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The given line depicts how American elders took their time to leisure acivities in a

30-year period starting from 1980. Overall, the trend was mainly catgorized in two
groups: indoor and outdoor activities namely reading, watching TV, theatre, surfing
the Internet and hiking. Going hiking increased sharly in 30 years whereas the other
recreational activities had some fluctuations.

In 1980s, surfing the Internet is not one of the most priority as it received less
populaity than the another forms of entertainment. However, through 20 years, this
trend slightly went up to nearly 18% in 2000. The year of 2010 witnessed the rapid
rise and the porprtion of the elderly people in US surfing the net reached the peak
at exactly a half. Regarding hiking, throughout three decades, between 1980 and
2010, go hiking just soared supersmoothly compared to surfing the Net. At first, in
1980, watching outraced to the remaining activities with 60 percent and reached the
highest point at 70% in 2000. Nevertheless, in 2010, this mainstream became
downward trend so it just accounted for around 64%.
In terms of theatre, this trend had impressive beginning with a half of the American
elder choose it as a peferrence to entertain themselves in 1980. Ten years later, the
ratios speedlly dropped down to a-third (the lowest point). In 2000, theatre
recoverd to 40% and from then on, there was a gradual increase of 3-5 percent in
the 2010s. Eventually, the percentage of elderly readers in America was a third in
1980. In 1900, this trend reached the peak at 40% which equlled to that of hiking.
A decade later, reading hit the lowest point at 20% which decreased a half in
comparision with 1990. Nonetheless, this trend rapidly recoverd and trebled in the

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