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Q J Med 2002; 95:493–500

Hemifacial spasm and involuntary facial movements
N.-C. TAN, L.-L. CHAN 1 and E.-K. TAN 2
From the SingHealth Polyclinics-Pasir Ris, and Departments of 1Diagnostic Radiology and

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Neurology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore

Received 13 December 2001 and in revised form 7 March 2002

Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is characterized by vascular compression of the root exit zone of
tonic and clonic contractions of the muscles the facial nerve. Importantly, an underlying
innervated by the ipsilateral facial nerve. It space-occupying lesion needs to be excluded
is important to distinguish this from other causes in patients with associated atypical features
of facial spasms, such as psychogenic facial spasm, such as facial numbness and weakness. Botuli-
facial tic, facial myokymia, blepharospasm, and num toxin injection to the facial muscles is an
tardive dyskinesia. Magnetic resonance imaging effective treatment for HFS, with few disabling
and angiography studies frequently demonstrate side-effects.

Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is characterized by tonic in women and 0.74/100 000 in men) in a study in
and clonic contractions of the muscles innervated Olmstead County in Minnesota.2 The prevalence
by the ipsilateral facial nerve.1 It must be differ- was 14.5/100 000 in women and 7.4/100 000 in
entiated from other causes of involuntary facial men, indicating that it affects predominantly
movements (Table 1), all of which can potentially women. The prevalence of HFS appears to be
lead to social embarrassment and affect quality of more common in some Asian populations than in
life. As facial twitchings are frequently attributed to Caucasians, but there have been no epidemiologi-
stress and anxiety, the diagnosis of HFS may be cal studies in these populations to support this
missed. Early recognition is important, as it enables observation. Most HFS cases are sporadic, though
institution of appropriate therapy. We summarize occasional familial cases have been described,3–5
the aetiology, clinical features and treatment suggesting that some patients may be genetically
options in HFS, and discuss the differential diag- predisposed to developing HFS.
nosis of involuntary facial movements frequently
encountered in clinical practice.

Epidemiology Clinical features

There is generally a paucity of epidemiological data Patients with HFS usually present at between 40
on HFS. The average age-adjusted annual incidence and 50 years of age.1,6,7 They frequently complain
of HFS for all ages was 0.78/100 000 (0.81/100 000 of involuntary eye closure, which interferes with

Address correspondence to Dr E.-K. Tan, Department of Neurology, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road,
Singapore 169608. e-mail:
ß Association of Physicians 2002

Table 1 Differential diagnosis of involuntary facial movements

HFS Facial Psychogenic Blepharospasm and Tic Tardive dyskinesia

myokymia facial spasm Meige syndrome

Contraction Intermittent clonic or Undulating Intermittent or Dystonic movement of Rapid stereotyped Choretic or dystonic
tonic contraction of movement of orbicularis oculi muscle
constant contraction movements that movement of muscles.
muscles supplied by facial muscles of facial muscles only. Meige syndrome resemble May involve muscles
facial nerve. Muscles includes blepharospasm normal coordinated not supplied by
are relaxed in between and dystonic movement movement. May facial nerve
contractions. of facial muscles. involve muscles not
Often involves muscles supplied by
not innervated by the facial nerve
facial nerve
Nature of When multiple facial Rhythmic Movements are non- Form of focal dystonia. Movements vary Movements are
contraction muscles are involved, contraction patterned, vary in Upper and lower facial in intensity and are irregular. When
the spasms are synchronous of single muscle frequency and intensity, involvement are arrhythmic. upper and lower
in all ipsilateral muscles. fascicles. and are distractible generally asynchronous face are involved,
When there is bilateral movements are
involvement, usually asyn-
N.-C. Tan et al.

the movements are chronous

never bilaterally

Site of Usually unilateral Commonly Face and any body Usually bilateral Commonly involves Commonly
involvement involves eyelids region the face and limbs involves the
oro-facial region
Aggravating and Increased by voluntary Increased by Increased by stress, Increased by stress, Able to voluntarily Increased by stress,
relieving factors facial movement, stress, stress, anxiety, anxiety, fatigue, anxiety, fatigue, reproduce and to anxiety, fatigue
fatigue, anxiety or fatigue relieved by placebo improved during sleep transiently suppress
change in head position. treatment the movement
Persists in sleep

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Hemifacial spasm 495

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Figure 2. Male, 53 years old, with left-sided HFS.
Collimated collapsed axial maximum intensity projection
Figure 1. Male, 53 years old, with left-sided HFS. High of MR angiography showing vascular loop indenting on
resolution axial T2-weighted MRI through the pons, the left pons.
demonstrating gross vascular indentation on the left
pons at the root exit zone of the left facial nerve (arrow).

severity of HFS.1 Concomitant trigeminal neuralgia,

vision and causes social embarrassment. In a though uncommon, has been reported in HFS.12
large series of 158 HFS patients, the initial site of HFS is a chronic disease, with spontaneous resolu-
onset was the orbicularis oculi muscle in 90%, tion in -10% of patients.7 Clinically obvious facial
the cheek in 11% and the perioral region in -10% weakness may be seen in long-standing cases.
of cases.1 Similar findings have been reported in
other series.7,8 Over months to years, the spasms
spread gradually to other muscles innervated by
the ipsilateral facial nerve in a synchronous
manner. Bilateral HFS is occasionally reported,1,9,10 The aetiology of HFS has puzzled investigators for
its prevalence in clinic-based series varying many years. In 1947, Campbell and Keedy
between 0.6 and 5%.9 When bilateral, the suggested that vascular abnormalities in the poster-
second side becomes involved after a long interval ior fossa might be associated with HFS.13 This was
and the movements on each side are usually supported by surgical posterior fossa explorations in
asynchronous.9 HFS patients.14 With the advent of advanced
The facial spasms are spontaneous and may imaging and improved surgical techniques, vascular
persist during sleep. Symptoms are frequently compression of the facial nerve by an ectactic
aggravated by stress, fatigue, anxiety, and voluntary vessel has been demonstrated to be the most
facial movements.1,7 Relaxation, alcohol intake, common underlying aetiology of HFS.15–18 The
touching the affected areas, and exercise reportedly vascular abnormality is usually an atherosclerotic
improve symptoms in some patients.1 Low-pitched aberrant or ectatic intracranial artery, most com-
tinnitus in the ipsilateral ear may occasionally be monly the anterior or posterior cerebellar artery or
present, and is thought to be due to a stapedius the vertebral artery. The introduction of magnetic
muscle contraction which accompanies facial resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance
muscles movements.10,11 In one series, 13% of angiography (MRA) has improved the detection of
patients reported unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, neurovascular conflict (vascular contact and/or
which did not appear to correlate with the side or compression of the root exit zone of the facial
496 N.-C. Tan et al.

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Figure 3. Male, 53 years old, with left-sided HFS.
Vascular loop identified as the left posterior inferior
cerebellar artery (white arrowhead) on a coronal maxi-
mum intensity projection of MR angiography (B: basilar Figure 4. Male, 53 years old, with left-sided HFS. Solid
artery, V: left vertebral artery). line demonstrates plane of the left facial nerve at the
cerebellopontine angle (MRI).
nerve).16–18 High-resolution MRI and MRA techni-
ques highly sensitive for neurovascular conflict are There is electrophysiological evidence that com-
frequently needed.17,18 However, neurovascular pression of the nerve at the root exit zone is
conflict can be identified in up to 25% of controls, responsible for HFS. Gardner in 196820 and later
suggesting that neurovascular conflict alone is Nielsen21,22 in 1984 proposed the theory of
insufficient to produce HFS.16–18 In a study of 34 ‘ectopic’ or ‘ephaptic’ transmission. Nerve com-
patients with HFS, MRI and MRA detected vascular pression and the resulting demyelination cause
abnormalities in 88% of HFS patients.18 All a ‘false’ synapse at which ectopic activity may
vascular abnormalities were ipsilateral to the side be triggered by mechanical irritation or flow of
of the HFS. Only 3/12 controls (25%) had a extracellular current during passage of nerve
vascular abnormality in both MRI and MRA studies. impulses in adjacent nerves. Nielsen demonstrated
One of the nine HFS patients (11.1%) who had MRI that in HFS, stimulation of the zygomatic branch of
only had an ipsilateral vascular abnormality. It has the compressed facial nerve results in the expected
been suggested that hypertension may be a risk response in the orbicularis oculi muscle but also a
factor for HFS, as elevated blood pressure may simultaneous response in the mentalis muscle,
cause atherosclerosis and hence give rise to ectatic
vessels and subsequent compression of the facial
nerve. Alternatively, compression of the ventral-
lateral medulla by an ectatic vessel may cause
hypertension. However, the cause and effect of
hypertension in HFS has not been clarified.19 Large-
scale prospective studies are needed to address
these issues. A review of the literature suggests that
an underlying space occupying lesion such as Figure 5. Male, 53 years old, with left-sided HFS.
tumour causing HFS is not common.15 Various Oblique coronal reconstruction along the plane of the
types of intracranial tumours (e.g. epidermoid, left facial nerve (see Figure 4), showing gross indentation
meningioma, lipoma) have been associated with of the inferior-lateral surface of the left pons by the
HFS. vascular loop (arrow).
Hemifacial spasm 497

which is supplied by the mandibular branch. This trunk and limbs called tardive dyskinesia.25 Actions
phenomenon is absent in controls, and is resolved such as ‘marching in space’, ‘truncal rocking’,
after surgical decompression of the facial nerve.22 ‘facial grimacing’ and ‘tongue protrusion’ are
Other investigators examined intraoperative intra- characteristic features. Because the orofacial-
cranial recordings of the facial muscles and the lingual regions are frequently affected, tardive dysk-
facial nerve near its entrance into the brain stem in inesias have to be distinguished from HFS. Focal
HFS patients.23 Their findings suggest that HFS seizures involving one side of the facial muscles
caused by injury of the facial nerve may be a result frequently progress to other body regions such as
of reverberant activity in the facial motonucleus, the neck and limbs. Electroencephalography may
possibly caused by mechanisms that are similar to be useful in supporting the diagnosis.
kindling.23 Psychogenic causes of facial movements can
mimic HFS, and may lead to unnecessary treatment.

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However, these appear to be uncommon in the
Differential diagnosis Caucasian population. In one study, psychogenic
facial spasm constituted only 2.4% of 210 con-
Involuntary facial movements are not uncommonly secutive patients evaluated for HFS in a large
encountered in the general population. As facial American movement disorder clinic.6 Psychogenic
twitches are frequently attributed to stress and HFS is characterized by non-patterned facial
anxiety, the diagnosis of HFS may be missed. movements that frequently vary in intensity and
Other aetiological causes of involuntary facial frequency, and are distractible.6 However, psycho-
movements such as tardive dyskinesias, myokymia, logical components superimposing on an under-
tics, cranial dystonia, and psychogenic facial spasm lying organic HFS may create diagnostic dilemma
must be differentiated from HFS, as early diagnosis in some instances. In a study of patients with
allows institution of appropriate treatment (Table 1). various forms of facial spasms, more than half of
Facial myokymia is manifested clinically by them considered themselves to have psychological
involuntary undulating movements of the facial problems, which they attributed to be secondary to
muscles. The eyelids are frequently involved. Facial their symptoms.26 Other rare differentials for HFS
tics may affect the facial muscles but other body include hemimasticatory spasm (consists of a
regions are commonly involved. These movements unilateral contraction of muscles innervated by the
may be preceded by premonitory symptoms, and motor trigeminal nerve resulting in a painful jaw-
are quick and stereotypical, but frequently vary in closing masseter and temporalis muscle spasm) and
intensity, and alternate between left and right sides. aberrant regeneration with synkinesis, especially
Tics may be partially suppressible. Patients suffering after Bell’s palsy. Post-paralytic facial synkinesis
from Tourette’s syndrome have both motor and as a result of Bell’s palsy is due to transmission
vocal tics associated with behavioural symptoms. by aberrantly regenerating facial nerve fibres.
In blepharospasm, there is bilateral, frequently Involuntary eye closure may occur with voluntary
symmetrical and synchronous contractions of the mouth opening in these patients.1
orbicularis oculi. The frontalis and corrugator
muscles as well as other facial muscles may also
be affected. Blepharospasm may be preceded by
frequent blinking. Choreiform movements in the
face are usually random and non repetitive. Careful In patients with atypical features such as facial
examination may reveal presence of choreoathetho- numbness and weakness, MRI and MRA are
sis in other body regions. For instance, patients with recommended if facilities are available. However,
Huntington’s disease present with cognitive impair- since HFS is rarely associated with tumours,27
ment and generalized choreoathethosis. Choreiform imaging in patients with typical HFS may not be
movements may be observed in the frontalis and cost-effective. Nevertheless, it is important to per-
other facial muscles in these patients. form a careful neurological examination in all HFS
Oromandibular dystonia refers to sustained and patients for evidence of focal neurological deficits.
repetitive muscle contractions affecting the lower Imaging is also suggested for patients who are
face, jaw, tongue, pharynx and mouth. Jaw-closing amenable to surgery after failed conservative treat-
dystonia is the most common, and this may be ment. Advanced MR imaging techniques (such as
associated with bruxism.24 Unlike HFS, the eyelids constructive interference in steady state) are highly
are not involved. Patients who have been exposed sensitive for neurovascular contact, and may be
to neuroleptic agents (such as haloperidol) may useful as a pre-operative investigation before
develop stereotypical movements of the face, neck, microvascular decompression surgery.17
498 N.-C. Tan et al.

Treatment However, these effects were transient, and no

serious systemic effects have been reported.35–50
Drugs In experienced hands, adjustment of dosage, and
site of injection may reduce some of these adverse
The efficacy of oral medications is often transient.
effects in subsequent treatment. Repeated injec-
Carbamazepine, anticholinergics, baclofen, clon-
tions are generally well tolerated, and benefit is
azepam, haloperidol have all been studied in
maintained over the years of therapy. Immuno-
HFS.28–30 However, these trials involved small
resistance to BTX is rare in HFS, due to the low
numbers of patients and cautious interpretations of
dosage of BTX used.1 Many neurologists currently
their results are needed. Sedation is a common
regard botulinum toxin as the treatment of choice
adverse effect of all these medications, particularly
for HFS. The major consideration for this treatment
when high doses are used. Recently, the efficacy
is its high cost.
of gabapentin in HFS has been studied in a

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number of open-label trials.31–33 In one study, 23
patients with hemifacial spasm not suitable for
surgery or therapy with botulinum toxin were Surgery
treated with gabapentin. A clinically significant Microvascular decompression (MVP) of the facial
reduction of facial spasms was obtained in 16 nerve at the cerebellopontine angle, the most
patients (69.6%).31 Future placebo-controlled trials common surgical procedure carried out today,
using a validated HFS severity scale will be needed. results in markedly improved HFS in the majority
of patients, with success rates of )90% in some
series.8 However, a recurrence rate of up to 20%
has been reported.1,10,11,51–65 With the advent of
Botulinum toxin injection
BTX treatment, which has been shown to be safe
Botulinum toxin (BTX) is one of the most potent and effective, potential complications associated
biological toxins known.34 The toxin is a zinc with MVP may be unacceptable to some patients.
endopeptidase that acts on one or more of the Common complications of MVP include tem-
neurosecretory proteins in the presynaptic nerve porary or permanent dysfunction of facial or
terminal. It inhibits the calcium-mediated release auditory nerve, with 7–26% suffering from hearing
of the acetylcholine into synaptic junction resul- loss in some reports.64 Other complications, such
ting in local chemical denervation and loss of as lower cranial nerve dysfunction and intra-
neuronal activity in the targeted organ. There are cranial infections, are less common.56,63,65 In a
seven immunologically distinct serotypes of BTX recent review of 4415 MVP operations, in the
(A-G). Because different serotypes act on different 2420 operations performed before 1990 for
neurosecretory proteins at different sites, there are HFS, trigeminal neuralgia, and glossopharyngeal
differences in relative potency and duration of neuralgia, cerebellar injury was reported in 21
action.34 For instance, type B has shorter action cases (0.87%), hearing loss in 48 (1.98%), and
than type A. Type A is the only commercially cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage in 59 cases
available BTX in most countries, as the prepara- (2.44%). In the 1995 operations performed since
tions Dysport and Botox. One unit of Botox is 1990, cerebellar injuries dropped to nine cases
equivalent to 3 to 4 units of Dysport. The muscular (0.45%), hearing loss to 16 (0.8%), and CSF
weakness produced is reversible and last leakage to 37 (1.85%).66 These results suggest
3–6 months. BTX-A is injected into the subcutaneous that improved surgical techniques and experience
tissue overlying the orbicularis oculi muscle and have led to decreasing complication rates in
lower facial muscles. A review of the literature of recent years. However, in unsuccessful operative
BTX treatment in HFS showed that there have been cases, repeat surgery may run a greater risk of
numerous open-label studies and a few double- complications.
blind placebo-controlled studies, involving more Extracranial neurosurgical operations involving
than 2000 HFS patients.35 Despite the variation in sectioning the peripheral nerve trunk or its
the techniques of BTX injection and the lack of a branches, unilateral removal of the orbicularis
validated scale to assess treatment response, good oculi and corrugator superciliaris muscles, injec-
to excellent improvement was reported in 75% to tion of alcohol or phenol to injure the facial nerve,
100% of these patients.35–50 The mean duration of and percutaneous puncture of the facial nerve at
action was about a few months. Adverse effects the stylomastoid foramen have all been used with
included dry eyes, ptosis, eyelid and facial varying success in the past and seldom performed
weakness, ptosis, diplopia, and excessive tearing. nowadays.51,67
Hemifacial spasm 499

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