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Ajit Goyal
Rx MBBS ,MD - General Medicine
Reg Id : DMC-11612
Rx ID : 564205771
Name Sunil Ms Date 28-03-2024

Age 32 Years Pat Id 14575866

Gender Male
Height 170cms

Weight 99kgs


Reports Analysis


Blood and urine tests done, reports almost normal except raised HbA1c 7, FBS 136,
dyslipedemia, raised triglycerides 636, normal LDL cholesterol. Individual reports discussed
and explained. lifestyle modification explained.

S.No. Prescribed Medicines Dosage Instructions

Lipicard 160 Tablet

1. Daily: 0-0-1 3 Months; After Meal; at bedtime ;

Glycomet 500 SR Tablet

2. Daily: 1-0-0 20 Days; Before Meal;

Drug Allergies

No known Allergies

Lab Test
No test

Follow Up

2 Weeks

Doctor's Advice

1. 1.low SUGAR, low fat and oil in diet

2. 2.30 minutes Brisk walking DAILY regularly
3. 3.Repeat FBS and PPBS after 15 days
4. 4.I hope you have the answers you were looking for, do check in with me tomorrow if any
new questions come up.

Substitute medicine brand if above unavailable unless Doctor says not to.
Dr. Ajit Goyal
MBBS ,MD - General Medicine

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