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Multiple choice questions
1. The term tissue was given by
(1) Robert Hooke (2) Leeuwenhoek (3) Bichat (4) Meyer
2. Presence of tissues in a multicellular organism ensures
(1) faster development (2) division of labour
(3) higher reproductive potential (4) body strength
3. Tissue is defined as
(1) group of similar or dissimilar cells having a common origin and function.
(2) group of different types of cells having different origin.
(3) group of different types of cells performing different functions.
(4) organised group of cells performing many functions.
4. Which of these types of cells are most likely to divide?
(1) Epidermis (2) Parenchyma (3) Meristem (4) Xylem
5. Increase in the length of the plant is caused by
(1) Cork cambium (2) Vascular cambium
(3) Apical meristem (4) Permanent tissue
6. Cork cambium is an example of
(1) Lateral meristem (2) Primary meristem
(3) Apical meristem (4) Intercalary meristem
7. Bases of leaves and internodes have
(1) Lateral meristem (2) Apical meristem
(3) Intercalary meristem (4) None of these
8. Tissue that provide buoyancy
(1) Aerenchyma (2) Chlorenchyma (3) Collenchyma (4) Sclerenchyma
9. Grit of Pear is formed of
(1) Sclereids (2) Sclerenchyma fibres
(3) Tracheids (4) Companion cells
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NCERT Course : Class 9
10. Which of the following is made up of dead cells?
(1) Sclerenchyma (2) Tracheids (3) Vessels (4) All the these
11. Find out incorrect sentence.
(1) Parenchymatous tissues have intercellular spaces.
(2) Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners.
(3) Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues.
(4) Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles.
12. Simple permanent tissue in which cell walls are thickened with pectin at the corner are
(1) Collenchyma (2) Sclerenchyma
(3) Parenchyma and sclerenchyma (4) None of these
13. Elongated lignified cells with pointed ends belong to
(1) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (3) Sclerenchyma (4) None of these
14. Which tissue provides mechanical strength to plants?
(1) Sclerenchyma (2) Parenchyma (3) Aerenchyma (4) Chlorenchyma
15. Name the tissue where the cells are living, thin walled, isodiametric with intercellular
(1) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (3) Xylem (4) Sclerenchyma
16. In sclerenchyma, the cell wall is
(1) lignified (2) suberised (3) pectinised (4) cutinised
17. Which of the following cells are dead?
(1) Parenchyma (2) Collenchyma (3) Sclerenchyma (4) All of these
18. Tracheary elements of xylem are
(1) Tracheids (2) Vessels (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Sieve tubes
19. Xylem takes part in
(1) conduction of water in the plant body. (2) conduction of food material
(3) providing mechanical support (4) both (1) and (3).
20. The tissue that takes part in the transport of food materials is
(1) Parenchyma (2) Phloem (3) Xylem (4) None of these
21. Companion cells are associated with
(1) Sieve tubes (2) Sclerenchyma (3) Vessels (4) Parenchyma
22. Nucleus is not present in
(1) Companion cell (2) Mature sieve tube
(3) Phloem parenchyma (4) Collenchyma
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23. Sieve tubes and companion cells occur in
(1) Xylem (2) Cambium (3) Meristem (4) Phloem
24. A pair of kidney shaped cells present around stomata are called
(1) Guard cells (2) Subsidiary cells (3) Epidermal cells (4) Trichomes
25. Which is not a function of epidermis?
(1) Protection from adverse condition (2) Gaseous exchange
(3) Conduction of water (4) Transpiration
26. A tissue is made up of
(1) one type of cells only (2) two types of cells only
(3) one or many types of cells (4) only many types of cells
27. Which of the following is the characteristic of epithelial tissue?
(1) Tissues are highly vascularized
(2) These cells never produce glands
(3) The cells will have a rapid rate of cell division
(4) Large intercellular spaces are seen between cells
28. Cells of squamous epithelium are
(1) columnar (2) tall with elongated nuclei
(3) flat plate-like (4) cube like
29. Endothelium of the inner surface of blood vessels in vertebrates is formed by
(1) simple squamous epithelium (2) columnar epithelium
(3) cuboidal epithelium (4) ciliated cells
30. Which of the following is present in the alveoli of lungs?
(1) Simple columnar epithelium (2) Simple cuboidal epithelium
(3) Simple squamous epithelium (4) Sensory epithelium
31. Fat is abundant in
(1) Liver cells (2) Alveolar tissue (3) Lymph glands (4) Adipose tissue
32. Blood plasma is
(1) neutral (2) slightly acidic (3) slightly alkaline (4) strongly acidic
33. Major protein of connective tissue is
(1) myosin (2) melanin (3) collagen (4) keratin
34. Tendon connects a
(1) ligament with muscle (2) bone with muscle
(3) cartilage with muscle (4) bone with bone
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NCERT Course : Class 9
35. Where is cartilage found in our body?
(1) Tip of the nose (2) Ear pinna
(3) Surrounding ends of joints (4) All of the above
36. Which of the following tissue has matrix, that is the source of its structural and functional
(1) Connective tissue (2) Muscular tissue
(3) Nervous tissue (4) Epithelial tissue
37. Bone forming cells are
(1) osteoblasts (2) osteoclasts (3) chondroblasts (4) chondroclasts
38. Haversian system is typically found in bones of
(1) fishes (2) aves (3) reptiles (4) mammals
39. Striated muscles are found in
(1) Gall bladder (2) Wall of bronchi (3) Leg muscles (4) Lungs
40. Smooth muscle is found in all the sites except
(1) Gastrointestinal tract (2) Fallopian tube
(3) Blood vessel (4) Heart
41. Smooth muscles occur in
(1) vein (2) artery (3) uterus (4) all the above
42. Cardiac muscle is made of branched fibres that are
(1) nonstriated and under voluntary control (2) striated and not under
voluntary control
(3) nonstriated and not under voluntary control (4) striated and under
voluntary control
43. In a neuron, dendrite may be one or many, but axon is generally
(1) one (2) two (3) three (4) more than one
44. Where would you look for neurons?
(1) In blood (2) In heart
(3) Root tip and shoot tip (4) In brain and spinal cord
45. A unit of the nervous system is
(1) cyton (2) axon (3) neuron (4) dendrite
True or false
1. Vacuoles are absent in meristematic plant cells.

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2. Apical meristem helps in longitudinal growth, while lateral meristem helps in secondary
3. Aerenchyma is a modified parenchyma and occurs in aquatic plants.
4. Collenchymal cells have deposition of lignin, while sclerenchymal cells have deposition of
5. Sclerenchyma has irregularly thickened cells.
6. Husk of coconut is made up of sclerenchyma tissue.
7. Sieve tube cells are found in xylem, while vessels are found in phloem.
8. Tracheids and vessels are collectively called tracheary elements.
9. Absorptive surface areas of roots are increased by the presence of root hairs.
10. Cells of cork are dead, suberised and compactly arranged.

Fill in the blanks

1. ................... gives flexibility in plants.
2. Husk of coconut is made of ................... tissue.
3. ................... are forms of complex tissue.
4. Xylem transports ................... and ................... from soil.
5. ................... and ................... are both conducting tissues.
6. Phloem transports ................... from ................... to other parts of the plant.
7. ................... have tubular cells with perforated walls and are living in nature.
8. ................... surrounded by guard cells.
9. Cells of cork contain a chemical called...................
10. A thick waterproof coating of ................... occurs over the epidermis in desert plants.
Match the column
1. Match the contents of the column-I and II (single matching)
Column-I Column-II

(1) Parenchyma (i) Thin walled, packing cells

(2) Photosynthesis (ii) Carbon fixation

(3) Aerenchyma (iii) Localised thickening

(4) Collenchyma (iv) Buoyancy

(5) Permanent tissue (v) Sclerenchyma

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NCERT Course : Class 9
2. Match the contents of the columns-I, II and III
(Double matching)

Column-I Column-II Column-III

Types of tissue Position Function
(1) Apical meristem (i) Base of internode (e) Store food
(2) Intercalary meristem (ii) All soft part of plant (f) Growth in length of plant
(3) Parenchyma (iii) Root apex (g) Growth in length of internode

3. Match the contents of the columns-I and II

(single matching)
Column-I Column-II
(1) Division (i) Collenchyma
(2) Flexibility (ii) Epithelium
(3) Covering tissue (iii) Bone
(4) Calcium and phosphorus (iv) Meristem

4. Match the contents of column, I, II and III (Double matching)

Column-I Column-II Column-III

(1) Neuron (i) Absorption (p) Anchoring of muscles
(2) Bones (ii) Axon (q) Flexibility
(3) Columnar epithelium (iii) Strength (r) Dendrites
(4) Collenchyma (iv) Body framework (s) Secretion

5. Which one of the following tissues are involved in growth (G), absorption (A), transportation
Tissue Function
(i) Xylem ............
(ii) Meristem ............
(iii) Blood ...........
(iv) Root hairs ............

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Answer Key
Multiple choice questions
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 2
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 1 3 3 4 2 1 2 4 1 3 3 3 3 1 3
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 4 3 3 2 4 1 1 4 3 4 4 2 1 4 3

True or false
1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False
8. True 9. True 10. True
Fill in the blanks
1. Collenchyma 2. sclerenchyma 3. Xylem and phloem
4. water, minerals 5. Xylem, phloem 6. food, leaves 7. Sieve tubes
8. Stomata 9. suberin 10. cutin
Match the column
1. (1) – (i), (2) – (ii), (3) – (iv), (4) – (iii), (5) – (v)
2. (1) – (iii, f), (2) – (i, g), (3) – (ii, e)
3. (1) – (iv), (2) – (i), (3) – (ii), (4) – (iii)
4. (1) – (ii, r), (2) – (iv, p), (3) – (i, s), (4) – (iii, q)
5. (i) – (T), (ii) – (G), (iii) – (T), (iv) – (A)

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NCERT Course : Class 9

Exercise - 01 SOLUTIONS
Multiple choice questions
1. Option (3)
The term tissue was given by Bichat.
2. Option (2)
Formation of tissues has brought about division of labour in multicellular organisms.
Hence they have higher rate of survival due to improved body organization and higher
efficiency of functions.
3. Option (1)
A group of cells that are similar in structure and performing a common function is called
4. Option (3)
Mertistematic cells have thin cell wall, are compactly packed with no intercellular space.
They have dense cytoplasm without any vacuole and contain large prominent nucleus,
hence they are capable of division throughout life.
5. Option (3)
Apical meristem is present at the growing tips of shoot and root and are responsible for
increase in the length of shoot and root.
6. Option (1)
Lateral meristem is of two types, vascular cambium and cork cambium.
7. Option (3)
Intercalary meristem are present at the base of leaf or internode on either side of the node
eg-grasses, bamboo etc. and at the base of pinus leaves.
8. Option (3)
Collenchyma are usually absent in all the woody parts, roots stem and leaves of monocots
and roots of dicot plant while present in herbaceous stem and leaves of dicot plant.
9. Option (1)
Sclereids (grit of stone cells) are highly thickned and irregularly shaped dead cells. They
provide strength to seed covering and grittiness to the pulp of many fruits such as pear.
10. Option (4)
Tracheids, vessels, sclerenchyma are all made up of dead cells. Hence they provide
mechanical support, which makes the plant hard and stiff.

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11. Option (3)
Apical and intercalary meristem are meristematic tissue which can divide throughout the
On the basis of their location, meristermatic tissues are of three types.
(i) Apical (ii) Intercalary (iii) Lateral
12. Option (1)
Cells of collenchyma tissue are irregularly thickened at the corners due to the deposition
of pectin. It provides tensile strength and elasticity to plant cells for easy bending without
13. Option (3)
Sclerenchyma cells are dead, narrow, long cells and devoid of protoplasm. Their walls are
thickened with the deposition of Lignin and hence called as Lignified cells. It is the main
mechanical tissue to provide mechanical support and to make the plant part hard and stiff.
14. Option (1)
Sclerenchyma is the main mechanical tissue which provides mechanical support and
makes the plant hard and stiff.
15. Option (2)
Parenchyma is a basic living tissue which consists of relatively unspecialised cells. They
are loosely packed because intercellular spaces are present between the cells.
16. Option (1)
The wall of cells of sclerenchyma are greatly thickened with deposition of lignin. Such cell
wall are called lignified. It makes the plant hard and stiff.
17. Option (3)
Since the cells of sclerenchyma are lignified hence it is dead. Lignin makes the cell wall
impermeable so important substances are unable to pass through it. As a result lignified
cells do not have living protoplasm.
18. Option (3)
The tracheary elements of xylem are tracheids and vessels and they help in long distance
conduction of water and minerals.
19. Option (4)
Xylem helps in the conduction of water and minerals in the plant body and it also provides
mechanical support to the plant body.
20. Option (2)
The tissue that takes part in the transport of the food materials is phloem.

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21. Option (1)
Companion cells help the sieve tubes in the conduction of food materials. Sieve tubes are
dependent and
adjacent to companion cells which develop from the same original meristematic cell. The
two cells together form a functional unit.
22. Option (2)
The nucleus of each sieve tube degenerates at maturity, however cytoplasm persists in the
mature sieve tube.
23. Option (4)
Phloem is made up of four types of cells :
(i) Sieve tubes (ii) Companion cells
(iii) Phloem parenchyma (iv) Phloem fibres
24. Option (1)
Each stomata is an elliptical aperture bounded by two kidney shaped guard cells which
regulate the closing and opening of stomata.
25. Option (3)
Conduction of water is the function of xylem and not epidermis.
26. Option (3)
A tissue is made up of one or many types of cells which are similar in structure and perform
a common function.
27. Option (3)
Epithelial tissue has great regeneration power because these cells can divide to replace old
and dead cells.
28. Option (3)
Squamous epithelial tissue are flattended cells which are extremely thin and helps in
29. Option (1)
Walls of blood vessel in vertebrates is formed of simple squamous epithelium.
30. Option (3)
Simple squamous epithelium is present in the alveoli of lungs which help in diffusion.
31. Option (4)
Each adipose cell stores a large droplet of fat that swells when fat is stored and shrinks
when fat is used to provide energy.
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32. Option (3)
Since the pH of Blood plasma is 7.4 so it is slightly alkaline.
33. Option (3)
Collagen is the major protein of connective tissue.
34. Option (2)
Tendons are cords of dense (white fibres) connective tissue that attach skeletal muscles to
the bones.
35. Option (4)
Cartilage is found in tip of the nose, ear pinna, surrounding end of joints.
36. Option (1)
The matrix of connective tissue may be solid (as in bone), soft (as in losse connective
tissue), or liquid (as in blood). Different kind of cells and fibres are embedded in the matrix
of connective tissue. Thus, it is the source of tissue's structural and functional performance.
37. Option (1)
Osteoblasts cells are bone forming cells.
38. Option (4)
Haversian system are the structural units of mammalian bone.
39. Option (3)
Leg muscles are example of striated muscles, and gall bladder, bronchi and lungs are
examples of smooth muscle tissues which are non-striated.
40. Option (4)
In heart cardiac muscles are found, gastro intestinal tract, fallopain tube and blood vessel
are having hollow internal structures and consists of smooth muscles tissue.
41. Option (4)
Smooth muscles occur in vein, artery and uterus.
42. Option (2)
Cardiac muscles are striated and involuntary.
43. Option (1)
In a neuron, dendrite may be one or many but axon is generally one.
44. Option (4)
The nerve cell or the neurons are present in the brain and spinal cord.
45. Option (3)
Neuron is the unit of nervous system.
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NCERT Course : Class 9
True or false
1. True
It is True, Meristematic tissues are capable of division throughout life, and their cells
contain dense cytoplasm and do not have vacuoles as there is not much stuff to store.
2. True
It is true, apical meristem help in longitudinal growth (primary growth) while lateral
meristem increases the girth of the plant (secondary growth).
3. True
It is true, aerenchyma are parenchymatous cells which have large air cavities. It is found in
aquatic plants or hydrophytes and provides buoyancy to them and helps them to float.
4. False
It is false, collenchymal cells have depositions of pectin and sclerenchymal cells have
depositions of lignin.
5. False
It is false, collenchymal cells have irregularly thickened cells with deposition of pectin at
the corners.
6. True
It is true, husk of coconut are mode up of sclerenchymatous fibres.
7. False
It is false, as sieve tube cells are found in phloem and vessels are found in Xylem.
8. True
It is true, tracheids and vessels are collectively called tracheary elements, and help in the
conduction of water and minerals vertically upwards.
9. True
It is true, absorptive surface areas of roots are increased by the presence of root hair.
10. True
It is true, cells of cork are dead, suberised and compactly arranged.

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Very short answer type questions
1. Give one example of (i) Apical meristem and (ii) Lateral meristem.
2. What is the main function of parenchyma?
3. Which chemical is deposited at the corner of cells in collenchyma?
4. Which chemical is deposited in the cell wall of sclerenchyma?
5. Which type of simple tissue is used for making ropes?
6. Name the complex tissue which helps in : (i) Conduction of water and minerals
(ii) Conduction of food.
7. What is the common name of : (i) Xylem (ii) Phloem.
8. Name the cell which is attached to the lateral side of sieve tube.
9. Give one example of protective tissue in the plant.
10. Which tissue protects the entire body in animals?
11. Which type of epithelium is present in the organs of animals where exchange of substances
takes place?
12. Name any one structure in animal body which bears ciliated epithelium.
13. Name the type of connective tissue in which matrix is solid.
14. Which connective tissue connects bone to another bone?
15. Name the muscle which is commonly found in visceral organs.
Short answer type questions
1. Write a short note on intercalary meristem.
2. Write one main function of (i) Apical meristem (ii) Lateral meristem
3. Name the following :
(i) Processes which receive impulses from other neuron.
(ii) Process of neuron which conducts impulses from cyton.
4. Give two functions of collenchyma.
5. Draw a well labelled diagram of phloem.
6. Distinguish between xylem and phloem.
7. Name the different types of elements present in phloem.
8. What are tracheary elements? Write their functions.
9. What are the functions of xylem?
10. What are different types of tissues in plant?

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NCERT Course : Class 9
11. Write the four types of animal tissue based on location and function.
12. What is the function of adipose tissue?
13. Give one function each of bone, cartilage, ligament and tendon-
14. Name the following :
(1) Tissue which stores fat
(2) Epithelium which lines lung alveoli
15. Give three functions of blood.
Long answer type questions
1. What are tissues? Why are plant and animal tissues different? Give importance of tissues.
2. What are meristematic tissues? Explain with the help of suitable diagram. Give their
classification on the basis of their position in the plant body.
3. Define simple permanent tissue. Classify and explain its different types with suitable
4. Define complex tissue. Classify and explain its different types with suitable diagrams.
5. Name and describe two protective tissues of plants. Give their other functions as well.
6. Describe the structure and functions of epithelium.
7. Write short notes on :
(i) Connective tissue
(ii) Skeletal tissue
8. Describe the composition of blood.
9. Define muscular tissue. Classify and explain different types of muscles with the help of
suitable diagram.
10. Describe the structure of neuron with the help of a diagram.

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Exercise - 02 SOLUTIONS
Very short answer type questions

1. Apical meristem - shoot apical meristem or root apical meristem

Lateral meristem - vascular cambium or cork cambium.

2. Parenchyma helps in storage of food.

3. Pectin

4. Lignin

5. Sclerenchyma (sclerenchyma fibres)

6. (1) Xylem (2) Phloem

7. (1) Wood (2) Bast

8. Companion cells

9. Cork or epedermis

10. Epithelial tissue

11. Simple squamous epithelium

12. Fallopian tubes

13. Skeletal connective tissue (Bones)

14. Ligaments (Dense regular connective tissue)

15. Smooth muscle

Short answer type questions

1. Intercalary meristem are present at the base of leaf or internode. They are responsible for

the growth in length of plant organs.

2. (i) Apical meristem are responsible for increase in the length of shoot and root (primary


(ii) Lateral meristem increases the diameter of plant (secondary growth).

3. (i) Dendrite (ii) Axon

4. (i) It provides tensile strength and elasticity to the plants.

(ii) It provides easy bending and flexibility to the plant parts (Leaf and stem)

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Xylem Phloem
It is composed of vessels, It is composed of sieve tubes,
tracheids, xylem parenchyma companion cells, phloem
and xylem fibres. parenchyma and phloem fibres.
It conducts water and minerals It translocates food from leaves
from roots to leaves. to different parts of the plant.
Xylem parenchyma are the Sieve tubes, companion cell and
living cell in xylem. phloem parenchyma are the
living cells in phloem.

7. (1) Sieve tubes : They are slender, tube like structures composed of thin walled cells
placed end to end, their walls are perforated. The nucleus of sieve tubes
degenerates at maturity.
(2) Companion cells : Assosciated with sieve tubes, help them for food conduction, they
have dense cytoplasm and prominent nucleus.
(3) Phloem parenchyma : They are living, thin walled cells, which help in sideway
conduction of food.
(4) Phloem fibres : They are dead elements and provide mechanical support to the
8. Tracheary elements are tracheids and vessels which help in long distance conduction of
water and minerals, vertically upwards from the roots to various parts of the plant.

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9. Xylem helps in the conduction of water and minerals, vertically upwards from roots to all
parts of the plant. And also xylem fibres provide mechanical support to the plant.

11. Four types of Animal tissues are :

(1) Epithelial tissue : It is the protective tissue of animals body. It covers most organs
and cavities within the body.
(2) Muscular tissue : It has a special property of contraction and relaxation and thereby
perform mechanical work.
(3) Nervous tissue : They are specialised for conduction of nerve impulses.
(4) Connective tissue : Their cells are lossely spaced and embedded into non-cellular
matrix. Matrix may be solid (bone). Soft (Loose connective tissue), Liquid (as in

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NCERT Course : Class 9

Animal Tissues
Epithelial Muscular Connective Nervous
Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue

Squamous Cuboidal Columnar

Skeletal/Striated Smooth/Non striated Cardiac

Areolar Dense Regular Adipose Skeletal Fluid connective

or Connective connective connective tissue
Loose Tissue tissue tissue (Vascular Tissue)
Tendon Ligament Cartilage Bone Blood Lymph

13. Bone : It serves as a reservior of calcium.

It provides support for muscle attachement.
It protect internal organs from mechanical injury.
Cartilage : Forms the embryonic skeleton of vertebrates and the adult skeleton of sharks
and rays. It surrounds the joints such as knees.
Ligament : It connects one bone to another bone.
Tendons : It connects muscle to bones. They have great strength but their flexibility is
14. (i) Adipose tissue
(ii) Simple squamous epithelium
15. (i) It helps in thermoregulation, water balance and maintenance of pH of body.
(ii) Blood platelets help in the clotting of blood.
(iii) RBC's of blood help in the transport of O2 and CO2.
Long answer type questions
1. Tissues : A group of cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function is
called tissue.
Plants are stationary, and require more of supportive tissues for obtaining structural
strength as most of the tissues are dead hence they provide more mechanical strength and
require less energy.
Since animals are mobile organisms, can be unicellular or multicellular they require
different structural and muscular support for their survival. They have different tisssues
like epithelial, muscular, nervous and connective tissue.

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Importance of tissues :
(1) Workload of individual cell is decreased.
(2) Division of labour.
(3) Higher efficiency.
(4) Better chances of survival.

Fig. Meristematic tissue

Classification of Plant Tissues

Plant Tissues

1. Meristematic tissue 2. Permanent tissue

Simple Complex
Apical Parenchyma Xylem
Intercal ary Collenchyma Phloem
Lateral Sclerenchyma

3. Simple permanent tissues : They are made up of similar types of cells, that perform a
common function.
They are of 3 types
(1) Parenchyma : It is a living, basic packing tissue, have thin cell wall, small nucleus,
large vacuole and cytoplasm. They provides support and store food for the plant.

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Parenchyma is of 2 types :
(i) Chlorenchyma (For photosynthesis)
(ii) Aerenchyma (Helps aquatic plants to float)
(2) Collenchyma : These are living cells, irregularly thickend at the corners by pectin,
provides flexibility to plant for easy bending and movement.

(3) Sclerenchyma : These are dead cells, lignified and have no intercellular spaces,
provides mechanical support stiffness and hardness to the plants

It is of 2 types :
(1) Sclerenchyma fibres : Major mechanical tissue.
(2) Sclereids : It provide strength to seed covering and grittiness to the pulp of many
4. Complex tissues : They consist of more than one types of cells. All these coordinate to
perform a common function.
It is of 2 types :

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(1) Xylem (2) Phloem
Xylem or wood : Xylem is made up of four types of cells
1. Tracheids
2. Tracheae or vessels Dead elements
3. Xylem fibres
4. Xylem parenchyma Living element
Tracheids and Vessels : Together they are known as tracheary elements, help in the vertical
conduction of water from roots to the leaves.
Xylem fibres : They are dead sclerenchymatous cells which are mainly supportive in
Xylem Parenchyma : They help in storage of food and lateral conduction of water and

Fig. Xylem
Phloem/Bast :
(1) Sieve tubes (2) Companion cells
(3) Phloem Parenchyma (4) Phloem fibres
(1) Sieve tubes : Enucleated, slender tube like structures, end walls are perforated with
pores. It help in food conduction.
(2) Companion cells : Associated with sieve tubes help them in food conduction, have
dense cytoplasm and prominent nucleus.
(3) Phloem Parenchyma : They help in side ways conduction of food.
(4) Phloem fibres : These are dead, provide mechanical strength to plants.

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5. Cork and epidermis are two protective tissue of plants.

(1) Cork : It is a peripheral tissue of old stems and roots of woody trees and is formed
due to activity of cork cambium or phellogen. It is made up of dead cells.
Function : Light and highly compressible and does not catch fire easily and it is used
to make variety of sports goods.
(2) Epidermis : It is the outermost layer of all organs of plant body which is formed
from parenchymal cells. It is mostly single layer but in desert plant it is multicellular
for protection against water loss.
Function : It protects the internal tissue from mechanical injuries and entry of
6. Word epithelium is composed of two words Epi-upon, Thelio-grows.
(A tissue which grows upon another tissue)
It is the protective tissue of animals body.
It covers most organs and cavities within the body.
Due to absence or less of intercellular spaces blood vessels, lymph vessels and capillaries
are unable to pierce this tissue, so blood circulation is absent in epithelium.
Hence cells depend for their nutrients on the underlying connective tissue.
Epithelial tissue provide the body's first line of protection from physical, chemical and
biological wear and tear. The main function of epithelial are protection from the
environment, secretion, absorption, excretion and filteration.
At the junction of the epithelial tissue and connective tissue a layer is present which is
called basement membrane (extra cellular fibrous), which is formed of
mucopolysaccharides and collagen fibrils.

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7. (1) Connective tissue proper : The cells of connective tissue are lossely spaced and
embedded into a non-cellular matrix. The matrix may be solid (as in bone) soft (as
in loose connective tissue), or liquid
(as in blood).
Types :
(A) Areolar/Loose connective tissue
(B) Adipose tissue
(C) Dense connective tissue
(D) Elastic connective tissue
(E) Reticular tissue
(2) Skeletal tissue : Mainly consist of bones and cartilages, that provide a strong
supportive framework to the the body. In these connective tissue, the matrix
contains numerous fibres and in some cases, deposits of insoluble calcium salts.
8. Blood constitute 55% of Plasma and 45% blood corpuscles. Plasma contains water, salts,
sugars, lipids etc.
Blood cells are of 3 types :
Red Blood cells/Erythrocytes
White Blood cells/Leucocytes

Erythrocytes Leucocytes (white blood cells)

(red blood cells)

Basophil Eosinophil Neutrophil

Lymphocyte Monocyte

Number per 5,000 – 10,000 250,000

mm3 of blood 5-6 million

Function Transport Destroy foreign cells, produce Blood

oxygen and antibodies, roles in allergic clotting
carbon dioxide responses

Fig. Blood cells

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9. Muscular tissue : Muscular tissue composed of bundles of elongated cells capable of
contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part. It has the unique
ability to contract and relax and so perform mechanical work. It helps in the body
movement and locomotion.

Cardiac muscle fibres Striated muscle fibre Smooth muscle fibre

Type of Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle

Muscle Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue
Location in body Attached to bones Wall of the Walls of hollow
of the skeleton heart only internal structures,
In the case of including- Blood
facial muscles, Vessels Stomach
attached to other Intestines Gall bladder
tissues including Urinary Bladder
skin-hence muscles Airways to the lungs,
"of facial expression" iris of eye

Voluntary or Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary


Striations (alternate Yes, Striated Yes, Striated No, "Nonstriated"

light and dark bands) Muscle Muscle

Cell Nuclei Many nuclei One (centrally One (centrally

(located at periphery located) nucleus located) nucleus
of long cylindrical
muscles fibre)

Cell Shape Elongated cylindrical Cylindrical and Spindle shaped

and unbranched branched and unbranched

10. The nervous tissue, contains densely packed cells called nerve cells or neurons, is present
in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The neurons are specialised for conduction of nerve

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impulses. They receive stimuli from within or outside the body and conduct impulses
(signals) which travel from one neuron to another neuron. Nerve impulse allow us to move
our muscles when we want to. The functional combination of nerve and muscle tissue is
fundamental to most animals. This combination enable animals to move rapidly in
response to stimulus.
Each neuron has following 2 parts
(i) Cyton or cell body : Contains a central nucleus and cytoplasm with characteristic
deeply stained particles called Nissl's granules (i.e. clumps of ribosomes and rough
endoplasmic reticulum).
(ii) Cell Processes
(a) Dendrites : These may be one to many, generally short and branched cytoplasmic
processes. Dendrites are afferent processes because they receive impulse from
receptor or other neuron and bring it to cyton.
(b) Axon : It is single generally long efferent process which conducts impulse away from
cyton to other neuron.
Longest cell in body is neuron because axon can be more than one metre long. Axon
has uniform thickness but it has terminal thin branches called telodendria.
Terminal end buttons or synaptic knobs occur at the end of telodendria.

Fig. Structure of Neuron

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Activity based Questions
1. Option (1)
Slowly close the knob to reduce the light and hence making the striations clearly visible.
2. Option (1)
Since onion cell and spirogyra (green algae) have cell wall and animal cells lack cell wall,
so cheek cells lack cell wall.
3. Option (2)
The collenchymatous cells are irregularly thickened at the corners due to deposition of
4. Option (1)
There is no cilia in the actual structure of neuron, instead dendrites are present as afferent
process to transfer the impulse from other neuron to its cyton.
5. Option (3)
Sclerenchyma cells are dead, narrow, long, devoid of protoplasm, walls are greatly
thickned with deposition of Lignin.
6. Option (1)
The shape of striated muscles is cylindrical.
7. Option (4)
(A) Sclerenchyma (narrow, long, lignified cells)
(B) Onion peel (Rectangular cells with nucleus at the periphery)
(C) Parenchyma (thin cell wall, with intercellular spaces and vacuoles)
(D) Cheek cell (Lacking cell wall, irregular in shape)
8. Option (1)
Parenchyma is a living and basic packing tissue, having thin cell wall, cytoplasm with small
nucleus and large vacuole, They are usually loosely packed because intercellular spaces are
present between the cells.
9. Option (2)
Collenchymatous cells have irregular thickenings at the corners due to deposition of pectin.
10. Option (1)
The cell body of a nerve cell is called cyton.
11. Option (3)
The cyton of nerve cells have characteristic deeply stained particles called Nissl's granules
[clumps of Ribosomes].
12. Option (1)
Sclereids provides strength to seed covering and grittiness to the pulp of many fruits.

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13. Option (2)

Sclerenchyma cells are dead at maturity as they are lignified and hence protoplasm dries.
14. Option (4)
Xylem and Phloem are complex permanent tissues.
15. Option (4)
A → Dendrites
B → Cyton
C → Nucleus
D → Axon
16. Option (3)
Many nuclei are located at periphery of long cylindrical muscle fibres.
17. Option (2)
Multinucleated conditions is seen in, only skeletal muscle cells as cardiac muscles and
smooth muscles have only one centrally located nucleus.
18. Option (4)
Parenchymal cell are living, thin walled and have large intercellular spaces.
19. Option (4)
The correct order for nerve impulse transmission is :
Dendrites → cell body → axon → nerve endings.
20. Option (4)
Cilia is not found in neurons, instead dendrites are present to receive the stimulus and
transmit it to cell body and to axon.
21. Option (4)
Striated muscles are characterized by many nuclei (multinucleated.)
22. Option (4)
Parenchymal cells have thin cell wall.
23. Option (3)
Sclerenchyma cells have thick cell wall, covered with Lignin.
24. Option (2)
The muscle fibre is striated and voluntary in nature.
25. Option (3)
The diagram represents the adipose tissue as the adipocyte cell store fat droplets.

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