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Article by Reviewed by
Jeevan A Y Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

In Excel, a date is displayed according to the format selected by the user.

One can choose from the different formats available or create a customized
format according to the requirement. The default date format is specified in
the “Control Panel” of the system. However, it is possible to change these
default settings.

For example, the date 01/01/2021 corresponds to the format dd/mm/yyyy. If

the format is changed to d-mmm-yyyy, the date becomes 1-Jan-2021.

We can change the date format in Excel either from the “Number Format” of
the “Home” tab or the “Format Cells” option of the context menu.

In Excel for Windows, 1900 is the default date system. Whereas, in Excel for
Mac, 1904 is the default date system. Both these systems store the dates as
consecutive numbers having a difference of 1. These numbers are known as
serial values or serial numbers. The reason dates are stored as serial numbers
is to facilitate calculations.

In the 1900 date system, the first date that Excel recognizes is January 1,
1900. This date is stored as the number 1 in Excel. Consequently, the number
2 represents January 2, 1900. The last date recognized by Excel is December

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

31, 9999. It is represented by the serial number 2958465. Date before 1900
or after 9999 is identified as a text value by Excel.

Dates are stored only as positive integers in the 1900 date system. However,
to display negative numbers as negative dates, one needs to switch to the
1904 date system.

In the 1904 date system, 0 represents January 1, 1904, and -1 means January
-2, 1904. The number 1 represents January 2, 1904. The last date recognized
by Excel (in the 1904 date system) is December 31, 9999, represented by the
serial number 2957003.

In this article, we follow the 1900 date system.

What is theDate Format in Excel?

Code of Date Format in Excel

How to Change Date Format in Excel?

Example #1–Apply Default Format of Long Date in Excel

Example #2–Change the Date Excel Format Using “Custom”


Example #3–Apply Different Types of Customized Date

Formats in Excel

Example #4–Convert Text Values Representing Dates to

Actual Dates

Example #5–Change the Date Format Using “Find and

Replace” Box

Frequently Asked Questions

Recommended Articles

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

A code (like dd-mm-yyyy) is a representation of a day (d), month (m), and

year (y). We can change the appearance of the date by changing the
specified code.

The different codes, their explanation, and output (for days, months, and
years) have been presented in the following images.

Notations for a Day

Notations for a Month

Notations for a Year

Here we look at some of the date format examples in Excel and how to
change them.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

The following image shows a number in cell A1. We want to know the date
represented by this number. The output should be in the long date format of

The steps to know the date represented by the number in cell A1 are listed
as follows:

1. We must first select cell A1. Then, from the “Home” tab, click the
“Number Format” drop-down appearing in the “Number” section.
Next, select “Long Date,” shown in the following image.

2. The output is shown in the following image. The long date format
displayed is dd mmmm yyyy. Hence, the number 1 represents the

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

date 01 January 1900 in the long date format.

Note: The short and long dates appear as set in the “Control Panel.”
Click “Clock, Language, and Region” in the “Control Panel” to
change these default date formats. After that, click “Change date,
time, or number formats.” Make the desired changes and click

Likewise, had there been 2 in cell A1, the long date format would have
been 02 January 1900. The number 3 would have been displayed as 03
January 1900 in the long date format.

Note: To switch to the 1904 date system, we must select “Advanced”

from the “Options” of the “File” tab. Under “When calculating this
workbook,” select “use 1904 date system” and click “OK.”

You can download this Change Date Format Excel Template here – Change
Date Format Excel Template

The following image shows some dates in the range A1:A6. These dates are
in the format dd-mm-yyyy. We want to change their format to dd-mmmm-

For instance, the date in cell A1 should appear as 25-February-2018. We may

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

use the “Custom” option of the “Format Cells” dialog box.

The steps to change the date format in Excel are listed as follows:

Step 1: We need to select all the dates of the range A1:A6. The same is
shown in the following image.

Step 2: We must right-click the selection and choose “Format Cells” from the
context menu. Alternatively, we may also press the keys “Ctrl+1” together.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Step 3: The “Format Cells” window opens, as shown in the following image.

Note: The default short date and long date formats are marked with an
asterisk (*) in the box under “type.” The short date is 3/14/2012 (m/dd/yyyy),
and the long date is Wednesday, March 14, 2012 (dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy).

Step 4: From the “Number” tab, we need to select “Custom” under

“Category.” The categories are shown on the left side of the “Format Cells”

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Step 5: Under “Type,” we must insert the required date format. Either type
the format (dd-mmmm-yyyy) or select it from the various options displayed
in the box below “Type.”

Once the format has been entered, check the preview of the first date (of the
range A1:A6) under “Sample.” The same is shown in the following image.
Click “OK” in the “Format Cells” window if the date preview looks good.

Note 1: The date under “Sample” is displayed according to the format

specified under “Type.”

Note 2: While creating custom date formats, we can use a forward slash (/),
hyphen (-), comma (,), space ( ), etc.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Step 6: The output is shown in the following image. All dates of the range
A1:A6 have been converted to the format dd-mmmm-yyyy. However, the
Excel formula bar can still see the default date format. This default format
corresponds with the short date set in the “Control Panel.”

The next image shows certain dates in the range A1:A6. At present, the date
format is dd-mm-yyyy.

We want to apply four different formats to these dates. For using each
format, the common steps to be performed are given as follows:

1. First, we must select the range A1:A6.

2. Then, right-click the selection and choose “Format Cells.”

3. After that, from the “Number” tab, select “Custom” under “Category.”

Further, under each format, the additional steps to be performed followed by

two images are given.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Format 1: dd-mmm-yyyy

a. In the “Custom” option of the “Number” tab, select the format “dd-
mmm-yyyy” under “Type.”

b. Click “Ok.”

The output is given in the following image. All dates are displayed according
to the format dd-mmm-yyyy. The hyphen is the separator between the day,
month, and year in this format.

Format 2: dd mmm yyyy

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

a. We must select the format “dd mmm yyyy” under “Type” of the “custom”

b. Click “Ok.”

The output is given in the following image. All dates are converted to the
format dd mmm yyyy. The space is the only separator between the day,
month, and year in this format.

Format 3: ddd mmm yyyy

a. In the “Custom” option, select the format “ddd mmm yyyy” under

b. Click “Ok.”

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

The output is given in the following image. The dates are shown in the
format ddd mmm yyyy. The day and the month are displayed in their short
notations in this format.

Format 4: dddd mmmm yyyy

a. From the “Custom” option of the “Number” tab, select “dddd mmmm
yyyy” under “Type.”

b. Click “Ok.”

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

The output is given in the following image. All dates have been converted to
the format dddd mmmm yyyy. The date, month, and year are displayed in
their respective full forms in this format.

It must be observed that the date format changes as per the style set by the
user. Therefore, the user can select a date format according to their

The following image shows a list of dates in the range A1:A6. At present,
these dates are appearing as text values. We want to convert these text
values to dates having the format dd-mmm-yyyy.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

The steps to convert text values to dates having the given format are listed
as follows:

Step 1: First, enter the following formula in cell B1.


Then, press the “Enter” key.

Note 1: The VALUE function returns the numeric form of a text string that
represents a number. In other words, it converts a number looking like the
text into an actual number.

Note 2: Instead of the VALUE function, one can also use the
DATEVALUE function of Excel. The latter converts a date stored as text to a
serial number. This serial number is recognized as a date by Excel.

Step 2: We must select cell B1 and drag the fill handle until cell B6. The
output is shown in the following image. All text values (A1:A6) have been
converted to numbers (in the range B1:B6).

Ideally, the text string in Excel is left-aligned while the number string is right-
aligned. However, we have centrally aligned both the ranges (A1:A6 and

Note: When text strings representing dates have been converted to serial
values (or dates), we can use them for performing different calculations like
addition, subtraction, and so on.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Step 3: To view the obtained serial numbers (in column B) as dates, apply the
required format. We must select the range B1:B6, right-click and choose
“Format Cells.”

In the “Number” tab, select the option “Custom.” Then, under “Type,” enter
or choose the format “dd-mmm-yyyy.” The same is shown in the following

If the sample date looks alright, click “OK.”

Step 4: The output is shown in the following image. Hence, all text values (of
column A) have been converted to valid dates (in column B) having the
format dd-mmm-yyyy.

Note: To ensure that a value is recognized as a date by Excel, check for the

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

following signs:

The dates are right-aligned as they are numerical values.

If two or more dates are selected, the status bar (at the bottom of the
worksheet) shows the count, average, numerical count, and sum. In
addition, it may display one or more options according to the Excel

If a value is a text string, it would be left-aligned, and the status bar will show
only the count.

Often, the Excel date format needs to be changed (from text to dates) when
data is downloaded (or copied and pasted) from the web. That is because, in
such instances, the dates may not be displayed as numbers.

The following image shows some text values representing dates in the range
A1:A6. The days, months, and numbers have been separated with a
backslash. That is because we want to perform the following tasks:

Replace all the backslashes () with forwarding slashes (/) by using the
“Find and Replace” dialog box.

Convert text values representing dates to actual dates.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

The steps to perform the given tasks are listed as follows:

Step 1: We must press the keys “Ctrl+H” together. Then, the “find and
replace” dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

Step 2: Type a backslash in the “Find what” box (). In the “Replace with” box,
type a forward slash (/).

Step 3: Next, we must click “Replace All.” Excel shows a message stating the
number of replacements it has made. Click “OK” to proceed. The final output
is shown in the following image.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Hence, all backslashes have been replaced with forwarding slashes. With this
replacement, the text values representing dates have automatically been
converted to actual dates by Excel.

Since column A was aligned centrally from the beginning, this alignment is
retained even after the values are converted to dates.

1. How can the date format in Excel be changed?

The steps to change the date format in Excel are listed as follows:
The steps to change the date format in Excel are listed as follows:

a. Select the cell containing the date. If the date format of a range needs to
be changed, select the entire range.
b. Right-click the selection and choose “Format Cells” from the context
menu. Alternatively, press the keys “Ctrl+1” together.
c. IIn the “Number” tab, select the option “Date.” Next, select the required
date format under “Type.”
d. Check the preview (of the first date of the selected range) under “Sample.”
If the preview is good, click “OK.”

The date format of the selected cell or cells (selected in step a) is changed.

Note 1: The required date format may not be available under the “Date”

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

option’s “Type.” If it is not available, select “Custom” as the “category” from

the “Number” tab. Then, type the required date format under “Type” and
click “OK.”

Note 2: If the selected cell (selected in step a) contains a text string

representing a date, convert this string to date first. Then change the format
to the desired date format.

2. How to change the date format permanently in Excel?

To change a date format permanently, one needs to make changes to the
date formats of the “Control Panel.” That is because the short and long date
formats of Excel reflect the date settings of the “Control Panel.”

The steps to change the date settings of the “Control Panel” are listed as

We must open the “Control Panel” first from the “Start” menu.
b. In the “Clock, Language, and Region” category, click “Change date, time,
or number format.” It is available under the “Region and Language” option.
c. The “Region and Language” or “Region” dialog box opens. Under
“Format,” we must select the region.
d. Enter the required short and long date formats under “Date and Time
Formats.” To enter customized short and long date formats, click “Additional
Settings.” The “Customize Format” dialog box opens. Make the changes in
the “Date” tab and click “OK.”
e. Check the preview under “Examples” at the bottom of the “Region and
Language” box. If the preview is alright, click “OK.”

The default date settings have been changed. Now, we should enter a date
in any format in Excel. Then select the short or the long date format from the
“Number Format” (in the “Number” section) of the “Home” tab.

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

The dates will appear in the format set in the “Control Panel.” So, the user
need not change the format of each date manually.

3. How to change a date to a text string in Excel?

Let us change the date 22/1/2019 in cell A1 to a text string in Excel. The text
string should be in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

The steps to change a date to a text string are listed as follows:

a. First, we must enter the formula =TEXT(A1, “yyyy-mm-dd”) in cell B1.
b. Then, press the “Enter” key.

The date in cell A1 (22/1/2019) is converted to 2019-01-22 in cell B1. We

must note that the date in cell A1 is right-aligned, being a number. In
contrast, the text in cell B1 is left-aligned.

Note: The TEXT function helps convert numbers to text strings. It is used to
display values in a specific format. The syntax is TEXT(value,format_text).
“Value” is the number to be converted to text. “Format_text” is the format in
which the number should be displayed.

This article has been a guide to the Date Format in Excel. We discuss
changing and customizing date formats in Excel, practical examples, and a
downloadable Excel template. You may also look at these useful functions in
Excel: –

Concatenate Columns in Excel

Convert Date to Text in Excel

Insert Date in Excel

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Date Format in Excel - How to Change & Custom Format?

Concatenate Date in Excel


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