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An Improved Model of Regional Flood Disaster Risk

Assessment Based on Remote Sensing Data

Guangyao Duan, Wenji Zhao, Zhuowei Hu*, Dan Fang
College of Resources Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University
Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Resources Environment and GIS, Beijing, china
*Corresponding Author, e-mail:

AbstractüüThis paper puts forward a method to improve the disastrous data and real time remote sensing data to produce
traditional model of regional flood risk assessment with real-time more precise assessment result.
remote sensing monitoring data and historical flood disaster data.
It takes the Songhuajiang River Basin as the study area to build II. RISK ASSESSMENT IN FLOODING
the improved regional flood risk assessment model. According to Risk Assessment in Flooding is a process of synthesizing
the characteristics of the study area, factors such as rainfall, various factors. Index systems of risk assessment in flooding
topography, water density, population density and GDP are established are diverse due to different methods [4]. Driving
selected to build the regional flood risk assessment model based
factors of flooding are composed of two parts. The first part of
on GIS and AHP, by which the initial Flood Risk Index of
them are natural environment factors which include
Songhuajiang River can be calculated. The historical flood level
distribution data that reflect the spatial distribution and
meteorological factors, natural vegetation, soil, terrain
frequency of flood events in the study area can be used to topography, water system distribution and soil erosion, etc; the
improve the hazard index. And with the real-time remote sensing others are socio-economic factors which include population
data, the real-time flood extent data can be extracted to improve density and structure, land use structure, irrigation facilities,
final risk assessment which reflects the regional flood risk better. levels of economic development, etc.
Department for Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations
Keywords-flood risk assessment; remote sensing data;
published the definition of natural disaster risk in 1992. It
historical disaster data
refers to the expected shortfall of human life and property and
I. INTRODUCTION economic activities generated by specific natural disaster in
specified region during certain period.
Flooding is frequent in China and usually causes severe
damage. Therefore, researches on assessment of flooding The equation that Risk(R) =Hazard (H)*Vulnerability (V),
disaster risk are pretty significant. Risk analysis in flooding is was adopted in the definition, which reflects holistic
an important basis for making measures to control and characteristics of risks [2]. Actually, hazard is the premise,
alleviate flood effectively and scientifically and is a general vulnerability is the basis and risk is the result.
term for a group of probability distribution functions of both Hazard-formative factors and hazard-formative environments
flood and loss generated by flood [3, 11]. There are various mutually decide flood hazard while vulnerability is up to
approaches on flood risk analysis such as exposure and fragility of hazard-affected bodies. The weights
hydrology-hydraulics model, system modeling and simulation, of impact-factors are various due to different regional
method based on historical disastrous data, RS and GIS characteristics.
method as well as System Analysis Method based on
In this paper, the study area is Songhuajiang River Basin
formation mechanism of flooding, etc. Similarly, there are
which is located in the north margin of East Asia Monsoon
numerous factors inducing flooding and relations among them
region. The climate is obvious continental climate and rainfall
are complicated and flood is accidental within a certain period
is concentrated in the flood season. 70% of rainfall
of time. Therefore, it is hard to simulate the formation and
concentrates the period from June to September of the year.
development process of flooding exactly and make accurate
Precipitation fluctuates greatly annually and displays evident
forecast [5].
characters of phases. Flood and drought usually occur by turns.
Analysis and studies on massive risk events all show that The main stream of Songhuajiang River Basin is susceptible to
there are obvious statistical regularities in flood [1]. Hence, flood due to low lands [11]. In this paper, we select the factors
scholars can build models of flood risk by means of risk of the precipitation factor, the river factor, and the topography
analysis in flood based on available data to provide the basis factor to calculate the hazard of flood, and select factors of the
for decision making on controlling and alleviating flood and population factor and economic factor to calculate the
raise people’s awareness. So researches on preventing and vulnerability of flood using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy
alleviating flood have attracted scientist’ close attention. Process) and then analyze and assess the risks of flood.
This paper proposed the approach that researchers could The authors completed the risk assessment in flood based
improve the results generated by adopting the method based on on the following process.
formation mechanism of the flooding using historical

978-1-61284-848-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

Rainfall flooding. Impact on flooding generated by topography mainly
Population consists of two aspects: elevation and topographical change.
Terrain GDP Flooding usually occurs in the region where elevation and
landform undulation are lower. And landform undulation is
Historical indicated by relative standard deviation of elevation of some
Hazard Vulnerability
disaster grid’ neighborhood. Topographical data includes mainly
Improved flood hazard STRM DEM data of 90m resolution were obtained from
Flood risk index c) River-lake network
Surface runoff mainly discharges through the river network
Improved risk index which can influence the infiltration capability of ground
 surface. Drainage density refers to the total length of main
Figure 1. Risk analysis process stream and tributary unit River Basin Area which is one of
important indexes that describe river network quantitatively.
A. Factors Analysis Also, drainage density can indicate the density of river system
1) Hazard factors and rainfall and the underlying surface condition of a region.
Hazard of flood refers to the possibility of occurrence and Besides, infiltration capability influences the hazard of the
is usually described by means of three aspects namely, the flood seriously.
scope, the intensity, and the frequency of disasters. To assess River network can indirectly reflect the hazard of flood.
the hazard of flood of a region, researchers primarily need to The higher rank river, more intensive river network and larger
make detailed investigation for the region and analyze the water area all demonstrate that flood is more dangerous. In this
factors which influence the hazard of flood. Then several main study, authors took river network for river-lake network to
factors of influence are sifted and bestowed proper weighting assess the hazard of flood and generated the river network
using math techniques together with experience and density of Songhuajiang River Basin by means of the spatial
knowledge of the experts. Finally, researchers build the model analysis tool within ArcGIS 9.3 platform. Then authors
of analyzing hazard of flood based on the composite index normalized it and produced the river network density index.
generated by dealing with main factors of influence.
2) Vulnerability factors
In this paper, authors chose precipitation, topography, and
Vulnerability is explained as the characteristics of
river-lake network as factors of influence to assess the hazard
hazard-affected bodies that are easy to be destroyed, damaged
of flood and normalized them. Then, authors synthetically
or injured in the flood, and it reflects the bearing capability of
analyzed the normalized factors and produced the map which
the various types of hazard-affected bodies to floods. The
represented the hazard index of Songhuajiang River Basin.
analysis of vulnerability is to study and establishment the
a) Rainfall relationship between the vulnerability of various types of
Rainfall is the prerequisite of exploding the flood and the hazard-affected bodies and the main influencing factors, and to
major factor of causing floods. Intensive, prolonged and reveal the flood fighting capability of each hazard-affected
widespread precipitation can easily generate cataclysm. body, it is an important basis for flood risk assessment.
60%-80% of rainfall concentrates the period from June to The extent of the damage caused by floods is concerned
September while only 5% from December to February. The with the carriers suffered from the floods. The losses caused by
annual average rainfall is about 500 millimeters, can reach the the flood generally depends on the economic and population
range from 700 millimeters to 900 millimeters and only 400 density in flooding areas, so this paper express the
millimeters. In general, the rainfall in hilly areas is higher than vulnerability as the summation function of property and
in flat area; higher in the southern and middle part than other population.
parts of the study area.
Serious population casualties and economic loss will be
In this paper, authors choose the actual rainfall of recent caused by a disaster in the areas of socioeconomic develops,
ten days, the actual rainfall of recent three days and the actual densely populated, city-agglomeration and
rainfall of recent 24 hours as indexes and normalized them. high degree of industrialization. The data used to calculate the
Then, authors calculated the weighting of the three indexes by flood vulnerability index is mainly from the National Statistics
means of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and after that Yearbook at 2007 which include the population and GDP.
produced the synthetic rainfall index using weighted stack
method which was taken for rainfall factor to assess the hazard a) Population
of flood. The population is directly threatened objects if a flood
hazard happens. The population density is the most important
b) Topography
factor that influenced the losses. The areas that have high
Topography will directly influence the flood and has close population density will have larger property such as domestic
relation to the degree of the hazard of flood. The terrain is production, properties and infrastructures, therefore, it will not
more complex especially in vast hilly and plain area where it is only have a large number of affected population but also a
hard to control and flight a flood due to lacking of regulatory large possibility causing economic losses. In addition, the
large-scale water conservancy works. Therefore, it is easy for population age structure, the education structure, the awareness
of flood risk prevention residents have and the government's and experiences are combined with mathematical method to
attention to the flood will all affect the disaster situation caused select the major factors from a number of possible factors.
by the flood. Typically, the elderly and children have less able Then each factor would be given an appropriate weight and the
to defense hazard and the large proportion of elderly people composite index calculated is used to build flood analysis
and children shows a higher population vulnerability of this model.
area. Higher education can help victims to make the right
response in a disaster which can reduce the extent of the Based on the required normalized index of all Factors, the
damage staff. (2) (3) (4) can be used to calculated flood hazard index,
vulnerability index and risk index.
b) Economic level
The economic level reflects the vulnerability of flooding Hazard _ Index  Rain _ Index *W1
for some degree. A region with abundant material and well    
Terrain _ Index *W2 River _ Index *W3
developed economy will have a large density of population
and towns as well as frequent industrial activities. There is a
large number, high density and highly valued hazard-affected Vulnerability _ Index 
bodies in such an area where it will cause big number of GDP _ Index*W1 Population _ Index *W2
casualties and economic losses if a flood disaster happens.
GDP per capita is chosen by this paper as an indicator to Risk _ Index 
measure the level of regional economy and consider that an    
area with higher GDP per capita will suffer higher economic Hazard _ Index*Vulnerability _ Index
losses if a flood happens.
According to expert experience, the weight in (2) (3) can
B. Data Processing and Flood Disaster Risk Assessment be determine with the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)
Model method with which each index can be calculated.
1) Data processing
Due to the different sources and different units of data, the Hazard_index in (2) is integrated hazard index; W1 is the
meaning of the same value is not the same. In order to rainfall factor weight; W2 is the terrain factor weight; W3 is
utilization and analyze the various factors comprehensively, the river density factor weight. Vulnerability_index in (3) is
the data used in the model should be normalized. Firstly, data integrated vulnerability index and W1 is the GDP factor
such as rainfall, river density, terrain, population and
weight as well as W2 is the population factor weight.
socio-economic should be standardized. Secondly, the hazard
index will be calculated based on the rainfall index, river Weights in the above equations are:
density index and topographic index as well as the
vulnerability index can be calculated base on the population The hazard index (2): weights of rainfall, terrain and river
index and GDP index. Based on the above results and the density are 0.47, 0.43 and 0.1.
equation "Risk(R) = Hazard (H) * Vulnerability (V) ", the risk The vulnerability index (3): weights of population and
index can be calculated and each unit should be evaluated. The GDP are 0.6 and 0.4.
five criteria and standard division are used for the
classification of the result to determine the level of flood risk
The various factors used in the model are normalization
based on the equation below:

xij  min{xij }
max{xij }  min{xij }

The maximum value of each normalized factor is 1 as well

as the minimum value is 0, the remaining value is between 0
and 1. In (1), xij' is the normalized value, xij is the first j
value of the first i factors. min{xij } is the minimum factor of
the first i factors and max{xij } is the maximum factor of the
first i factors.
2) Flood disaster risk assessment model
The comprehensive index method is used in this paper to
calculate the hazard, vulnerability and risk of the flood. To Figure 2. Hazard index
beginning with, the method analyze all factors that would
influenced the result of risk assessment and expert knowledge
This paper combines historical disastrous data and
real-time remote sensing data to improve the above model in
order to get better risk analysis.
A. Indicators of Historical Disaster
Hydrological and hydraulic method, comprehensive index
method and the comparing method of historical disaster, etc,
are used to assessment risk of flood water as the common
methods. We consider using historical flood data to improve
the result which is calculated by comprehensive index method.
The application of historical flood data which is used for
disaster risk analysis has been carried out a lot by some
scholars [7-9]. Because the flood risk usually includes the
intensity and frequency may suffered from flood disaster in the
study area, the comprehensive analysis of historical data and
the conclusion of history law of the flood occurrence can
reflect the risk of regional flooding in a certain extent.
However, the risk analysis method using historical flood data
is separated from other methods. The paper makes the
historical flood data as a factor for disaster risk assessment to
Figure 3. Vulnerability index improve the initial risk indicators in order to obtain better
First of all we acquired flood frequency data in 1961-2006.
Based on the similarity of flooding index and flood strength
index of present and future, the distribution function of actual
flood strength index can be estimate by means of comparing
the flooding index and flood strength index of current and
historical. Consider the area with high frequency of flood
disaster can reflect a high risk. Then the flood frequency data
should be normalized and weighted–overlay with the initial
risk index to obtain the improved hazard index. The new
hazard index can be calculated with the following (5):

New _ Hazard _ Index 

Flood _ Frequency _ Index *0.2 Hazard _ Index *0.8

After get a new hazard index, the new risk index can be
calculated according to (4), and the result is shown as below:

Figure 4. Risk index


It is no doubt that the methods of flood risk analysis such
as the method based on the flood formation mechanism and the
method based on system simulation, hydrologic and hydraulic
models are more scientific. However, the data needed to build
the models is difficult to obtain sufficiently in the application
process and it is also difficult to quantify the influencing
factors. As a result, the reliability of the results from risk
analysis has some limitations. The research of flood risk
assessment based on history disaster data has been carried out
a lot domestic and international, and it gets a certain degree of
promotion. Remote sensing is wildly used for flood risk
assessment and flood monitoring due to the advantages of such
the timeliness and no touch acquisition of data and
simultaneous observation of wide range.
Figure 5. Improved flood risk index
It can be seen from Fig. 4, the risk in the green circle of the
improved flood risk index is decreased. According to the
historical statistics data, the area has a lower frequency of
flooding. The model has been improved with the historical
B. Indicators of Sensing Range of Water in Real-time
With the rapid development of obtaining information of
remote sensing and its application in disaster assessment, a
variety of water information can be calculated with remote
sensing data such as the flood submerged area and water level
(flow), etc. In addition, the parameters and variables in the
relevant hydrological process can be calculated with remote
sensing data.
The HJ-1 satellites was launched in September 2008, with
a wide range, all-weather monitoring characteristics, have
higher time resolution than the TM images and higher spatial
resolution than NOAA / AVHRR. The paper uses
environmental satellite images to extract submerged area and
designs the real-time flood risk assessment model. Figure 6. Real time flood risk index
The improved flood risk models based on historical data
has been established above. According to the comprehensive It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the real-time range of water
rainfall index, remote sensing images in the areas of high index raise the flood risk partially. We consider that the higher
were separately obtained and processed to improve the model degree part (the green circle) in the changed area shows a
again. And the new risk assessment result would have higher higher real-time risk where needs more attention.
accuracy real-time.
In this paper authors collected the HJ-1 data of typical part There has been considerable research on disaster risk
of Songhuajiang River Basin separately acquired on 26 June, assessment at home and abroad. With the research more
and 7 August, 2010. After geometric correction and in-depth, risk analysis as a meaning of flood risk assessment
registration processing, the cope of water can be extracted with has gradually been accepted and become the primary means in
the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) flood disasters research. According to different fields, the
[12]. For the HJ-1 data only have 4 bands: 0.43 - 0.52um, 0.52 current flood risk assessment methods vary. There are methods
- 0.60um, 0.63 - 0.69um, 0.76 - 0.90 um, the MIR in the of geomorphology, hydrologic and hydraulic models and
NDWI should be replaced by NIR, and the formula for the system simulation methods, methods based on history disaster
extraction of water is: data, methods based on historical disastrous and flood survey,
remote sensing and GIS methods, systematic analysis based on
 MNDWI ˄green - NIR˅˄
/ green NIR˅  the formation mechanism of flooding [5]. Methods based on
historical disastrous data and ancient flood survey data take
Because the water reflectance in MIR bands is higher than flood data of a shorter or longer period into account for flood
in NIR band, the accuracy of extraction will reduce if the MIR risk assessment. These methods need to collect more historical
band is instead by NIR in (6). After the DN range of water in data and to study the impact of the terrain, with which to
the MNDWI image was determined, a human intervention was speculate the risk of the study area. In general such methods
needed for water extraction and the impact of cloud, shadow, need to combine more field investigation and data collection.
etc can be reduced based on the original image. Hydrological hydraulics and system simulation method
requires detailed watershed topography, geology, vegetation,
The scope of water bodies in the key areas could be river cross section, roughness coefficient, engineering facilities,
extracted from real-time remote sensing images. By setting it flood control and other information. Model building is
under the normal water data, the abnormal water can be complex and need large amount of data which is difficult to
obtained. Buffered the abnormal water and consider the result obtain in practical work. RS and GIS combination method is
as a reflection of the higher risk index areas. Weighted overlay developed in recent years, and the flood risk can be evaluated
the buffered area and the previous risk index to get the ultimate with GIS analysis method by synthesize rainfall, economic and
risk indicators which can provide reliable basis for disaster terrain information. The flood risk affected by flood hazard,
mitigation and relief work. vulnerability and disaster regime can be studied on the basis of
formation mechanism of flood.
Various models of flood risk are based on different
principle and different understanding of flood. The factor in
each model has some similarities, but most of them are
separated. The paper has put forward a method which
considers the advantage of several methods and combines model in this paper can be improved and be used for the flood
them into a comprehensive method. One model is chosen as risk assessment of national scale or small-scale area such as
the foundation and considers the impact of factor in other individual cities and counties.
models to improve the previous risk index.
Hydrologic and hydraulic is an important method of flood
Base on the flooding mechanism of flood, the paper studied risk analysis but not taken into account in our research. With
factors that affect the flood hazard and vulnerability. the development of GIS and remote sensing technology, its
Comprehensive analysis and evaluation flood hazard and ability of comprehensive analysis is gradually been recognized
vulnerability with GIS analysis methods to get flood risk. The and the hydrologic and hydraulic Methods can be combine into
paper improves the risk index with the historical disastrous the model with an appropriate method in the next step to get
data on this basis of the previous result. Historical disastrous better results. Actually, in the vulnerability assessment process,
data itself is the result of the flood act on hazard-affected body. areas with better economic level will have people with higher
The historical disastrous data has been statistical analyzed and education and strong sense of disaster prevention. In such an
added into the risk assessment model. In brief, the historical area the losses caused by the disaster will be relatively reduced,
data reflects the historical laws of floods which will increase but absolute loss will not thus reduce and the vulnerability is
the accuracy and reliability of risk assessment results still increasing with the increase of property and population.
undoubtedly. We can concluded that factors in the model should be fully
analyzed such as the economic factor can be divided
Remote sensing is the main means to gather space into two parts affect the result which will be more realistic.
information that been widely used in various fields.
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