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Differential Calculus — Test 1

1. A company’s share price increased exponentially from R21, 50 in January 2016 to R38, 70 in
June 2016. If the equation,
y = y0 ekt ,

is used to model the exponential growth of the company’s share price y (in rands) t months
after January 2016, then use the model to predict the company’s share price (rounded to the
nearest cent) in July 2016.

2. The table below gives a country’s total revenue from taxes, T (x) (in billions of dollars), when
the rate of taxation is x percent.

T (x) 420 500 430 375

x 10 15 20 25

Calculate the average rate of change of the country’s total revenue from taxes if the rate of
taxation increases from 10% to 25%.

3. The average cost when x units are produced is

3x3 + 20x2
AC(x) = rands per unit.
x3 + 1
Determine the average cost if infinitely many units are produced.

4. The total revenue when x units of a product are sold is

R(x) = 20x − x2 rands

and the total cost to produce x units of the product is

C(x) = 4x + 64 rands.

Calculate the rate of change of revenue with respect to the number of units sold when break-
even occurs.

5. The demand function for a product is given by

8 000
p(x) =
and the supply function for the product is given by
2 000x
p(x) =
2x + 5
where p(x) is the unit price (in rands) and x is the number of units of the product. Calculate
the rate of change of the supply function with respect to the number of units when equilibrium
6. Given the profit function,
1 3
P (x) = x − 6x2 + 32x − 20,
where x is the number of units produced and sold. How many units must be produced and
sold for profit to increase at an increasing rate?

7. One thousand units of a product are demanded when the unit price of the product is R80.
However, if demand increases by twenty units every time the unit price decreases by fifty
cents, then determine the unit price of the product for which the revenue from the sale of
the product is a relative maximum.

8. If the unit price of a product is p rands, then consumers will demand q thousand units of the
product where
p2 − 3pq + q 2 = 20.

Determine the rate of change of demand with respect to unit price when the unit price is R2.

9. Given below is the graph of the total cost function , C(x) (in rands), where x is the number
of units produced.




30 50

(a) Determine the equation of the straight line, y = mx + c, that is tangent to the graph of
the total cost function at x = 30 given that C ′ (30) = R6, 50 per unit.

(b) If y = 8, 5x − 394 is the equation of the straight line that is tangent to the graph of the
total cost function at x = 50, then state with reasons which is greater: the approximate
cost of producing the 31st unit or the approximate cost of producing the 51st unit.
10. A company makes and sells two products, namely, product X and product Y . It costs R2 to
make each unit of product X and it costs R3 to make each unit of product Y . If each unit
of product X is sold for Rx and each unit of product Y is sold for Ry, then there will be a
demand for
q(x, y) = units of product X
5x + 3y
q(x, y) = units of product Y .
4x + 7y
Calculate the company’s total profit from making and selling both products if each unit of
product X is sold for R5 and each unit of product Y is sold for R6.

11. If a factory uses x skilled workers and y unskilled workers, then

f (x, y) = 20,1x+0,3y thousand units

of a product will be produced. Determine (rounded to the nearest unit) the marginal produc-
tivity of skilled workers if the factory uses three skilled workers and five unskilled workers.

12. Given that (15, 2) is a critical point of a function f (x, y) where

fx (x, y) = −x + y 2 + 11,

fy (x, y) = 2xy − 12y 2 − 12.

Show that f (15, 2) is the relative maximum value of the function.

13. Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to determine the maximum value of the function,

f (x, y) = −x2 + 56x − 3xy − 3y 2 + 102y + 8,

subject to the constraint, 8x + 15y = 108.

Differential and Integral Calculus — Test 2

1. The total cost to produce x units of a product is

C(x) = x2 + 200 rands

and the total revenue when x units of the product are sold is

R(x) = 40x − x2 rands.

Show that profit is increasing at a decreasing rate when five units of the product are produced
and sold.

2. The supply of a product, q (in thousands of units), is related to the price of the product, p
(in rands), by means of the equation,

q 2 + 2q = 5p2 ,

where p and q are both functions of time, t (in months). Calculate the rate of change of
supply with respect to time, dq/dt, at the instant that the price of the product is R4 and is
increasing at a rate of eighteen cents per month.

3. A manufacturer has an annual demand for 7 000 units of a product. It costs the manufacturer
R75 to make one unit of the product, R125 to set up the factory to be able to make the
product and R7 to store one unit of the product for one year. The manufacturer’s annual
cost to make and store the product is

24 500
T (x) = 125x + + 525 000 rands

where x is the number of batches made every year. Determine the manufacturer’s absolute
minimum annual cost if the factory can be set up to produce between 1 400 units and 3 500
units per batch.
5. The profit from the production and sale of x units of product X and y units of product Y is

P (x, y) = −x3 + x2 − 12x + 6xy − y 2 − 10y + 12 000 rands.

(a) Determine the critical points of the profit function.

(b) Evaluate
M (x, y) = Pxx (x, y) · Pyy (x, y) − Pxy (x, y)

for each of the critical points obtained in (a).

(c) Based only on the values of Pxx (x, y) and M (x, y) in (b), for which critical point will the
value of the profit function be a relative maximum?

6. The marginal profit when x units of a product are produced and sold is

P ′ (x) = 20x2 − 40x + 10 rands per unit.

If the profit when six units are produced and sold is R778, then calculate the profit when
nine units are produced and sold.

7. The marginal revenue when x units of a product are sold is

R′ (x) = 3x x2 + 5 rands per unit.

Calculate (rounded to the nearest cent) the exact change in revenue if the number of units
sold increases from ten to fifteen.

8. If the demand function for a product is,

p(x) = 80 − x,

and the supply function for the product is,

p(x) = ,
x + 10

where p(x) is the price (in rands per unit) and x is the number of units of the product, then
calculate (rounded to the nearest cent) the producers’ surplus.
9. The marginal revenue, R′ (x) (in rands per unit), when x units of a product are sold is given
in the table below.

units sold, x 5 6 7 8 9
marginal revenue, R′ (x) 2,46 2,48 2,24 2,86 2,11

Using the trapezium rule with n = 4, approximate (rounded to the nearest cent) the change
in revenue when the number of units sold increases from five to nine.

10. The differential equation,

= x ln x,
describes the rate of change of profit, y (in millions of rands), with respect to the number
of units sold, x (in millions of units). Determine the particular solution of the differential
equation given that the profit was R2 million when one million units were sold.
Financial Mathematics — Test 3

1. A man is granted a loan now at 4% pa simple interest. If the man needs R800 to repay the
loan three months from now, then how much money (rounded to the nearest cent) will he
need to repay the loan nine months from now.

2. R50 000 was deposited into a savings account and accumulated to R60 000 after 4, 6 years.
Determine (rounded to three decimal places) the nominal interest rate if interest was com-
pounded every six months.

3. How long (to the nearest day) will it take for R500 to accumulate to R600 if interest is
calculated at a rate of 8% pa compounded every two months?

4. R5 000 was deposited into an account that earns interest at a rate of 8% pa compounded
every three months. After eighteen months an additional x rands was deposited into the
account and the interest rate changed to 9% pa compounded every four months at this time.
Two years after this additional deposit was made, the amount of money in the account was
equal to R7 619, 02. Determine x (rounded to the nearest rand).

5. Regular equal deposits were made every month into an account that earns interest at a rate
of 8% pa compounded monthly. Determine (rounded to the nearest cent) the amount in the
account immediately after the sixth payment was made given that the amount in the account
immediately after the fifth payment was made was equal to R4 741, 18.

6. Twelve consecutive equal monthly deposits of R1 000 were made into a savings account that
earns interest at a rate of 10% pa.
Starting three months after the last deposit of R1 000 was made, sixteen consecutive equal
monthly deposits of R2 000 were also made into the savings account. Calculate (rounded to
the nearest cent) the total amount of money in the savings account immediately after the
last deposit of R2 000 was made.

7. How much money (rounded to the nearest cent) must be deposited into an account now that
pays 8,5% pa compounded continuously such that consecutive equal amounts of R25 000
may be withdrawn from the account every three months in perpetuity starting ten years
from now?
8. A man has two daughters. His eldest daughter will be twelve years old nine months from
now and his youngest daughter will be eight years old three months from now.
Starting three months from now and ending when his youngest daughter turns eighteen, the
man will make regular equal quarterly deposits Pt into a savings account that earns interest
at a rate of 6% pa.
Immediately after his twenty-seventh deposit, the man will withdraw R100 000 from the
savings account to give to his eldest daughter on her eighteenth birthday at that time.
Immediately after his last deposit, the man will withdraw all the money from the savings
account to give to his youngest daughter on her eighteenth birthday at that time.
Determine Pt (rounded to the nearest cent) if the value of the man’s second withdrawal is
R125 000.

9. To be able to retire on his sixtieth birthday, a twenty-four year old man will make consecutive
equal half-yearly deposits Pt into a savings account starting on his twenty-fifth birthday.
Money in the savings account will earn interest at a rate of 9% pa compounded monthly.
Immediately after making his last deposit on his sixtieth birthday, the man will use all the
money in his savings account at that time to purchase a retirement annuity that will pay
him an amount of money every month for twenty years starting one month after his sixtieth
If the retirement annuity will earn interest at a rate of 12% pa compounded monthly, then
calculate (rounded to the nearest cent) the value of the man’s half-yearly deposits Pt given
that the first payment from the retirement annuity will be R10 000 but, in order to account
for inflation, the payments from the retirement annuity will increase from the second payment
onwards at a rate of 0,25% pm.

10. A loan of R15 000 is to be amortised by regular equal monthly payments of R500 starting
one month after the loan is granted.
If the total interest paid immediately after the twentieth payment is R3 641, then determine
the balance outstanding immediately after the twentieth payment is made.

11. A loan of R15 000 was to be repaid by means of sixty regular equal monthly payments Pt
starting one month after the loan was granted. Interest on the loan was charged at 12% pa
compounded monthly.
The situation changed when the interest rate increased to 18% pa compounded monthly
immediately after the 30th payment was made.
Calculate (rounded to the nearest cent) the value of the new equal payments Pt∗ , starting
one month after the change of interest rate, that will repay the loan in the same time period.
12. A loan of R8 000 was to be amortised by regular equal monthly payments of R250 starting
one month after the loan was granted and a final payment F (F < R250) made one month
after the last payment of R250. Interest on the loan was charged at 18% pa compounded
The situation changed when the 20th and 21st payments were missed.
If the payments remain unchanged starting one month after the last missed payment, then
calculate (rounded to the nearest cent) the value of the new final payment F ∗ (F ∗ < R250)
made one month after the last payment of R250 that will amortise the loan.

13. An investor has an opportunity to invest R250 000 now in a property development with the
following quarterly cash flow for two years starting one quarter from now.

quarters 1 2 3 6 7 8
cash flow R60 000 R60 000 −R20 000 R50 000 R70 000 R90 000

The investor requires a minimum return of 12% pa on his investment as this can be obtained
on a two year bank deposit. Determine (rounded to the nearest rand) the net present value
for this cash flow.
Financial Mathematics — Test 4

1. An investor has an opportunity to invest R500 000 is a property development with the
following quarterly cash flow for two years starting one quarter from now.

quarters 1 2 3 6 7 8
cash flow R60 000 R70 000 R80 000 R100 000 R120 000 R140 000

The investor requires a minimum return of 10,5% pa on his investment as this can be
obtained on a two year bank deposit. The internal rate of return for this cash flow is:

(a) 2, 561 . . . % pa

(b) 10, 647 . . . % pa

(c) 3, 782 . . . % pa

(d) 11, 362 . . . % pa

(e) 5, 891 . . . % pa

2. The effective interest rate at Bank A is equivalent to the effective interest rate at
Bank B. If the effective interest rate at Bank A is 1,35% per quarter and compounding
occurs monthly at Bank B, then the nominal interest rate (rounded to three decimal
places) at Bank B is equal to:

(a) 5,195% pa compounded monthly

(b) 5,285% pa compounded monthly

(c) 5,376% pa compounded monthly

(d) 5,467% pa compounded monthly

(e) 5,558% pa compounded monthly

3. An amount of money was deposited into an account that earned interest at a rate
of j pa compounded monthly. After eighteen months, an additional R80 was de-
posited into the account to bring the amount in the account up to R1 111, 83 and
the nominal interest rate increased at this time by 1% pa (the compounding period
remained unchanged). After a further five years the amount in the account had grown
to R2 122, 33. The amount of money (rounded to the nearest cent) that was deposited
into the account is equal to:

(a) R861, 52

(b) R862, 63

(c) R863, 74

(d) R864, 85

(e) R865, 96

4. A home loan of R800 000 is granted now at 9,6% pa compounded monthly. The home
loan is to be amortised by regular equal monthly payments starting one month from
now and ending twenty-five years from now. Which one of the following alternative is

(a) The monthly payments are R7 045, 26 (rounded to the nearest cent).

(b) The balance outstanding immediately after the 50th payment is made is given by
7 045, 264 . . . a250⌉0,8% .

(c) The principal portion of the 100th payment is R1 420, 14 (rounded to the nearest

(d) The interest portion of the 200th payment is given by

7 045, 264 . . . a100⌉0,8% · 0, 008.

(e) The total interest that will have to be paid over the twenty-five year period is
R1 313 579, 30 (rounded to the nearest cent).

5. Twelve regular equal monthly deposits of R300 were made into an account that pays
interest at a rate of i percent per month. The amount in the account accumulated
to R4 200 six months after the last deposit was made. If Newton’s method is used to
determine the monthly interest rate i, then the equation to be used iteratively is:

(1 + in )12 − 14in − 1
(a) in+1 = in − 11
12 (1 + in ) − 14
14 2
(1 + in ) − (1 + in ) − 14in
(b) in+1 = in −
14 (1 + in )13 − 2 (1 + in ) − 14
16 4
(1 + in ) − (1 + in ) − 14in
(c) in+1 = in − 15 3
16 (1 + in ) − 4 (1 + in ) − 14

(1 + in )18 − (1 + in )6 − 14in
(d) in+1 = in − 17 5
18 (1 + in ) − 6 (1 + in ) − 14
20 8
(1 + in ) − (1 + in ) − 14in
(e) in+1 = in −
20 (1 + in )19 − 8 (1 + in )7 − 14

6. A man was granted a loan of R40 000 at an interest rate of 6, 3% pa compounded

quarterly. To amortise the loan the man agreed to make consecutive equal quarterly
payments of R2 500 starting one quarter after the loan was granted and a final pay-
ment F (F < R2 500) made one quarter after last payment of R 2 500.
However, immediately after the man made his twelfth payment, the interest rate
changed to 7, 8% pa compounded quarterly.
If the man’s payments remain unchanged starting one quarter after the change of in-
terest rate, then the new final payment F ∗ (F ∗ < R2 500) to be made one quarter
after the last payment of R2 500 that will amortise the loan is equal to:

(a) 1 144, 314 . . . rands

(b) 1 324, 298 . . . rands

(c) 1 470, 295 . . . rands

(d) 1 555, 186 . . . rands

(e) 1 697, 819 . . . rands

7. A woman deposits R250 000 into an account now that pays interest at a rate of 8,5% pa.
Fifteen years from now the woman will use the accumulated amount in the account to
purchase a growing perpetuity that will earn interest at a rate of 12% pa compounded
half-yearly. The growing perpetuity will pay the woman an amount of money every six
months starting six months after she purchases the growing perpetuity. If the value of
the first payment from the growing perpetuity is Pt and the value of these payments
increase from the second payment onwards at a rate of 9% pa, then which one of the
following alternatives is true?

(a) Pt = 10 328, 292 . . . rands

(b) Pt = 11 061, 180 . . . rands

(c) Pt = 11 441, 196 . . . rands

(d) Pt = 12 431, 952 . . . rands

(e) Pt = 13 572, 920 . . . rands

8. Twenty regular quarterly deposits will be made into a savings account that will pay
interest at a rate of 6% pa compounded quarterly. The value of the first deposit will
be R5 000. Thereafter, from the second deposit onwards, the value of the deposits will
increase at a rate of 2% per quarter. Immediately after the twentieth deposit is made,
the amount in the savings account (rounded to the nearest cent):

(a) will be equal to R139 092, 33

(b) will be equal to R139 092, 35

(c) will be equal to R139 092, 37

(d) will be equal to R139 092, 39

(e) cannot be calculated because i4 < r4

9. A loan of R1 million was granted at an interest rate of 9% pa compounded half-yearly.
To repay the loan it was agreed that regular equal half-yearly payments of R120 000
would be made starting six months after the loan was granted and a final payment F
(F < R120 000) made six months after the last payment of R120 000.
If the fourth payment was missed, then the equal additional amounts (rounded to the
nearest cent) that must be added to each of the remaining payments (including F ) to
compensate for the missed payment so as to repay the loan in the same time period
are equal to:

(a) R20 364, 10

(b) R20 364, 12

(c) R20 364, 14

(d) R20 364, 16

(e) R20 364, 18

10. A company purchases a machine now for R300 000 but will have to be replace it four
years from now. In order to fund the purchase of a new machine four years from now,
the company will make regular equal monthly deposits of x rands into a sinking fund
every month for four years starting one month from now. Money in the sinking fund
will earn interest at a rate of 10% pa compounded monthly.
However, provision must also be made for nine regular equal withdrawals of R2 000 to
be made from the sinking fund every four months starting one year from now to pay
for the maintenance of the machine that is bought now.
The price of a new machine will appreciate at a rate of 8% pa and the value of the
machine purchased now will depreciate at a rate of 15% pa on a reducing balance. If
the machine bought now will be sold four years from now in part payment for the new
machine, then x (rounded to the nearest cent) is equal to:

(a) R4 395, 89

(b) R4 413, 57

(c) R4 646, 82

(d) R4 824, 33

(e) R4 907, 79

11. A loan is to be repaid by means of regular equal monthly payments of R900. Interest is
calculated at 8, 4% pa compounded monthly. If the balance outstanding immediately
after the 20th payment is R17 399, 17, then the balance outstanding (rounded to the
nearest cent) immediately after the 21st payment is equal to:

(a) R16 499, 17

(b) R16 620, 96

(c) R16 492, 87

(d) R16 627, 26

(e) R16 505, 47

12. A man purchases household appliances today at a total cost of x rands. If the man
signs a hire-purchase agreement at 3,2% pa simple interest wherein he agrees to repay
the total cost of the household appliances by means of regular equal monthly payments
of R1 155 over a period of ten months starting one month from today, then

(a) x = 11 000

(b) x = 11 250

(c) x = 11 550

(d) x = 11 750

(e) x = 12 000

Differential Calculus — Test 5

1. A company’s share price increased exponentially from R21, 50 in January 2016 to

R38, 70 in June 2016. If the equation,

y = y0 ekt ,

is used to model the exponential growth of the company’s share price y (in rands) t
months after January 2016, then the growth constant k is equal to:

(a) 0, 1175 . . .

(b) 0, 1286 . . .

(c) 0, 1197 . . .

(d) 0, 1208 . . .

(e) 0, 1119 . . .

2. The total revenue from the sale of a product is given in the table below.

number of units sold 2 4 6 8 10

total revenue R141 R253 R345 R477 R589

If the number of units sold increases from two to ten, then the average rate of change
of revenue with respect to the number of units sold is equal to:

(a) R52 per unit

(b) R54 per unit

(c) R56 per unit

(d) R58 per unit

(e) R60 per unit

3. Given the revenue function,

R(x) = x (x + 1) .

The marginal revenue function, R′ (x), is equal to:

(a) (x + 1) (4x + 1)
(b) 3 (x + 1)2

(c) (x + 1)3 (3x + 1)

(d) (4x + 1)2

(e) x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1

4. If the total cost to produce ten units is R500 and the marginal cost when ten units
are produced is R25 per unit, then the marginal average cost when ten units are
produced is equal to:

(a) −R50 per unit per unit

(b) R50 per unit per unit

(c) −R2, 50 per unit per unit

(d) R2, 50 per unit per unit

(e) none of the above

5. If the profit when x units are sold is

P (x) = 60 ln x2 + 9 rands,

then profit is increasing at a rate of R20 per unit when:

(a) 1 unit is sold

(b) 2 units are sold

(c) 3 units are sold

(d) 4 units are sold

(e) 5 units are sold

6. One thousand units of a product are demanded when the unit price of the product is
R80. However, if demand increases by twenty units every time the unit price decreases
by fifty cents, then the revenue from the sale of the product will be a relative maximum
when the unit price of the product is equal to:

(a) R52, 50

(b) R53, 00

(c) R53, 50

(d) R54, 00

(e) R54, 50

7. A manufacturer has an annual demand for 7 000 units of a product. It costs the
manufacturer R75 to make one unit of the product, R125 to set up the factory to be
able to make the product and R7 to store one unit of the product for one year. The
manufacturer’s total annual cost to make and store the product is

24 500
T (x) = 125x + + 525 000 rands

where x is the number of batches made every year. If the number of units produced
increases from 1 400 units per batch to 3 500 units per batch then, using differentials,
the manufacturer’s total annual cost will:

(a) decrease by approximately R2 456

(b) increase by approximately R2 565

(c) decrease by approximately R2 674

(d) increase by approximately R2 783

(e) decrease by approximately R2 892

8. The supply of a product, q (in thousands of units), is related to the price of the
product, p (in rands), by means of the equation,

q 2 + 2q = 5p2 ,

where p and q are both functions of time, t (in months). The rate of change of supply
with respect to time, dq/dt, at the instant that the price of the product is R4 and is
increasing at a rate of eighteen cents per month is equal to:

(a) 350 units per month

(b) 400 units per month

(c) 450 units per month

(d) 500 units per month

(e) 550 units per month

9. Given the cost function,
C(x) = x2 + 1,

and the revenue function,

R(x) = 2x − 1,

where x is the number of units that are produced and sold. If Newton’s method with
an initial guess x1 = 5 is used to determine when break-even will occur, then x2
(rounded to two decimal places) is equal to:

(a) 4, 53 (b) 4, 56

(c) 4, 59 (d) 4, 62

(e) 4, 65

10. If x is capital and y is labour then

f (x, y) = 5x2 + 11xy + 2y 2 units

of a product will be produced. The marginal productivity of capital, fx (x, y), is equal:

(a) 10x + 11y

(b) 11x + 4y

(c) 10x + 11y + 2y 2

(d) 5x2 + 11x + 4y

(e) none of the above

11. A factory that employs x unskilled workers and y skilled workers can produce

f (x, y) = 10x0,2 y 0,8 units every day.

Each unskilled worker is paid R30 per day and each skilled worker is paid R60 per
day. If the total amount that the factory can pay its workers is R117 000 per day then,
using the method of Lagrange multipliers, the factory’s maximum daily production
(rounded to the nearest unit) is:

(a) 11 369 units

(b) 12 470 units

(c) 13 581 units

(d) 14 692 units

(e) 15 703 units

Integral Calculus, Matrices and Linear Programming — Test 6

1. The marginal revenue when x units are sold is

R′ (x) = 2x + 5 rands per unit.

If the revenue was R500 when twenty units were sold, then the revenue when thirty
units are sold is equal to:

(a) R1 050

(b) R1 175

(c) R1 300

(d) R1 425

(e) R1 550

2. The marginal cost when x units are produced is

C ′ (x) = thousand rands per unit.
5x + 7

If the number of units produced increases from fifty to sixty, then the exact change in
cost (rounded to the nearest cent) is equal to:

(a) R1 550, 88

(b) R1 650, 99

(c) R1 750, 00

(d) R1 850, 11

(e) R1 950, 22

3. The marginal profit when x thousand units are produced and sold is
P ′ (x) = 90x 3x2 − 11 thousand rands per thousand units.

If the profit was R720 000 when 2 000 units were produced and sold, then the profit
(rounded to the nearest rand) when 5 000 units are produced and sold is equal to:

(a) R5 610 000

(b) R5 720 000

(c) R5 830 000

(d) R5 940 000

(e) R6 050 000

4. The demand function for a product is,

p(x) = (x − 6)2 + 76,

and the supply function for the product is,

p(x) = x (x + 2) ,

where p(x) is the price (in rands per unit) and x is the number of units of the product.
The consumers’ surplus (rounded to the nearest cent) is equal to:

(a) R80, 33

(b) R405, 33

(c) R170 666, 67

(d) R42, 67

(e) R134 826, 67

5. The differential equation,

dy 10
= ,
dx xy
describes the rate of change of a company’s share price, y (in rands), with respect to
the company’s profit, x (in millions of rands). If the company’s share price was R2
when its profit was R500 000, then the particular solution of the differential equation

(a) y = 10 ln |xy| + 2
(b) y = (20 ln |x| + 17, 862 . . .) 2
(c) y = − 18
(d) y = e10/x − 4, 851 . . .

(e) none of the above

6. An investment is expected to generate a continuous flow of money for three years at a
rate (in rands per year) x years from now that is given by the function,

f (x) = 1 000x.

If the money flows into an account that earns interest at a rate of 6% pa compounded
continuously, then the present value (rounded to the nearest rand) of this continuous
flow of money is equal to:

(a) R3 951

(b) R3 962

(c) R3 973

(d) R3 984

(e) R3 995

7. The marginal profit when x units are produced and sold is

P ′ (x) = 20x3 − 40x + 10 rands per unit.

If the number of units produced and sold increases from two to ten then, using the
trapezium rule with n = 4, profit will increase by approximately:

(a) R46 000

(b) R47 000

(c) R48 000

(d) R49 000

(e) R50 000

8. Given the matrices,
   
2 −2 1 −2
   
P = 3 3  and Q =  3 .
   
   
4 −6 5 1

If R = P Q, then r21 is equal to:

(a) −9

(b) 15

(c) −21

(d) 18

(e) −15

9. A garden shop sells herb mixes for pastas, pizzas and risottos.

• To put together one pasta herb mix, the garden shop will need three basil plants,
one oregano plant and two parsley plants.

• To put together one pizza herb mix, the garden shop will need one basil plant
and one oregano plant.

• To put together one risotto herb mix, the garden shop will need one basil plant,
one oregano plant and two parsley plants.

If the garden shop used a total of 220 basil plants, 130 oregano plants and 200 parsley
plants, then how many pasta herb mixes did the garden shop sell?

(a) 20

(b) 25

(c) 30

(d) 40

(e) 45

10. Consider the following linear programme:

maximize z = 5x + 10y,
subject to 3x + 4y ≤ 24,
9x + 4y ≤ 36,
x, y ≥ 0.

Using the graphical method, the solution of the linear program is:

(a) z = 90

(b) z = 20

(c) z = 40

(d) z = 55

(e) z = 60

11. Given the following initial simplex tableau for a linear programming problem to max-
imise the objective function.

x1 x2 s1 s2
10 5 1 0 40
2 3 0 1 12
−50 −60 0 0 0

If one complete pivot of the simplex tableau is performed, then the solution that can
be read off from the updated simplex tableau is:

(a) x1 = 4, x2 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 4, z = 200

(b) x1 = 0, x2 = 4, s1 = 20, s2 = 0, z = 240

(c) x1 = 6, x2 = 0, s1 = −20, s2 = 0, z = 300

(d) x1 = 0, x2 = 8, s1 = 0, s2 = −12, z = 480

(e) none of the above


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