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Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words:

1. Why was the peddler amused by the idea of the world being a rattrap?
Ans The peddler was amused by the idea of the world being a giant rattrap because he was
never treated kindly by the world. Therefore, he harboured hard feelings for it and loved
'to think ill of it' by comparing it with a giant rattrap
2.Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?

Ans. The crofters circumstances and temperament made him so talkative and friendly with
the peddler. Since he had no wife or child, he was happy to get someone to talk to in his
loneliness and to be relieved of his boredom and monotony. Secondly, he was quite
generous with his confidence.
3.What made the peddler think that he had fallen into the rattrap?
Ans The peddler had stolen thirty kronor from the crofter’s home and decided to walk
through the woods to avoid the public highway. However, he got lost in the woods which
was a maze. He then realised that he had fallen into a rattrap i.e. he got lured by the bait
which was the money and his end was near as there was no way out at that moment.
4. Why did the iron master speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?
Ans The iron master of the Rams Iron works spoke kindly to the peddler because he had
mistaken him for an old regimental comrade Captain von Stahle. The iron master wanted to
help the peddler not only in regaining his health but also in taking up a new vocation.
Moreover, the ironmaster was a lonely fellow who lived with his oldest daughter after the
death of his wife and the departure of his sons.
5. What made the peddler accept Edla Willamson’s invitation?
Ans Miss Edla expressed her sympathy towards him for being in the state he was in. She
looked at him compassionately and clarified to him that he would be allowed to leave
whenever he desires. She requested him to stay with them over Christmas Eve. Seeing her
speak in such a friendly manner, made him trust her. Thus, he accepted her invitation.
6.Why did Edla still entertain the peddler even after she knew the truth about him?
Ans Edla was a kind lady. She empathized with the poor peddler and understood how
difficult his life had been. She was able to understand his loneliness and poverty. She
entertained him even though she knew who he was. Moreover, it was Christmas eve and
she wanted to extend Christmas
7.What might be the significance of setting the story’s events during Christmas? Justify
Ans Christmas is the time of forgiveness, celebrations, and to ammend one's way. The story
is set in the timeline of Christmas so that the ironman and his daughter show mercy and
charity to the peddler. The peddler is however mistaken as the friend of the ironmaster and
taken home for Christmas festivities.
8Though the reader does not meet Captain Von Stahle in person, they encounter the
captain symbolically? How?
Ans. Though the reader does not meet Captain Von Stahle in person, they encounter the
captain symbolically as the peddler accepts the error of his ways and displays the qualities
expected of a captain.

8. Despite his philosophical insights, the vagabond fails to resist temptations. What would
you attribute this to? Explain with reference to any instance from the text.

Ans__ Despite his philosophical insights, the vagabond fails to resist temptations due
to his deep-rooted desire for material comfort and security. This is evident when he
succumbs to the allure of money and steals the banknotes from the ironmaster's house,
disregarding his own principles and succumbing to the temptation of immediate gain.

9. . Do you think the story reinforces a stereotype that women are more trusting,
forgiving and less practical than men? Comment with reference to Edla’s actions in the
In the story 'Rattrap,' Edla's actions do not reinforce the stereotype that women are
more trusting, forgiving, and less practical than men. Edla shows practicality and
independence by inviting the rattrap seller into her home without consulting anyone,
which defies the stereotype of women being less practical._

Q3. Answer the following questions in 100 to 120 words:
1. What were the instances in the story that show that the character of the iron master is
different from that of his daughter in many ways?(HOTS)

Ans. There are two instances where we understand the difference between the characters
of the ironmaster and his daughter. One such instance is when each of them meets the
peddler for the first time. The ironmaster seems more assertive in his demeanour and
interaction. He doesn’t seem to give the peddler a choice. On the other hand, his daughter
seems more compassionate and friendly to the peddler. Instead of being assertive, she
gives the peddler the choice to come and go freely. She manages to convince the peddler
to accompany her back home, proving that she has better persuasive skills, a fact that is
also confirmed by the ironmaster himself.

The second instance of difference is when the truth about the peddler is revealed. The
ironmaster asks him to leave the manor as fast as he could. On the other hand, his
daughter understands the sufferings of the peddler and requests her father to let him stay
with them. Her compassion and kindness is visible here too when she expresses her desire
to help a poor man even when he was known to have deceived them in a way
2. How would you compare the peddler’s actions in relation to the crofter and Edla?
Ans. The peddler felt that the whole world was a big rattrap that sets baits for people.. The
crofter had treated the peddler with hospitality, and had even reposed his trust in the poor
vagabond. Still the peddler robbed him and was quite pleased with his smartness.
However, the fear of getting caught haunted him. So, he avoided the public highway and
turned into the woods.
Nevertheless, he turns over a new leaf when he receives compassion and trust from the
ironmaster’s daughter. The protagonist believed till then in the dismal side of human
nature. Edla saw the peddler for the first time when she came to fetch him home. She
noticed at once that the man was afraid. She guessed that he was either a thief or a
runaway culprit. Despite this, she requested him to stay. She was spontaneous and friendly,
and coaxed the peddler into spending the Christmas with them. He also accepted the fur
coat, and wore it over his rags. When in the church, she realized that he was a thief; she
never once expressed her fear. Her trust and compassion helped in reforming the peddler.
The story validates the concept that compassion revolves around humankind and the
consideration of others. The peddler makes amends by returning the money he had
previously stolen from the old man who had sheltered him. The tale also throws light on
the value of second chances, stating that everyone should get another chance in life.
3.Would you say kindness does not always beget kindness and that the conditions for
receiving kindness are important for it to truly transform people? Elaborate. (HOTS)
Ans..SAME as answer 2

Q4. Practice Questions:

1. If the world is “nothing but a rattrap “as the tramp stated in the ‘The Rattrap’, who
might the rattrap peddler be? Discuss
2. Despite his philosophical insights, the vagabond fails to resist temptation. What would
you attribute this to? Explain with reference to any instance from the text.
3. Do you think the story reinforces a stereotype that women are more trusting, forgiving
and less practical than men? Comment with reference to Edla‘s actions in the story

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