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CHAPTER 1 (Question and Answers)
Write a short note on the classiification of resources.
The resources can be classified in the following ways –
(a) On the basis of origin – biotic and abiotic
(b) On the basis of exhaustibility – renewable and non-renewable
(c) On the basis of ownership – individual,community, national and international
(d) On the basis of status of development – potential, developed stock and reserves.
Question 2 Write a short note on reserves.
Reserves are the subset of the stock, which can be put into use with the help of existing
technical ‘know-how’ but their use has not been started. These can be used for meeting
future requirements. River water can be used for generating hydroelectric power but
presently, it is being utilized only to a limited extent. Thus, the water in the dams, forests etc.
is a reserve which can be used in the future.
Question 3.
Examine the three major problems created as a result of indiscriminate
of natural resources.
The following are the three major problems created as a result of
indiscriminate utilization of natural resources

(i) Depletion of resources at a faster rate.

(ii) Accumulation of resources in the hands of few creating a wide gap

between the haves (rich) and have nots (poor).

(iii) Increase in global crises like ozone layer depletion, global warming,
and land degradation.

Question 4.
Mention any three features of arid soil.
The following are the three features of arid soils.

1.The colour of the arid soil ranges from red to brown.

2. Arid soils are generally sandy in texture and saline in nature.

3. The soils lack humus and moisture because of dry climate, high
temperature and fast evaporation.

4. The lower parts of the soils are occupied by kankar because of

high calcium content.

5. It restricts the infiltration of water in lower layers.(Any Three)

Question 5
“Land is a natural resource of utmost importance.” Justify the
statement with appropriate arguments.
Land is a natural resource of utmost importance. It supports
natural vegetation, wildlife, human life and economic activities like
agriculture, mining, transport and communication system. 95 per
cent of our basic needs for food, shelter and clothing are obtained
from land. Therefore, it is very important to use the available land
for various purposes with careful planning, otherwise we will be
responsible for the adverse consequences.

Question 6
Distinguish between red and laterite soils, stating five points of
The following are the differences between red soils and laterite soils.

Question 7
Describe any three measures of controlling land degradation.
Measures to solve the problem of land degradation in India are as

• Afforestation and proper management grazing lands

• Planting of shelter belts for stabilizing sand dunes
• Proper management of wastelands
• Control on mining activities
• Proper discharge of industrial effluents and wastes after
• Adopting effective ploughing techniques


On a political map of India shade the major soil types found in various
parts of our country.

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