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A-CRB Age of rebellion - Core Rules Book

F-CRB Force and destiny - Core Rules Book

E-CRB Edge of empire - Core Rules Book

ST Stay on Target A-CRB

DA Desperate Allies A-CRB
LE Lead by Exemple A-CRB
FLT Friends Like These A-CRB
FiB Forged in Battle A-CRB
FO Fully Operationnal A-CRB
CaM Cypher and Masks A-CRB
SoR Stronghold of Resistance A-CRB

BtR Beyond the rim E-CRB

FH Far horizon E-CRB
EtU Enter the unknow E-CRB
SoF Suns of Fortune E-CRB
DC Dangerous Convenants E-CRB
TJoY The Jewel of Yavin E-CRB
LoNH Lords of Nal Hutta E-CRB
FC Fly Casual E-CRB
MPQ Mask of the Pirate Queen E-CRB
SM Special Modification E-CRB
ND No desintegration E-CRB

KtP Keeping the peace F-CRB

NoP Nexus of Power F-CRB
EV Endless Vigil F-CRB
DoH Disciple of Harmony F-CRB
GoD Ghosts of Dathomir F-CRB
SP Savage Spirit F-CRB
KoF Knight of Fate F-CRB
UP Unlimited Power F-CRB
Lightsaber Crystal



Stun dmg
Hp requ.




Barab ingot 15 000 2 8 8 1 1 3 x

Cracked Crystal Must be found 2 10 7 2 3 x 1

Dantari Crystal 12 000 2 9 7 1 2 x

Dragite Gem 14 000 2 7 7 1 3 1 x

Etaan Crystal 12 000 1 9 6 1 2 x

Ghostfire Crystal 14 000 1 9 6 1 2 x

Krayt Dragon Pearl 15 000 2 10 9 1 1 x 1

Mephyte Cristal 10 000 2 10 8 2 x

Lordian Gemstone 9 600 2 8 7 1 2 1 x

Nishalorite Stone 12 500 2 8 7 1 3 x

Saphite Gem 18 000 2 10 7 1 2 x

Seeker Crystal 16 000 2 9 7 1 2 x

Solari Crystal 16 000 2 9 7 1 2 1 x

Sorian Crystal 16 000 4 9 6 1 3 x

Varpeline Crystal 14 000 2 9 8 1 3 x 1

Tainted Nightsister Crystal 13 000 2 6 1 2 3 x 4
Unstable Kyber Crystal 16 000 2 6 1 2 x

Cracked Jehda Crystal 8 000 3 7 7 1 3 1


Curved Hilt 1 000 1 6

Cyclic Crystal array 1 500 2 8

Damping Emitter 2 000 1 7

Dual Phase Modification 4500 2 6

Hilt Masking Kit 1

Kimber Stone 6 500 2 8 9 x

Overcharged Power Cell 500 1 6

Pistol Hilt 750 2 5

Pommel Cap 3000 1 2 2

Reflex Grip 4000 2 8

Blade Drain 4 000 2 9

Thisspiasian Stabilize Coils 5 500 1 2

Tholothian Heartwood Hilt 8000 1 7

Extended Hilt 3 800 1 7 1
Superior Hilt Personalization 5000 1 6

Flicker Phase Blade 5000 1 -2

Reinforced magnetic Shielding 4000 1 5 -1 1


cross gard 4 7
Basic Lightsaber Hilt 5 5
Bouble-blade Hilt 4 6
Pike Hikt 3 7
Shoto Hilt 3 6
Guard Shoto Hilt 3 7
Temple Guard Pike 4 9
BroadSaber Hilt 4 6
Great Lightsaber Hilt 5 6
Lightfoil Hilt 3 6



If a critical failure is rolled as part of a combat check with
this weapon, the crystal may shatter - being rendered
May spend force points when making a force power roll,
to regain 2 strain

When using the Improved Reflect talent, increase

damage dealt by 2.
May spend 4 advantages to prevent opponent from using
the Parry talent.

This crystal in a lightsaber is detected by any force-

sensitive attempting to sense their surroundings through
the force.

Force sensitive may add an advantage result to checks

involved in navigating terrain and find energy sources or

Force sensitive characters may add 2 advantages to

Perception and Vigilance checks for detecting a hidden
being within short range.
Reduce strain taken when using the Reflect incidental by
1. The crystal becomes useless if its user drops below 50
Whenever the wielder uses the Parry talent, add 1 boost
die to next combat check.
May spend 2 critical results to automatically inflict the
'Maimed' critical injury.

Spend a single manœuvre to augment force rating by 1

Add 1 automatic advantage to lightsaber combat checks

when engaged with a single opponent.
Install a second crystal for no hardpoint cost, as a
maneuver, may switch active crystal.
As a maneuver, may set lightsaber to deal stun damage -
this decreases damage by 2, increases critical by 1 and
removes the Breach quality.
Once per encounter, may as an incidental ignore an
opponent's melee defense.
Add 2 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or
find the lightsaber.

May spend advantage results to increase damage dealt

by 1. Rolling 2 disadvantages may reduce damage dealt
by 1.
When lightsaber not ignited, it may be used as a blaster
pistol with the following profile
small item with encumbrance 0 may be stored in the
pommel cap.
Suffer 1 additional strain when using Parry/Reflect talents,
but counts those talents as 1 rank higher.

When targeting an opponent with a lightsaber, spend 1

critical success result to reduce the opponent's
lightsaber's base damage by 1 for the remainder of the
encounter. If 3 disadvantages are rolled, the blade
collapses and cannot be reignited until the character's
next turn.
when attacking, remove one black dice
Encumbrance +1, Attacks add +2 success to the roll. The
weapon is damaged with 4 failure
"+1 damage"
Superior Quality

When attacking with this lightsaber, targets cannot use

2 the Parry incidental to reduce the damage of the attack
x 1 The lightsaber loses the Breach quality

Defensive 1 - desarme l'adversaire si ce dernier fait 3 echecs

Linked 1, Unwieldy 3
Cumbersom 3, Defensive1
Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Unwieldy 4
Defensive 1, Linked 1, Stun 4, Unwieldy 3
+1 Damage, Unwieldy 3
Cumbersome 3, +1 Damage
Defensive 2
2x "Burn +1", 2x "Vicious +1"

2x "Vicious +1", 1x "Critical Rating -1"

1x "Critical Rating -1", 2x "Damage +1"

2x "Disorient +1", 2x "Concussive +1", 1x "Damage +1"

1x "Vicious +1", 2x "Damage +1", 1x "Critical Rating -1",
1x "Innate Parry Talent", 1x "Innate Reflect Talent"

2x "Defensive +1", 2x "Damage +1"

1x "Damage +1", 3x "Vicious +1"

3x "Damage +1", 1x "Critical Rating -1", 1x "Vicious +1"

1x "Defensive +1", 2x "Deflection +1"

1x "Innate Planet Mapper Talent", 2x "Disorient +1", 1x

"Vicious +1"

1x "Breach +1", 2x "Damage +1", 1x "Critical Rating -1"

2x "Vicious +1", 4x "Damage +1", 1x "Critical Rating -1"

1x "Damage +1", 1x "Defensive +1", 1x "Reduce cost of

'Improved Reflect' by 1 disadvantage."

1x "Defensive +1"

2x "Vicious +1", 1x "Damage +1"

1x "Damage +1", 1x "Disorient +1"

3x "Vicious +1", 2x "Damage +1", 1x "Critical Rating -1",

1x "Inaccurate -1"

1x "Defensive +1"

1x "Install a third crystal."

2x "Stun Damage +1"

2x "Add 1 automatic failure result to attempts to identify

or find the lightsaber."

2x "Damage +1", 1x "Concussive +1", 2x "Disorient +2"

2x "Stun +1"

1x "Defensive +1", 1x "Deflection +1"

2x "Defensive +1"

1x "Vicious +1"

1x "Innacurate -1", 1x Damage +1"

1x "Concussive +1", 1x "Pierce +1", 1x "Disorient +1"

Weapon Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price
"Precision-X" Marksman Rifle
Ranged 9 3 Long 5 1 1,500

"Subduer-9" Riot Blaster Ranged 10 6 Short 6 3 1,250


12 Defender Ranged 5 5 Short 1 0 25

A280 C Heavy Blaster Rifle Ranged 9 4 Long 5 2 1,800

ACP Repeater Gun Ranged 7 3 Medium 3 1 1,000

Arakyd Accelerated Charged Particle Array Gun
Ranged 6 3 Short 3 3 890

Atgar SpaceDefense 1.8 FDGunnery

Autoturret 17 2 Extreme 25 0 (R) 12,000

BlasTech DH-X Heavy Blaster Rifle

Ranged 10 3 Long 7 4 1,900

BlasTech DL-19C Blaster Pistol

Ranged 5 4 Medium 1 4 450

BlasTech DL-7H Heavy Blaster Pistol

Ranged 8 3 Medium 2 2 (R) 850

BlasTech DLS-12 Heavy Blaster Carbine

Ranged 10 3 Medium 4 3 1,350

BlasTech E-11s Sniper Rifle Ranged 10 3 Extreme 6 3 (R) 3,500


BlasTech LBR-9 Stun Rifle Ranged 10 - Long 6 4 2,800


Blastech M-300 Hunting Blasater

Ranged 8 3 Extreme 4 1 1,600

BlasTech SE-14r Light Repeating

RangedBlaster 6 3 Medium 2 3 (R) 1,000

Blaster Carbine Ranged 9 3 Medium 3 4 850

Blaster Pistol Ranged 6 3 Medium 1 3 400

Blaster Rifle Ranged 9 3 Long 4 4 900


Boonta Blaster Ranged 6 3 Short 1 1 1,000

Bowcaster Ranged 10 3 Medium 5 2 1,250

BR-219 Heavy Blaster PistolRanged 8 3 Short 2 2 (R) 625


CDEF Blaster Pistol Ranged 5 4 Medium 1 1 150

Corellian Arms CR-2 Heavy Ranged
Blaster Pistol 7 4 Medium 2 2 600

Corellian Arms CR-8 Takedown Rifle

Ranged 9 3 Extreme 4 1 (R) 3,250

Corondexx VES-700 Pulse Rifle

Ranged 8 3 Medium 4 3 950

Coronet Arms Dueling PistolRanged 9 2 Short 2 2 750


Coronet Arms H-7 "Equalizer" Blaster Pistol 7

Ranged 2 Medium 2 3 1,200

Coronet Arms HL-27 Light Blaster

RangedPistol 5 3 Medium 1 2 450

Czerka Arms 411 Holdout Blaster

Ranged 4 4 Medium 1 1 (R) 350

Czerka Arms A95 StingbeamRanged 5 3 Engaged 1 0 400


Czerka Arms C-10 "Dragoneye Reaper" Heavy

Ranged 8 Blaster Pistol
3 Medium 3 3 1,000

DDC-MR6 Modular Rifle Ranged 7 3 Medium 3 6 1,000


Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol

Ranged 5 3 Medium 1 1 650
DH-17 Blaster Carbine Ranged 8 3 Medium 2 3 900
Disruptor Pistol Ranged 10 2 Short 2 2 (R) 3,000

Disruptor Rifle Ranged 10 2 Long 5 4 (R) 5,000


DR-45 "Dragoon" Cavalry Blaster

Ranged 8 3 Medium 1 3 1,900

Droid Disruptor Ranged 6 3 Short 2 1 800

E-5 Blaster Carbine Ranged 9 3 Medium 3 4 550
ELG-3A Blaster Pistol Ranged 6 4 Short 1 0 400
Energy Slingshot Ranged 3 - Short 1 0 40
Fed-Dub Protective ServicesRanged
Spukami Pocket5Blaster Pistol
3 Short 1 1 200

Felebreck Droid Disabler Ranged 12 3 Short 1 1 1,050


GLX Firelance Ranged 7 3 Long 3 3 1,600

Greff-Timms ATA Pulse-Wave Blaster
Ranged 5 3 Short 2 2 (R) 750

Heavy Blaster Pistol Ranged 7 3 Medium 2 3 700


Heavy Blaster Rifle Ranged 10 3 Long 6 4 1,500


Heavy Repeating Blaster Gunnery 15 2 Long 9 4 (R) 6,000

Herloss HBt-4 Hunting Blaster

Ranged 10 3 Medium 5 2 900
HH-50 Heavy Blaster Pistol Ranged 7 3 Short 3 2 1,300

Holdout Blaster Ranged 5 4 Short 1 1 200


Ionization blaster Ranged 10 5 Short 3 3 250


J-10 Dual Blaster Cannon Gunnery 13 2 Long 8 3 (R) 6,750

Kyuzo Energy Bow Ranged 9 4 Long 6 1 2,400

LD-1 Target Rifle Ranged 9 4 Extreme 6 3 1,275
Light Blaster Pistol Ranged 5 4 Medium 1 2 300

Light Repeating Blaster Ranged 11 3 Long 7 4 (R) 2,250


Liquidsilver L7 Light BlasterRanged

Pistol 6 3 Medium 1 1 425

Merr-Sonn AJ-23 Concussive Rifle

Ranged 8 5 Short 4 2 8,000

Merr-Sonn IR-5 "Intimidator" Blaster Pistol 5

Ranged 3 Medium 2 2 (R) 750

Merr-Sonn Model 44 Blaster Pistol

Ranged 6 3 Medium 1 4 500

Merr-sonn Model 53 "Quicktrigger"

Ranged Blaster Pistol
6 3 Medium 1 4 450

Merr-Sonn Model 80 Blaster Pistol

Ranged 6 2 Medium 2 3 550

Military Holdout Blaster Ranged 6 3 Short 1 0 500

Model Q4 Quickfire Holdout Blaster
Ranged 5 3 Short 1 0 250

Mon Calamari Battle BatonRanged 5 4 Medium 1 1 250


Mon Calamari Spear BlasterRanged

(Blaster) 8 3 Long 5 3 1,350

Nightsister Energy Bow Ranged 8 2 Medium 4 2 (R) 2,800

Palandrix KO-2 Heavy Stun Ranged
Pistol 8 - Short 2 3 650

Pulse Cannon Ranged 9 3 Engaged 5 1 (R) 2,750


Raider Arms Model-1 "NovaRanged

Viper" Blaster Pistol
7 3 Medium 2 2 4,500

Reciprocating Quad BlasterGunnery

Cannon 10 2 Long 8 4 (R) 9,950

SakTek D-29 Repulsor Rifle Gunnery 8 4 Medium 3 3 1,550

SE-14C Blaster Pistol Ranged 5 4 Short 1 2 650

Security S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ranged 7 3 Medium 3 1 1,250

Site-145 Replica Blaster Pistol

Ranged 6 3 Medium 1 0 (R) 1,750

SKZ Sporting Blaster Ranged 8 4 Long 3 4 600

SoroSuub "Renegade" Heavy Blaster Pistol 8
Ranged 3 Medium 2 3 950

SoroSuub HOB Heavy Repeating Blaster

Gunnery 15 3 Extreme 10 4 (R) 6,500

SoroSuub OK-98 Blaster Carbine

Ranged 9 3 Medium 4 3 1,100

SoroSuub VX "Sidewinder" Gunnery

Repeating Blaster
12 3 Long 8 4 (R) 3,350

SoroSuub X-30 Lancer Precision

RangedBlast Pistol 5 4 Long 1 3 1,000
SSG Mk II Paladin Ranged 8 3 Long 4 2 3,250
SWE/2 Sonic Rifle Ranged 8 6 Long 4 3 1,200
T-7 Ion Disruptor Ranged 12 2 Long 6 2 (R) 8,000

Talus Ironworks XL-2 "Flashfire"

RangedLight Blaster5 Pistol 3 Medium 1 3 450

Tenloss IDX-9 Ion Stunner Ranged 7 - Medium 1 2 300


Variable Holdout Blaster Ranged 1 4 Short 1 0 400


Weequay Blaster Lance Ranged 8 3 Extreme 5 2 850

Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon Ranged 12 4 Long 6 3 (R) 3,000

Adostic Arms 8-Gauge Scatter Gun
Ranged 7 6 Short 3 2 550

ASP-9 "Vrelt" Autopistol Ranged 4 5 Short 1 0 150


Berserker Rifle Ranged 7 4 Medium 4 0 (R) 600

Coronet Arms Mark V "SandRanged
Panther" Hunting
7 Rifle 5 Long 5 2 1,750

Czerka Arms KS23 HammerRanged 8 4 Short 5 4 1,500


Czerka Arms Model 38 Sharpshooter's

Ranged Rifle 8 3 Extreme 5 4 3,000

Czerka Arms Model 57 "Homesteader"

Ranged Hunting
7 Rifle 5 Long 5 4 500

Field Sports Model 77 Air Rifle

Ranged 6 - Long 3 3 1,100

FWG-5 Flechette Pistol Ranged 6 3 Short 1 2 (R) 825

Glunok FYR Assault CarbineRanged 6 5 Short 4 1 250
Imperial Heavy Repeater Ranged 8 4 Medium 3 2 (R) 1,500

Kelvarek Consolidated ArmsRanged

KD-30 "Dissuader"
4 Pistol 5 Short 2 0 350

Prax Arms Stealth-2VX PalmRanged

Shooter 1 5 Short 0 0 300

Salus DF-D1 Duo-Flechette Ranged

Rifle 9 3 Short 3 3 (R) 1,000

Selonian Shard Shooter Ranged 5 3 Medium 4 2 1,500


SH-9 Slugthrower Pistol Ranged 4 5 Short 1 0 250


Slugthrower Pistol Ranged 4 5 Short 1 0 100


Slugthrower Rifle Ranged 7 5 Medium 5 1 250


Verpine Heavy Shatter RifleGunnery 15 2 Extreme 4 4 45,000

Verpine Shatter Pistol Ranged 8 3 Medium 1 2 15,000

Verpine Shatter Rifle Ranged 12 3 Extreme 3 3 30,000
Vodran Hunting Rifle Ranged 7 4 Long 4 2 800
XET Industries Model C "Fiver" Self-Defense 5Pistol
Ranged 4 Short 2 1 200

'aKraB Clip-point Vibrodagger
Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 1 550
Activv1 Riot Shield Melee 0 6 Engaged 5 1 300

Ancient Sword Lightsaber 2 3 Engaged 3 1 350

Arg'garok Melee 5 3 Engaged 5 3 1,000

Bardottan Electrolance Melee 2 3 Engaged 3 2 300

Baton Melee 2 5 Engaged 0 0 0
Beastmaster's Vibro-GlaiveMelee 2 2 Engaged 3 3 975

Blade-breaker Melee 0 4 Engaged 1 1 250

Borstel Neuronic Lash Melee 1 5 Short 1 1 800

Ceremonial Blade Melee 2 3 Engaged 2 3 650

Combat Knife Melee 1 3 Engaged 1 0 25

Corellia Mining CorporationMelee

J-7B Beamdrill 9 2 Engaged 6 0 3,000

Corellian Cutlass Melee 2 3 Engaged 2 1 300

Cortosis Shield Melee 0 6 Engaged 4 0 900

Cortosis Sword Melee 2 3 Engaged 3 2 1,350

Czerka "Czerhander" VX Vibro-Greatsword
Melee 3 2 Engaged 4 3 900

Czerka "Peacekeeper" StunMelee

Baton 2 4 Engaged 3 2 500

Diiro Melee 1 3 Engaged 2 0 250

Drall Flashstick Melee 2 - Engaged 2 2 375
Electromag-Pulse DisruptorMelee 5 4 Engaged 1 0 180

Electronet Melee 6 6 Engaged 2 0 350

Electrostaff Melee 4 3 Engaged 4 3 4,500

Energy Buckler Melee 0 5 Engaged 1 0 1,000

Explorer's Knife Melee 1 3 Engaged 2 0 100

Fear Stick Melee 5 - Engaged 1 0 1,500

Force Pike Melee 3 2 Engaged 3 3 500

Gaffi Stick Melee 2 3 Engaged 3 0 100

Gungan Electropole Melee 2 4 Engaged 3 2 450

Gungan Personal Energy Shield
Melee -1 5 Engaged 4 0 1,000

Ion Pike Melee 10 3 Engaged 2 1 750

Karflo Corporation G9-GP Pulse
MeleeDrill 5 4 Engaged 5 2 1,100

Koromondain SVT-300 StunBrawl

Cloak 7 3 Engaged 2 0 1,500

Kyuzo War Shield Melee 1 4 Engaged 3 0 750

Laserhone Huntsman Vibrospear

Melee 3 3 Engaged 4 2 950

Laserhone Trailbreaker Poleaxe

Melee 3 3 Engaged 5 1 610

Lightsaber Lightsaber 10 1 Engaged 1 0 (R) 10,000

Longeing Whip Melee 1 5 Short 3 1 600

Merr-Sonn Model 14 "Stalker" Vibrospear 2
Melee 2 Engaged 4 2 490

Mk VIII Vibrosaw Melee 4 2 Engaged 6 3 1,500

Mon Calamari Coral Pike Melee 3 2 Engaged 3 3 1,000

Mon Calamari Energy LanceMelee 3 2 Engaged 4 2 1,500

Morgukai Cortosis Staff Melee 8 1 Engaged 3 0 (R) 9,000

MSW-12 NanoDagger Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 0 700

MSW-9 Molecular Stiletto Melee 0 2 Engaged 1 1 500

Needle Gloves Brawl 0 5 Engaged 1 0 (R) 750

Neuronic Whip Melee 1 4 Short 1 1 750

Parrying Dagger Melee 1 3 Engaged 1 0 150

Parrying Vibroblade Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 2 400

Punch Dagger Melee 1 3 Engaged 1 1 75

Refined Cortosis Staff Melee 3 5 Engaged 4 2 2,500
Rodian Cryogen Whip Melee 2 3 Short 1 1 1,550

Ryyk Blade Melee 2 2 Engaged 3 3 400

Selonian Glaive Melee 3 3 Engaged 5 3 1,200

Shistavanen Combat UtilityMelee
Vibroblade 1 2 Engaged 2 0 600

Sith Shield Melee 1 4 Engaged 3 2 (R) 10,000

Snap Baton Melee 1 4 Engaged 1 1 50

SoroSuub "Persuader" Animal Shock Prod 2
Melee 4 Engaged 4 2 1,000

SoroSuub CS-12 Stun Master

Melee 6 3 Engaged 1 0 575

SoroSuub Model 7 Therm-Ax

Melee 2 3 Engaged 4 3 (R) 850

Staff of Office Melee 2 4 Engaged 3 2 350

Stealth Vibroknife Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 1 350
Sword Cane Melee 2 3 Engaged 2 1 475
Thunderbolt Shock Prod Melee 5 3 Engaged 2 2 875

Training Stick Lightsaber 1 5 Engaged 2 0 35

Truncheon Melee 2 5 Engaged 2 0 15

Tuskbeast Pike Melee 4 3 Engaged 3 1 1,050

Vibro-ax Melee 3 2 Engaged 4 3 750

Vibro-Machete Melee 2 2 Engaged 2 1 550

Vibroknife Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 2 250

Vibrorapier Melee 2 2 Engaged 2 2 1,200

Vibrosword Melee 2 2 Engaged 3 3 750

Voss Warspear Melee 2 4 Engaged 4 2 215

Weik Greatsword Melee 4 3 Engaged 4 2 315

Z2 Stun Baton Melee 2 6 Engaged 2 2 200

Z6 Riot Control Baton Melee 2 5 Engaged 2 1 1,000

Anti-Personnel Mine Mechanics 12 3 Engaged 3 0 (R) 850

Anti-Vehicle Mine Mechanics 25 2 Engaged 4 0 (R) 1,400

Baradium charge 3 Long 2 (R) 750


Detonite 15 Short 2 0 50
Brennkeyes Syndicate Knockout Mine
Ranged 6 - Short 1 0 200

Mini-Torpedo, Anti-Personnel
Ranged 8 2 Long 1 0 100

Mini-Torpedo, Armor Piercing

Ranged 12 3 Medium 1 0 150

Mini-Torpedo, Ink Ranged 0 - Long 1 0 50

Mini-Torpedo, Ion Ranged 10 2 Long 1 0 150
Mini-Torpedo, Net Ranged 0 - Medium 1 0 100
Mini-Torpedo, Stun Ranged 8 2 Long 1 0 300
Mon Cal Defenses Mini-Torpedo Launcher 8
Ranged 2 Long 4 4 2,000

Spore/B Stun Grenade Ranged 6 3 Short 1 0 400

Armor Piercing Grenade Ranged 16 3 Short 1 0 100

Frag Grenade Ranged 8 4 Short 1 0 50


Golan Arms MK.4 Heavy Fragmentation

Ranged Grenade
9 4 Short 1 0 (R) 75

Goseia HIC "Mercy" Grenade

Ranged 5 - Short 1 0 175

Kirgo Blastworks Lightning 22 Ion Grenade 10

Ranged 5 Short 1 0 65

Kirgo Blastworks Nova40 Plasma

RangedGrenade 12 3 Short 1 0 125

Knockout Grenade Ranged 12 - Short 1 0 120

Merr-Sonn D-24 Inferno Grenade
Ranged 8 3 Short 1 0 (R) 75

Merr-Sonn G2 Concussion Grenade

Ranged 10 5 Short 1 0 (R) 100

Merr-Sonn Munitions G-20Ranged

Glop Grenade 0 - Short 1 0 100

Merr-Sonn N-4 Noise Grenade

Ranged 4 6 Short 1 0 150

Poison Gas Grenade Ranged 0 - Short 1 0 50

Shaped Thermal Grenade Ranged 20 2 Short 1 0 (R) 3,500

SoroSuub Wipe-3 Data-Purge Grenade

Ranged 0 - Short 1 0 100

Speizoc Spore Stun GrenadeRanged 8 - Short 1 0 100


Stun Grenade Ranged 8 - Short 1 0 75

Tenloss Spray Foam Grenade
Ranged 0 - Short 1 0 150

Thermal Detonator Ranged 20 2 Short 1 0 (R) 2,000


Golan Arms MK.10 Concussion Missle
Gunnery 14 4 Extreme 0 0 200

Merr-Sonn C-88 Fragmentation Missile

Gunnery 12 4 Extreme 0 0 75

Merr-Sonn C908 IncendiaryGunnery

Missile 10 3 Extreme 0 0 (R) 145

Merr-Sonn SK-44 Plasma Missile

Gunnery 16 3 Medium 0 0 (R) 160

Backhand Shock Gloves Brawl 1 3 Engaged 0 2 2,000

Brass Knuckles Brawl 1 4 Engaged 1 0 25

Czerka Vibroknuckles Brawl 1 2 Engaged 1 0 350

Outlawtech Blast Knuckles Brawl 4 4 Engaged 2 0 (R) 500

Prax Arms S-1 Vamblade Brawl 1 3 Engaged 2 1 500

Refined Cortosis Gauntlets Brawl 1 4 Engaged 3 2 1,000

Shield Gauntlet Brawl 1 5 Engaged 1 0 1,500

Shock Boots Brawl 0 5 Engaged 2 0 1,250
Shock Gloves Brawl 0 5 Engaged 0 1 300

Ascian Throwing Dagger Ranged 1 2 Short 1 0 65

Bola Ranged 2 - Short 1 2 20

Net Ranged 2 - Short 3 2 20
"Firecaller" Light Flame Projector
Ranged 5 2 Short 4 1 (R) 1,200

Aurateran Boomerang Ranged 4 5 Medium 1 0 65

Bola Carbine Ranged 8 3 Medium 3 3 1,600
Corellian Compound Bow Ranged 5 5 Medium 3 1 200

CSPL-12 Projectile LauncherRanged

(Frag Grenade) 8 4 Medium 2 2 (R) 1,200

Czerka CZ-28 Flamestrike Gunnery 9 2 Short 8 3 (R) 2,000

Explosive Tipped Arrow Ranged 6 3 Medium 0 0 50


Field Sports FS19 Compound Bow

Ranged 5 4 Medium 4 2 500

Flame Projector Ranged 8 2 Short 6 2 1,000


Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Launcher

Gunnery (Anti-Infantry)
8 3 Medium 6 4 (R) 2,500

Golan Arms FC1 Flechette Launcher

Gunnery (Anti-Vehicle)
10 2 Medium 6 4 (R) 2,500

Grapnel-Harpoon LauncherRanged 3 5 Medium 2 0 450


Gungan Atlatl Ranged 5 3 Medium 2 0 100

Gungan Plasma Ball Ranged 5 3 Short 0 0 20
Hand Grinder Melee 2 4 Engaged 5 4 500

Incendiary Arrow Ranged 6 5 Medium 0 0 60

Ion Thruster Gun Ranged 5 4 Short 8 0 300
KWS Mk I Saberdart Ranged 1 - Long 3 2 1,600
LJ-50 Concussion Rifle Ranged 10 2 Medium 6 2 (R) 2,000

Longbow Ranged 5 5 Long 5 1 120

Loronar Cryoban Rifle Ranged 6 - Medium 2 1 450

Loronar Spray Rifle Ranged 7 - Medium 4 1 2,700


Malaxan Z50 Grenade Launcher

Gunnery 8 4 Medium 5 3 (R) 1,250

Micro-tools and drills Melee 2 3 Engaged 0 0 0

Missile Tube Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 7 4 (R) 7,500

Multi-Goo Gun Ranged 2 - Short 2 1 250

Net Arrow Ranged 2 - Medium 0 0 30
Nova Design "Impact" Repulsor
RangedCannon 3 6 Medium 5 1 1,000

NX-14 Needler Ranged 5 - Short 1 1 (R) 650

Palandrix AO14 "Aranea" Net Gun
Ranged 3 - Medium 4 2 775

Palandrix AO14 "Aranea" Net Gun

Ranged 3 - Short 4 2 750

R-88 Suppressor Riot Rifle Ranged 8 - Medium 4 2 2,000


Repulsor Gun Ranged 3 5 Short 5 0 200

Rivet Gun Ranged 4 3 Engaged 4 1 900
SSB-1 Static Pistol Ranged 2 4 Short 2 1 850
Stokhli Spray Stick Ranged 0 - Long 4 0 2,500
Stun Arrow Ranged 6 - Medium 0 0 60
Styanax Lance Ranged 8 3 Short 8 2 200
TaggeCo CryoBan ProjectorRanged 6 2 Short 3 0 500

Tangle Gun 7 Ranged 1 4 Short 2 1 500

Tenloss L70 Acid Projector Ranged 6 2 Short 4 1 1,250
Welding Rod Melee 3 2 Engaged 4 0 1,750
Basic Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 5 (R) 9,300

Crossguard Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 4 (R) 9,700

Double-Bladed Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 2 4 (R) 18,600

Guard Shoto Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 (R) 9,700

Lightsaber Pike Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 3 3 (R) 9,600

Lightwhip Lightsaber 4 4 Short 1 1 (R) 11,400

Philaxian Phase-Knife Lightsaber 1 3 Engaged 1 1 1,500

Shoto Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 (R) 9,300

Temple Guard Lightsaber Pike

Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 2 4 (R) 20,000

Training Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 - Engaged 1 5 400

Basic Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 5 300
Crossguard Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 4 900

Double-Bladed Lightsaber Hilt

Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 2 4 600

Guard Shoto Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 700

Lightsaber Pike Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 3 3 600

Shoto Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 300

Temple Guard Lightsaber Pike Hilt
Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 2 4 2,000

Anti-Armor Ranged 8 4 Short 1 1 300
Explosive Ranged 7 2 Short 1 1 150
Flechette Ranged 6 2 Short 1 1 175
Incendiary Ranged 6 3 Short 1 1 175
Ion Ranged 10 3 Short 1 1 100
Micro-Rocket Launcher Pistol
Ranged 0 - Medium 3 0 500
Rarity Special Index
8 Pierce 1, Stun Setting, ND:44

5 Blast 6, Cumbersome 3, Stun ND:44


4 Inferior, Limited Ammo 2, FH:40

7 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 3, Stu FiB:43

n Setting,

6 Auto-Fire, Stun Setting, LoNH:100

6 Blast 5, Stun Damage, DC:42

6 Auto-Fire, Slow-Firing 1, Limited FiB:45

Ammo 8,

6 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, DC:43

4 Stun Setting, SM:44

6 DC:41

7 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 2, KtP:42

7 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 3, Pie EtU:38

rce 2, Slow-Firing 1,

4 Disorient 2, Stun Damage, EtU:39

6 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 2, Pie SS:40

rce 2, Stun Setting,

6 Auto-Fire, Stun Setting, DC:43

5 Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,

4 Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,

5 Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,


8 Stun Setting, LoNH:100

7 Cumbersome 3, Knockdown, E-BGR:31,


7 Stun Setting, Vicious 2, EV:40

4 Inferior, Stun Setting, SoF:94

5 Stun Setting, SoF:96

7 Accurate 2, Prepare 2, Pierce 2, SS:40

Slow-Firing 1,

6 Blast 6, Stun Setting, FC:44

5 Accurate 1, Limited SoF:94

Ammo 1, Pierce 1,

8 Superior, Stun Setting, SoF:95

4 Accurate 1, Stun Setting, SoF:94

5 Stun Setting, FC:43

5 Stun Setting, Vicious 1, FC:42

7 Stun Setting, FC:43

6 Stun Setting, SM:44

6 Stun Setting, Accurate 1, DA:44

6 Auto-Fire, Inaccurate 1, Stun FiB:43
6 Vicious 4, A-CRB:176,

6 Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5, A-BGR:31,


6 Accurate 1, Stun Setting, SoT:40

7 Vicious 3, Droids Only SoR:104

3 Inaccurate 1, Stun Setting, SoT:40

5 Stun Setting, DA:44

4 Disorient 2, Stun Damage, NoP:102

2 Stun Setting, SoF:96

5 Concussive 1, Ion, Limited FC:44

Ammo 3,

6 Auto-Fire, Disorient 2, Stun EV:40

6 Vicious 3, LoNH:100

6 Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,


6 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 3, A-CRB:176,


8 Auto- A-BGR:31,
Fire, Cumbersome 5, Pierce 2, A-CRB:176,
Vicious 1, E-BGR:31,

6 Cumbersome 2, Stun Setting, FC:44

7 Linked 1, Stun SoT:41
Setting, Vicious 1,

4 Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,


3 Disorient 5, Ion, A-CRB:176*,


7 Cumbersome 5, Inaccurate 1, Li FiB:45

nked 1,

8 Cumbersome 3, Knockdown, Pi FiB:44

erce 5,
7 Accurate 2, Cumbersome 3, Pie EV:40
rce 3, Slow-Firing 1,
4 Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,

7 Auto- A-CRB:176,
Fire, Cumbersome 4, Pierce 1, E-CRB:162

4 Stun Setting, FC:43

4 Blast 7, Concussive 2, Inaccurat DoH:42

e 2, Knockdown, Stun Damage,

6 Auto-Fire, Inaccurate 1, DC:41

4 Stun Setting, DC:41

4 Stun Setting, FC:43

5 Stun Setting, DC:41

5 Stun Setting, DA:44

4 Stun Setting, FH:40

6 Stun Setting, SoR:105

5 Stun Setting, SoR:106

8 Pierce 4, Unwieldy 3, Vicious 2, SS:40

5 Stun Damage, KtP:42

6 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Slow- FiB:43

Firing 1, As a maneuver, prime
the cannon to expend all
ammunition in a single shot.
The next shot counts as having
the Breach 1 and Vicious 3
qualities, and the weapon runs
out of ammunition.

9 Accurate 2, Pierce 2, Stun FC:43


8 Auto-Fire FiB:45
(Only), Breach 1, Cumbersome
4, Inaccurate 1, Prepare 2,

7 Disorient 3, Knockdown, Stun LoNH:102


6 Auto-Fire, Stun Setting, FiB:42

7 Stun Setting, KtP:43

8 Stun Setting, KtP:43

4 Stun Setting, SoF:96

4 Inaccurate 1, Stun Setting, SoR:106

8 Auto- DC:44
Fire, Cumbersome 6, Pierce 2,
Vicious 1,
5 Stun Setting, DC:43

7 Auto- DC:43
Fire, Cumbersome 6, Pierce 1,
Vicious 1,

5 Accurate 1, Pierce 2, EtU:38

8 Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Stun EV:41
Setting, Superior,
6 Concussive 1, Slow- FH:40
Firing 1, Stun Damage,
9 Blast 6, Breach 2, Cumbersome FiB:44
3, Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 6,
Minimum Critical Injury result:
Crippled. Minimum Critical Hit
result: Component Hit

5 Disorient 1, Stun Setting, SoF:95

4 Ion, Stun Damage, DoH:42

7 Limited Ammo 12, Damage setting 1 to 7


6 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 2, LoNH:100

7 Auto-Fire FiB:44
(Only), Cumbersome 3, Prepare
4 Blast 3, Knockdown, FC:44

4 Auto-Fire, SoF:96

5 Burn 1, Cumbersome 3, Disorie FiB:46

nt 1,
7 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 2, SoF:97

5 Blast 6, Knockdown, EtU:41

6 Accurate 2, Pierce 3, EtU:40

6 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 2, SS:41

6 Pierce 4, Stun Damage, EtU:39,


7 Guided 3, Limited Ammo 3, FC:44

4 Auto-Fire, Inaccurate 1, DC:45

7 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 4, As FiB:46
maneuver, prime weapon to
expend all ammunition in a
single shot. The next shot
counts as having the Blast 7
and Concussive 1 qualities,
doesn't have Auto-fire, and runs
out of ammunition.

6 Pierce 2, Vicious 1, LoNH:102

5 Limited Ammo 3, LoNH:102

5 Blast 4, Limited SoR:106

Ammo 5, Linked 1, Vicious 2,

7 Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, SoF:97

4 Limited Ammo 5, Pierce 2, FiB:46

3 A-CRB:177,

3 Cumbersome 2, A-CRB:177,

8 Accurate 2, Knockdown, Pierce SoR:106


8 Knockdown, Pierce 2, SoR:106

8 Knockdown, Pierce 4, SoR:106

7 Cumbersome 2, LoNH:102

4 Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 5, DC:45

5 Pierce 3, Vicious 1, FiB:48
4 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 2, D FH:42
eflection 2, Disorient 1,

8 Defensive 1, F-BGR:31,
7 Cumbersome 5, Inaccurate 1, P LoNH:103
ierce 1, Sunder,
5 Defensive 2, Stun Setting, NoP:103
0 Disorient 2, EV:46
6 Defensive 2, Pierce 3, LoNH:103

5 Defensive 2, Pierce 1, Sunder, FC:46

7 Ensnare 1, Stun 3, Stun DoH:44

7 Defensive 1, DA:46
1 A-BGR:31,

5 Breach 1, Cumbersome 4, Inac SoF:98

curate 2, Sunder,

3 Defensive 1, Vicious 1, SoF:97

7 Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Defen F-CRB:172
sive 2, Deflection 2,
7 Cortosis, Defensive 1, F-CRB:173
6 Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 2 DC:49

3 Cumbersome 3, Disorient 2, Stu ND:48

n 3,

2 Defensive 1, CotG:26
4 Disorient 3, Stun Damage, SoF:98
5 Disorient 1, Ion, SM:44

6 Ensnare 5, Knockdown, Limited KtP:44

Ammo 1, Stun Damage,
6 Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Linke F-CRB:173
d 1, Stun Setting, Unwieldy3,

7 Concussive 1, Defensive 1, Defl KtP:44

ection 1,
3 Vicious 1, SS:43
8 Limited Ammo 3, Pierce 1, Stun DoH:44

4 Pierce 2, Stun Setting, A-BGR:31,


2 Defensive 1, Disorient 3, E-CRB:166

5 Stun 3, Stun Setting, NoP:103

7 Defensive 2, Deflection 2, NoP:103

6 Inaccurate 1, Ion, Pierce 4, ND:48

4 Breach 1, Cumbersome 3, Inac SoR:139*,
curate 2, EtU:42

4 Limited Ammo 3, Stun Damage, SoR:108

8 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1, D FiB:47

eflection 2, Disorient 1,
6 Pierce 2, Vicious 2, EtU:43

4 Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Unwieldy SS:43


10 Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 2, A-CRB:182,


4 Ensnare 2, Stun Damage, SoT:41

6 Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 2 SS:43

5 Cumbersome 5, Pierce 2, Sund EtU:43

er, Vicious 2,
6 Defensive 1, Pierce 2, SoR:108

6 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, SoR:108,


10 Breach 1, Cortosis, Defensive 1 LoNH:104

6 Pierce 5, Vicious 1, SS:44
5 Pierce 5, Vicious 1, FH:43

5 DA:46
6 Disorient 4, Ensnare 1, Stun LoNH:104
5 Defensive 1, KtP:45
6 Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1 KtP:45
4 Pierce 1, FC:46
7 Cortosis, F-CRB:173
7 Ensnare 1, Vicious 2, Unwieldy KtP:45
8 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1, S DC:48
7 Defensive 1, Pierce 3, SoF:98
7 Pierce 2, Vicious 1, FiB:48

10 Cortosis, Defensive 1, Deflectio KtP:45

n 2, Vicious 1,
4 Disorient 2, KtP:45
4 Concussive 1, Slow- SoT:41
Firing 1, Stun Setting,

3 Disorient 2, Stun Damage, SoR:108

5 Burn 2, Sunder, Vicious 1, DC:49

6 Defensive 1, Disorient 2, DA:46

6 Pierce 1, Vicious 1, DA:46
6 Defensive 1, DA:47
6 Concussive 1, Stun Damage, FH:43

3 Accurate 1, Disorient 1, Stun NoP:104

1 Disorient 2, A-BGR:31,

8 Defensive 1, Knockdown, LoNH:104

5 Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 3, A-CRB:182,

4 Pierce 1, Sunder, Vicious 1, SS:44

3 Pierce 2, Vicious 1, A-BGR:31,

7 Defensive 1, Pierce 5, FC:46

5 Pierce 2, Vicious 1, Defensive 1 A-CRB:183,
, E-CRB:167,

8 Defensive 2, NoP:104
8 Cumbersome 4, Defensive 1, NoP:104

4 Disorient 2, Stun Damage, FH:43

4 Cortosis, Disorient 2, Stun DoH:44
6 Blast 4, Vicious 4, Limited A-CRB:179
Ammo 1,
6 Blast 2, Breach 4, Limited A-CRB:179
Ammo 1,
5 Additional damage : +1 FO:41

2 Additional damge :+10 FO:41

6 Stun Damage, Limited Ammo 1, DA:45

5 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, SoR:107

6 Blast 2, Limited SoR:107

Ammo 1, Pierce 4,

5 Disorient 4, Limited Ammo 1, SoR:107

Blast 0
6 Blast 8, Ion, Limited Ammo 1, SoR:107

5 Ensnare 6, Limited Ammo 1, SoR:107

Blast 0
5 Blast 4, Concussive 2, Limited SoR:107
Ammo 1, Stun Damage,
6 Blast 6, Cumbersome 2, Limited SoR:107
Ammo 2,

5 Blast 6, Concussive 2, Limited SoR:107

Ammo 1, Stun Damage,
6 Blast 4, Limited A-BGR:31,
Ammo 1, Pierce 3, A-CRB:179

5 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, A-BGR:31,


5 Blast 7, Limited DC:47

Ammo 1, Cumbersome 2,

8 Blast 5, Stun Damage, Limited DA:45

Ammo 1,

4 Blast 7, Disorient 5, Ion, Limited DC:46

Ammo 1,

6 Blast 10, Limited Ammo 1, DC:47

5 Blast 10, Stun Damage, Limited FC:45

Ammo 1,
5 Blast 5, Burn 2, Limited DC:46
Ammo 1,

5 Blast 8, Concussive 2, Disorient DC:46

5, Limited Ammo 1,

6 Ensnare 3, Blast - EtU:42

5 Blast 4, Stun DA:44

Damage, Concussive 1, Limited
Ammo 1,
5 Blast 2, Limited Ammo 1, LoNH:102

8 Breach 2, Limited FiB:47

Ammo 1, Vicious 5,

7 Limited Ammo 1, DA:45

7 Blast 7, Limited DoH:43

Ammo 1, Pierce 3, Stun
4 Disorient 3, Stun A-BGR:31,
Damage, Blast 8, Limited A-CRB:179,
Ammo 1, E-BGR:31,
5 Ensnare 4, Limited Ammo 1, DoH:43

8 Blast 15, Breach 1, Vicious 4, Li A-CRB:180,

mited Ammo 1, E-BGR:31,

Portable Missiles
8 Blast 10, Concussive 3, Disorie DC:47
nt 5, Guided 2,

7 Blast 12, Guided 3, DC:47

7 Blast 10, Burn 3, Guided 2, DC:47

8 Blast 14, Cumbersome 3, Inacc DC:47

urate 1, Pierce 2,

4 Concussive 1, Stun FH:42
Damage, Slow-Firing 1,
0 Disorient 3, A-BGR:31,

4 Pierce 1, Vicious 1, DC:48

6 Inaccurate 1, DC:48

4 Defensive 1, DC:48

7 Cortosis, F-CRB:171

8 Deflection 2, Stun Damage, KtP:44

5 Disorient 3, Stun 3, FC:45
2 Stun 3, A-CRB:181,

7 Pierce 2, Limited Ammo 1, FC:45

2 Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited E-CRB:164

Ammo 1,
2 Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited E-CRB:164
Ammo 1,
7 Blast 2, Burn 2, Pierce 2, Viciou ND:44
s 3,

6 Guided 1, Limited Ammo 1, NoP:102

6 Accurate 1, Ensnare 1, SoR:104

5 Cumbersome 3, Knockdown, Li SoF:97

mited Ammo 1, Pierce 1,

6 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 3, FiB:47

8 Burn 4, Blast 9, Cumbersome 3, DC:45

Vicious 2,

5 Blast 4, Limited Ammo 1, SS:41

7 Cumbersome 3, Limited SS:41

Ammo 1, Pierce 1, Vicious 2,

6 Burn 3, Blast 8, A-CRB:178,


6 Blast 8, Cumbersome 3, Limited DC:45

Ammo 4, Pierce 6, Prepare1, Vi
cious 1,

6 Breach 2, Cumbersome 3, Limit DC:45

Ammo 4, Prepare 1, Vicious 3,

5 Ensnare 3, ND:44

7 Accurate 1, Burn 1, Ion, Limited NoP:102

Ammo 1,
7 Burn 1, Ion, Limited Ammo 1, NoP:102

3 Cumbersome 3, Prepare 1, Vici SM:47

ous 4,
5 Burn 2, Limited Ammo 1, SS:41

2 Concussive 1, Cumbersome 5, I SM:45

on, Prepare 1,
9 Limited Ammo 1, EV:41

7 Blast 4, Concussive 2, Cumbers FiB:47

ome 3, Knockdown, Limited
Ammo 4,
4 Cumbersome 3, Limited NoP:102
Ammo 1, Pierce 1,
6 Ensnare 1, Pierce 5, Stun DoH:42
Damage, Pierce 0 vs armor that
removes [SETBACK] due to
cold. Melee attacks against a
target struck by the Loronar
Cryoban in the same round add

6 Burn 3, Limited
Ammo 1, Pierce 3, Prepare 1, S
tun Damage,
4 Blast 6, Cumbersome 3, Limited DC:45
Ammo 6,

0 Pierce 2, SM:53
8 Blast 10, Cumbersome 3, Guide A-CRB:178,
d 3, Breach 1, Prepare 1, Limite E-CRB:165,
d Ammo 6, F-CRB:170

1 Disorient 1, Ensnare 4, Knockd SM:45

5 Ensnare 2, Limited Ammo 1, SS:41

7 Blast 3, Concussive 1, Knockdo ND:44

wn, Prepare 1, Slow-Firing 1,

7 Pierce 3, EV:42

5 Ensnare 5, Limited Ammo 1, SS:42

5 Ensnare 5, EtU:42

5 Blast 5, Disorient 3, Stun FH:40


3 Knockdown, SM:46

1 Ensnare 1, Inaccurate 2, Limite SM:46

d Ammo 1,
7 Disorient 1, Stun 8, FC:45

8 Accurate 2, Ensnare 4, Slow- FH:41

Firing 1, Stun 8,
6 Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage, SS:41

8 Cumbersome 4, Limited SoF:97

Ammo 1, Pierce 3, Vicious 1,
4 Blast 6, Cumbersome 3, Vicious FC:45

5 Ensnare 3, FH:42

7 Blast 6, Burn 3, Vicious 1, LoNH:102

5 Breach 1, Inaccurate 2, SM:47
10 Breach 1, Sunder, F-BGR:31*,

10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder, EV:42

10 Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Un F-CRB:176

wieldy 3,

10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Deflectio KtP:46

n 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4,
10 Breach 1, Cumbersome 3, Defe F-CRB:176
nsive 1, Sunder,
10 Ensnare 1, Pierce 5, Unwieldy 4 EV:42
8 Pierce 4, Vicious 1, EV:43
10 Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder, F-CRB:177

10 Breach 1, Defensive 1, Linked 1 KtP:46

, Sunder, Stun 4, Unwieldy3,

6 Stun Damage, F-CRB:178

Lightsaber Hilts
5 F-CRB:177
7 Defensive 1, EV:42

6 Linked 1, Unwieldy 3, F-CRB:177

7 Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Unwi KtP:46

eldy 4,
7 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1, F-CRB:177

6 Accurate 1, F-CRB:177
9 Defensive 1, Linked 1, Stun 4, KtP:46
Unwieldy 3,

5 Breach 1, Limited Ammo 1, ND:46

4 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1, ND:46

5 Blast 5, Vicious 2, Limited ND:46

Ammo 1,
5 Blast 6, Burn 2, Limited ND:46
Ammo 1,
6 Ion, Sunder, Limited Ammo 1, ND:47

7 ND:47
Riot shields require one hand to wield, and so can only be used with pistols and
one-handed melee weapons. Some riot shields incorporate a slot or mag-lock to
allow the user to support a Ranged (Heavy) weapon with the shield itself (firing
the weapon one-handed while wielding the riot shield in the other hand). A riot
shield with this feature costs an additional 100 credits and has no hard points.
Firing a rifle locked to the shield in this way is somewhat cumbersome, and
adds ■ to combat checks with both weapons.
The value of the Gungan personal energy shield’s Defensive quality is reduced
to 0 while the wielder is suffering from the staggered or disoriented condition.
If the user generates disaster when setting up a baradium charge, it detonates
immediately, dealing the charge's damage (base plus additional damage) to
everything in the current blast radius. Anything engaged with the charge when
It detonates should add + 50 to any subsequent critical injury.
Armor Defense Soak Price Encum HP Rarity Index
Alliance Engineer's Helmet 0 1 75 1 0 1 FO:42
and Vest
A/KT Mountaineer Armor 1 1 1,800 3 2 6 EtU:45
A/KT Shockrider Crash Suit 0 2 3,000 2 1 3 EtU:45

A/KT Shockrider Crash Suit 0 2 3,000 2 1 3 SoT:42

A/KT Tracker Utility Vest 0 0 100 0 1 2 EtU:45

A/KT Wing Commander Armored Flight
1 Suit 1 1,500 3 1 6 SoT:42

Adverse Environment Gear 0 1 500 2 1 1 A-


Alliance Light Stealth Armor 0 2 (R) 2,200 3 2 7 FiB:49

AniPro Layered Beast Armor 1 1 2,500 4 0 5 SS:44

Arakyd Industries PX-1 "Battlement"

1 Powered3 Armor(R) 9,000 3 3 9 DC:51

Armored Clothing 1 1 1,000 3 1 6 A-BGR:34,


Armored Drop Suit 1 1 7,500 6 2 7 ND:49

Armored Robes 1 2 (R) 4,500 5 2 8 F-BGR:34,

Banal Apparel 0 0 25 0 0 0 DA:47

Beast-Hide Warrior's Armor 0 1 300 3 0 2 DC:49,

Biogel Suit 0 2 350 6 0 1 DoH:45

Blast Vest 0 1 200 3 1 3 E-
Caballerin-Series Riding Tack 0 0 250 2 0 4 SoT:42

Capari-Series Padded Beast Armor0 2 2,500 4 0 5 SoT:43

Cargo Clothing 0 0 30 1 0 0 DA:47
Catch Vest 0 2 300 1 0 9 SoF:99
Chitin Armor 0 2 600 4 1 6 SS:45
Cloaking Coat 0 1 (R) 550 4 1 8 SM:47
Concealing Robes 0 1 150 1 0 2 F-BGR:34,

Corellian Arms "Storm" Charge Suit0 2 2,000 3 0 6 DC:50

Crash Gear 0 1 550 1 1 3 EV:43

Cresh "Luck" Armor 0 2 1,000 4 1 5 KtP:47
Creshaldyne Mk.IV Riot Armor 1 1 (R) 1,850 3 1 6 FH:44

Creshaldyne Survivalist Armor 0 1 350 3 2 6 SS:45

Destri-Series Laminate Beast Armor

0 4 8,500 7 1 7 SoT:43

Diplomat's Robes 0 0 400 2 0 6 DA:47

Enviro-Suit 0 2 750 2 1 2 EtU:44

EOD-Mk II Armor 0 4 5300 8 0 6 FO:42

Fabricators' Protective Gear 0 1 450 0 1 0 FO:42

Flare Jacket 0 1 1,500 3 0 8 DA:48

Formal Council Armor 0 2 (R) 8,000 5 2 10 DoH:45

G-suit 0 1 2,000 2 1 3 EV:44
H-Series Megafauna Carriage 1 0 5,500 5 2 7 SoT:43
Hauling Harness 1 1 1,000 3 2 6 DA:48

Heavy Battle Armor 1 2 (R) 5,000 6 4 7 A-BGR:34,


Heavy Clothing 0 1 50 1 0 0 A-BGR:34,


Holographic Costume 1 0 750 2 0 8 DA:48

Hunter's Trophy Armor (completed)
0 2 (R) 2,000 4 1 9 ND:49

Hunter's Trophy Armor (custom-made)

0 2 (R) 1,000 4 1 6 ND:49

Hutt Shell Armor 2 2 (R) 25,000 6 4 9 LoNH:104

Imperial Hazard Trooper Armor 0 3 (R) 18,000 4 3 8 FiB:49

Imperial Storm Commando Armor0 2 (R) 5,000 4 4 9 FiB:49

Individual Field Disruptor 1 0 (R) 9,500 0 0 7 DoH:45

Jedi Battle Armor 1 2 (R) 7,500 6 4 9 KtP:47

Jedi Temple Guard Armor 2 1 (R) 12,000 4 3 10 KtP:48

Jedi Training Suit 0 2 (R) 400 6 0 9 KtP:48

Kamperdine Custom Tailored Armored
0 Jackets
2 6,200 1 0 7 FH:44

Karflo Thinsuit 0 1 1,200 0 0 6 FiB:50

Kav-Dann Power Armor 2 2 (R) 13,500 4 6 7 KtP:48

Koromondain Half-Vest 1 1 500 3 0 5 KtP:49

Laminate Armor 0 2 2,500 4 3 5 A-

Lector's Outfit 0 1 525 2 1 6 DA:48

Leviathan Power Armor 2 2 15,000 8 1 8 SoR:109

Loronar Corporation Mk.II "Steelskin"
0 Anti-Concussive
3 (R)Armor
6,500 8 1 7 DC:51

Mandalorian Armor 1 2 (R) 6,000 6 5 8 ND:50

Mechanic's Utility Suit 0 2 1,175 5 1 3 SM:48
Merr-Sonn N-57 Armor 0 2 3,000 5 5 6 SM:48

Mimetic Suit 1 1 (R) 8,000 2 2 8 FC:47

Noble Regalia 0 0 750 1 3 7 DA:49

Nomad Greatcoat 0 1 100 1 0 4 SoF:99

Pacnorval Defense Systems MK. III0Flak Vest 1 300 3 1 2 DC:50

Padded Armor 0 2 500 2 0 1 A-BGR:34,

Performer's Attire 0 0 50 0 0 4 DA:49

Personal Deflector Shield 2 0 10,000 3 0 8 A-


Pioneer Armor 0 1 200 2 1 4 FO:42

Pit Crew Coveralls 0 1 150 1 1 2 EV:44

Polis Massan Bodysuit 0 1 300 1 1 6 SoR:109
Powered Capacitive Armor 1 1 (R) 3,000 4 2 8 DA:49

Rebel Heavy Battle Armor 1 2 (R) 6,000 5 5 8 FiB:50

Reflect Body Glove 0 3 2,500 2 0 5 DoH:46

Reinforced Environment Gear 0 1 850 2 2 4 FH:44

Resplendent Robes 0 1 500 2 0 5 DA:49

Riot Armor 0 2 950 3 2 4 E-

Sakiyan Shadowsuit 0 1 2,500 1 1 8 LoNH:105

SeaScape Diving Suit 0 2 400 3 2 2 DoH:46

Second Skin Armor 1 1 2,000 2 0 7 DA:49
Smuggler's Trenchcoat 1 1 1,650 3 0 7 FC:47
SoroSuub P-14 Hazardous Industry0Suit 2 1,000 7 2 4 SM:48

Taggeco Protector 1 Combat Armor

1 2 (R) 5,500 4 3 7 DC:51

TX-3 Combat Flight Suit 1 0 (R) 3,000 4 2 6 SoF:99

Type III "Berethron" Personal Modular
1 Armor1 (R) 1,250 3 3 6 SoF:99

Verpine Fiber Ultramesh Armor 0 1 3,000 3 2 5 SoR:109

Zephyr Stealth Suit 1 1 (R) 5,500 2 1 8 EV:44

While wearing an Alliance engineer's helmet and vest, the character counts as having I rank [or one additional rank) in the
Durable talent.
The wearer of Cresh luck armor adds 1 automatic advantage to Vigilance checks.

A character wearing diplomat’s robes adds gg to social checks related to claiming diplomatic authority,
accessing classified data, and using organizational status to bypass normal protocol.

Due to its extremely thick padding and ponderous form, characters wearing EOD-Mk II armor lose their free

EOD-Mk II Upgrade Options: EOD-MK II suits lack any standard modification options, but can be upgraded with
two valuable attachments. These attachments are integrated load-bearing gear and a data link for controlling
EOD and demolitions remotes, such as the EOD-Mk IV (see page 50). As the suits are designed fo r these
upgrades, neither takes up any hard pOints for the armor, but each upgrade can only be taken once.
Integrated load-bearing gear reduces the suit's encumbrance by 3, and costs an additional 700 credits wi th a
rarity of 3. The data link allows the wearer to control a single EOD remote {see page 50, and costs an extra 300
credits with a rarity of 4.

ignore the effects of fires or acids of rating 1 or 2 (see page 228 of the AGE OF REBElLION Core Rulebook). It
has a soak value of 3 against damage from weapons with the Blast quality, but only when that quality is
activated and used to inflict damage on the wearer. It provides only 1 point of soak against all other damage
that was not inflicted through that quality.

Once per encounter, a character wearing a flare jacket can trigger the charges as a maneuver. Each character
within short range (besides the wearer) must make a Hard + Vigilance check Each character who fails is
staggered for 1 round, plus 1 additional round per <§> <§) <§)
Once per encounter, a character wearing a flare jacket can trigger the charges as a maneuver. Each character
within short range (besides the wearer) must make a Hard + Vigilance check Each character who fails is
staggered for 1 round, plus 1 additional round per <§> <§) <§)
A character wearing a hauling harness increases his encumbrance capacity by 6, but also upgrades the
difficulty of any combat check he makes twice.

Heavy battle armor can be eligible to be fully sealed. or it can take the form of a heavy vest and blast helmet.

A character wearing Jedi battle armor fitted for somebody else adds gg to all Combat checks. A suit of Jedi
battle armor can be fitted to a new wearer with a Hard Mechanics check that takes an hour to complete. Jedi
battle armor is eligible to be sealed against the vacuum and other hazardous-environments.

The armored mask contains a helmet comlink and an inhelmet scanner.

Kamperdine Armored Jackets are each tailored to a specific wearer. When worn by that wearer, they add 1
Advantage to any successful Charm, Deception, or Negotiation checks the character makes (the CM may
decide that the bonus does not apply in certain situations, such as dealings over a comlink).
Like many other varieties of powered armor. a Kav-Dann suil is spaceworthy and includes a full lire support
suite that can be modified for most alien physiologies. A wearer can survive for four hours in a vacuum or
unbreathable atmosphere. and gains D to checks to resist the effects of radiation. The helmet incorporates a
long range comlink and a basic visual package that allows the wearer to remove • caused by to darkness.
smoke, or other environmental factors that might affect vision from all Perception. Vigilance. and Combat
Kav-Dann power armor increases the wearer's Brawn by so long as it remains powered, though this bonus
does not increase the user's soak or wound threshold. The listed encumbrance of 4 reflects the bulk of the
armor when powered. If the suit loses power for any reason. the encumbrance increases to 12. defense is
reduced to 0. and the bonus to Brawn is lost. Donning a suit of Kav-Dann power armor takes ten minutes,
thougt1 this time can halved if the wearer is assisted.

A character wearing a lector’s outfit adds g to any social check involving a large group of listeners, and can be
heard clearly even at considerable distances.

As a maneuver. the wearer may recharge an energy

weapon or device that has run out of power or ammunition
in the manner of an extra reload/power pack (see
page 181 of the EDGE OF THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook)

The wearer downgrades the difficulty of social checks to interact with other nobility and their subordinates
A character wearing performer’s attire adds □ to checks to perform or otherwise attract attention.

Pioneer armor increases a wearer's encumbrance threshold by 3.

As a maneuver, the wearer may power up or power down the armor. While the armor is powered and the
plates are locked in place, the wearer gains + 1 soak and + 1 defense but loses his free maneuver during each
of his turns.

The reinforced environment suits allows a wearer to ignore ■ imposed by environmental conditions, and also
reduces Critical Injuries suffered from falling by 20. The suit also includes a filter, granting □ to Resilience
checks to resist toxic atmospheres or airborne toxins.

As long as a character wearing resplendent robes purposefully draws attention to himself, each of his allies in
medium range adds □ to Perception, Skulduggery, and Stealth checks.

HP Required




Arakyd 900 Gene-Lock 500 0 1 7 DC:51 any handheld weapon. The weapon functions only in the hands of its authorized owner.

Augmented Spin Barrel 1,750 0 2 4 A-CRB:200, blaster rifles and heavy Increases weapon damage by 1.
E-CRB:188 blaster rifles. Adds g to all Mechanics checks when performing maintenance on this

Balanced Hilt 1,500 0 2 5 A-CRB:200, any bladed weapon Grants the weapon the Accurate (+ 1) quality.

Beam Splitter (R) 1,250 0 3 4 FiB:51 Any blaster or suitable Grant weapon quality blast with a value equal to half of the weapon's
energy weapon that doesn't damage (round up).
have the blast quality Reduce weapon's range by one range band to a minimum of engaged

Bipod Mount 100 0 1 1 A-CRB:200, rifles, carbines, and light Decreases weapon's Cumbersome rating by 2 when firing from a
E-CRB:188, repeating blasters, and prone or crouched position (or can otherwise brace the bipod).
F-CRB:192 takes one preparation
maneuver to set up

Blaster Actuating Module500 0 1 4 A-CRB:200, Ranged (Light) blaster Increases weapon damage by 1. Adds g to all checks made when using
E-CRB:188 pistols. this weapon.
Blaster Energy Dampner(R) 750 0 1 4 F-CRB:194 Ranged (Light) and Ranged Increase the difficulty of checks made to detect this weapon’s fire by 1.
(Heavy) blaster weapons. Decrease weapon damage by 1.

Blaster Suppressor (R) 750 0 1 5 SoR:110, Blaster pistols Adds ■ ■ to any Perception or Vigilance checks made to locate a concealed
LoNH:106 shooter firing the silenced blaster.

Page 59 de 193
Bowcaster Accelerator Enhancement
250 0 1 4 E-CRB:189 only for use on Wookiee Increase weapon damage by one point.
bow- casters

Bowcaster Automatic Re-Cocker

500 0 1 3 E-CRB:189 only for use on Wookiee Removes reloading maneuver requirement from bowcaster.

Built-in Blaster Sight 150 0 1 4 FiB:51 Energy ranged weapons remove g added by the called shot use of the Aim manœuvre from ranged
(light) and ranged (heavy) check

any weapon with
1150 0 2 5 CaM:56 Allow a weapon to be broken into pieces and disguised as other item
encumbrance of 2 or less

Corellian Arms Model 2 Wrist

275 Mount
0 2 5 DC:52 any Ranged (Light) weapon The weapon can be worn on the user’s wrist, allowing him to use his hands
without interference.

Custom Grip 500 0 1 6 SM:54 any weapon with a handle. Remove g from all combat checks the weapon's owner makes using this
weapon. Anyone other than the owner instead adds gg to all combat checks
made using it. Modification

Czerka H9 Pistol Grip 400 0 1 3 DC:52 any Ranged (Heavy) ssess the Cumbersome quality. Base Modifiers: The weapon’s skill changes to
blaster rifle, blaster carbine, Ranged (Light), but add ■ to any combat check made while bring the weapon
or slugth- rower that does one-handed. The weapon’s range is reduced to medium if longer.
not possess the
Cumbersome quality.

Droid brain 1000 0 4 FO:52 any grenade or explosive The explosive's detonator is controlled by a droid brain that can activate under
detonator device. any predetermined circumstances its owner dictates.

Droid targetting 3200 3 5 FO:52 any personal ranged Upgrade ability on Ranged combat checks made with this weapon once.
system weapon

Electronic Sighting System

500 0 1 4 SoR:110 any ranged weapon that Allows the shooter to aim as an incidental once per round at short range.
could logically benefit from Decrease the difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light
the addition of a sight. conditions by 1.

Page 60 de 193
Energy Overclock Setting 500 0 3 5 KtP:53 any vibroweapon and any Once per turn as a maneuver, the wielder may activate the overclock setting
other powered Melee or to grant the weapon Vicious 3 (or increase the value of its Vicious quality by -
Brawl weapon. 3) until the end of the round If the wielder generates1 Disaster or 3
disadvantages on a combat check with the weapon before the end of the next
round, the weapon overheats or shorts out, and ceases to function entirely
until the end of the encounter.

Enhanced XCiter (R) 1,500 0 2 6 SM:54 any blaster. Decrease critical rating by 1 (to a minimum of 1 ). The GM may spend 2
Disasters from any combat check using the weapon to cause the blaster to
explode, destroying it and inflicting an automatic Critical Injury on the wielder

Environmental Adaptation Kit

100 0 1 2 SS:50 any ranged weapon. Prevents a weaapon from breaking out as a result or a specific type of

Filed Front Sight 25 0 1 0 A-CRB:201, pistol-sized weapons. Innate Talent (Quick Draw).
E-CRB:190 Doing the work oneself Increases difficulty of combat checks to hit targets at ranges beyond short
requires an Average range by 1
Mechanics Check.

Force-Attuned Resonator
(R) 1,000 0 2 8 KtP:54 any Ranged (Light) or A character must possess a Force rating of 1 or higher and knowledge of how
Ranged (Heavy) weapon the resonator mechanism works in order to operate this weapon
that has a trigger
Forearm Grip 250 0 1 1 A-CRB:201, rifle and carbine-sized Decreases the additional difficulty of making Ranged (Heavy) checks with this
E-CRB:190 weapons (but not heavy weapon while engaged to an additional à (rather than à à).
Galven Pattern Resequencing
1,000 0 2 5 FiB:51 Blaster pistols and heavy Increase weapon's damage by 1.
blaster pistols Add 2 automatics disavantage to all combat check made by this weapon

Grenade cling 70 0 0 2 FO:52 any grenades or explosive The grenade immediately adheres to its target and an Average ( àà ) Athletics
devices check is needed to remove it. Among other potential uses, this essentially
means a target struck by the grenade cannot avoid the blast or throw it back at
the attacker, regardless of any time-delayed detonation. At the CM's discretion,
some types of surfaces may resist the adhesion.

Gyrostabilizer 1,000 0 2 6 SM:54 any Ranged (Heavy) or Decrease Cumbersome quality by 1 .

Gunnery Weapon.
Hunting Barrel (R) 1,200 1 3 4 SS:50 blaster rifle. Increase weapon's range by one range band. Adds Cumbersome (+ 2) quality
to the weapon. and increases encumbrance by + 1.

Page 61 de 193
Integrated Illuminator 200 1 1 4 KtP:54 any ranged weapon that : Removes up to gg due to darkness on any checks to use this weapon against
could logically benefit from targets within short range.
a spotlight.
Integrated Scanner 675 0 2 5 SM:54 any Ranged (Heavy} hat the wielder can use while the weapon is drawn. The wielder adds 2
Weapon. automatics Advantages to Initiative checks while the weapon is drawn.

Lightweight Frame 650 0 2 3 CaM:57 Any weapons Reduce weapon's encumbrance by 1 to a minimum of 1

Magnetic Weapon Tether250 0 1 2 KtP:54 any weapon wielded in one During his turn, the wielder may recover the weapon as an incidental so long
hand that could logically as he is engaged with it.
benefit from a weapon

Marked-Target Firing Lock

900 0 1 4 ND:51 any ranged weapon that The wielder of a weapon with this attachment may designate a target as an
does not possess the Blast incidental While performing the Aim maneuver. Once a target. has been
or Autofire quality. designated, the weapon cannot be fired at another target. All combat Checks
made with the weapon to attack the designated target cancel one additional
disadvantage result after disadvantage has been used to cancel any
advantage résults. Only one target can be designated at a time, and the
wielder may disengage the lock as a manoeuver.

Marksman Barrel 1,200 0 2 4 A-CRB:202, blaster rifles. Increases weapon's range by one range band. The weapon gains the
E-CRB:190 Cumbersome 2 quality.
Mono-Molecular Edge 1,000 0 1 5 A-CRB:202, melee weapons that use a Decreases the weapon's crit rating by 1 to a minimum of 1.
E-CRB:190, cutting edge.
Motion Tracker 1,000 0 2 6 SS:50 any Ranged (Heavy) Remove g due to target's movement or use of the Guarded Stance
weapon manoeuvre
Multi-Optic Sight 2,000 0 1 3 A-CRB:202, ranged weapon Removes up to gg on any checks to use this weapon due to smoke, darkness,
E-CRB:191, or other environmental conditions that obstruct vision.
Night Vision Scope 500 0 1 3 F-CRB:194 any ranged weapon, with Remove up to ■ ■ on any checks to use this weapon due to darkness.
the exception of single-use
weapons and weapons that
would not realistically
benefit from a scope.

Page 62 de 193
Optimized Energy Cell 100 0 1 5 SM:54 any energy weapon When the GM would spend Disaster or a number of Disadvantages to cause
the weapon to run out of ammunition [see page 159 of the EDGE OF THE
EMPIRE Core Rulebook). it requires additional Disadvantages to have that
effect apply to this weapon.

Ordonnace Impeller 500 0 4 FO:52 any grenade or explosive The explosrve is able to move overland at roughly the rate of a character on
device with an foot. The listed pnce includes a holocam and remote-control unit, allowing for
encumbrance value of 3 or operation and detonation of the mobile explosive from up to extreme range,
less although intervening materials may decrease this distance. Any skill checks to
operate the mobile explosive use Computers or Piloting (Planetary)
(character's choice).

Overcharge Valve (R) 1,500 0 2 6 FC:51 any blaster or energy As an incidental, the wielder may have the weapon gain the Prepare 1 quality
weapon that could logically and increase its damage by 4 for the next attack he makes with it. After firing,
benefit from it. the weapon runs out of ammunition (see page 207 of the Edge of the Empire
Core Rulebook).

Overcharged Actuating Module

650 0 1 7 SM:55 any blaster pistol or Increase weapon damage by + 1 . The GM may spend 2 disadvantages from
carbine. any combat check made with this weapon to have il become damaged one
step; from undamaged to Minor, Minor lo Moderate, or Moderate to Major (see
page 159 of the EDGE OF THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook).

Paired Weapons 300 0 1 3 FC:51 any one-handed weapons. Must be applied to two weapons at the same time. Reduces the Advantage
required to hit with the secondary weapon when two-weapon fighting with this
pair of weapons by 1.
Poison Reservoir (R) 400 0 1 5 LoNH:105 Brawl and Melee weapons Allows the user to store in the weapon one dose of neurotoxin, anesthetic, or
neuroparalytic (see page 1 72 of the Edge of the Empire Core Rule) or any
other poison the CM deems suitable (such as those on page 109).
As a maneuver, the weapon’s wielder may douse the blade in the poison. Until
the end of his next turn, whenever the wielder successfully attacks a target
with the weapon (whether or not he deals damage), the target also suffers the
effects of being exposed to the poison.

Proximity detonator 120 0 0 3 FO:52 Any grenades or explosive he weapon detonates when a being or creature with a size of at least
device silhouette I comes within short or engaged ra nge, as determined by the user
when placed. At the CM's discretion, other sources of movement within range
may cause the device to detonate.

Page 63 de 193
Rapid-Recharge XCiter 750 0 1 7 SM:55 any blaster. The weapon gains the Auto-Fire quality and the Inaccurate 3 quality

Removed Safety (R) 250 0 0 2 SM:55 any Ranged (Light) or Adds g to the first combat check made with the weapon during an encounter.
Features Ranged (Heavy) weapon The GM may spend 2 Disadvantages or 1 Disaster from any combat check to
that could logically have have the weapon misfire; it runs out of ammunition (see page 1 59 of the
such elements to remove. EDGE oF THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook) and inflicts 4 strain on the wielder.

Rocket Guidance System 50 0 1 4 ND:47 any micro-rocket Grants the weapon the Guided (+ 2] quality,

Scanner-Proof (R) 1000 0 2 6 CaM:57 all cannot be detected by standar technologie. See special rules
Secondary Ion Blaster 400 2 2 6 SM:56 any Ranged (Heavy) Enables the weapon to fire using the following profile at the user's choice:
weapon. (Ranged [Heavy]; Dam 10; Crit 5: Range {Short); Disorient 5. Ion) Adds
Cumbersome ( + I) to weapon and increases encumbrance by 1.

Serrated Edge 50 0 1 1 A-CRB:203, melee weapons that use a Grants the weapon the Vicious (+ 1) Quality.
E-CRB:191, cutting edge.
Set Trigger 450 0 1 4 FC:51 any Ranged (Light) or Adds automatic Succes & Advantage to the first combat check made with
Ranged (Heavy) weapon. this weapon each encounter.

Shadowsheath (R) 1,500 0 1 5 F-CRB:194 any weapon with an Increase the difficulty of any checks made to detect the sheath or the weapon
encumbrance of 2 or less. it holds by two.

Shield Discharge Pack 800 1 1 5 KtP:54 a shield or buckler. When the wielder of the shield suffers a hit from a Melee. Brawl, or Lightsaber
Combat check. after the attack is resolved, the character may spend 1
disaster or 2 Disadvantages to cause the attacker to suffer 3 strain (this
ignores soak)

Shock Pulse Emitter 1,500 0 2 5 ND:51 any Melee or Brawl Grants the weapon the Stun (+2] quality.

Shortened Barrel 250 0 1 4 A-CRB:203, Ranged (Light) pistol Reduces the difficulty of checks made to conceal this weapon by 1.
E-CRB:191 weapons. Reduces range by one range band to a minimum of short. If already short, add
g to attack checks.

Page 64 de 193
Slugthrower Suppressor(R) 100 0 1 4 SS:51

Sonic Scope 1,500 0 1 8 SM:56 any Ranged (Heavy) The character may observe and targeL enemies who are completely hidden by
weapon. solid objects that the weapon can penetrate At the GM's discretion. the target
might receive additional defense or even soak to reflect shooting through a
solid object.

Sorosuub "Bantha's Eye" 500

Laser Sight
0 1 5 DC:52 any Ranged (Light) or Gain automatic advantage on successful combat checks with this weapon.
Ranged (Heavy) weapon
that do not possess the
Blast quality.

Sorosuub "Final Word" Secondary

3,000 3Missile
3 System
6 DC:52 any rifle that uses the e Ranged (Heavy) skill. Base Modifiers: Enables the weapon to fire rockets or
Ranged (Heavy) skill. missiles. This uses the missile’s profile (including range) and requires the
Gunnery skill to use. Adds Cumbersome ( + 2) quality to the weapon, and
increases encumbrance by +3. Remember, missiles have Limited Ammo 1, so
the launcher must be reloaded.

Spread Barrel 1,725 0 2 4 A-CRB:203, blaster rifles and blaster Grants weapon quality Blast (4)
E-CRB:191 carbines. Reduces weapon's range by one range band to a minimum of engaged

Staged Rocket Booster 25 0 1 2 ND:47 any micro-rocket. Increases the weapon’s range by one range band. Adds the Inaccurate [+2]
quality to the weapon,

Stripped Down 250 -1 3 4 SM:56 any Ranged (Light) or Decrease the weapon's encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1 ). Add g to a
Ranged (Heavy) weapon character's Perception checks to find the weapon when it is hidden.

Superior Weapon Customization

5,000 0 1 6 A-CRB:203, all Grants the weapon the Superior quality.
Telescopic Optical Sight 250 0 1 1 A-CRB:203, any ranged weapon that Reduces the difficulty of ranged combat checks at long and extreme range by
E-CRB:192, could logically benefit from one.
F-CRB:195 the addition of a sight.

Tripod Mount 250 0 2 3 A-CRB:204, Ranged (Heavy) and Decreases weapon's Cumbersome rating by 3 when set up. May not move the
E-CRB:193, Gunnery weapons and weapon (except to pivot) once tripod is set up.
F-CRB:195 requires two preparation
maneuvers to set up.

Under-Barrel Flame Projector

(R) 3,000 0 2 5 A-CRB:204, rifle-sized weapons. Enables weapon to fire using the following profile at the user's choice:
E-CRB:192 (Ranged (Heavy); Dam 10; Crit 2; Range [Short]; Burn 5, Blast 2).
Adds Cumbersome (+ 1) to weapon.

Page 65 de 193
Under-Barrel Grapnel Launcher
500 2 2 3 SM:56 any Ranged (Light) or As an action. a character may make an Average Ranged (Light) check to
Ranged (Heavy) weapon secure the grappling hook to an object within medium range. On success. as
that could logically have a an action. he may reel in the cord. pulling t1imself to the object (or. if the object
grapnel launcher mounted is unsecured and lighLer than he is, pulling it to him) A character may use the
on grappling hook to pull another character aloft with him: if he does. he must
make an Average Athletics check to avoid losing his grip on either his partner
or the gun. Increases weapon's encumbrance by 2

Under-Barrel Grenade (R)

2,000 0 2 5 A-CRB:205, rifle-sized Ranged (Heavy) Enables weapon to fire grenades. This uses the grenade's profile, but uses
E-CRB:191 weapons. the Ranged (Heavy) skill to fire and has medium range.
Adds Cumbersome (+1) to weapon, and increases encumbrance by 2.
Remember, grenades are Limited Ammo 1 weapons, and the launcher is thus
Limited Ammo 1.

Under-Barrel Micro-Rocket Rack 3

(R) 1,200 3 6 ND:51 any ranged weapon, Enables weapon to fire 1 loaded micro-rocket. Adds the Cumbersome [+1]
quality to weapon, and increases Ecumbrane by +3. As micro rockets are
Limited Ammo 1 weapons, the launcher has the Limited Ammo 1 quality and
thus must be reloaded with a new micro-roam to be fired again.

Underslung Scattergun (R) 750 0 3 5 FC:51 pistol and rifle-sized Enables weapon to fire using the following profile at the user’s choice:
weapons. (Ranged [Heavy], Damage 6; Range [Short]; Blast 5, Knockdown, Limited
Ammo 1). Adds Cumbersome (+ 1) to weapon.
Vibro-Bayonet 300 1 1 3 SM:56 any Ranged (Heavy) Enables the weapon to be used in melee combat with the following profile at
weapon that could logically the user's choice: (Melee: Damage + 1; Crit 2; Range [EngagedJ; Pierce 2.
mount a bayonet Inaccurate I. Vicious 1 )

Weapon Harness 500 0 2 2 A-CRB:205, Ranged (Heavy) and Decreases Cumbersome rating by 2.
E-CRB:193 Gunnery weapons.
Weapon Signature Reduction
1,000 0 1 6 SoR:110 weapons with an Increase the difficulty checks using scanners to search for this weapon by 2.
encumbrance rating of 5 or Due to the masking used on various weapon components, this modification
less. adds ■ to all Mechanics checks when performing maintenance on this weapon.

Weapon Sling 100 0 1 0 A-CRB:205, Ranged (Heavy) weapons. Decreases Cumbersome rating by 1.
Weighted Head 250 0 2 3 A-CRB:205, Bludgeoning Brawl and Damage + 1.
E-CRB:193, Melee weapons.

Page 66 de 193
X-citer Overcharge (R) 1100 0 2 7 CaM:57 Personal Blaster Weapons As an incidental, shooters may overchage the Xciter on their blaster. This give
the weapon the Prepare 1 item quality and increase its damage on the next
attack by 4.
Once it is fired, the weapon runs out of ammo.
3 disavantage or 1 disastre may cause the weapon to explode and deal full
damage to the shooter

Amphibious Modification500 0 1 4 SM:57 any armor that could The armor provides enough oxygen (or applicable gas) for up to five hours or
logically have an air tank submersion or in an airless environment {although it does not proLecL against
attached. vacuum). In addition. the user removes g from physical checks due to
underwater conditions.

Armor Insert 450 0 0 5 CaM:58 Any armor with defense no Turn any cloth into armored clothing
greater than 0 and soak
value of 1 or less
Armor Spikes 500 2 3 2 KtP:56 any armor that covers the Increase the armor's encumbrance by 2. When the wearer suffers a hit from a
arms or legs. Melee. Brawl. or Light saber Combat check, after the attack is resolved, the
character may spend 3 Disadvantages or 1 Disaster to automatically inflict
one hit for 6 damage on the attacker.

Athakam Medtech Smartmed

2,500 2000
1 Integrated
2 7 Med-Systems
DC:53 any armor that covers the Once per session, the user may activate the attachment as an incidental,
majority of the wearer’s counting as one use of a stimpack. Additionally, all Medicine checks made to
body, subject to the CM's heal the wearer gain g

Automated (R ) 3000 2 5 FO:53 Not specified Allows the character to mount a single Ranged (Light). Ranged (Heavy). or
Weapons Mounting Melee weapon of encumbrance 3 or less (subject to the GM's discretion) on
the character's armor. Once per encounter, the character can spend a
maneuver to make a combat action with this weapon without uSing his hands
or arms. The difficulty of combat checks made with the mounted weapon are
upgraded once.

Biofeedback System 3,300 0 2 5 F-CRB:200 any full-body armor suit. Increase this character’s strain threshold by 4 while wearing this armor.

Chedak Communications200
0 Comlink
0 1 DC:53 any helmet A long- range comlink (see page 171 of the Edce of the Empire Core Rules) is
integrated into the helmet.

Page 67 de 193
Cortosis Weave 10,000 0 2 8 A-CRB:205, All The armor gains the Cortosis quality
Cryoncorp Omniscan 3 Integrated
1,000 0Scanner
1 4 DC:54 any helmet While wearing his helmet, the user benefits from a general purpose scanner
(see page 175 of the Edge of the Empire Core Rules) and adds □ to
Perception checks made to detect movement or hidden enemies.

Custom Fit 400 0 1 3 SM:57 All Remove g from Athletics and Stealth checks while wearing the armor.

DROID BRAIN 5000 3 6 FO:53 All Increase armor's defense by I.

Energy Dispersion System500 0 1 4 F-CRB:201 All When using the wearer’s soak to reduce damage dealt to the wearer’s strain
threshold, count the soak value as 2 higher.

Enhanced Optics Suite 1,750 0 1 3 A-CRB:206, All Removes up to gg added to Perception, Vigilance, and combat skill checks
E-CRB:194 due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision.

Hardened 900 2 2 4 KtP:56 power armor. Prevents deactivation of power armor by electromagnetic or ion weapons.

Heating System 1,000 0 1 3 A-CRB:206, any armor that covers the Reduces the difficulty of Resilience checks made to resist the effects of
E-CRB:194, entire body and can be extreme cold by one. Removes up to ■ ■ added to checks due to extreme cold.
F-CRB:201 sealed.
In-Helmet Scanner 750 0 1 4 F-CRB:201 Any Helmet Adds a general purpose scanner to the user’s helmet. The scanner allows the
user to remove ■ imposed on any checks due to darkness or environmental
conditions such as smoke or fog. It also allows the user to detect heat sources
and motion within medium range.

Industrial Automaton "Accu-Strike"

3,000 0 Integrated
1 7 Targeting
DC:54 Computer All The user adds □ to all Ranged attacks at long or extreme range.

Page 68 de 193
Integrated Ascension Gear
350 0 2 3 SM:57 All As an action. a character may make an Average Ranged (Light) check to
secure the grappling hook to an object within medium range. On success, as
an action. he may reel in the cord. pulling himself to the object (or, if the object
is unsecured and lighter than he is, pulling it to him). A character may use the
grappling hook to pull another character aloft with him: if he does. he must
make an Easy Athletics check to avoid losing his grip on his partner.

Integrated Holsters 300 4 2 4 ND:52 all Increases encumbrance by 4 The character may holster up to 2 weapons of
Encumbrance 3 or lower in the armor, While holstered, these weapons do not
count toward the character’s Encumbrance value

Integrated Slicer Gear 750 0 3 6 SM:58 All The wearer counts as having a Slicer Gear which can be controlled simply by
gesturing or vocalization. Add g to all checks made by others to correctly
identify that the character is slicing.

Ion Shielding 2,000 0 1 7 SM:58 any armor with soak 2 or Increase the armor's soak by 3 against weapons with the Ion quality.

Jump Boots 1200 0 1 6 CaM:57 Any armor with Reduces the difficulty of all Athletics check made to jump by 1.
encumbrance of 4 or less Good for only 1 use and need to be refuell for 30 minutes 100 credits

Kiirium Coating 2,500 1 2 7 KtP:56 armor that has hard or so Adds + I soak to armor against blaster and flame attacks
1d parts around which the
alloy can be coated. such
as with laminate armor,
heavy battle armor. and
similar types of armor at the
GM's discretion.

Low-Friction Coating 750 0 1 5 KtP:56 armor with hard surfaces Increases the armor's melee defense by + 1. Adds gg to Mechanics checks to
such as heavy battle armor modify or maintain the armor
powered armor.

Page 69 de 193
Merr-Sonn VX Hands-Free Weapon
1,000 0 System
2 6 DC:53 A weapon must also be Mounts a single weapon on the armor, allowing the wearer to aim and fire it
modified in order to be without using his hands or arms.
armor-mounted, requiring
one hard point. This
attachment can mount any
Ranged (Light) or Ranged
(Heavy) weapon with an
Encumbrance of 4 or less,
subject to the CM’s

Micro-Rocket Armor Mounting

(R) 800 3 2 6 ND:52 All Enables user to fire I loaded micro-rocket without needing to perform a
maneuver to draw. Increases encumbrance by 3, As micro-rocket' are Limited
Ammo 1 weapons, the launcher has the Limited Ammo 1 quality, and thus
must be reloaded with a new micro-rocket to be fired again,

Optical Camouflage System

5,500 0 2 6 A-CRB:206, any type of armor, but it is Upgrades the ability of all Stealth checks twice while wearing this armor.
E-CRB:195, nearly useless on laminate
SS:51 and plastoid heavy armor,
which is often too bulky and
loud to mask properly.

Passive Foliage Suit 75 0 1 2 SS:51 any armor that could Adds g to any perception or Vigilance cheks made to detect a character in
logically integrate the appropriate environement
necessary patches and tie-

Quick Shed 650 0 1 6 KtP:57 armor with an As a maneuver the wearer may shed the armor. Armor removed in this
encumbrance of 3 or higher fashion must be reassembled before the wearer can do it again. Reassembly
requires several minutes and an Average Mechanics check.

Radiation Shielding 500 0 1 3 SM:58 laminate armor. heavy Add gg to Resilience checks to resist radiation.
battle armor. and any other
any armor that can be fully

Reactive Plating 2,000 4 4 6 KtP:57 armor with a soak of 2 or Increase the armor's encumbrance by 4. The first time the wearer of this
higher armor is hit by an attack each encounter, reduce the damage he suffers by 10;
the armor suffers minor damage [see page 166 of the FoRcE AND DEsTINY
Core Rulebook) and loses this benefit until fully repaired

Page 70 de 193
Reflect adaptive Skin 3500 0 2 7 CaM:58 All Upgrade the ability of all stealth checks once

Reflec Shadowskin (R) 1,200 0 1 6 KtP:57 armor with a soak of 2 or Adds 1 automatic Advantage to Stealth checks

Reinforced Gauntlets 250 0 2 2 SM:58 any armor with soak 2 or The character can use the gauntlets as a weapon with the following prorile:
higher. (Melee; Dam +I; Crit 4; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 3).

Repulsor-Assisted Lifting1,000 0 2 3 ND:52 Laminate armor and other Add 5 to wearer's brawn Score for the purposes Of determining encumbrance
fullbody hard armor suits thresold

Repulsor pack 2500 2 4 FO:53 All Allows the user to function as a speed 1, handling - 1 , system strain threshold
2 vehicle that can only operate in atmosphere and has the same silhouette as
the operator. It has a maximum altitude of seventy-Ave meters, and the
operator's Coordination skill is used for any relevant checks.

Schock Pulse Emitter 1500 0 2 5 ND:52 any Melee or Brawl Grants the weapon the Stun (+2] quality.

Scannerweave (R ) 1800 0 2 6 CaM:58 All Upgrades the ability of all opposed Stealth checks made against sensor and
scanner once
Self-Repair Systems 3,000 0 2 6 SM:58 any armor with melee or : Once per encounter, as a maneuver, the wearer can have the armor attempt
ranged defense I or higher. to repair itself or provide assistance to a character on a check to repair it; it
counts as having an Intellect of 2 and 2 ranks in the Mechanics skill for the
check. In addition, there is no cost to repair the armor, whether utilizing only
the automatic repair functionality or performing the repair personally (see page
I 59 of the EDGE oF THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook).

Strength Enhancing System

5,500 0 2 4 A-CRB:206, laminate armor or similar Increases wearer's Brawn by one point while wearing this armor. This does not
E-CRB:194 full-body hard armor suits. increase soak or wound threshold.

Stealth Field (R ) 3800 0 2 7 CaM:58 All Upgrade the difficulty of all opposed Perception checks to spot the wearer
Generator once.

Page 71 de 193
Stun Matrix 1,750 1 3 3 KtP:57 any armor that could Increase the armor's encumbrance by I. When the wearer suffers a hit from a
logically benefit from having Melee, Brawl or Lightsaber Combat check, after the attack is resolved. the
a stun matrix added. character may spend 2 Disadvantage or 1 Disaster to disorient the attacker
for 2 rounds

Superior Armor Customization

5,000 0 1 6 A-CRB:206, All Gives the armor the Superior quality.
Taggeco MB-7 "Ranger" 1,500
Range Finder
0 1 6 DC:54 All Innate Talent (Sniper Shot).

Thermal Shielding System

1,000 0 1 3 A-CRB:207, any medium or heavy Reduces the difficulty of Resilience checks made to resist the effects of fire
E-CRB:194, armor that covers the entire and extreme heat by one. Removes up to gg added to checks due to extreme
F-CRB:201 body and can be sealed. heat or fire.

Threat Monitor 750 0 1 4 LoNH:106 all Adds 1 automatic Advantage to Initiative checks.

Tracking System 1,000 0 1 7 ND:52 all Upgrade the ability of check to track a designated target once. The wearer
may designate a target by spending a maneuver while maintening line of sight
to the target, or through sensor.

Utility Arm 2000 2 FO:52 All Provides the character with an additional mechanical arm that can function as
one of the character's normal limbs, although it does not provide the character
with additional actions or maneuvers. The utility arm adds g to Mechanics
checks and may modify other checks at the CM's discretion.

Vacuum Sealed 1,000 0 1 3 A-CRB:207, Laminate and battle armor. Allows the user to ignore the effects of vacuum or poisonous atmospheric
E-CRB:195, environments for up to 10 minutes

Barab Ingot (R) 15,000 0 2 8 F-CRB:196

Blade Drain (R) 4,000 0 2 9 DoH:50

Corrupted Crystal (R) 0 0 2 9 DoH:52

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Cracked Crystal 0 0 2 10 DoH:52
Curved Hilt 1,000 0 1 6 F-CRB:196
Cyclic Crystal Array (R) 1,500 0 2 8 KtP:53

Damping Emitter 2,000 0 1 7 EV:51

Dantari Crystal (R) 12,000 0 2 9 F-CRB:196

Dragite Gem (R) 14,000 0 2 7 F-CRB:196

Dual-Phase Modification4,500 0 2 6 F-CRB:197

Etaan Crystal (R) 12,000 0 1 9 EV:52

Extended Hilt 3,800 0 1 7 F-CRB:197

Ghostfire Crystal (R) 14,000 0 1 9 EV:53

Hilt-Masking Kit 0 0 1 0 DoH:50

Ilum Crystal (R) 9,000 0 2 10 F-CRB:197
Kimber Stone (R) 6,500 0 2 8 KtP:55
Krayt Dragon Pearl (R) 15,000 0 2 10 F-CRB:199

Lorrdian Gemstone (R) 9,600 0 2 8 F-CRB:199

Mephite Crystal (R) 10,000 0 2 10 F-CRB:200

Nishalorite Stone (R) 12,500 0 2 8 SS:52

Overcharged Power Cell 500 0 1 6 EV:51

Pistol Hilt 750 0 2 5 EV:52

Pommel Cap 3,000 0 1 2 DoH:51
Reflex Grip 4,000 0 2 8 EV:52
Sapith Gem (R) 18,000 0 2 10 F-CRB:200

Page 73 de 193
Seeker Crystal (R) 16,000 0 2 9 DoH:53

Shien Reverse Grip Customization

100 0 1 6 EV:52

Solari Crystal (R) 16,000 0 3 9 DoH:53

Sorian Crystal (R) 16,000 0 4 4 KtP:55

Stun Blaster Attachment 750 0 2 5 DoH:51

Superior Hilt Personalization

5,000 0 1 6 F-CRB:200

Training Lightsaber Emitter

100 0 2 6 F-CRB:200

Varpeline Crystal (R) 14,000 0 2 9 SS:52

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ok for LS

Self-destruct. The weapon detonates if an

unauthorized user tries to fire it, inflicting one Critical
Injury on the wearer (roll normally to determine the
Critical Injury). The weapon is destroyed if it self-
2 Damage +1 Mods,
1 Weapon Quality (Accurate + 1) Mod,
1 Weapon Quality (Pierce +1) Mod.

1 Weapon Quality (Accurate + 1) Mod,

1 Decrease encumbrance of weapon by one to a
minimum of one Mod.



2 Damage +1 Mods,
2 Weapon Quality (Pierce + 1) Mods.

1 Add ■ to checks made to detect this weapon's fire



Page 75 de 193
2 Damage + 1 Mods,
2 Weapon Quality (Pierce + 1) Mods.

1 Weapon Quality (Autofire) Mod.




1 Weapon Quality [Accurate +1) Mod



1 Add 1 blue dice to one Ranged combat check per

encounter Mod,
1 Suffer 3 strain to remove 1 disaster from Ranged
combat check Mod.

1 Weapon Quality (Accurate + 1) mod.

Page 76 de 193
1 Add automatic t) to Combat checks with this weapon
1 Activate attachment as an incidental Mod.

3 Weapon Quality (Pierce + 1) Mods.


1 Decreases the difficulty of checks to conceal the

weapon by 1 Mod.

I Innate Talent (Prescient Shot) Mod

1 Innate Talent (Point Blank Rank + 1) Mod,

1 Weapon Quality (Accurate + 1) Mod.

2 Damage +1 Mods,
2 Weapon Quality (Pierce + 1) Mods.

2 Increase damage by I to stuck target Mods,

2 Increase difficulty to remove adhered grenade once

3 Decrease Cumbersome quality by 1 Mods,

1 Innate Talent [Barrage} Mod.
2 lten Quality (Accurate +1 ) Mods.
1 Innate Talent (Lethal Blows) Mod.

Page 77 de 193
1 Increase spotlight range to medium Mod,
2 Item Quality (Disorient + 1) Mods.

2 Remove g from Initiative checks Mods.

Reduce weapon's encumbrance by 1 to a minimum of

1 mod

1 Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod.

1 Cancel an additional disadvantage Mod

2 Weapon Quality (Accurate +1) Mods,

1 Innate Talent (Sniper Shot) Mod.

2 Weapon Quality (Pierce + 1) Mods.

1 Innate Talent (Precise Aim) Mod.

2 Skill (Perception) Mods.


Page 78 de 193

I Add ten-meter maximum altitude Mod.


1 Damage + I Mod.


4 Increase the number of doses of a poison the

reservoir can hold by 1 Mods.


Page 79 de 193
2 Decrease Inaccurate quality by 1 Mods


3Weapon Quality [Guided +1] Mods,

2 Weapon Quality [Accurate + 1] Mods

Reduce weapon's encumbrance by 1 to a minimum of

1 mod

2 Increase ion blaster's damage by + 1 Mods.


1 adds additional automatic Succes to the first

combat check made with this weapon each encounter


2 Item Quality (Disorient + I) Mods.

1 Innate Talent (Defensive Stance) Mod.

2 Weapom Quality [Stun + I] Mods,

1 Weapon Quality [Disorient + 1] Mod.

1 Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod.

Page 80 de 193
1 Skill (Cool) Mod,
1 Skill (Vigilance) Mod,
2 Innate Talent (Precise Aim] Mods.



2 Blast + 1 Mods

1 Increase weapon’s range by one additional range

band Mod, 2 reduce the weapon’s Inaccurate Quality
by l Mod.

2 Decrease encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of I)




2 Weapon Quality (Cumbersome -1) Mods.


Page 81 de 193

5 Quality (Limited Ammo + 1) Mods.

2 Mount 1 additional micro- rocket Mods,

2 Remove1I from Checks to fire micro rockets from
this attachment Mods;


2 Increase the Melee weapon's damage by 1 Mods

1 Innate Talent (Brace) Mod


1 Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod.

1 Damage + 1 Mod,
1 Weapon Quality (Concussive + 1) Mod.

Page 82 de 193

2 Increase oxygen supply by two hours Mods.

1 increase Soak by 1 mod

1 increase Defense by 1 mod
1 increase difficulty to notice to Hard mod

3 Increase the damage attackers suffer by + 1 Mods.

1 lnnale Talent (Intimidating) Mod.

2 All successful Medicine checks made

to heal wounds the wearer is suffering heal one
additional wound Mods.

I Add g to combat checks instead of increasing

difficulty Mod,
2 Increase allowable weapon encumbrance by 1

1 Innate Talent (Rapid Recovery) Mod.


Page 83 de 193

1 Skill (Perception) Mods.

1 Remove an additional g from Athletics and Stealth

checks while wearing the armor Mod

1 Increase defense by when taking Guarded Stance

maneuver Mod.


1 Skill (Vigilance) Mod.



1 Install a hands-free comlink within the user’s helmet


1 Innate Talent (Natural Marksman) Mod.

Page 84 de 193

2 Add 1 to Others’ Perception checks to find weapons

stored in the armor Mods,
3 holster up to 1 additional weapon of Encumbrance 3
or lower in the armor Mods,
1 Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod.

1 Innate Talent (Technical Aptitude) Mod.

1 Increase ranged and melee defense by I against

weapons with Lhe Ion quality Mod.

1 reduce difficulty by 1 mod

1 Allow wearer to fly for a total of 1 minute or 3 round

2 Decreases the difficulty of Resilience checks made

to resist the effects of fire and extreme heal by 1

1 Skill (Coordinalion + 1) Mod.

Page 85 de 193

5 Mount: 1 additio rocket Mods,

1 Remove 1 g from Check to fire rockets from this
attachment Mod

Innate Talent (Master of Shadows) Mod,

1 Skill (Stealth) Mod.



2 Increase armor's soak by 1 against damage caused

by radiation mods.

3 Reduce the armor's encumbrance by 1 Mods.

Page 86 de 193
Add 2 gg to Stealth Checks Mod

1 Innate Talent (Stalker] Mod.

2 Add g to Perception checks to see wearer Mods.

1 Innate Talent (Durable} Mod.

2 Add 1 to wearers Brawn score for the purposes of

determining encumbrance thresold Mods,
2 Skill [Athletics] Mods

1 Increase handling by 1 Mod

2 Weapom Quality [Stun + I] Mods,

1 Weapon Quality [Disorient + 1] Mod.



2 Skill (Athletics) Mods,

2 Innate Talent (Brace) Mods.

2 Add g to opposed Perception checks to spot the

wearer Md

Page 87 de 193
I wearer may spend 3 Disadvantage or 1 Disaster
from the Combat check to immobilize the attacker for
1 round Mod
1 wearer may spend 1 Disadvantage from the
Combat check to stagger the attacker For 1 round


1 Innate Talent (Sniper Shot) mods


1 Innate Talent Quick Strike mod,

2 Add 1 automatic Advantage to Initiative checks

1 Skill (Vigilance) Mods,

1 Skill (Survival) Mods,

1 Add g to Mechanics checks Mod,

1 Spend 1 strain to gain an additional free maneuver
per turn [character still may not perform more than two
maneuvers) per turn Mod. Hard


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HP Required


Armored Computer Core 1100 0 4 FO 61

Astrogation Droid Brain 7500 0 6 FC 62

Decoy Buoy R 5000 0 5 SM 67

Encrypted Computer 1000 0 6 SM 67

Gunner Droid Brain 7000 0 6 SM 67

Security Measures 500*Silhouette 0 4 SM 67

Advanced Subspace Encryption R 6000 1 7 DA : 65


Advanced Targeting Array 4000 1 4 E-CRB 271

Amphibious Modification 1000*Silhouette 1 5 SM 67

Autopilot Droid Brain 6000 1 5 FO 61

Ax-108 Surface Defense Blaster 2000 1 5 FC 62


Briefing Auditorium 2500 1 4 LbE 59

Cloaked Smuggling R 2200 1 4 FC 62


Cloaking Device R 12000 1 8 SM 67

Electronic Counter- 3500 1 6 LbE 59

Coutermeasures Suite
Electronic Countermeasures 3000 1 6 E-CRB 271

Enhanced Hyperspace Shields 4000 1 5 SM 67

Enhanced Repulsorlift 1000*Silhouette 1 3 SM 67

Gravity Mine Launcher 3500 1 6 SoT 63

High Output Ion Turbine 5300 1 5 E-CRB 271

Holo-Tank 5000 1 4 LbE 59

Hush Kit 450 1 6 CaM 64

Hyperdrive Generator 6400 1 4 E-CRB 271

Interior Broadcast Suite 800 1 3 FC 62

Luxury Passenger 2000 per passenger 1 3 DA : 65


Nightshadow Coating R 3500 1 8 FC 62

Onboard Amenities Unit 750 1 3 FC 62

Overcharged Shields 4000 1 4 FO 61

Physical Countermeasures 2200 1 4 SoT 63

Plasma Drill 4000 1 4 FO 61

Rapid Cargo Evocuation Chute R 500 1 3 FC 62

Repulsorlift Boost 1000*Silhouette 1 4 FO 61

Retractable Weapon System 1000 1 6 CaM 64

Secondary Transponder R 20000 1 7 SM 67

Sensor Baffler R 8000 1 6 FO 61

Sensor Shunt R 3200 1 8 CaM 64

Slave Circuit 10000 1 2 SoT 63

Slicing Computer 5000 1 6 SM 67

Smoke Generator 2750 1 2 DC 62

Smuggling Compartments R 1200 1 1 E-CRB 271

Tactical Command, Control and 4200 1 6 LbE 59

Communications Suite

Upgrade Comms Array 4800 1 6 A-CRB 285

Whisperthrust Engine R 7500 1 7 FC 62

All-Terrain Legs 3000*Silhouette 2 5 SM 67

Astromech Droid Socket 3000 2 5 SoT 63

Containment Field R 7500 2 9
Enhanced Armor 2000*Silhouette 2 3 E-CRB 271
Environmental Simulators 7500 2 6 DA : 65

Hardened Circuits 4500 2 5 SoT 63

Holographic Shell R 5500 2 7 CaM 64

Holonet Pirate Array R 25000 2 8 DA : 65

Hull/Kell Reinforcement 2500 2 4 SoT 63

Hydraulic Control Circuits 1000 2 7 E-CRB 271

Laser Focusing Array 5000 2 6 SM 67

Mobile Listening Post 5500 2 5 CaM 64

Oversized External Weapons R 3000*Silhouette 2 6 DC 62


Ram Attachment 6500 2 3 SoT 63

Reinforced Armor Plating 4000*Silhouette 2 2 FO 61

Reinforced Shield Generator 3800 2 5 E-CRB 271

Retrofitted Hanger Bay 5000*Silhouette 2 3 E-CRB 271

Theater Command and Control 8500 2 6 LbE 59


Assault Boarding Tube R 1000*Silhouette 3 4 DC 62

Enhanced Prisoner Lockup 3500 3 7

Overcharged Ion Engines 9500 3 4 SM 67

Cloaking Device R 29000 4 9 CaM 64

Upgrade Weapons Varies Varies Varies E-CRB 271

Incorporates a computer core that records flight and system data and backs up any
logs or records entered into the ship's computer. The computer core remains intact
even if the ship suffers a vaporized Cri t ical Hit result.

Droid brain can perform Astrogation checks for starship with an Astrogation skill of
2 and an Intellect of 0 (if unassisted, it rolls 2 verts for Astrogation checks).

A decoy buoy can be jettisoned as an action. The buoy appears to sensors to be a

ship. and it can be programmed with a specific transponder signal with a Hard (t +
tJ Computers check. In addition. the buoy can be set to transmit a distress signal or
other data. A character operating a ship's sensors can make a Hard (t + tJ
Computers check to identify that the buoy is not an actual ship. After the buoy is
jettisoned. it no longer counts as being attached to the ship until reattached.

Upgrade the difficulty of all Computers checks made to slice the ship's computer
systems once.
Droid brain can perform Gunnery checks for vehicle with a Gunnery skill of 2 and
an Agility of O (if unassisted. it rolls + + 2 verts for Gunnery checks). Although a
droid brain can be connected to more than one weapon system. it is still limited to
one action per turn.

Upgrade the difficulty of Computers and Skulduggery checks made to gain

unauthorized access to the ship twice.

No one other than the intended recipient can detect transmissions sent from a ship
with this attachment without a Hard (♦♦♦) Computers check. Upgrade the difficulty
of any checks to intercept or decipher such transmissions once.

1 upgrade Gunnery check

Vehicle can operate underwater wiLhout penalty.

Droid brain can perform Piloting checks for a vehicle or starship with a Piloting
(Planetary) or Piloting (Space) skill of 2 and an Agility of 0 (if unassisted . it rolls (2
green for Piloting checks); may be summoned via a beckon call.

See Table 2-8: Vehicle Weapons below; can fire automatically with a Ranged
(Heavy) skill of 2 and an Agility of 0 (if unassisted, it rolls ♦♦ 2 verts for Ranged
[Heavy] checks). This weapon uses personal scale rather than vehicle scale.

Characters briefed in this auditorium prior to a mission remove ■ due to known

mission conditions from skill checks for the duration of the mission.

Stores items up to 25 encumbrance per compartment. This still counts as part of

the total encumbrance threshold of the ship. Increases difficulty of checks made to
find compartment by 3.
Increase the difficulty of checks to detect the ship with sensors by two. Upgrade the
difficulty of all combat checks against the ship at Short range or further away once.

May make a Hard (♦♦♦) Computers check to cancel all effects of an electronic
countermeasures suite (Ace of Rebellion Core Rule- book page 286).
Blocks sensors within range, counting the ship or vehicle’s silhouette as one step
smaller when being fired at. Immediately notifies all ships in a star system or within
100 kilometers if planetside to the ship or vehicle’s existence.

Downgrade the difficulty of Astrogation checks to navigaLe this ship through

hyperspace once.

Increase vehicle's speed by 1. Decrease vehicle's handling by 1 .

Allows the vehicle to deploy gravity mines anywhere on the ground within close
Adds one point to a ship’s speed and reduces system strain threshold by one.

Characters utilizing a holo-tank may always use Cool or Knowledge (Warfare)

when making Initiative checks.

Add 2 Black to all checks made to detect this ship audibly while it is in atmosphere

Reduces Hyperdrive class by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Increases the strain threshold of each crewmember by 1 while aboard the vessel.

Add □ Blue to all Charm, Deception, and Negotiation checks made against
passengers within the vehicle. Checks made against passengers who are
accustomed to opulence and luxury have up to ■ ■ Black removed instead.

Reduces the range band of enemy ship’s passive sensors by 1 (to a minimum of
close range) for detecting a vessel with nightshadow coating
Upgrades the ability of Charm, Deception, and Negotiation checks made by
crewmembers while aboard the vessel once.
Once per encounter as an action, a character can attempt an Average (+ +J
Mechanics check to overcharge the ship's shields, adding two points of defense to
all defense zones for one round, plus an additional round for each advantage on
the check. However, if the check generates 2 desavantages or désastre , then the
overloaded shields Immediately burn out and cease functioning until repaired.

Adds • (black) to all Gunnery checks made using missiles, rockets, or torpedoes
targeting the starship.

The vehicle can tunnel through solid rock and most metals at a speed of 1 . but its
handling is permanently redu ced by 2 due to the substant ia l additional weight and
bulk. The vehicle's operator can make a Piloting (Planeta ry) check to employ the
plasma drill as a weapon with the fo llowing profi le: Fire Arc Forward; Damage 9;
Critical 4; Range (Close); Breach 3. Inaccurate 2, Slow-Firing 1. Vicious 1.

Allows the smuggler to make an Average Mechanics check (2 violets) as an action

while in the cockpit or cargo bay to eject everything currently stored in the cargo
Once per encounter as an incidental, the pilot rnay have the vehicle suffer 2 system
strain in order to double its maximum altitude (or gain a maximum altitude of 100
meters, whichever is lower) and increase its maximum speed by I for I round. This
can be used only on vehicles of silhouette 4 or less.
Provides a vehicle with a hidden compartment and a device for deploying a
weapon. Deploying or retracting a weapon requires a maneuver. Discovering a
retractable weapon system requires a Hard (3 mauves) Perception check and a
thorough search of the ship or vehicle in question. The GM has final say if a
weapon is suitable for the retraction system bases on the size of the ship or vehicle

The ship's crew can switch over to the secondary transponder with an action and
an Average r+ + 2 violets l Computers check. At the time of installation. the players
and GM should determine the name and olher deLails of Lhc false identity.
Because the ship's engine signature is part of the identifying information, the false
identity must be of Lhe same class of ship and preferably of a similar model. An
observer who scans the ship can detect discrepancies indicating the presence of a
secondary transponder with a Daunting r+ + + + 4 violets l Computers check.

When a vehicle's sensor baffler is active, upgrade the difficulty of checks to

determine its location using sensors twice.
Increase the difficulty of checks to detect this vessel using passive sensors by two,
and the difficulty of checks to detect this vessel using active sensors by one, while
it is traveling at speed 3 or lower
Allows a ship or vehicle to be activated and brought to readiness or deactivated
and put into lockdown by remote control.

Counts as slicer gear thal can be used by one passenger. Add automatic
Advantage, to Computers checks made to slice enemy ships' systems (see page
237 of the EocE oF THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook
The pilot may activate this device as an incidental, creating a smoke screen up to
10 meters in diameter, which trails behind the vessels. The smoke provides
concealment from all adversaries in the vehicle’s rear arc, as per page 213 in the
Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook. The concealment adds ■ ■ ■ as long as the
device remains active. Deactivating requires an incidental; the smoke persists until
the end of the pilot’s following turn.

Stores items up to 25 Encumbrance per compartment. This still counts as part of

the total encumbrance threshold of ship. Increases difficulty of checks made to find
compartment by +2.
While active, an active force commander in the vehicle upgrades the ability of all
Mass Combat checks he makes once.

Increases the range of shipboard communications by 1 range band.

Increases the difficulty of checks to detect this vessel by two while it is traveling at
speed 3 or lower.
As a maneuver. the pilot may shift the vehicle into or out of walker mode. While in
walker mode, the vehicle operates as a walker (and thus uses the Piloting
[Planetary] skill if it did not already), and Lhe vehicle's maximum speed is reduced
Lo 2 if it was higher. Walker mode can only be employed in appropriate terrain. as
determined by the GM.

Allows the starship to link to an astromech droid via SCOMP.

A containment field can hold one silhouette 1 creature. Ar] individual held within a
containment field is completely unable to move, although he can still hear, See, and
speak. Escape under these circumstances is incredibly difficult, and thus can only
be attempted at the CM’S discretion. As an action, a Character operating the field
can use it to inflict harm on the prisoner; the character imprisoned inside must
make a Hard (Q Q Q 3 violets) Resilience check, and suffers I damage per Y
(échec) on the check‘ The operator may spend désavantages(C?) to inflict 1 strain
on the prisoner;
Adds 1 Armor and -1 Handling
A ship with this attachment installed can replicate up to three different planetary
environments, chosen at the time of installation. Replicating a planetary
environment takes at least one hour or up to a day for extreme changes. A
character making Charm or Negotiation checks against members of species native
to replicated environment adds automatic O O to the pool. This system can only
reproduce one environment at any given time.

Adds 2 additional points of system strain threshold.

Provides a ship or vehicule with a holographic disguise. A Daunting (4 mauves)

Perception check is required to see through the disguise at a distance. Physical
examination immediately detects the disguise
A ship equipped with a HoloNet pirate array gains unique communications and
monitoring capabilities. Transmissions sent by a ship so equipped can reach any
facility that has access to interstellar communications. Such transmissions arrive
without delay, and cannot be intercepted unless the pirate array is being tracked by
another HoloNet user, who must already be aware of the pirate array. A HoloNet
user, whether equipped with a pirate array or a legitimate transceiver, can intercept
transmissions with a Hard ^ Computers check, provided he is aware of the sender
or recipient. At the GM’s discretion, he may upgrade the difficulty of the check to
reflect particularly impressive security protocols. V results on a check to intercept a
transmission can be spent by the GM to reveal the attempted interception and its

Adds 2 additional points of hull trauma threshold.

Ships equipped with these attachments suffer half damage from weapons
possessing the Ion quality, after damage is reduced by soak. When installed,
decrease handling by one, and decrease system strain threshold by one.

Add automatic 1 Advantage to combat checks made with the ship's laser cannons
and turbolasers.
Increases a vehicule's passive and active sensor range by one rage band. Provides
extra audio, video, and holographic capabilities
Allows a vehicle to carry a weapon intended for a craft one silhouette size larger.
This decreases the ship’s handling by 1 and system strain threshold by 4.

Treats the starship or vehicle's defense as 2 higher when instigating a collision.

Increase the vehicle's armor by 2. Reduce its handling by 1.

One additional point of defense to one defense zone of choice.

Allows vehicle to carry a number of smaller vehicles (with a maximum silhouette of

2 smaller than the carrier vehicle) in a converted auxiliary hanger. The maximum
capacity is calculated in all vehicles’ combined silhouette. Silhouette 5 vehicles can
carry a total silhouette of 5, silhouette 6 vehicles can carry a total silhouette of 20,
and silhouette 7 + vehicles can carry a total silhouette of 60. (Common sense and
GM’s judgement apply when determining what vehicles can and cannot fit in the
hanger bay.)

While active, an active force commander on the bridge of the starship upgrades the
ability of all Mass Combat checks he makes twice.

Ships equipped with this attachment may attempt to cut a hole in a docked craft’s
hull or airlock. The cutting mechanism typically includes high-power plasma torches
or similar mechanisms. A silhouette 1 -sized hole is typically cut within 5 rounds of
activation. Military or armored craft may take two to three times as long to cut.

Full incarceration and security SU'te for up to 2 prisoners

Increase vehicle's speed by 1 . Decrease vehicle's handling by 1 .

Provides a star ship with a cloaking device which can be activated or deactivated
by spending a maneuver. A character must make a Daunting (4 mauves)
Perception or Vigilance check to spot a cloaked ship. Ships with an active cloakin
device have their speed reduced by half (rounded up) and cannot use active
sensors, comms, or weapons. The cloaking device (bug du livre, manque la fin)

2 Increase the droid brain’s Astrogation skill by 1 Mods.

2 Add • to Computers checks to identify the buoy Mods.

2 Add• to Computers checks made Lo slice the ship's

computer systems Mods.
2 Increase the droid brain's Gunnery skill by 1 Mods.

2 Add • to Computers and Skulduggery checks made to

gain unauthorized access to the ship Mods.

2 add ■ to enemy detection check Mods, 2 add ■ to

enemy interception or deciphering check Mods.

1 upgrade Gunnery Check, 1 Innate Talent (Sniper

Shot), 1 Innate Talent (True Aim)
2 Increase droid brain's Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting
(Space) skills by one Mods.

2 Increase the weapon’s automated Ranged (Heavy)

skill by one Mods.

2 Add O Advantages to Leadership checks made by

characters within the briefing auditorium Mods.

2 Additional storage (25 Encumbrance) Mods.

2 Add • to combat checks targeting ship at Short range

or further away Mods.

1 Decrease the difficulty of the Computers check by 1

1 Increase difficulty by 1 when making subsequent
attacks due to the Guided quality Mod.

2 Remove• from AstrogaLion checks to navigate this

ship through hyperspace Mods.

1 Innate Talent (Defensive Driving) Mod.

1 Increase deployable range to short Mod


2 Add O Advantages to Mass Combat checks when the

acting force commander is on board this ship Mods, 1
Upgrade the ability of checks when determining
Initiative once Mod.


2 Reduce hyperspace class by 1 to a minimum of .5



1 Reduce the ship’s silhouette by 1 in combat Mod.



I Add • (black) to all Gunnery checks made using

missiles, rockets, or torpedoes targeting
the starship Mod. 1 Increase difficulty by 1 when making
checks triggered by the Guided quality Mod.

1 Increase handl ing by 1 Mod

1 this attachment may instead be activated as an action

without making a check Mod.

2 Increase duration by round Mods.


1 Activate secondary transponder as a maneuver Mod,

3 Add one additional ship identity Mods

2 Add . Black to Gunnery checks targeting the ship


1 allows a ship or vehicle to move to the owner's

location with an appropriate piloting skill equal to the
owner's Mod. 1 allows a ship or vehicle to use its
onboard weapon systems autonomously with a skill
equal to the owner's Mod.

2 Innate Talent (Codebreaker) Mods. 1 Innate Talent

(Defensive Slicing) Mod.


2 Additional storage (25 Encumbrance) Mods.

1 innate talent (Situational Awareness) Mod, 1 Allies

benefiting from Situational Awareness remove ■ on
Perception and Vigilance checks Mod.

2 One additional range band Mods.


2 Remove• from Pilot (Planetary) checks due to difficult

terrain Mods. 2 Remove • from Gunnery checks due to
cover or terrain Mods.

1 Automated droid ejection system Mod.

2 additional planetary environment Mods.

2 One additional point of system strain threshold Mods.

2 Add one additional disguise to the database Mods

2 add ■ to enemy checks to intercept outgoing

transmission Mods, 2 add □ to intercept HoloNet traffic

2 One additional point of hull trauma threshold Mods.

1 Defender chooses ship component affected by Ion

Weapon quality, as opposed to the attacker Mod, 1
Increase system strain threshold by one Mod.



All models are customized to the ship and weapon


2 Treat defense as 1 higher when instigating a collision

2 Increase hull trauma threshold by 3 Mods.
2 one additional point of defense to one defense zone
of choice Mods.
5 Additional maximum silhouette capacity Mods.

2 Gain additional O Advantages on Mass Combat

checks Mods, 1 Remove ■ from Mass Combat checks
4 Decrease time taken to cut through hull by 1 round

4 Add supporL for one additional prisoner Mods.

1 Innate Talent (Short Cut) Mod. 1 Innate Talent (Tricky
Target) Mod.
Item Price Encum Rarity Index
Detection Devices
Arakyd Industries Recon Remote 250 1 3 DC:57

Bardottan Chronoscanner 1,200 0 2 NoP:105

Cargo Scanner 500 1 4 FC:50
Chedak Mark 10 Demolitions Scanner 300 1 4 DC:57

Chedak Mark 6 Combat Scanner 2,000 1 6 DC:56

Cryoncorp Armascan Weapon Detection

750Goggles 1 5 SoF:101

Cryoncorp Enhancescan Long-Range Terrain

850 Scanner
6 6 EtU:46

Cryoncorp Ground-Penetrating Sensor950

Pack 5 1 EtU:47

Electrobinoculars 250 1 1 A-BGR:35, A-

CRB:190, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:175, F-
BGR:35, F-

General Purpose Scanner 500 2 3 A-BGR:35, A-

CRB:191, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:175, F-
BGR:35, F-

Hand Scanner 100 0 2 A-BGR:35, A-

CRB:191, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:176, F-
BGR:35, F-

Holoscanner 2,000 10 5 FC:48

Hunting Goggles 600 0 5 EtU:47
Idellian Arrays ILF-6500 Life Form Scanner
900 4 5 EtU:47

Macrobinoculars 75 1 2 A-BGR:35, A-
CRB:191, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:175, F-
BGR:35, F-

PX-7 Heat Sensor 250 3 7 KtP:50

Scanner Goggles 150 0 3 A-CRB:191, E-
CRB:175, F-
Surveillance Tagger (R) 165 0 4 A-CRB:191, E-
Veridicator 200 4,000 1 8 KtP:51
Antidote Set 250 1 5 DA:50
Antishock Blanket 250 2 2 DoH:49
Athakam Medtech Military Medpac (Untrained/Emergency)
400 2 3 DC:57

Bacta (liter) 20 1 1 A-CRB:192, E-

CRB:176, F-
Bacta (tank) 4,000 12 1 A-CRB:192, E-
CRB:176, F-
Bioscan 5,000 1 2 DoH:50
Blood Scanner 400 1 5 KtP:51
CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack 450 2 4 EtU:48

Chiewab Iraps Cerebral Stabilizer 2,200 3 7 DC:57

Emergency Medpac 100 1 1 A-BGR:35, A-

CRB:192, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:176, F-
BGR:35, F-

Healer's Kit 0 2 0 SS:48

Med-Aid Patch 20 1 4 KtP:51
Medpac 400 2 2 A-BGR:35, A-
CRB:192, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:177, F-
BGR:35*, F-

Military Traumapac 50 1 3 FiB:53

Nullicaine 25 0 2 FiB:53
Plasma Protein Replicator 5,500 3 4 DoH:50
Spray Plasto-Cast 35 1 1 DoH:50
Stimpack 25 0 1 A-BGR:35, A-
CRB:193, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:177, F-
BGR:35, F-

Stimstick 5 0 2 FiB:53
Synthflesh 10 0 1 A-CRB:193, E-
CRB:177, F-
Synthskin 10 0 1 A-CRB:193, E-
CRB:177, F-
VX-38 Portable Large Animal Veterinary Kit
600 3 3 SoT:45

XV-09 Chemical Restraint Harness 1,200 2 5 SoT:44

XV-20 Portable Veterinary Kit 500 2 3 SS:48

A99 Aquata Breather 100 0 7 KtP:52
A99 Custom Biome Generator 9,000 45 4 FH:47
Breath Masks and Respirators 25 1 1 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:195, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:179, F-
BGR:36, F-

Condenser Unit 300 2 2 FiB:54

Corchemco Fire Paste 3 0 1 DC:58
Crash Survival Kit 300 5 2 A-CRB:195, E-
Czerka BC-7 Environmental Cocoon 2,000 3 4 DoH:46

Degan Explorations Syntherope 5 1 1 EtU:49

Electro-Snare 50 1 5 EtU:49
Elysium Model 2 Atmospheric Processor
4,500,000 10000 7 FH:46

Entrenching Tool 20 1 1 FiB:54

Fabritech CN-15 Camouflage Netting 100 4 2 DC:57

Fabritech CN-21 Camouflage Paint 40 0 2 DC:58

Fabritech CX-2000 Holographic Ghillie 800

Suit 1 8 DC:58

Fasclean Atmospheric Reactive Damper

200,000 300 5 FH:47

Field Ration Pack 5 0 0 E-CRB:196, F-

Gandorthral Atmospherics Scout 5 Field5Goggles 0 0 DC:58

Gandorthral Portable Survival Shelter 200 2 4 EtU:49

GX-8 Water Vaporator 2,000 12 2 FH:47

Imperial Army Canteen 7 1 1 DC:58
Imperial Army Field Rations 10 0 2 DC:58
InstaMist Generator 150 5 4 KtP:52
Jedi Utility Belt (R) 1,000 0 8 KtP:52
Kamperdine Clothing Specialists Body Glove
700 2 4 DoH:47

Luma Flare 50 1 4 KtP:52

Mk. III Modular Backpack 75 0 1 SS:46
Mk. III Modular Backpack Extra Pouch 15 0 1 SS:46

Pannier Modular Cargo Handling System

500 0 5 SS:48

Pannier Modular System Extra Cargo Container

350 0 4 SS:46
Portable Electric Perimeter Fence 800 6 5 EtU:49

Portable Power Generator 500 10 2 FiB:54

Pretormin Environmental WPR-60 100 4 1 DoH:47

Pretormin Plastent 300 3 2 FiB:54

Ration Packs 5 0 0 A-BGR:36, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:179, F-

Riding Tack 100 3 4 SS:47

Rim Excursions Inc. TaunTaun Pup Tent30 3 2 DC:58

Saddlebags 25 0 4 SS:47
Saladar Systems PED-21 Distress Beacon
50 0 1 EtU:50

Space Suit 100 4 1 A-BGR:36, A-

CRB:196, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:179, F-
BGR:36, F-

Survival Equipment Inc. "Survivalist" Mess

10 Kit 0 2 SS:47

Survival Equipment Inc. Field Kitchen 500 5 4 EtU:50

Survival Equipment Inc. FlashFire Camp60Stove 2 4 SS:47

Survival Equipment Inc. Viscera Field Dressing

300 Kit 3 5 EtU:51

Taggeco Food Preperation System 20 3 1 DC:58

Tent 100 4 1 A-CRB:196, E-

CRB:180, F-
Thermal Cloak 200 2 1 A-CRB:196, E-
CRB:180, F-
Water Purifier 50 1 2 SS:48
Wilderness Survival Kit 350 5 2 F-CRB:188
"Knack" Restraining Bolt (R) 750 0 8 DA:52
Aratech R82 Jump Boots 2,000 2 6 SoR:115
Ardos Disk (R) 10,000 1 5 LoNH:111

Beast Call 100 1 3 EtU:51, SS:46

Bioscan 2,000 1 1 ND:53

Blastech Model 58 Concealment Holster
40 0 3 DC:59

Built-in toolkit 0 0 0 SM:53

Chiles-Zraii Foreman-Series Owner's Workshop
100 Manual
1 0 SoT:46

Climbing Gear 50 1 2 A-CRB:196, E-

CRB:180, F-
Consolidated Learning Systems Transliterator
1,200 1 3 DoH:49

Corchemco "Quickflash" Burning Gel 150 1 5 EtU:52

Corchemco Beastmaster Chem Lure 125 1 4 EtU:52

Corellia Mining Corporation EVA Powersuit

1,500 12 7 SoF:103

Corellian Technogolies Savior Anti-Grav450

Chute 1 5 SoF:103

Credit Cleaner (R) 2,500 12 7 LoNH:111

Cultural Etiquette Manual 35 0 3 DA:50
CZ-88 Heavy Loader Arm 1,500 30 3 SM:51
Data Goggles 250 1 1 DoH:49
Datapad 75 1 1 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:196, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:181, F-
BGR:36, F-

Dataspike (R) 100 1 3 SM:50

Diplomatic Authorization (R) 10,000 0 8 DA:51

Disaster Relief Kit 250 2 2 EV:50

Ealewon A-212 Tracing Console 3,000 12 6 SM:51

Emergency Repair Patch 25 0 1 A-BGR:36, A-

CRB:197, E-
CRB:182, F-

Expensive Jewelry 2,000 0 7 DA:51

Extra Reload 25 1 1 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:197, E-
BGR:36*, E-
CRB:181*, F-
BGR:36, F-

Fabritech AG/L Mk.III Targeting Goggles

1,000 1 5 SoT:45

False Credentials (R) 800 0 7 FC:50

Foot Speeder 2,000 4 4 EV:50
Fusion Cutter 175 2 2 A-CRB:197
Fusion Lantern 150 2 2 A-CRB:197, E-
CRB:181, F-
Glow Rod 10 1 0 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:197, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:181, F-
BGR:36, F-

Gravity Belt 500 0 6 SoF:101

Hologoggles 6,000 1 6 DoH:49
HoloNet Homing Beacon 500 0 3 ND:54
Imperial Army Entrenching Tool 20 1 1 DC:59

Insider's Guide 25 0 2 DA:52

Integrated Public Address System 200 4 4 DA:52

Jet Pack 4,500 2 7 E-CRB:181

Journeyman Tools Inc. Custom Tool Kit700 5 5 SoT:45

Lightsaber Maintenance Kit (R) 700 2 9 KtP:53

Loronar Corporation Excavator Precision
500Tool Kit 5 7 EtU:52

MDD-12 "Mercantiler" Datapad 250 1 3 FH:48

Mechanical Dianoga 225 4 4 SM:52

Merr-Sonn "Rider" Ascension Pistol 275 1 4 DA:52

Merr-Sonn VX-A Intelligent Toolbox 2,500 3 8 SM:52

Microaxial Starmapper Handheld Navicomputer

3,500 1 8 SS:49

Microdata P-2 Pocket Attache 800 1 6 LoNH:111

Military Field Manual 25 1 2 A-CRB:197
Mon Calamari Organic Gil 200 1 5 SoR:115
Musical Instrument (Common) 100 5 2 FH:48

Musical Instrument (High Quality) 1,500 5 4 FH:48

Musical Instrument (Legendary) 20,000 5 10 FH:48

OR-Series Tech Recycling Station 1,500 10 5 SM:52

Outlaw Tech Data Breaker (R) 1,000 1 6 E-CRB:186

Outlaw Tech Flesh Camouflage Set (R) 2,500 2 7 E-CRB:186

Outlaw Tech Personal Stealth Field (R) 20,000 1 9 E-CRB:186

Repulsor Assist Unit 620 1 3 EtU:51

Repulsor Clamp 250 3 1 SM:52
Rocket Boots 2,500 2 8 ND:53
Signature Modulation Pad (R) 250 2 7 SM:51
Signet Ring 750 0 7 DA:53
Skifter (R) 500 0 6 FC:50
Species Database 150 2 2 DA:53
Specimen Containers (large) 150 5 3 EtU:53
Specimen Containers (medium) 50 3 2 EtU:53

Specimen Containers (small) 25 1 2 EtU:53

Specimen Containers (tiny) 10 0 1 EtU:53
Sporting Macrobinoculars 250 1 2 NoP:105
Surveyor's Tools 500 6 6 SS:49
Synoptic Teacher 8,500 1 4 DoH:49
Thermal Cutter 125 2 3 NoP:105
Thunderhead Portable Entertainment2,500
System 10 4 FH:47

Tool Kit 350 4 2 A-BGR:36, A-

CRB:198, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:181, F-
BGR:36, F-

Tracker's Goggles 600 0 5 ND:54

Tranlang Holo V Audio/Visual Translator
750 1 3 EtU:54

Urban Compass 125 1 1 EV:51

Utility Belt 25 0 0 A-CRB:198, E-
CRB:183, F-
Vergence Starchart 1,000 0 10 NoP:106
Verpine Bond Guantlets 250 1 6 SoR:115
Verpine Headband 500 1 6 SoR:15
Weapon Maintenance Kit 450 2 3 SS:49
WJ-880 Blinding Helmet (R) 10 3 8 KtP:53
3-MAL Secure Comlink 250 0 4 FiB:52
Atgar Artillery Remote 400 1 7 FiB:52
Bespin Motors Remote DVI Activator (long
1,500 range) 0 7 SoF:100

Bespin Motors Remote DVI Activator (short

300 range) 0 4 SoF:100

Bothawui Communications Conglomerate

10,500HSI-280 Hyperwave
5 Signal
8 Interceptor

Carbanti United Electronics Whistler 1,250 3 6 SoF:100

Chedak Communications X-500 Portable Holonet Relay

75,000 15 7 FH:45
Cirenian Communications Pioneer Long-Range
1,000 Transceiver
5 3 SoF:100

Comlink (handheld) 25 0 0 A-BGR:35*, A-

CRB:186, E-
BGR:35*, E-
CRB:171, F-
BGR:35*, F-

Comlink (long range) 200 2 1 A-CRB:186, E-

CRB:171, F-
DH77 Headcomm (R) 400 0 3 FiB:52
False Voice Transmitter 1,400 4 6 SoR:111
Herzfall Communications Collar-Amp 50 0 1 FH:45

Holo-Messenger 250 0 4 A-CRB:186, E-

CRB:171, F-
Polis Massan Voicebox 50 1 6 SoR:111
PTP Link 100 2 7 SoR:111
Taggeco Shockhold Hardened Comlink450 3 4 DC:56

Verpine Comlink 250 1 6 SoR:112

Corellian Whiskey (25 bottle case) 500 20 2 SoF:102

Corellian Whiskey (bottle) 25 1 2 SoF:102

Nala Tree Frog 15 1 5 LoNH:110
Synthetic Anesthetic 35 0 4 A-CRB:188, E-
CRB:172*, F-
Synthetic Neuroparalytic (R) 75 0 6 A-CRB:188, E-
CRB:172*, F-
Synthetic Neurotoxin (R) 50 0 6 A-CRB:188, E-
CRB:172*, F-
Whyren's Reserve (20 bottle case) 1,500 10 5 SoF:102

Whyren's Reserve (bottle) 100 1 4 SoF:102

3PX-Series Protocol Droid 7,750 0 4 DA:54
5YQ-Series Protol Droid 5,500 0 3 DA:55
AC Law Enforcement Droid (R) 9,600 0 5 FH:49
Analysis Droid 7,500 0 5 F-CRB:409
Antiquated Battle Droid 6,500 0 5 E-CRB:410
Assassin Droid (R) 65,000 0 8 A-CRB:427, E-
Astromech Droid 8,250 0 3 A-CRB:428, E-
BD10-Series Assay Support Droid 8,500 0 5 DoH:54

BL0-Series Non-lethal Combat Droid 5,000 0 6 DoH:54

Butterbug Remote 700 0 4 SM:53

CT-4 Medical Droid 20,000 0 8 SoR:112
Cybot Galactica K-9 Series Hunting Droid
7,500 0 6 EtU:54

Cybot Galactica/KDY All-Terrain Exploration

8,900 Droid 0 5 EtU:55

CZ-Series Communications/Business Droid

9,000 0 4 DA:55

DUM-Series Pit Droid 450 0 1 EV:45

DZ-70 Fugitive Tracker Droid (R) 9,800 0 4 FH:49
ED-V8-Series Envoy Droid 8,000 0 7 DoH:54
Generic Remote 400 0 2 SM:53
Guardian Police Droid 8,100 0 6 EV:46
GV/3-series Guardian Droid 8,000 10 7 KtP:49
Gyrowheel 1.42.08-Series Recycling Droid
6,500 0 4 FH:50

IG-100 MangnaGuard (R) 90,000 0 10 F-CRB:409

Industrial Automation FD-Series Extinguisher

8,000 Droid10 4 SoF:102

Industrial Automation Hologlide J57 Cam

800Droid 0 3 SoF:102

Industrial Automation JC Series Pilot Droid

15,000 0 7 EtU:56

Interrogation Droid (R) 9,600 0 8 F-CRB:410

LOM-Series Protocol Droid 8,500 0 5 DA:58
LRD-Series Envoy Droid 15,000 0 5 DA:57
M-3PO-Series Military Protocol Droid
(R) 12,000 0 5 DA:56

Maintenance Droid 7,500 0 3 A-CRB:428, E-

Marksman-H Combat Training Remote350 1 5 KtP:49

Medical Droid 12,000 0 4 A-CRB:428, E-

CRB:411, F-
Medtech Mini-Med 900 0 3 FH:49
Merendata KLC Series Exchequer Droid
10,000 0 5 EtU:56

MI-Series Security Droid (R) 41,225 0 7 EV:46

P2F Hostile Environment Remote 3,500 0 4 DoH:55

Protocol Droid 8,000 0 4 A-CRB:429, E-
CRB:412, F-
Q-4 Borer Droid 2,000 0 5 SoR:113
Q7-Series Astromech Droid 6,500 0 8 SoT:47
R7-Series Astromech Droid 11,000 0 6 SoT:46
RMD-20 "Eye in the Sky" 500 1 4 KtP:50
Roche J9 Worker Drone 7,000 0 3 SoR:113
Roche Siak-series Protocol Droid 10,000 0 4 SoR:113

SBD Series Assistance and Rescue Droid

7,500 0 3 DoH:55

SDMN Series Session Droid 4,000 0 5 FH:50

Security Droid 9,600 0 5 E-CRB:412
Service Patch Remote 900 0 3 SM:53
Shield Remote 1,100 0 5 SM:53
SoroSuub Corporation 87-RM Scout Collector
6,000 0 6 EtU:57

SoroSuub Corporation Wanderer Scout Surveyor

2,500 0 6 EtU:57

SoroSuub G2 Repair Droid 6,000 0 5 SoR:114

SoroSuub Wanderer Scout Survey Droid
2,500 0 6 SoR:114

T-Series Tactical Droid (R) 8,000 0 8 LbE:45

TC-SC Infiltration Droid (R) 15,600 0 8 EV:47

TC-Series Protocol Droid 10,000 0 4 DA:55

TRD-2 Sparring Droid 7,750 0 6 DoH:55
TTS20-Series Dialectic Droid 5,400 0 7 DoH:56
Viper Probe Droid (R) 13,700 0 7 F-CRB:410

Adrenal Implant 2,250 0 5 LoNH:106
Appraiser's Eye 700 0 7 FC:48

Biofeedback Regulator 3,000 0 8 SM:49

Cybernetic Arms (Mod V and Mod VI)10,000 0 6 A-CRB:189, E-

CRB:173, F-
Cybernetic Brain Implant 10,000 0 6 A-CRB:189, E-
CRB:174, F-
Cybernetic Cavity (R) 775 0 3 FC:48

Cybernetic Eyes 7,500 0 6 A-CRB:189, E-

CRB:174, F-
Cybernetic Legs (Mod II and Mod III) 10,000 0 6 A-CRB:189, E-
CRB:173, F-
Cybernetic Reflexes 2,750 0 5 LoNH:106
Cybernetic Respirator 2,000 0 4 LoNH:107

Cybernetic Weapon 4,000 0 7 A-CRB:190*,

Cyberscanner Limb 4,000 0 7 A-CRB:190, E-
CRB:174, F-

Digital Lockpick (R) 2,750 0 5 FC:48

Escape Circuit (R) 1,000 0 6 SM:49
Gank Comm Implant 250 0 7 LoNH:107

Immune Implant 5,000 0 6 A-CRB:190, E-


Implant Armor 7,500 0 6 A-CRB:190, E-

Implanted Cyberjack 3,750 0 6 LoNH:107

Lock breacker Hand (R ) 2 200 0 6 CaM:44

Networked Slicing Uplink (R) 1,250 0 7 SM:50

Neural Recorder 250 0 8 SM:50

Neuro-Saav Cyborg/Droid Interface 600 0 4 SoR:112

Neuromachine Interface (R) 3,500 0 6 LoNH:107

Prosthetic Replacement (Limb) 2,000 0 4 A-CRB:190, E-

CRB:175*, F-
Prosthetic Replacement (Organ) 1,000 0 4 A-CRB:190, E-
CRB:175*, F-
Q-22 Retinal Tracker 2,500 0 6 LoNH:107
Repulsor Fist 4,750 0 7 LoNH:107

Surge Override Switch 1,000 0 6 SM:50

Swift 78B Vessel Courier System 5,000 0 6 SoR:112

Taggeco CAAF-2 System Cybernetic Avionics

8,000 Interface
0 6 SoF:101

Loaded Chance Cubes (R) 100 1 5 LoNH:108
Marked Sabacc Deck (R) 500 1 6 LoNH:108
Advanced Flesh Camouflage Kit (R) 2,500 2 7 A-CRB:193

AL-DR8 Grav-Binders 300 1 7 KtP:51

Authentication Tools 100 1 5 DA:50
Binders 25 0 0 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:193, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:178, F-
BGR:36, F-

Biotech "Bag and Tag" Forensics Investigation

450 Kit 4 4 FH:46

Blackops Data Breaker (R) 1,000 1 6 E-CRB:193

Comm Jammer 400 4 3 A-CRB:194, E-
Comm Scrambler 1,000 0 5 A-CRB:194, E-
Communications Media Manipulator 400 6 6 DA:50

Concealed Recorder 175 0 5 DA:50

Data Dead Drop (R) 150 0 7 DA:50
Disguise Kit 100 2 4 A-BGR:35, A-
CRB:194, E-
BGR:35, E-
CRB:178, F-
BGR:36, F-

Electronic Lock Breaker (R) 1,000 1 5 A-BGR:36, A-

CRB:194, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:178, F-
BGR:36, F-

Explosive Shackles (R) 500 2 6 LoNH:109

Falsified Credentials (R) 800 0 7 DA:51
Fingerprint Masque (R) 1,000 0 7 FC:50
Forgery Tools (R) 650 2 8 DA:51
Lockpicking Tools (R) 50 1 8 FC:49
Magna-Lock Safe 1,000 12 5 FC:49
MCI-100 Magnacuffs 100 1 4 FH:46
Merr-Sonn Model 31 Palm Stunner (R) 500 1 5 EV:49

Personal Stealth Field (R) 20,000 1 9 A-CRB:195

Personal Transponder 100 0 4 KtP:51

Restraining Bolt 35 0 0 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:195, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:178, F-
BGR:36, F-

Scramble Key (R) 750 1 4 EV:49

Security Sweeper 400 1 6 DA:53
Shadowcloak (R) 2,500 2 6 FC:49
Shift Coffer 2,500 5 7 FC:49
Slicer Gear 500 2 4 A-CRB:195, E-
Sound Dampener 600 2 7 DA:53
Stun Cuffs 100 0 5 KtP:52
Thalassian Security Collar (R) 300 1 5 LoNH:108
Avabush Spice (1 dose) (R) 35 0 6 E-CRB:183
Avabush Spice (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 2,000 3 7 E-CRB:183

Booster Blue (1 dose) (R) 10 0 5 E-CRB:184

Booster Blue (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 750 3 6 E-CRB:184

Death Sticks (1 dose) (R) 5 0 1 E-CRB:185

Death Sticks (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 250 3 2 E-CRB:185

Frangawl Force Powder (1 dose) (R) 2,000 0 10 NoP:105

Glitterstim (1 dose) (R) 100 0 7 E-CRB:184

Glitterstim (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 5,000 5 8 E-CRB:184

Gunjack Spice (1 dose) (R) 75 1 5 LoNH:110

Gunjack Spice (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 8,500 25 7 LoNH:110

Impact (1 dose) (R) 125 0 6 FC:50

Impact (100 dose cargo container) (R) 10,000 5 7 FC:50

Ji Rikknit (1 dose) 50 0 6 SoF:103

Ji Rikknit (100 dose cargo container) 3,000 5 7 SoF:103

Karrak Spice (1 dose) (R) 80 0 7 EV:48

Karrak Spice (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 6,400 5 8 EV:48
Lesai (1 dose) (R) 500 0 9 E-CRB:184
Lesai (20 dose enviro-sealed cargo pod)
(R) 7,500 2 10 E-CRB:184

Longsight (1 dose) (R) 650 0 8 NoP:105

Marcan Herb (1 dose) 20 1 4 LoNH:110
Marcan Herb (100 dose cargo container)
1,750 25 5 LoNH:110

Muon Gold (1 dose) (R) 50 0 6 FC:51

Muon Gold (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 4,000 3 6 FC:51

Nannarium Root (1 dose) 200 0 6 SoF:103

Neutron Pixie (1 dose) (R) 100 1 6 LoNH:111
Neutron Pixie (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 8,500 25 7 LoNH:111

Questioner-9 Interrogation Serum (1(R)

300 0 6 EV:48

Questioner-9 Interrogation Serum (100 dose cargo container)

(R) 24,000 5 7 EV:48

Ryll (1 dose) (R) 50 1 4 LoNH:110

Ryll (100 dose cargo container) (R) 4,500 25 5 LoNH:110

Ryshcate (cake) 10 0 2 SoF:103

Sleeppack (1 dose) 250 0 3 ND:55
Sulfur Inhaler (10 doses) 120 0 3 ND:55,
Yaladai Spice (1 dose) (R) 1,000 0 7 EV:48
Yaladai Spice (100 dose cargo container)
(R) 80,000 5 8 EV:48

Yarrock (1 dose) (R) 350 0 8 E-CRB:185

Yarrock (100 dose cargo container) (R) 20,000 3 9 E-CRB:185

Built-in comms suite 0 0 0 EV:45
Backpack 50 0 0 A-BGR:36, A-
CRB:198, E-
BGR:36, E-
CRB:180, F-
BGR:36, F-

Creshaldyne Mk. IV Modular Backpack 75 0 1 EtU:51

Imperial Army Military Pack 60 0 0 DC:59

Load-Bearing Gear 100 0 3 A-CRB:198
Military Modular Backpack Frame 10 0 2 FiB:55

Military Modular Backpack: Comms Unit

500 2 4 FiB:55
Military Modular Backpack: Oxygen Unit
300 3 3 FiB:55

Military Modular Backpack: Power Unit250 3 3 FiB:55

Military Modular Backpack: Sensor Unit

3,000 2 3 FiB:55

Military Modular Backpack: Storage Unit

25 0 2 FiB:55

Military Modular Backpack: Temperature

500 Control Unit
2 3 FiB:55

Modular Backpack Extra Pouch 15 0 1 EtU:51

Rim Excursions Inc. Military Belt Pouch10 0 0 DC:59

Sleight Box (R) 400 2 6 DA:53

Spacer's Duffel 50 0 0 EtU:53
Surveyor's Bag 50 0 1 EtU:53

Utility Belt 25 0 0 A-CRB:198, E-

CRB:183, F-
Wizard Pouch 50 0 4 NoP:106
Dendriton Toxin (R) 125 0 7 LoNH:109
Dioxis Gas (R) 100 0 6 LoNH:109
Poisoner's Ring (R) 500 0 7 DA:52
Raquor Venom (R) 150 0 7 LoNH:109
Ancient Talismans
Bardottan Sphere 50,000 0 10 NoP:109

Crown of Verity 6,000 0 9 NoP:110

Demon Mask (R) 4,000 1 10 F-CRB:190

Dolina Ring Seeds 18,000 0 10 NoP:113

Dram of Orphne 9,000 0 8 NoP:111

Eyes of Laqasa 2,000 0 10 NoP:108

Grimoire of Syclos the Lame 4,000 0 10 NoP:107

Herder's Gauntlet 8,000 0 9 NoP:110

Holocron (R) 100,000 1 10 F-CRB:190

Master Lodaka's Lightsaber (R) 20,000 0 10 NoP:112

Meditation Focus (R) 4,000 1 10 F-CRB:190

Talisman of Iron Fists (R) 8,000 1 10 F-CRB:190

Taradon's Helm 11,000 0 10 NoP:112

Tears of the Elders 7,500 0 9 NoP:107

Adamite Signet Ring 500 0 8 NoP:105
BPEA-IA Cascader 1,800 0 8 LbE:44
Dress Uniform 100 1 5 LbE:44
Ribon Rack 15 0 4 LbE:44
Symbol of Command 100 1 3 LbE:44
Field Equipment
1.4 FD P-Tower Light Anti-Vehicle Battery
4,000 0 2 LbE:46

AlderaanMotors Heat Sink Power Generator

550 0 2 LbE:46

CryonCorp MK. I Cat's Eye Multipurpose Sensor Suite

(R) 2,750 0 5 LbE:46

DefenStar Ltd. Nyalsan II Planetary(R)

Shield Generator0
460,000 6 LbE:47

Delvin Constructs Com C-52 Modular 1,750

Command Center
0 2 LbE:48

Devlin Constructs BKR B-70 Modular Reinforced

4,900 Bunker
0 3 LbE:48

Devlin Constructs Fac L-120 Modular Motor

1,200 Pool 0 2 LbE:48

Devlin Constructs HNG F-104 Modular2,200

Hanger 0 2 LbE:48

Devlin Constructs MilBar F-122 Modular Barracks 0

2,000 3 LbE:48

Golan Arms DF.11 Anti-Infantry Battery

(R) 7,500 0 5 LbE:48

TacNet Tatical Data Network 1,000 0 3 LbE:49

Scanning and Surveillance
Applied Imaging B310 Micro-Imager 5,250 2 2 DoH:47

Dalabar SDS-632 Surveillance Detector450 1 3 DoH:48

Fabritech 7000 Geoscanner 4,800 2 3 DoH:48

Infrabinoculars 350 1 5 EV:48
Infrabinoculars (with long-range sensors)
500 1 6 EV:48

Low-Feedback Scanner 700 4 5 FiB:53

Microdroid Listener (R) 1,500 0 6 EV:48
Paradour Enterprises Signature Scent Synthesizer 1
1,500 4 DoH:48

SE-Vigilant Automated Sensor 3,000 2 2 FiB:53

SuriTech Foodstuffs Ez1 Analyzer 300 1 3 DoH:48

TaggecCo Privacy-7 Audio Curtain 500 4 6 EV:49

Illegal Equipment
Com-Scan (R) 5,000 10 6 ND:54
Holographic Disguise Matrix (R) 10,000 1 9 ND:54

Saline Pump 2,500 1 7 ND:55

When used within the region for which it is programmed—Core Worlds, Inner Rim, Mid
Rim, or specific Outer Rim territories—the Mercantiler datapad grants □ to any
Negotiation skill checks made to buy or sell goods.
An adrenal implant provides 1 rank of the Rapid Recovery talent.
An appraiser’s eye provides automatic Advantage on Negotiation and Streetwise checks
to buy or sell items.
A biofeedback regulator increases the character's cybernetic implant cap by two

A cybernetic brain implant provides + 1 Intellect and includes a comlink and computer
access link.

A character with this cybernetic can use the Hidden Storage talent to conceal items
within his own body.

Users with cybernetic eyes gain +1 Vigilance and Perception.

Cybernetic reflexes provide 1 rank of the Rapid Reaction talent.
A cybernetic respirator permanently provides a character with the benefits of a breath
mask and respirator

Cyberscanner limbs typically display data on a holoprojector that appears above the
user's open palm and can show nearby motion, lifeforms, energy signatures, and other
common targets as desired. The Mod IV Scanner Limb incorporates a portable scanner
and, unlike most cybernetics, is concealed by a synthflesh covering to disguise that there
is anything out of the ordinary about the limb.

A digital lockpick provides 1 rank of the Bypass Security talent

Droide only
Characters with Gank comm implants can communicate silently with each other at
ranges of up to several kilometers. Since these implants do not use audible information
exchange, they cannot be used to communicate with a normal comlink.

Characters with Gank comm implants can communicate silently with each other at
ranges of up to several kilometers.
Implant armor provides + 1 soak

Once per check, a character with an implanted cyberjack may suffer 2 strain to decrease
the difficulty of a Computers check to disable a security device or slice into a computer
system by one.

1 rank in Bypass Security Talent and adds 1 blue dice in skuldgery and computer check to
defat lock

droide only
Neural recorders allow the user to make an Easy (+) Discipline check to recall any
information experienced while the recorder was running.

When piloting a vehicle with the linked control device, a character with a neuromachine
interface may use his Coordination skill in place of the Pilot (Planetary) or Pilot (Space)

A retinal tracker provides automatic Advantage on Gunnery and Ranged (Heavy) checks.
A repulsor grip provides one rank of the Defensive Stance talent and counts as a Brawl
weapon with a damage of 8, a Critical Rating of 3, and the Concussive 1 and Slow-Firing 2

a surge override switch may make an Average Discipline check. If he succeeds. he may
reactivate any number of cybernetic implants that have been overloaded

A character with a cybernetic avionics interface and at least 1 rank in Piloting (Planetary)
or Piloting (Space) gains + 1 to the appropriate Piloting skill when flying a starship or
Ecumbrance +4

Encumbrance +3 , +3 with additionnal pouches

Ecumbrance +6
Ecumbrance +3
can add 2 military modular backpack
Encumbrance +3

remove 2 black dices to resiste heat and cold

It can hold two items that have encumbrance 0. The user can draw these items as an

Encumbrance +2

Encumbrance +1

While the Sphere is in a character’s possession, the character’s Force rating increases by
one. If the character sacrifices a living being to store its life force in the Sphere, then the
character’s Force rating increases by the Force rating of the sacrificed being, as long as
that creature’s Force rating was 1 or higher. However, a character who uses the Sphere
during a session gains 5 Conflict at the at the end of the session, in addition to any
Conflict accrued due to any sacrifices the character makes to power the Sphere.

A Force-sensitive character who dons the Crown of Verity automatically fails all
Deception checks while wearing it. At the same time, she gains automatic & & # on any
checks to detect lies or determine whether someone is telling the truth.

A Force-sensitive character wearing a demon mask increases his wound threshold by 2

while he is a dark side Force user. Furthermore, characters making Discipline checks to
resist fear caused by a character wearing a demon mask add ■ equal to that character’s
Force rating.
A Force-sensitive character who possesses a dolina ring seed may perform one free
Move maneuver during each of his turns. This Move maneuver may be in addition to any
other maneuvers performed this turn and can allow the character to perform three
maneuvers in a turn. (The user also ignores the ring seed’s weight.)

A Force-sensitive character who possesses the Dram of Orphne heals 1 additional strain
at the end of an encounter. A Force-sensitive character who possesses the Dram of
Orphne also heals 1 additional wound when benefiting from natural rest. Finally, when
making a Medicine check to heal another character, any character with the Dram of
Orphne may add □ to the check.

When wearing the Eyes of Laqasa, Force-sensitive characters remove all ■ imposed due
to darkness, concealment, camouflage, or similar effects, and can see normally as if in
normal daylight.

Studying the Grimoire of Syclos the Lame for at least one hour allows a Force-sensitive
character to add O to all Force power checks or checks involving Force talents when
dealing with creatures detailed in the Grimoire. The bonus lasts until the end of the
game session.

A Force-sensitive character who wears the Herder’s Gauntlet counts as possessing the
Move basic power, and may make a Move Force power action as a maneuver. A
character who does so may not attack an opponent with this use of the Force power

Master Lodaka’s Lightsaber is a weapon with the following profile: (Lightsaber; Damage
10; Critical 1; Range [Engaged]; Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 2).
Master Lodaka’s Lightsaber has an encumbrance of 1 and zero hard points. Attacks made
with this lightsaber ignore the Cortosis quality. It also cannot be shut down due to
contact with refined cortosis.

A Force-sensitive character who has a meditation focus increases his strain threshold by
2 while he is a light side paragon.

If the wearer of the Talisman of Iron Fists is Force- sensitive, he gains the Cortosis
quality, which means that any armor he wears gains the Cortosis quality and his Brawl
attacks gain the Cortosis quality. Furthermore, his Brawl attacks gain Pierce X, where X is
his current Force rating.

A Force-sensitive character who possesses Taradon’s Helm may reroll one O when
making checks that involve piloting or using a starship or vehicle. If there is some
question as to whether the check involves piloting or using a starship or vehicle, the CM
is the final arbiter.

Once per game session, when a Force-sensitive character holds the Tear of the Elders,
the character may make a Force power check. As part of this check, the character may
spend 3 3 to detect one threat the PC is likely to encounter during the current game

Droids Gear Price Encum Rarity Index

3PX-Series Protocol Droid 7,750 0 4 DA:54

1 1 3 1 1 2

5YQ-Series Protol Droid 5,500 0 3 DA:55

1 1 3 1 1 2

AC Law Enforcement Droid (R) 9,600 0 5 FH:49

Analysis Droid 7,500 0 5 F-CRB:409

1 1 4 1 1 1

Antiquated Battle Droid 6,500 0 5 E-CRB:410

Assassin Droid (R) 65,000 0 8 A-CRB:427, E-

Astromech Droid 8,250 0 3 A-CRB:428, E-
BD10-Series Assay Support Droid
8,500 0 5 DoH:54
1 1 4 3 1 3
BL0-Series Non-lethal Combat 5,000
Droid 0 6 DoH:54

Butterbug Remote 700 0 4 SM:53

CT-4 Medical Droid 20,000 0 8 SoR:112

1 1 3 1 2 1

Cybot Galactica K-9 Series Hunting

7,500Droid 0 6 EtU:54

Cybot Galactica/KDY All-Terrain8,900

Exploration Droid
0 5 EtU:55

CZ-Series Communications/Business
9,000 Droid 0 4 DA:55
1 1 3 2 1 2

DUM-Series Pit Droid 450 0 1 EV:45

DZ-70 Fugitive Tracker Droid (R) 9,800 0 4 FH:49
ED-V8-Series Envoy Droid 8,000 0 7 DoH:54
1 1 3 2 1 1

Generic Remote 400 0 2 SM:53

Guardian Police Droid 8,100 0 6 EV:46
GV/3-series Guardian Droid 8,000 10 7 KtP:49

Gyrowheel 1.42.08-Series Recycling

6,500 Droid 0 4 FH:50

IG-100 MangnaGuard (R) 90,000 0 10 F-CRB:409

Industrial Automation FD-Series Extinguisher10Droid 4
8,000 SoF:102

Industrial Automation Hologlide800

J57 Cam Droid
0 3 SoF:102

Industrial Automation JC Series Pilot Droid 0

15,000 7 EtU:56

Interrogation Droid (R) 9,600 0 8 F-CRB:410

LOM-Series Protocol Droid 8,500 0 5 DA:58

1 1 3 1 1 2

LRD-Series Envoy Droid 15,000 0 5 DA:57

1 1 2 1 2 3

M-3PO-Series Military Protocol Droid

(R) 12,000 0 5 DA:56
1 1 3 1 2 1

Maintenance Droid 7,500 0 3 A-CRB:428, E-

Marksman-H Combat Training Remote
350 1 5 KtP:49

Medical Droid 12,000 0 4 A-CRB:428, E-

CRB:411, F-
Medtech Mini-Med 900 0 3 FH:49
Merendata KLC Series Exchequer Droid
10,000 0 5 EtU:56

MI-Series Security Droid (R) 41,225 0 7 EV:46

P2F Hostile Environment Remote

3,500 0 4 DoH:55
Protocol Droid 8,000 0 4 A-CRB:429, E-
CRB:412, F-
CRB:410 1 1 3 1 1 2

Q-4 Borer Droid 2,000 0 5 SoR:113

Q7-Series Astromech Droid 6,500 0 8 SoT:47

R7-Series Astromech Droid 11,000 0 6 SoT:46

RMD-20 "Eye in the Sky" 500 1 4 KtP:50

Roche J9 Worker Drone 7,000 0 3 SoR:113

1 2 3 1 2 1

Roche Siak-series Protocol Droid

10,000 0 4 SoR:113
1 1 3 2 2 2

SBD Series Assistance and Rescue Droid

7,500 0 3 DoH:55

SDMN Series Session Droid 4,000 0 5 FH:50

Security Droid 9,600 0 5 E-CRB:412

Service Patch Remote 900 0 3 SM:53
Shield Remote 1,100 0 5 SM:53
SoroSuub Corporation 87-RM Scout Collector0
6,000 6 EtU:57

SoroSuub Corporation Wanderer Scout Surveyor

2,500 0 6 EtU:57

SoroSuub G2 Repair Droid 6,000 0 5 SoR:114

SoroSuub Wanderer Scout Survey Droid

2,500 0 6 SoR:114

T-Series Tactical Droid (R) 8,000 0 8 LbE:45

TC-SC Infiltration Droid (R) 15,600 0 8 EV:47

TC-Series Protocol Droid 10,000 0 4 DA:55

1 1 3 1 1 2

TRD-2 Sparring Droid 7,750 0 6 DoH:55

TTS20-Series Dialectic Droid 5,400 0 7 DoH:56
2 1 3 2 1 4
Viper Probe Droid (R) 13,700 0 7 F-CRB:410
Skill Talent

Charm 1, Knowledge (Education)

3, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 3,
Knowledge (Xenology) 3,
Negotiation 2.

Charm 1, Knowledge (Education)

1, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 1,
Knowledge (Lore) 1, Knowledge
(Outer Rim) 1, Knowledge None
(Underworld) 1, Knowledge
(Warfare) 1, Knowledge
(Xenology) 1.

Technical Aptitude 2 (analysis droids reduce

Computers, Knowledge
the amount of time to complete computer-
related tasks by 50%).

Charm 2,Knowledge (outer rim)

3, negociation 2

Bacta Specialist 2 (patients heal 2 additional

wounds when they heal wounds via bacta
Computers 1. Discipline 1,
tanks or long-term care), Surgeon 1 (when
Knowledge (Xenol- ogy) 3,
making a Medicine check to help a character
Medicine 3, Perception 2.
heal wounds, the target heals I additional

Knowledge (Education) 3,
Knowledge (Core Worlds) 2, None
Negotiation 4, Perception 1
Knowledge (Education) 2,
Knowledge (Outer rim) 3,
Negotiation 4, Perception 1

Charm 2, Knowledge (Education)

3, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 2,
Knowledge (Xenology) 3,
Negotiation 2.

Charm 2, Knowledge (Education)

2, Negotiation 2, Perception 2.

Discipline 1, Knowledge
(Education) 3, Knowledge None
(Warfare) 3, Vigilance 2.
Charm 2, Knowledge (Education)
3, Knowledge (Xenology) 3, None
Negotiation 2, Perception 1.

Charm 1, Knowledge (Education)

4, Knowledge (Xenology) 3, None
Negotiation 2

Charm 3, Knowledge (Education)

2, Knowledge (Xenology) 3, None
Negotiation 3.

Charm 2, Knowledge (Education)

3, Knowledge (Xenology) 3, None
Negotiation 1, Perception 2.

see book None


allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate

allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate

Silhouette 0

allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate in the outer rim.

allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate).
allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks
made to negotiate or mediate with any non-humanoide species.

allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate), insectoid appearance (LOM-
series protocol droids allow allies to remove ■ from Negotiation
checks or other checks made to negotiate or mediate when
dealing with insectoid species).

rhetorical mimic (may make Charm, Deception, and Negotiation

checks using the characteristics and skills of its master; such
checks suffer ■ ■ due to the imperfect mimicry, and the droid
does not benefit from any relevant talents that its master

allow allies to add □ to any Knowledge (Warfare) checks that

benefit from an understanding of logistics or military procedure).
allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks
made to negotiate or mediate



allow allies to add □ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate),
advanced language module (when encountering a new species or
language not in its databases

allow allies to add □□ to any Negotiation checks or other checks

made to negotiate or mediate in the outer rim.


Built-in diagnostic and surgical tools (counts as

medpac as well as stimpack that can be used
once per session), synthflesh applicator (can
administer application of synthflesh five times per
Olfactory and microwave sensors (add □ □ to
Perception checks).
Social Skill prix
BPEA-1A Cascader 1800

Mercantile datapad 250

Ashla staff 3000
Lightweight frame 650
Vision Cube 1000
Armor 11300
Crafted armor 500
Armor insert 450
integrated holster 300
Biofeedback 3300
Enhanced optic 1750
Superior 5000
Chedak Communications Multi- 200
Lightsaber 1 17500
Curved Hilt 500
Reinforced Magnetic Shield 4000
Superior 5000
Tholotion Hilt 8000

Lightsaber 2
Lightfoil Hilt 350
Training lightsaber emitter 200
reflex grip 4000

craft LS
Diego 0
Light saber Maintenance kit 700
When wearing a Cascader, a PC upgrades all Charm, Deception, and Leadership checks he makes
When used within the region for which it is programmed—Core Worlds, Inner Rim, Mid Rim, or specific Outer Rim territori

+3 stress pour un pips

-2 encombrement
+1 pips

6 succes +2HP ; 2 succes +1 avantage charm

2HP ; +4 strain
+1 vigilance
+1 soak - 1 enc
0HP ; long range comm link

+1 avantage ; +1 defensive
+2 Concussive ; +1 disoriente ; +1 pierce ; + 1 knockdown
+1 avantage
+2 succes

+2 defensive
crafté 3 succes = +1 defensive
+1 parry/reflect ; +1 defensive +1 deflection

bras +2 bleu; gadget +1 succes +1 avantage; low grav +1 avantage

+1 avantage - (R ) et RARE 9 !!!!
+1 bleu
m, or specific Outer Rim territories—the Mercantiler datapad grants □ to any Negotiation skill checks made to buy or sell goods. These

to buy or sell goods. These datapads grant no bonuses outside of their specific region.
Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:

Mod 1 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 2 : Installed:
Mod 3 : Installed:
Mod 4 : Installed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 1
nbre de jet: 10000
nbre de dé: 1
resultat: -0.0139

9 10 11 12
1 2 2 2

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