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“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self” (6.21).

Lord Krishna emphasizes that the ultimate goal of yoga is to attain

self-realization or the realization of the true self.
With this, I welcome you all once again to today’s International Yoga
Day event.
Originating in Ancient India, Yoga embodies a holistic approach to
one’s well-being, by catering to the body through asanas which are
physical postures, pranayamas which are breathing exercises, and
meditation. It fosters harmony between the body, mind, and soul.
Amongst the world of chaos and stress, Yoga offers a path to reunite
with our true selves.
Inculcating Yoga in our daily lives offers various physical health
benefits. Regular practice of yoga asanas enhances flexibility,
strength, and balance. It improves posture, which can prevent and
alleviate back pain and other musculoskeletal issues. Yoga also
supports cardiovascular health, boosts the immune system, and
helps maintain a healthy weight.
However, the benefits of Yoga transcend beyond just physical
benefits, it also acts as a tool to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and
combat depression.
One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is its accessibility.
Regardless of age, fitness level, or background, anyone can practice
yoga. It requires no special equipment, and it can be adapted to meet
individual needs and abilities.
As we celebrate the practice of yoga, let us remember that it is not
just a physical exercise but a way of life. Incorporating yoga into our
daily routines can lead to profound changes in our overall well-being.
It encourages us to live with intention, kindness, and awareness.
In conclusion, today I invite everyone present here to celebrate this
International Yoga Day, whether you are just a beginner or a
seasoned practitioner let us embrace the practice of yoga with open
hearts and minds. Thank you.

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