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Unit 9 Journal Task

1. Brainstorm a list of questions you have about anything—your own experience, your family,
community or school, a topic that intrigues you, the world. The more fascinating the topic,
the better. Go for topics that really excite you, that you’re eager to learn more about.

1. How do black holes really work?

2. What is the origin of human consciousness?
3. How can we effectively combat climate change?
4. What are the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on society?
5. Why do we dream?
6. What are the cultural differences in approaching education around the world?
7. How has technology changed the way we communicate?
8. What causes certain diseases to be more prevalent in some populations than others?
9. How do plants communicate with each other?
10. What will the future of space exploration look like?

2. Think of some times that you have experienced awe, wonder, surprise, growth, or discovery.
Jot down a few notes about each of these instances, describing the characters, setting,
emotions, ideas, insights, and realizations.

1. Visiting an ancient temple in Cambodia.

o Characters: Tour group, guide
o Setting: Ancient temple ruins
o Emotions: Curiosity, amazement
o Insights: Human history, the passage of time, cultural heritage
2. Participating in a robotics competition.
o Characters: Team members, competitors
o Setting: Competition hall
o Emotions: Excitement, nervousness
o Insights: Teamwork, problem-solving, the potential of technology
3. Learning to play a musical instrument.
o Characters: Music teacher, self
o Setting: Music classroom
o Emotions: Frustration, joy, accomplishment
o Insights: Persistence, the beauty of music, personal growth
4. Witnessing a solar eclipse.
o Characters: Community members, friends
o Setting: Open field
o Emotions: Amazement, unity
o Insights: Natural phenomena, shared human experiences

3. Pick your favorite item from each list: one burning question and one experience of awe or
wonder. It’s not essential that the topics are related, but it will be useful in the culminating
essay if you can see some connection between the two. Perhaps that connection is a
common theme about knowledge or discovery, or some aspect of yourself or the world that
is important to each topic.

Question: How do black holes really work? Experience: Watching the Perseid meteor
shower in the desert with my family.

4. Draft short narratives about your question and moment of awe, roughly 200 words each.
Why do you want to know the answer to your question? What excites you about that topic?
What is the story of your moment of wonder? What did you learn from that experience?
What effect did it have on you?
Narrative about the Question: How do black holes really work?
Black holes have always intrigued me, embodying the ultimate enigma of the cosmos. These
celestial objects, with their intense gravitational pull that even light cannot escape, challenge
the boundaries of our understanding of physics and the universe. What truly happens inside
a black hole? Is it a gateway to another dimension, as some theories suggest? The concept
of an event horizon, beyond which all information is lost, raises profound questions about
the nature of reality and information itself. The mystery of singularities, where densities
become infinite and the laws of physics break down, is both thrilling and daunting.
Understanding black holes could revolutionize our comprehension of space, time, and the
fundamental laws governing our universe. The excitement of potentially unlocking these
secrets, of venturing into the unknown and expanding human knowledge, fuels my passion
for astrophysics. This quest is not just about scientific discovery; it's about pushing the
boundaries of human curiosity and imagination.

Narrative about the Experience: Watching the Perseid Meteor Shower in the Desert with My
One unforgettable night, my family and I ventured into the desert to watch the Perseid
meteor shower. Far from city lights, the sky was a vast expanse of twinkling stars. As meteors
streaked across the sky, I felt a profound sense of awe. The vastness of the universe and the
fleeting brilliance of the meteors underscored the smallness and transience of human life in
the grand scheme of things. Sharing this celestial spectacle with my family, I felt deeply
connected to both the cosmos and my loved ones. Each meteor felt like a reminder of the
infinite mysteries and wonders that lie beyond our world. This experience ignited a lifelong
fascination with astronomy, prompting countless nights of stargazing and a persistent
curiosity about the universe. It taught me to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and
sparked a desire to understand the larger forces at play in our cosmos. The desert night, with
its brilliant display, left an indelible mark on my imagination and aspirations.
5. Write a paragraph about how these two narratives might be related. Look at the writing
you’ve generated side by side. What ideas and themes have emerged?
The two narratives about my fascination with black holes and my experience watching the
Perseid meteor shower are deeply intertwined by themes of mystery, exploration, and a
profound sense of wonder about the universe. Both stories reflect a yearning to understand
the vastness of the cosmos and our place within it. The awe I felt under the meteor shower
mirrors the curiosity that drives my interest in black holes—both evoke a sense of
insignificance in the face of something much larger than ourselves. These narratives
highlight a continuous quest for knowledge, driven by the beauty and complexity of
astronomical phenomena. The shared experience of feeling connected to the universe,
whether through a meteor shower or the study of black holes, underscores the importance
of curiosity and the pursuit of understanding in my life. Ultimately, both narratives reveal a
deep-seated passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and an appreciation for the
moments of awe that inspire this journey.

Submission Checklist
 List of questions and list of experiences.
 Short narratives about your question and moment of awe.
 Paragraph about the connections between these two concepts.

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