected and model run command Karakoram Highway and some villages downstream to Passu
was executed. The water surface profile data was exported Lake along Hunza River. Any future GLOF event due to Passu
from HEC-RAS model and converted into GIS layers (flood Lake outburst may cause damages to these elements. The
extent and inundation) by HEC-GeoRAS. Finally floodplain outcomes of this study will be helpful in reducing the adverse
delineation was done by subtracting the terrain grid (DEM) impacts of future GLOFs events in Passu subwatershed and
from water surface grid for the given flow profile. will be useful for developing early warning systems in the
vulnerable areas.

Figure 3: Risk Mapping of Passu subwatershed
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