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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí



Complete the sentences, putting the verbs into the present continuous or
present simple:

1. Tim (live) _______ in Manchester but he (spend) _______ this month in Wales

2. A: _______ (you/work) today?

B: No, I _______. I usually (work) _______ on Fridays but I’ve got the day off

3. A: What _______ (Josephine/do)

B: She (be) _______ a teacher but she (not teach) at the moment. She (look) _______ for a

4. A: Can I have that paper or _______ (you/read) it?

B: No, I (not read) _______ it. I never (read) _______ that paper. I (prefer) _______ the
Daily News

5. A: _______ (This bag/belong) to you?

B: No, It _______, but I (know) _______ Anita (look) _______ for her bag

6. I (not smoke) _______ but my husband _______. He (try) _______ to stop at the moment
but it’s not easy

7. _______ (you/remember) my friend Matthew? He (stay) _______ with me at the moment

8. A: _______ (you/speak) German?

B: No, I _______, but I (want) _______ to learn. I (look) _______ for a coursebook.

9. Emma and Katie usually (visit) _______ me on Saturdays but they _______ (camp) in the
New Forest this weekend.

10. A: _______ (Simon/help) you very much?

B: No, not usually, but he (help) me today

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

11. A: What _______ (you/do)?

B: I (write) _______ a letter to my parents. I (write) _______ them every weekend

12. A: Let’s go out B: Look! It (snow) _______ outside. It (come) _______ down quite hard

13. A: What time _______ (you/usually/start) work?

B: Normally, We (start) _______ work at eight o’clock, but we (start) _______ at seven this
weekend. We’re very busy at the moment

14. A: _______ (you/listen) to the radio? B: No, You can turn it off

15. A: _______ (you/look) for someone?

B: Yes, I (need) _______ to speak to Neil. Is he in?

A: Yes, but I (think) _______ he’s busy. He (talk) _______ to the boss at the moment.

16. A: I (want) _______ a new computer. I (save) _______ up to buy one.

B: But computers (cost) _______ so much money. What’s wrong with the one we’ve got?

A: It (get) _______ out of date now

17. A: What _______ (you/do)?

B: I (weigh) _______ this letter. I (need) _______ to know how many stamps to put on it

18. A: I (think) _______ this road is really dangerous. Look how fast that lorry (go) _______

B: I (agree) _______. People shouldn’t go so fast

19. A: I (always/fall) _______ asleep. I just can’t keep awake.

B: What time _______ (you/go) to bed?

A: About ten o’clock usually. But It (not/make) _______ any difference

20. A: Are you free on Friday?

B: No, We’re very busy now. We (have) _______ a party on Sunday.


1 - lives - spends; 2 - Are you working - am not - work;

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

3 - does Josephine do - is - isn't teaching - is looking; 4 - are you reading - don't read - never
read - prefer;

5 - Does this bag belong - doesn't - know - is looking; 6 - don't smoke - does - is trying

7 - Do you remember - is staying; 8 - Do you speak - don't - want - am looking; 9 - visit -


10 - Does Simon help - helps; 11 - are doing - am writing - write; 12 - is snowing - comes;

13 - do you usually start - start - start; 14 - Are you listening; 15 - Are you looking - need;

16 - want - am saving - cost - is getting; 17 - are you doing - am weighing - need;

18 - think - goes - agree; 19 - am always falling - do you go; 20 - are having;

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