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Learning outcome
Learning outcome: 1
Unit 3: Where are you going? 1
Lesson 1.1 2
Vocabulary: Look (for, through, etc.) 2
Lesson 1.2 3
Grammar: Going to, present continuous (future arrangements) 3
Lesson 1.3 4
Listening: Sing a song 4
Lesson 2.1 5
Vocabulary: Opposite Verbs 5
Lesson 2.2 7
Grammar: Will/won´t (predictions) 7
Lesson 2.3 8
Listening: Talking about the plans for this weekend 8
Lesson 3.1 9
Vocabulary: Verb + back. 9
Lesson 3.2 11
Grammar: Will /won´t (promises, offers, decisions) 11
Lesson 3.3 12
Reading: Promises, promises 12
Lesson 4.1 13
Vocabulary: Verbs + prepositions 13
Lesson 4.2 15
Grammar: Review of tenses: present, past, and future. 15
Lesson 4.3 19
Reading: 2020 woman the hunter, man the househusband 19
Complementary resources 20
Bibliography 21
At the end of this level (English Proficiency Level III) students will be able to function in social
situations. The students are able to understand phrases and expressions frequently used and areas of
experience which are the most relevant for them. Students know how to communicate when
carrying out simple and daily tasks that do not require more than simple and direct exchanges of
information about situations that are familiar or habitual. Moreover, they can describe in simple
terms aspects of their past and future related to their environment as issues related to their
immediate needs.

Unit learning outcome: To apply verb tenses like: going to, present continuous (future
arrangements), will /won't (predictions), will /won't (promises, offers, decisions) and review of
tenses: present, past, and future to describe situations and experiences at the same time practice
vocabulary about expressions with look, opposite verbs, verbs + back, and verbs + prepositions.

Objective To use common verb phrases with look + preposition/adverb in order to introduce a more
complex vocabulary.

Look + preposition/adverb Spanish

look for buscar

look through examinar

look forward to esperar

Objective: To distinguish between the tense “going to” and “present continuous for future
Going to
+ I´m going to work in a restaurant.
She's going to meet me at the airport.
- We aren't going to stay very long.
He isn't going to like the weather there.
? Are you going to find a job?
When is your brother going to visit you?

▪ Use (be) going to + base form to talk about future plans and predictions.
I´m going to work in the Us for six weeks. (plan)
I think it's going to rain this afternoon. (prediction)
▪ When you use going to go, you can omit to go.
I´m going to go to college next year or I'm going to go to college next year.

Present continuous for future arrangements

+ I´m seeing some friends tonight.

We´re having dinner at their house tomorrow.
- She isn't leaving until Friday.
They aren't coming to the party.
? What are you doing this evening?
Is she meeting us at the theater?
▪ You can also use the present continuous for future arrangements that you have
planned for a fixed time or place.
▪ Don't use the simple present for this. NOT I see some friends tonight.

▪ The present continuous is especially common with the expressions: tonight,

tomorrow, this weekend, etc. and with these verbs: come, meet, see, leave,
and arrive.

Objective: To identify the correct grammar tense and the appropriate vocabulary in order to practice
listening skill.

Listening: Sing a song
Dar clic en el enlace para escuchar el documento de audio.
1. Present Continuous. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the correct words.

I'm sitting here in a _____________ room, it's just another rainy

Sunday afternoon. I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to _____________.
I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you,
But nothing ever happens - and I wonder.

I’m _____________ around in my car, I'm driving too fast, I’m

driving too far. I'd like to change my point of view.
I feel so lonely, I’m _____________ for you,
But nothing ever happens - and I wonder.

I wonder how, I wonder why yesterday you told me

'Bout the blue blue _____________ and all that I can see is just
A yellow lemon tree. I'm turning my head up and _____________
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.
And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
Sing: dah...

I'm sitting here, I miss the _____________, I'd like to go out,

Taking a shower, but there's a heavy cloud inside my____________.
I feel so tired, put myself into bed, where nothing ever
Happens - and I wonder.

Isolation - is not the good for me.

Isolation - I don't want to sit on a lemon tree.
I'm steppin' around in a desert of joy. Baby anyhow I'll get
Another _____________ and everything will happen - and you'll wonder.

2. Answer the question: What is the title of the song?

Objective: To recognize the opposite verb in a simple sentence.

Verbs Spanish Opposite Spanish


buy (a house) comprar (una casa) sell vender

win (a game) ganar (un juego) lose perder

lend (money to somebody) prestar (dinero a alguien) borrow pedir prestado

find (your keys) encontrar (tus llaves) lose perder

push (the door) empujar (la Puerta) pull jalar

pass (an exam) pasar (un examen) fail fallar

forget (a name) olvidar (un nombre) remember recordar

turn on (the TV) encender (la televisión) turn off apagar (la televisión)

send (an e-mail) enviar (un correo) get /receive obtener / recibir

miss (a train) perder (un tren) catch coger

arrive (at the station) llegar (a la estación) leave salir

teach (a language) enseñar (un idioma) learn aprender

Objective: To identify the function of the simple future tense for future predictions.

Will, won´t + base form (predictions)

+ x
You You
He He
She ´ll be late. She won't be late.
It It
We We
They They

▪ Use will / won´t + base for future predictions. (You can also use going to)

▪ The future of there is / are = there will be; the future of I can = I´ll be able to NOR I´ll
+ x
you you you
he he he
Will she be late?iIt Yes, she will. No, she won´t.
we it it
they we we
they they

▪ We often use I think / I don´t think…. + will.

I think he'll fail the exam. I don't think he'll pass the exam.
NOT I think he won´t pass.

Objective: To identify the main ideas and details in order to practice listening skill.

Listening: Talking about the plans for this weekend.
Dar click en el enlace para escuchar el documento de audio.
According to the listening, for questions 1 to 4, match the sentence to the speaker:
1. Which speaker is going to visit 3. Which speaker is going to work all
family? weekend?
a) Jason a) Jason
b) Fred b) Fred
c) Sandra c) Sandra
d) Susan d) Susan
e) Graham e) Graham

2. Which will see a film this 4. Which speaker is going to play

weekend? video games?
a) Jason a) Jason
b) Fred b) Fred
c) Sandra c) Sandra
d) Susan d) Susan
e) Graham e) Graham

Objective: To use common verb phrases with “back” in order to introduce a more complex

Verb + back Spanish Example

go back regresar She goes back to work after

come back regresar Could you come back in five


call back volver a llamar I will call him back later.

take it back devolver I´ll take it back to the store
and exchange it.

give it back devolversela I will give it back later.

pay me back Pagarme When can you pay me back?

Objective: To use will/won't + infinitive to refer to the future to make promises, offers and

Will /won't (promises, offers,

Decisions I won't have the fish. I`ll have the steak.
We´ll take the 6:30 train.

Offers I´ll help you with your homework.

I'll open the door for you.

Promises I`ll always love you.

I won't tell anyone.

Objective: To understand the general meaning of short, simple information material and
descriptions if there is visual support.

Promises, promises

Objective: To use common verb phrases with some specific verbs + preposition in order to
introduce a more complex vocabulary.

Verbs + prepositions Spanish

dream about soñar con

listen to escuchar a

talk about hablar sobre

wait for esperar

agree with de acuerdo con

write to escribir a

think of pensar en

think about pensar en

argue with discutir con

speak to hablar con

Objective: To check the different grammar structures learned during unit 3, recognizing present
past and future tenses.

Tense Example Use

Simple present I live downtown. Things that happen always or
She doesn't smoke. usually.
Present continuous He's looking for a new job. Things that are happening now
I´m leaving tomorrow. or plans for a fixed time or
Simple past We saw a good movie last night. Finished actions in the past.
We didn't do anything yesterday.
Past continuous He was working in Taipei. Actions that were in progress at
What were you doing at 7:00? a past time.
Going to + base form I´m going to see Tom tonight. Future plans and predictions.
It's going to rain.
Will / won´t + base form You´ll love Bangkok. Predictions, instant decisions,
I´ll call her later. offers, and promises.
I´ll help you.
I´ll pay you back tomorrow.

Objective: To understand the general meaning of short, simple information material and descriptions
if there is visual support.

A new report on life in 2020 was published yesterday. Read the report that predicts big
changes. These are some of the predictions:

1. What is the report about?

a) Work and study.
b) Family life.
c) Mothers and fathers.
2. Read the report again, mark the sentences: True, False, or Doesn´t say.
1. 20% of fathers will stay at home and look after the children. ___
2. People will live near other people who like the same things they do. ___
3. Men and women will live until they're 80. ___
4. Grandparents will look after their grandchildren. ___

The following complementary resources are suggestions so that you can expand the information on
the topics studied, as part of your self-learning process:

● Lesson 1.1: VOCABULARY: Look (for, through, etc.)

o Extra video:

● Lesson 1.2: GRAMMAR: Going to, present continuous (future arrangements)

o Extra video:

● Lesson 2.1: VOCABULARY: Opposite Verbs

o Extra video:

● Lesson 2.2: GRAMMAR: Will/won't (predictions)

Extra video:

● Lesson 3.1: VOCABULARY: Verb + back

o Extra video:

● Lesson 3.2: GRAMMAR: Will /won't (promises, offers, decisions)

o Extra video:

● Lesson 4.1: VOCABULARY: Verbs + prepositions

o Extra video:

● Lesson 4.2: GRAMMAR: Review of tenses: present, past, and future.

o Extra video:


● Latham-Koenig, Christina, Oxeden, Clive (2008). América English File 2B. Editorial.

● Annette Capel, Nicki Joseph (2015). Cambridge University Press and UCLES. Editorial
Cambridge University Press and UCLES.

● Castro Quiroz, Martha Elizabeth, Mera Moya, Daniel Gustavo, Loor Domo, Mónica
Lissette, Vera Vélez Francisco Ricardo, Cedeño Macías, Leticia Mercedes (2018). Better
Together Level. Editorial Universidad Técnica de Manabí.

● Grupo Editorial Océano (2000). Diccionario Smart Español-inglés. Océano.

● Phillips, Deborah Longman (2013). Editorial Pearson Education.

● Richey (2012). Oxford Business. Editorial English University Press.


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