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Wild animals have no use in the 21st century and trying to preserve animals

now is just a waste of money. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this opinion?

In this day and age, wild animals are assumed to have served no purpose in 21st
century and the way we go to great lengths to prevent them from extinction is
extravagant. I partially agree with this statement and I will give my own
perspectives in this essay.

To begin with, due to the industrial and computerised revolutions which have
occurred during 21st century and have reserved the situation rapidly: people need to
utilize the moorland which is home to various kinds of wild animals for
commercial purposes. However, all of us must have forgotten that all the creatures
in this world had better live in harmony rather than elimination. Moreover, the
existence of wild animals are not non-sense as it has the valuable merits. Firstly, it
is essential to conserve the wild animals as it plays a vital role in natural processes
through helping to maintain environmental quality by removing some pollutants.
Regarding biological aspect, some wild species are able to assist some kinds of
flora in reproduction by seed dispersal. Additionally, the wild animals, for instance,
wild birds could have a crucial role in controlling pests without using pestsicide to
ensure that people could have a chance to taste organic products. Ultimately, the
world in the absence of wild animals that is simultaneously lost the symbiosis
relationships among human beings and wildlife. As a result, imbalanced
biodiversity leads to tremendous burdens on human’s life.

In terms of protecting wild species are “white elephants”, I belived that everything
has its two sides and preserving animals is not an exception. We all know that the
wild animals are in urgent circumstance and pouring our money in public funds is
the moral action. Nevertheless, we have to think thoughtfully whether our donation
is rightly allocated and there are any measures applied. Let’s take the Royal Family
as an example. They have called for help by raising funds to protect wild animals.
Nonetheless, they were caught hunting. Therefore, the government expenditure
should be devided appropriately. Education and the quality of life is of paramount
importance, especially, in some remote areas, the children have to encounter
poverty, famine and being backward; moreover, the facility does not ensure them to
have good educational conditions and there is just an insignificant proportion of the
local citizens are literate.

To summarize, animals should be protected completely and people should be

responsible for taking action as soon as possible. Nonetheless, the public
expenditure had better concentrate on both sides of maintaining wildlife’s habitats
for animals and ensuring the people, in particular the underdog in society, are
entitled to their welfare.

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