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The two charts give information regarding the proportion of soil erosion with

specific causes and researched on land degraded in three differet continents. The
given pie chart depicts how the agricultural land becomes sterile through three root
factors (deforestation, over-cultivation, over-grazing), meanwhile the table shows
the negative influence on North America, Europe, Oceania regionally during 1990s.
A the first glance at the pie chart, the over-grazing outraced of the pie and
accounted for over a third percent. Next, deforestation is one of the most popular
elements that lead to land degradation just went after over-grazing with exactly
30%. Conttinue to over-cultivation, this factor possess the lowest percent with 28%
in three main reasons that devastated land’s quality. Finally, the remaining
elements was an insignificant figure icluding exceptional causes.

In term of reasons caused land degradation by region, Europe was the leader of the
total land degraded with 23% and the most essential causes belonged to
deforestation. Tooking the second place was Oceania, the whole proportion of land
degradation was 13% and the highest reason was over- grazing which contributed
11.3%. This figure was fairly high as compared in the world’s figure (35%).
Eventually, North America had the least total land degraded with 5% and the main
reason was over-cultivation with 3.3%.

To summarize, over-grazing was absolutely the priciple factor to land degradation

and the European countries took the dominance in 3 three which was statisticcised
about degraded land by region.

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