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## Mastering Memos & Meeting Minutes (Handout)

**Memos:** Your Concise Message Machine

* **What is it?** A short, professional message used for internal communication within an organization.

* **Key Parts:**

* **To:** Recipient(s) name and title

* **From:** Your name and title (optional: department)

* **Date:** Date you write the memo

* **Subject:** Clear and concise summary of the memo's content

* **Body:** Main message, well-organized and easy to read.

* **Action Items (optional):** Specific tasks or decisions needed from the recipient.

* **Tips:**

* Professional tone & language

* Concise & focused (get to the point!)

* Proofread carefully

**Meeting Minutes: Capturing Key Decisions**

* Not the same as an agenda! (Agenda = plan, Minutes = record of what happened)

* **Why are they important?**

* Summarize key decisions & action items

* Reference for future discussions or follow-up

* Keep everyone informed

* **Essential Elements:**
* Meeting details (date, time, location, attendees)

* Key points discussed

* Decisions made and who is responsible (action items)

* Next steps

**Remember:** Clear, concise, and professional communication is key!

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