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Diversity in Living Organisms

Exercise - 01
Multiple choice questions
1. A branch of biology which deals with the identification, nomenclature and classification of
organisms is called
(1) Morphology (2) Ecology (3) Taxonomy (4) Phytogeography
2. Who is known as father of taxonomy?
(1) Mendel (2) Linnaeus (3) Darwin (4) Crick
3. The smallest taxon is
(1) Class (2) Order (3) Species (4) Genus
4. The 'Origin of Species' is written by
(1) Linnaeus (2) Darwin (3) Haeckel (4) Whittaker
5. What is true in a scientific name?
(1) Specific name is written first
(2) Generic name starts with small letter
(3) Generic name starts with capital alphabet while specific name starts with small letter
(4) It is written in English
6. In Whittaker's classification, unicellular organisms are grouped under
(1) Protista (2) Porifera (3) Fungi (4) Protozoa
7. Organisms without nucleus and cell organelles belong to
(i) Fungi (ii) Protista (iii) Cyanobacteria (iv) Archaebacteria
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (iii) and (iv) (3) (i) and (iv) (4) (ii) and (iii)
8. Which type of food is stored in Fungi?
(1) Starch (2) Protein (3) Maltose (4) Glycogen
9. Non-Chlorophyllous heterotrophic organisms are
(1) Algae (2) Fungi (3) Bryophytes (4) Pteriodophytes
10. Association between Algae and fungi is known as
(1) Bryophyta (2) Lichen (3) Pteridophyta (4) None of these
11. Which of the following is unicellular green alga?
(1) Pea (2) Fern (3) Cycas (4) Chlamydomonas
12. Bryophytes are amphibians because
(1) they require a layer of water for carrying out sexual reproduction
(2) they occur in damp places
(3) they are mostly aquatic
(4) all of these

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13. Xylem lacks vessels and phloem lacks companion cells in
(1) Algae (2) Fungi (3) Gymnosperms (4) Angiosperms
14. Azolla/Marsilea is a
(1) Liverwort (2) Moss (3) Tree fern (4) Water fern
15. Which one of the following represents the non-flowering seeded plants?
(1) Pteridophytes (2) Gymnosperms (3) Angiosperms (4) Bryophytes
16. Naked seeds are present in
(1) Pinus (2) Mango (3) Mustard (4) Lemon
17. Which among the following has specialised tissue for conduction of water?
(i) Thallophyta (ii) Bryophyta (iii) Pteridophyta (iv) Gymnosperms
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (ii) and (iii) (3) (iii) and (iv) (4) (i) and (iv)
18. Gymnosperms and angiosperms are included in
(1) Phanerogams (2) Cryptogams (3) Thallophytes (4) Prokaryotes
19. Maize is a
(1) Dicot angiospermic plant (2) Monocot angiospermic plant
(3) Pteridophyte (4) Gymnosperm
20. Which of the following is a monocot?
(1) Carrot (2) Wheat (3) Mango (4) Mustard
21. Which of the following group of animals have cell aggregate body plan?
(1) Sponges (2) Platyhelminthes (3) Nematodes (4) Annelids
22. Stinging cell organelles - nematocysts are found only in
(1) Phylum - Coelenterata (2) Phylum - Porifera
(3) Phylum - Echinodermata (4) Phylum - Arthropoda
23. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
(1) Porifera - Sycon (2) Coelenterata - Hydra
(3) Platyhelminthes - Fasciola (4) Nematoda - Taenia solium
24. Organ system grade of body organization is found in
(1) Sponges (2) Protozoa (3) Arthropodes (4) Platyhelminthes
25. In which phylum pseudocoelom is present?
(1) Coelenterata (2) Annelida (3) Aschelminthes (4) Mollusca
26. Flatworms are found in
(1) Phylum - Nematoda (2) Phylum - Annelida
(3) Phylum - Platyhelminthes (4) Phylum - Echinodermata
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27. Earthworm belongs to phylum
(1) Annelida (2) Arthropoda (3) Nematoda (4) Mollusca.
28. Earthworm has which characteristic of Annelida?
(1) True coelom (2) Metameric segmentation
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Open circulatory system
29. The major characteristics of Arthropods are
(1) jointed apendages and chitinous exoskeleton
(2) jointed appendages and chitinous endoskeleton
(3) antennae and cephalothroax
(4) eyes and cephalothorax
30. Star fish is the member of
(1) Pisces (2) Mollusca (3) Coelenterata (4) Echinodermata
31. Balanoglossus is an example of
(1) Urochordata (2) Cephalochordata (3) Hemichordata (4) Vertebrata
32. Which of the following is not a bony fish?
(1) Labeo rohita (2) Anabas (3) Hippocampus (4) Chimera
33. Which statement is not correct for amphibians?
(1) These are first vertebrate which come out of water
(2) They are cold-blood animals
(3) They do not have scales on their skin
(4) They have two chambered heart
34. Which class includes snakes and lizards?
(1) Amphibia (2) Reptilia (3) Mammalia (4) Pisces
35. In which class birds are included?
(1) Amphibia (2) Pisces (3) Reptilia (4) Aves
36. Sound producing organ in birds is
(1) trachea (2) larynx (3) syrinx (4) plumage
37. Number of teeth found in a beak of bird is
(1) several (2) 20 (3) 10 (4) Nil
38. Birds can keep their weight low due to presence of
(1) streamlined body (2) pneumatic bones
(3) small tail (4) enclosing air in feathers

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39. Which statement (s) is/are true for mammals?
(1) they are warm blooded animals
(2) they have diaphragm
(3) they have mammary glands for baby feeding
(4) all of the above
40. Water vascular system is a distinctive feature of
(1) Echinodermata (2) Annelida (3) Chordata (4) Mollusca
True or false
1. Bacteria are prokaryotic.
2. Lichen is dual organism which shows association of algae and fungi.
3. Mosses have a vascular system.
4. Ferns are seedless plants.
5. Hornworts and liverworts are pteridophytes.
6. Conifers are angiosperms.
7. Bryophytes are distinguished into root, stem and leaves.
8. Sponges have a nervous system.
9. Hydra is a fresh water coelenterate.
10. Flatworms have true coelom.
11. Planaria is free-living aquatic flatworm.
12. Snails and slugs have open circulatory system.
13. Toad is active during day whereas frog is active during night.
14. All the vertebrates are warm-blooded animals.
15. Crocodiles have four chambered heart.
Fill in the blanks
1. ......................... is considered as 'Father of Zoology'.
2. Five Kingdom classification of living organisms is given by ................................ .
3. Prokaryotes are grouped in kingdom......................
4. Fungi show ................................ mode of nutrition.
5. Pore-bearing animals are placed in phylum .........................
6. Organisms which remain fixed to the bottom of the sea or some other object are called
7. Nematoblasts or stinging cells are characteristic of .........................
8. Tube feet of echinoderms help in ......................... and .........................
9. The largest phylum of the kingdom Animalia is .........................
10. In urochordates the notochord is confined to the .........................

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Match the column
1. Match the items of Column I with items of Column II.

Column – I Column - II
(i) Naked seed (a) Angiosperms
(ii) Covered seed (b) Gymnosperms
(iii) Flagella (c) Bryophytes
(iv) Marchantia (d) Euglena
(v) Marsilea (e) Thallophyta
(vi) Cladophora (f) Pteridophyta
(vii) Penicillium (g) Fungi

2. Match the items of Column I with items of Column II.

Column-I Column-II
(i) Flightless bird (a) Echinoderm
(ii) Egg laying mammal (b) Snake
(iii) Hydra (c) Birds
(iv) Cnidoblasts (d) Endoparasite of intestine
(v) Pseudocoel (e) Ostrich
(vi) Ascaris (f) Earthworm
(vii) Sea urchin (g) Lamprey
(viii) Jawless vertebrate (h) Shark
(ix) Limbless reptile (i) Duckbilled platypus
(x) Cartilage fish (j) Kangaroo
(xi) Leech (k) Coelenterates
(xii) Millipedes (l) Roundworms
(xiii) Nephridia (m) Segmented arthropods
(xiv) Pneumatic bones (n) Hirudin
(xv) Pouched mammal (o) Fresh water coelenterate

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NCERT Course: Class 9

Answer Key
Multiple choice questions
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 4 2
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 4
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer 3 4 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 1
True or false
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. False
8. False 9. True 10. False 11. True 12. True 13. False 14. False
15. True
Fill in the blanks
1. Aristotle 2. Whittaker 3. Monera 4. saprophytic
5. Porifera 6. sessile 7. Coelenterates
8. locomotion, respiration 9. Arthropoda 10. tail
Match the column
1. (i) – (b), (ii) – (a), (iii) – (d), (iv) – (c), (v) – (f), (vi) – (e), (vii) – (g)
2. (i)–e, (ii)–i, (iii)–o, (iv)–k, (v)–l, (vi)–d, (vii)–a, (viii)–g, (ix)–b, (x)–h,
(xi)–n, (xii)–m, (xiii)–f, (xiv)–c, (xv)–j

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Exercise - 01 SOLUTIONS
Multiple choice questions
1. Option (3)
Taxonomy [From "Ancient Greek taxis - arrangement" and nomia - "method") is the science
of defining groups of biological organism on the basis of shared Characteristics and giving
names to those groups.
2. Option (2)
Carl Linnaeus is known as the father of taxonomy because he formalized binomial
nomenclature, the modern system of naming organisms.
3. Option (3)
In biology, a species is the basic unit of biological classification and a taxonomic rank.
4. Option (2)
The origin of species published on 24 November 1859, is a work on scientific literature by
Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
5. Option (3)
Generic name starts with capital letter while species name starts with small letter
Scientists through out the world use a common system for naming organisms. This system
is known as binomial nomenclature.
6. Option (1)
Protist is an informal term for any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant and
The term protista was first used by Ernst Haeckel in the year 1886.
7. Option (2)
(iii) and (iv) [Cynobacteria and Archaebacteria]
8. Option (4)
Fungi are not capable of producing their own food, so they get their food from other
organism. The Carbohydrate stored in the fungus in form of glycogen.
9. Option (2)
A fungus is a member of the group of eukaryotic organism that includes unicellular
microorganism such as yeasts and moulds as well as multicellular fungi that produce
fruiting forms known as mushrooms.

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10. Option (2)
Lichen is a symbiotic association of algae and fungus.
11. Option (4)
Chlamydomonas is a genus of green algae consisting of unicellular flagellates found in
stagnant water and on damp soil in fresh water and even in snow.
12. Option (1)
Amphibians are those organism which live on both land and in water. Bryophytes are
called amphibians of the plant Kingdom because these plants live in soil but they need
water for sexual reproduction. The male gamete of bryophytes are flagellated and need
water to swim to the female gamete.
13. Option (3)
As the gymnosperms lack vessels and companian cells the conduction of water and food is
carried out by tracheids and sieve tubes.
14. Option (4)
Marsilea is a genus of approximately 65 species of aquatic ferns of the family Marsileaceae.
15. Option (2)
The word "Gymnosperms" comes from the greek word gymnospermos meaning "naked
seed". They bear no flowers, no fruit but bear seeds.
16. Option (1)
Pinus is having naked seeds. The seed are naked as they are not covered by the fruit wall.
Pinus is the example of Gymnosperm.
17. Option (3)
Pteridophyta and Gymnosperm are having special tissue (Xylem) for conduction of water.
Pteridophyta is first group that are having Vascular tissue.
18. Option (1)
Phanerogams comprise those plant that produce seeds, hence the alternative name is seed
19. Option (2)
Because Maize seed is having only one cotyledon.
20. Option (2)
Because wheat seed is having only one cotyledon.
21. Option (1)
Sponges belong to phylum porifera and porifera having cellular organisation.
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22. Option (1)
The body of Coelentrates bear specialized cells - Cnidoblasts, bearing sting cell organelles
called 'Nematocyst' which serve the function of paralysing the prey by injecting poison.
23. Option (4)
Taenia solium belongs to the Phylum Platyhelminthes.
24. Option (3)
In Arthropods organ system grade body organization is present.
25. Option (3)
In Aschelminthes coelom is not lined by Mesoderm.
26. Option (3)
Organisms of phylum Platyhelminthes are dorsoventrally flattened. So that they are called
27. Option (1)
Earthworm has a metameric segmentation so it is included in Annelida.
28. Option (3)
True Coelom/Metameric segmetation. 4th option is wrong because annelids are having
close circulatory system.
29. Option (1)
Arthropoda means Jointed legs and the exoskeleton is made up chitin.
30. Option (4)
The starfish is having radial symmetry which is a characteristic feature of Echinodermata.
31. Option (3)
Balanglossus have notochord as buccal diverticulum or stomochord in proboscis.
32. Option (4)
Chimera is not a bony fish. Labeo, Anabas, Hippocampus are bony fishes because their
endoskeleton is made up of bones.
33. Option (4)
Amphibians have 3 chambered heart.
34. Option (2)
Because they are having the characteristics or class Reptilia.
35. Option (4)
Birds are having the characteristics feature of Aves like Pneumatic bone, feathers.

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36. Option (3)
Sound producing organ at the junction of trachea and bronchi of bird is called syrinx.
37. Option (4)
In birds teeth are absent and jaws form a horny beak.
38. Option (2)
Endoskeleton of bird is made by hollow, air filled bones known as Pneumatic bones.
39. Option (4)
Mammals are warm blooded animals and they are having a diaphragm and mammary
40. Option (1)
Body cavity is modified into water vascular system.
True or false
1. True
Because prokaryotes do not possess nucleus membrane.
2. True
Lichen shows symbiotic relationship.
3. False
Mosses are the example of Bryophyta. Vascular system is absent in Bryophytes.
4. True
Fern belongs to sub group Cryptogames (seed less).
5. False
Both are example of Pteridophytes.
6. False
Conifers is the example of Gymnosperm.
7. False
Bryophyte body divided into stem, leaves and root like structure known as Rhizoids.
8. False
Sponge have cellular level body organization.
9. True
Yes, Hydra is fresh water coelenterata.
10. False
Flatworms are Acoelomate.

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11. True
Platyhelminthes are mostly parasitic animals but some are Planaria free living.
12. True
They both are related to mollusca Phylum and they are having open circulatory system.
13. False
Toad and frogs both are active during night.
14. False
Some vertebrates are cold blooded like reptiles.
15. True
All Reptiles having three chambered heart but only the crocodile having four chambared
Match the Item
(i) Naked seed :- Gymnosperms
Solution :- In Gymnosperm seed are not covered by fruit.
(ii) Covered seed :- Angiosperm
Solution :- Seed covered by fruit.
(iii) Flagella :- Euglena
Solution :- Euglena have flagella for locomotion.
(iv) Marchantia :- Bryophytes
Solution :- Marchantia is the example of Bryophytes because it has all the characteristics
of Bryophytes.
(v) Marsilea :- Pteridophyta
Solution :- All the characteristic features of Pteridophytes are possessed by marsilea.
(vi) Cladophora :- Thallophyta
Solution :- Cladophora having all Thallophyta character.
(vii) Penicillium :- Fungi
Solution :- Having all Fungi Character.
2. (i) Flighless bird - Ostrich
Solution :- Ostrich can not fly because of the heavy body.
(ii) Egg laying mammals - Duckbilled platypus
Solution :- Mammals are viviparous but Platypus is egg - laying mammal.
(iii) Hydra :- Fresh water coelenterate
Solution :- All coelentrates are marine, but Hydra is fresh water coelenterate.
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(iv) Cnidoblasts :- Coelenterates
Solution :- A special cells present in coelenterates which serve the function of paralysing
the prey by injecting poison.
(v) Pseudocoel :- Roundworms
Solution :- Roundworms belong to phylum Nematoda having pseudocoel.
(vi) Ascaris :- Endoparasite of intestine
Solution :- Nematoda are parasites on worm blooded animals. Ascaris is the example of
(vii) Sea urchin :- Echinoderm
Solution :- Sea urchin (Holothuria) is the example of Phylum - Echinoderm (They are spiny
skinned animals).
(viii) Jawless vertebrate :- Lamprey
Solution :- Lamprey belongs to a group of jawless fishes that serve as an important point
of comparison for studies of vertebrates.
(ix) Limbless reptile :- Snake
Solution :- Snakes are the simplest example of Limbless reptile.
(x) Cartilage fish : - Shark
Solution :- The endoskeleton of Shark is made up of cartilage.
(xi) Leech :- Hirudin
Solution :- Hirudin is blood anticoagulant present in saliva of leech.
(xii) Millipedes :- Segmented arthropods.
Solution :- Millipedes are the example of segmented arthropods, having jointed
(xiii) Nephridia :- Earthworm
Solution :- Excretory organ of Earthworm is Nephridia.
(xiv) Pneumatic bones :- Birds
Solution :- Birds having hollow bones that are known as Pneumatic bones.
(xv) Pouched mammal :- Kangaroo
Solution :- Kangaroos give brith to very poorly develop young once.

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Exercise - 02
Very short answer type questions
1. In which kingdom will you place an organism which is single-celled, eukaryotic and
2. Which division among plants has the simplest organisms?
3. Name the group in which :
(i) Seeds are naked.
(ii) Reproductive organs are flowers.
4. Name the basic unit of classification.
5. Name two sub-kingdoms of Kingdom Plantae.
6. Name the smallest taxonomic category.
7. Give two examples of monocot.
8. Give two examples of dicot.
9. Name a group where naked seeds are present.
10. To which division of plants do algae belong?
11. Name two animals belonging to reptilian class.
12. The animals belonging to this phylum have metamerically segmented body. Name the
13. Which is the largest phylum of Kingdom Animalia?
14. Mention an organism which exhibits characters of both plants and animals.
15. In which groups are diploblastic animals found?
16. Why are frogs not seen in the winter months?
17. Give one difference between cartilaginous and bony fishes.
18. Name three flightless birds.
19. Name the phylum to which the following belong :
(i) Silver fish (ii) Sea horse (iii) Sea cucumber (iv) Jelly fish
Short answer type questions
1. Name the group of plants that belongs to the division Thallophyta.
2. How are the seed-bearing plants further classified?
3. What is the need of nomenclature?
4. Give two important characters of bony fishes.
5. What are the four main characteristics of chordates?

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6. What are Coelenterates? Mention some examples.
7. Differentiate between radial and bilateral symmetry.
8. List a few flight adaptations in birds.
9. What are the differences between animals belonging to the aves group and those in the
mammalia group?
10. What are the differences between amphibians and reptiles?
Long answer type questions
1. Write the distinguishing characters of Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista and Kingdom
2. Describe the diagnostic characters of Algae, Fungi and Bryophyta.
3. Discuss the general characteristics of Pteridophytes.
4. What are gymnosperms? Write the general characteristics of gymnosperms.
5. What are angiosperms? Give some distinguishing characters of dicots and monocots.
6. Explain how animals in Vertebrata are classified into further sub-groups.
7. (i) What are the four main characteristics of chordates?
(ii) Differentiate between
(a) Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
(b) Reptiles and Mammals.
8. Write the characteristic features of phylum Arthropoda.
9. Write the characteristic features of phylum Annelida.
10. Write the characteristic features of phylum Coelenterata.

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Exercise - 02 SOLUTIONS
Very short answer type questions
1. Protista
2. Thallophyta
3. (i) Gymnosperm

Male reproductive - Androceium


Female reproductive - Gynocieum

4. Species
5. (1) Cryptogame (2) Phanerogame
6. Species
7. Lily, Coconut
8. Pea, Gram
9. Gymnosperm
10. Thallophyta
11. Crocodilus, Naja
12. Annelida
13. Arthropoda
14. Englena
15. Phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata
16. A frog hibernate to escape the freezing temperature of winter. Aquatic frogs hibernate
under water and take in oxygen from the water through their skin.
17. Cartilaginous Fish :- If the endoskeleton of fish made by cartilage known cartilaginous fish
Bony fish endoskeleton made by bones are called bony fish.
18. Penguins, Emu, Ostrich are flightless birds.
19. Silver fish - Arthropoda
Sea horse - Pisces
Sea cucumber - Echinodermata
Jelly Fish - Coelenterata

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Short answer type questions
1. They are commonly called algae. Plant body is not differentiated into root, stem and leaves
therefore called thallus.
2. Seed bearing plant (Phanerogamae) further classified in two group :-
(1) Gymnosperm (Naked Seed)
(2) Angiosperm (Covered Seed)
3. Nomenclature of Organisms makes a uniform way of identification of vast diversity of life
around us. Scientific name is unique and can be used to identify an organism any where in
the world. Binomial nomenclature proposed by Carolus Linnaeus provides method of such
scientific naming for living Organisms.
4. Important character Bony Fishes :-
(1) Endoskeleton made by bones -
Eq. of Bony fishes - Anabas
(2) They have bony plate like scales, they are also known as Osteichthyes
5. Main Characteristics of Chordates:-
(1) Pharyngeal gill slits are paired respiratory structure which remain functional
throughout life in fishes and some amphibians.
(2) Post anal tail occur in most chordates for balancing, protection of genital and anal
(3) Notochord is a long rod like structure that develop between dorsal nervous system
and gut.
(4) Dorsal hollow nerve cord occurs above the notochord.
6. Some of coelenterates live in colonies while other lives solitary.
· Body is radially symmetrical
· Body has a central gastro vascular cavity, coelenteron which lakes anus but has
e.q. - Hydra, Physalia
7. Radial Symmetry :- Body can be divided into similar halves by any plane through centre
Bilateral symmetry:- Body can be divided along a median longitudinal plane into two
mirrored portion right and left halves.
8. Flight adaptions in Birds :-
(1) Body boat shaped and covered with soft feather called plumage.
(2) Fore limbs modified into wings for flight.
(3) Pneumatic bone present.

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Aves Mammals
(1) Forlimbs are modified into (1) Wings are absent except in bats.
(2) The body is covered with (2) Absent
feather and scales.
(3) Pneumatic bones present. (3) Bones do not passess air cavities.
(4) Lungs possess external air sacs. (4) External air sacs do not occur over Lungs.
Amphibians Reptiles
(1) It is glandular smooth and moist (1) Skin is non-glandular dry, Keratinised
(2) Heart is three chambered (2) Heart is incompletely four chambered
(3) Fertilization external (3) Fertilization internal
(4) Frog / Toad (4) Lizards / Snake
Long Answer Type
1. Kingdom Monera:-
(i) Unicellular prokaryotic organisms.
(ii) Mode of nutrition is either autotrophic or heterotropic.
(iii) Some Organisms lack cell wall while other lacking (Mycoplasma).
Kingdom Protista :-
(i) Unicellular eukaryotic.
(ii) Some protists are covered with cell wall while other not.
(iii) Mode of nutrients autotrophic or heterophile.
Kingdom Fungi :-
(i) These are non green eukaryotic organism.
They may be unicellular.
(ii) Heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
(iii) Cell wall is made by Chitin.
2. Algae :-
(i) Photosynthetic pigment are present.
(ii) Algae are autotrophic.
(iii) The cell wall is made of cellulose.
(iv) Algae contain starch as a stored food material.

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Fungi :-
(i) Photosynthetic pigment are absent.
(ii) Fungi are heterotropic.
(iii) The cell wall is made of chitin.
(iv) Fungi contain glycogen and oil as a stored food material.
(i) Known as amphibia of plant Kingdom.
(ii) They have flat plant body which differentiated into stem, leaf and root like structure
(iii) There is no specialized tissue for the conduction of water and other substance from
one part of the plant body of another.
3. Ptaidophyta:-
(i) They are seedless plant.
(ii) Reproductive organs are inconspicuos.
(iii) An external water require for fertilization.
4. Gymnosperm:-
(i) Plant are usually evergreen woody and perennial.
(ii) Sporophylls are aggregated to form cones.
(iii) They Bear naked seed. Xylem lack vessels and phloem lack compression cell.
5. Angiosperm :-
(i) Sporophylls are aggregated to form flower.
(ii) The seed are enclosed by fruit wall.
(iii) Xylem contain vessels and phloem contain companion cell.
Dicots Monocots
(1) In the seed, the embryo bear two In the seeds, the embryo bears one cotyledon
(2) The leaves show reticulate The leaves show parallel venation.
(3) The plants have tap root system The plants have fibrous adventitious root

6. Animal in vertebrate are classified into five classes.

Class Pisces :-
These animals mostly live in water. Streamlined body presence of a tail for movement, gills.
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Class Amphibia :- It include frogs; toads etc.
They are dual mode of life. Respiration by gills and lungs.
Class Reptilia :- It include such as lizard, snakes. The body of reptiles is covered with dry
Class Aves :- It include all birds such as sparrow, pigeon. Most of them have feather.
Their forlimbs are modified into wings for flight while hind limbs are modified for walking.
Class Mammalia:- It includes a variety of animals which have milk producing glands to
nourish their young over. Some lay eggs and some give birth to young ones.
7. (i) Main Characteristic of Chordates :-
1. Notochord present
2. Dorsal hollow nerve cord present
3. Pharyngeal gill slits present
4. Post anal tail for balancing
(ii) Differentiate between
(a) Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Vertebrates having vertebral column and Invertebrates do have vertebral column.
(b) Reptiles and Mammals:-
Reptiles Mammals
(1) Heart is incompletely Heart is completely four
four Chambered Chambered.
(2) Oviparous Viviparous
(3) Cold Blooded Warm blooded
8. Phylum - Arthropoda
1. The largest group of animals
2. Triploblastic, bilateral, symmetrical, metamerically segmented.
3. Animal have jointed legs.
4. The body cavity is filled with blood i.e., haemocoel.
5. Mouth part adapted for biting, chewing, piercing and sucking.
9. Phylum Annelida :-
1. They are the first animal with true body cavity i.e., Coelom
2. They are bilateral symmetry.
3. Body is covered by thin cuticle.
4. Alimentary canal complete.
10. Phylum :- Coelenterata
1. Body is radially symmetrical, diploblastic.
2. Body has central gastrovascular cavity.
3. Special cells present are called Cnidoblasts.

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