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Multi-factor Fusion POI

Recommendation Model

Xinxing Ma, Jinghua Zhu(&), Shuo Zhang, and Yingli Zhong

School of Computer Science and Technology,

Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China

Abstract. In the context of the rapid development of location-based social

networks (LBSN), point of interest (POI) recommendation becomes an impor-
tant service in LBSN. The POI recommendation service aims to recommend
some new places that may be of interest to users, help users to better understand
their cities, and improve users’ experience of the platform. Although the geo-
graphic influence, similarity of POIs, and user check-ins information have been
used in the existing work recommended by POI, little existing work considered
combing the aforementioned information. In this paper, we propose to make
recommendations by combing user ratings with the above information. We
model four types of information under a unified POI recommendation frame-
work and this model is called extended user preference model based on matrix
factorization, referred to as UPEMF. Experiments were conducted on two real
world datasets, and the results show that the proposed method improves the
accuracy of POI recommendations compared to other recent methods.

Keywords: Multi-factor fusion model  Matrix factorization  Euclidean

distance  Personalized recommendation

1 Introduction

1.1 A Subsection Sample

With the rapid development of the Internet, people have begun to use Internet resources
and information for shopping, travel and investment activities. Due to the large amount
of data, users cannot quickly screen the items they are interested in. Therefore,
researchers have begun to focus on developing recommendation systems to help users
make decisions [1]. Currently, location-based social networks are popular, such as
Foursquare, Yelp, Gowalla, etc. They capture user ratings information and places that
users often check in (e.g. restaurants, gyms, KTVs, bars, etc.) through their visit
history. Recommender system can capture users’ preferences from the related infor-
mation and provide users with novel and interesting POIs [3, 6, 11].
POI recommendation is a new application based on location-based social network
[4], which can help users explore attractive locations as well as help social network
service providers design location aware advertisements for POI [8]. POI recommen-
dation is more complicated than the ordinary recommendation system, and the

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020

P. Qin et al. (Eds.): ICPCSEE 2020, CCIS 1258, pp. 21–35, 2020.
22 X. Ma et al.

recommendation process will be affected by many factors. For example, the user-POIs
check-in matrix is highly sparse, which is the main reason why it is difficult to capture
the user’s preference, the user’s interest changes with time and location, and the text
description of POI is incomplete and fuzzy. It has become a hot topic in the field of POI
research to study these factors to improve the quality of POI recommendation. The
current difficulties of POI recommendation are still data sparseness and cold start of
users, which leads to impossible to accurately capture the user’s preference only from a
small percentage of the points of interest that we get from users [2]. In order to solve
the problem of data sparseness, this paper combines the user-POIs rating matrix and the
user-POIs check-in matrix, and forecasts the user’s unrated POIs score using matrix
factorization, which can reduce the data sparseness and facilitate the capture of user
preferences. Then, the prediction matrix is combined with the user-POIs check-in
matrix, which can enhance the degree of the user’s favorite POIs. In this work, we also
study the similarity of POIs and the geographic influence of POIs. Finally, we model
four types of information in a unified POI recommendation framework and compared
them experimentally. Experimental results on two real world datasets show that higher
recommendation performance can be achieved by considering both user check-in
behavior and user rating behavior.
The contributions of this paper are as follows:
1. User check-in behavior and user rating behavior are considered at the same time,
which effectively reduces data sparseness and helps us obtain user preferences;
2. We integrate four types of information: user check-in information, user rating
information, geographic influence of POIs and similarity of POIs into a unified
model framework for POI recommendation on LBSNs;
3. Several experiments are conducted on two real world datasets, and the results show
that our method improves the accuracy of POI recommendations compared to other
recent methods.

2 Related Work

2.1 Matrix Factorization-Based Recommendations

Matrix factorization algorithm is a classic recommendation algorithm, which has good
scalability and efficiency and is widely used in recommendation systems. The widely
used traditional matrix factorization algorithms include Bayesian Personalized Ranking
(BPR) [5], Singular Value Decomposition factorization (SVD) [10] and Probabilistic
Matrix Factorization (PMF) [12]. The Bayesian personalized ranking recommendation
model is based on Bayesian theory to maximize the posterior probability under prior
knowledge. It realizes a recommendation system that trains multiple matrices from a
user-item matrix, and a matrix represents a user’s item preference to obtain the partial
order relationship of multiple items to rank. Matrix singular value factorization can
represent a more complex matrix by multiplying smaller and simpler sub-matrixes.
These small matrices describe the important characteristics of the matrix. The idea of
probability matrix factorization is that a user’s preference is determined by a small
Multi-factor Fusion POI Recommendation Model 23

number of unobserved factors. In a linear factor model, a user’s preferences are

modeled by linearly combining item factor vectors using specific user coefficients.
However, it is often difficult to solve the problem of sparse data and cold start by
simply considering the user’s rating information, which will reduce the quality of
recommendations. In order to solve this problem, the researchers introduced some
auxiliary information or combined other algorithms in the algorithm. For example,
Mohsen Jamali et al. [13] explored a matrix-based social network recommendation
algorithm and added a trust propagation mechanism to the model. Gao et al. [7]
integrated POI attributes, user interests and emotional indicators into a model and
considered their association with check-in operations. Ren et al. [1] proposed a TGSC-
PMF model, which uses text information, social information, classification information
and popularity information, and effectively integrates these factors. Zhang et al. [19]
model the impact of multiple tags by extracting a user tag matrix from the initial user-
POIs matrix and introduce social normalization to simulate social impact. Finally,
integrate multiple tags into the matrix factorization framework, and integrate social
normalization and geographical impact into it.

2.2 Geographic Influence-Based Recommendation

Geographical factors are important factors in the recommendation of POI. Generally,
we think that two POIs are geographically related or close to each other, then the
probability of them being accessed by users at the same time is greater. In LBSN,
different POIs are represented by their unique geographic locations. Users need to
interact with POIs while purchasing products or entertainment, so we say that geo-
graphical influence is one of the factors that affects users’ check in behavior very
important factor. Some researchers have applied geographic related factors to recom-
mend POIs. For example, Wang et al. [16] modeled the two POIs by three factors: the
geographical influence of POI, the geographical sensitivity of POI, and the physical
distance between POIs. Liu et al. [17] proposed a Geo-ALM model based on geo-
graphic information, which can be regarded as a fusion of geographic features and
generative adversarial networks. It can learn discriminator and generator by region
features and POI features of geography. Lian et al. [15] constructed a scalable and
flexible framework, dubbed GeoMF++, for joint geographical modeling and implicit
feedback-based matrix factorization. Some researchers have combined geographic
factors with other factors and applied them to recommendation algorithms. For
example, Wu et al. [18] proposed a new model to capture individual’s personalized
geographical constraints, combined with geographical constraints and time similarity,
improved collaborative filtering model. Zhao et al. [9] created a sequence embedding
rank (SEER) model for POI recommendation, and added two important factors in
SEER model, i.e. time effect and geographical effect, to enhance POI recommendation

2.3 Similarity Measurement Method

Similarity metric learning plays an important role in practical applications. Its main
idea is to learn an expected distance metric to make the distribution of similar samples
24 X. Ma et al.

more compact and the distribution of different types of samples more loose. When
calculating the similarity between users/items in the recommendation algorithm,
Euclidean distance and Cosine similarity are usually used for calculation. In fact, there
are many other measures besides Euclidean distance and cosine similarity, such as
Manhattan distance, Chebyshev distance and Mahalanobis distance. Cosine similarity
and Euclidean distance are commonly used in some current recommendation algo-
rithms to calculate the similarity between users and items, For example, He et al. [20]
proposed a translation-based recommendation mode (TransRec), to predict and build
the third-order interaction between users, items he previously visited and the next item
in large scale. Wang et al. [21] proposed a video recommendation algorithm based on
clustering and hierarchical model. The algorithm obtains similar users through clus-
tering, and then collects the historical data of similar users’ online video to form a
video recommendation set, improving the performance and user experience of the
recommendation system. Zhang et al. [22] used Euclidean distance instead of matrix
factorization to measure the similarity between users. Two metric decomposition
variables were designed in this paper, one for rating evaluation and another for per-
sonalized item ranking.

3 UPEMF Algorithm

First of all, the Gowalla and Foursquare datasets are processed using time division and
multi-granularity space division to filter POIs with low visits and users who have fewer
check-ins; Next, we transform the sparse rating matrix into a prediction matrix through
probability matrix factorization; Again, we use the Hadamard product of the prediction
matrix and the check-in matrix to form a weight matrix, and use the weight matrix to
find the similarity of the POIs; At length, combining the similarity of POIs and the
physical distance of POIs, the top  k minimum values are obtained and recommended
to users.

3.1 Symbol Description

For discussion purposes, Table 1 lists some of the important symbols used in this

Table 1. Related symbols and their meanings.

Symbol Meaning
R User-POIs rate matrix
U, V User sets, POIs sets
Iij Indicator function
R Predicted user-POIs rate matrix
C User-POIs check-in matrix
W Weight matrix
Multi-factor Fusion POI Recommendation Model 25

Table 1. (continued)
Symbol Meaning
x, y User-POIs check-in to a vector of two different POIs in a matrix
Covariance matrix
r2R , r2U , r2V Hyperparameter
dij Physical distance between POI i and POI j
w Weight value

U represents the user set, set contains m elements U ¼ fu1 ; u2 ;    ; um g; V repre-

sents the POIs set, set contains n elements V ¼ fv1 ; v2 ;    ; vn g; R ¼ ½Ri;j mn is the
user-POIs check-in matrix, Ri;j indicates the user ui rate for POI vj ; C ¼ ½Ci;j mn is the
user-POIs check-in matrix, Ci;j represents the number of times user ui has visited the
POI vj ; W is a weight matrix generated from the prediction matrix and the check-in
matrix. The user’s check-in matrix C and rating matrix R are very important for the POI
recommendation system, which often implies the user’s potential preference for POIs.

3.2 Data Preprocessing

In data preprocessing, we used two division methods: time division and multi-
granularity space division. First, we use time division to divide the timestamps into four
quarters. Considering that people prefer to go to the beach for vacation in summer and
skiing in winter, so we divide the datasets into four types according to the timestamps
of the datasets, which correspond to the check-in behavior of users in four quarters of a
year. Next, We use granularity division to divide the spatial grid. There are two ways of
granularity division, one is coarse-grained division and the other is fine-grained divi-
sion. In brief, coarse-grained division refers to the rough division of space in the form
of grid, which is conducive to capturing the overall information of the divided area;
Fine-grained division pays more attention to details as local division, so through fine-
grained division, we can better extract dense and discrete POIs. Finally, after time
division and granularity division, we can filter out the POIs with less number of check-
in times and number of check-in people in different regions in different seasons, that is,
POIs with low visitor density, which can speed up the calculation speed and reduce the
calculation cost.
Figure 1 shows the spatial granularity division. It can be seen from the figure that
coarse-grained division is a simple division of the overall region and fine-grained
division is a local division of the region.
26 X. Ma et al.

Fig. 1. Space granularity division

Figure 2 is a heat map formed by the Gowalla data set. The red areas represent
areas that are popular with users, and the blue areas represent areas that users may not
be interested in.

Fig. 2. Heat map formed by the Gowalla data set.

3.3 Probability Matrix Factorization Combine with Check-in

Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) is a classic traditional recommendation
algorithm model. The idea of this model is that a user’s preference is determined by a
small number of unobserved factors. Since the probability matrix factorization can
Multi-factor Fusion POI Recommendation Model 27

effectively handle large-scale data as well as sparse data and the probability matrix
factorization algorithm does not spend a lot of time on the query, we use the probability
matrix factorization algorithm for rate prediction. Suppose U 2 Rmk and V 2 Rnk are
potential matrices of users and POIs respectively. We can calculate the predicted rate
value through two potential matrices. The conditional probability distribution function
of the rate matrix R is as follows:

m Y
n Ii;j
pðRjU; V; r2R Þ ¼ ½NðRij jgðUi Vj Þ; rR Þ
T 2
i¼1 j¼1

Nðxjl; r2 Þ is a Gaussian probability density function with l as the mean and r2 as the
variance, gðxÞ is a Logistic function that maps the value of UiT Vj to the ½0  1 interval.
Ii;j R
is an indicator function. If user ui rates POI vj , then Ii;j ¼ 1, otherwise it is 0.
To prevent overfitting, it is assumed that the potential feature vectors of users and
POIs follow a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0, as follows:

pðUjr2U Þ ¼ NðUi j0; r2U IÞ ð2Þ

pðVjr2v Þ ¼ NðVj j0; r2v IÞ ð3Þ

By maximizing the loss function:

1X m X n
kU Xm
kV Xn
LðR; U; VÞ ¼ R
Ii;j ðRij  gðUiT Vj ÞÞ2 þ UiT Ui þ V T Vj ð4Þ
2 i¼1 j¼1 2 i¼1 2 j¼1 j

Finally, the prediction rate matrix R is obtained by the stochastic gradient descent
method (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Matrix factorization.

28 X. Ma et al.

The prediction matrix R is obtained through the probability matrix factorization

calculation. This method effectively solves the sparseness of the original rating matrix
and fills the missing information in the original rating matrix. Different from other
work, after getting the prediction matrix, we did not directly recommend it, but jointly
signed in the matrix to predict the user’s preference. We believe that the user’s rating
behavior can be combined with the user’s check-in behavior. Some of the POIs that the
user has checked in to have not been given a corresponding rating by the user, so we
cannot know whether the user likes unrated POIs. Therefore, we combine the user-POIs
rating matrix and the user-POIs check-in matrix to predict the score of the user’s
unrated items through matrix factorization. Then, the prediction matrix R and the
check-in matrix C are used to perform Hadamard product operations, in this way, we
can expand the user’s preference.
For example, a certain user ui in the data set visits the POI vm and vn three times and
two times respectively, the user’s rating of vm is 3 and the rating of vn is not needed.
Therefore, the user’s rating of vn is 5 through prediction. We do the dot product of the
user’s rating and the number of check-ins. The weights are 9 and 10 respectively. The
weight of the POI vn is slightly larger, so we can judge that the user likes the POI vn a
little more (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Combination of prediction matrix and check-in matrix.

In the next section, we will use the weight matrix to find the similarity between POIs.

3.4 Similarities of POIs

In recommendation systems, the accuracy of recommendations is often improved by
finding the similarity between users/POIs. There are many methods to calculate simi-
larity, such as Euclidean distance, Cosine similarity, and Pearson correlation coefficient.
Among them, Euclidean distance and cosine similarity are more widely used. Euclidean
Distance is used to measure the absolute distance between various points in multi-
dimensional space. The larger the distance, the greater the difference between individ-
uals; Cosine Similarity uses the cosine of the angle between two vectors in space as a
measure of the difference between two individuals. The smaller the angle, the more
similar the two vectors are. In this article, we use distance measures to measure the
Multi-factor Fusion POI Recommendation Model 29

differences between individuals. Euclidean distance is calculated based on the absolute

values of the characteristics of each dimension. At the same time, Euclidean distance
measures need to ensure that the indicators of each dimension are at the same scale level.
X n
dðx; yÞ ¼ ðxi  yj Þ2 ð5Þ

The vectors x ¼ ðvi1 ; vi2 ;    ; vin Þ and y ¼ ðvj1 ; vj2 ;    ; vjn Þ represent different POIs
vectors in the weight matrix W. We calculate the difference between POIs through
Euclidean distance calculation, so that users can make personalized recommendations.
However, it is not enough to consider only the differences between POIs. We also need
to consider the geographical influence between POIs, so we will describe how to add
geographic influence in the recommendation algorithm.

3.5 Geographic Influence of POIs

In the process of making the POI recommendation algorithm, we considered the
geographical influence between the POIs. Geographic influence is the ability to capture
POIs to spread visitors to other POIs. The closer the physical distance between POIs,
the greater the impact between POIs. We obtain the geographic correlation between
POIs by the physical distance between POIs, where f ðdij Þ represents the probability that
two POIs with a given physical distance dij will be accessed by the same user. The
method we used to find the similarity of POIs in Sect. 3.4 is Euclidean distance, which
is a representation of distance and is also geographically related. Therefore, we com-
bine the physical distance of POIs with the similarity of POIs to get the top  k
minimum values and recommend POIs to users.

rij ¼ wdðx; yÞ þ ð1  wÞf ðdij Þ ð6Þ

f ðxÞ ¼ ex increases with the increase of x, which means that the physical distance
between two POIs increases, so the probability of being visited by the same user will
decrease. dðx; yÞ means that the difference between POIs increases with the increase of
distance. Finally, we recommend the top  k minimum values to users.

4 Experiment

4.1 Data Set Description

We use two real-world datasets of the typical LBSN website Gowalla and Foursquare.
Gowalla and Foursquare are two large social network sites, they allow users to check in
at different locations and share their locations through the check-in. They can analyze
the relevant information of the check-in data (e.g. time, space, popularity, etc.) to report
a quantitative assessment of people’s movement patterns. Gowalla data in the exper-
iment was collected from the United States, and the check-in time span was from
February 2009 to October 2010. We collected a total of 673,980 check-in locations for
30 X. Ma et al.

these users. The data set includes the user’s social network relationship, the user’s IDs,
the IDs of the checked-in POIs, the latitude and longitude of each checked-in POI, and
the time when the POIs checked in. In the pre-processing process of coarse-grained
division, fine-grained division and time division, we filtered out regional blocks with
thresholds below 10,000. In the experiment, the Gowalla dataset contains 15043 users
and visited a total of 106423 POIs.
Foursquare data in the experiment was collected from the United States, and the
check-in time span was from July 2011 to December 2012. A total of 386,975 check-in
locations were collected. The data set includes IDs of users and POIs, geographic
location and check-in time of POIs. The same as the previous data preprocessing, we
filter out the area blocks with threshold value less than 10000 in the preprocessing
process of coarse-grained division, fine-grained division and time division. In the
experiment, the Foursquare dataset contains 9698 users who visited a total of 54216
POIs. Among them, 80% were selected as the training set, and the remaining 20% were
used as the test set. The statistics of the data set are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Datasets summary.

Information Gowalla Foursquare
User’s number 15043 9698
POIs’s number 106423 54216
Check-ins’s number 673980 386975

4.2 Performance Measurements

We select the most extensive evaluation indicators in information retrieval and sta-
tistical classification: precision precision@N and recall recall@N.

1 X Si ðNÞ \ Vj
precision@N ¼ ð7Þ
jUj i¼1 N

1 X Si ðNÞ \ Vj
recall@N ¼ ð8Þ
jUj i¼1 jVj j

jUj indicates the number of users, Si ðNÞ indicates the recommendation of N POIs to
user ui , Vj indicates the set of POIs visited by the user in the test set, and N indicates the
number of recommended POIs. This article selects N ¼ f5; 10; 15; 20g to calculate the
precision and recall values respectively, and then serves as the evaluation index of this
Multi-factor Fusion POI Recommendation Model 31

4.3 Experimental Setup

The parameter wð0\w\1Þ mentioned in Sect. 3.5 needs to be determined through
experiments. The parameter w is used to adjust the proportion of the physical distance
between POIs and the similarity between POIs in the recommended results. When the
value of w is larger, the distance obtained through the calculation of the physical
distance of the POIs has a greater impact on the recommendation result; Conversely,
the percentage of similarity of POIs obtained through the calculation of the similarity
between POIs is relatively large. We finally determined the value by testing on the real-
world Gowalla and Foursquare datasets.

Fig. 5. Precision corresponding and Recall corresponding to the value of parameter w.

Figures 5 shows the changes in the precision and recall rates when w is ½0  1. As
can be seen in the figure, when the value of w is about 0.5, higher precision and recall
can be obtained. Therefore, in the following comparative experiment, the value of w is
set to 0.5 by default.

4.4 Baseline Methods

In order to verify the effectiveness of the UPEMF model proposed in this paper, we
evaluate the performance of UPEMF by comparison with the following representative
POI recommendation methods.
32 X. Ma et al.

1. PMF [11]: According to the user’s historical rating data, the scores of the POIs that
are not rated are predicted, and the POIs with high ratings are recommended to the
user by prediction.
2. BPR [5]: The pairing method is adopted, and the item ranking is calculated by the
triples formed by the user and the item. The multiple groups finally formed con-
stitute a recommendation sequence to recommend to the user.
3. GeoMF [14]: Joint Geographical Modeling and Matrix Factorization for Point-of-
Interest Recommendation, 2014): By using the spatial clustering phenomenon of
user check-in behavior, the potential factors of users and POIs, the scope of users’
activities and the influence area of POIs are enhanced. The spatial clustering phe-
nomenon is captured and integrated into the matrix factorization, and the final
recommendation results are obtained through the matrix factorization.
4. PACE [23]: A deep neural structure that embeds user preferences and context
information. It learns the embedding of users and POIs together to predict users’
preferences for POIs and various contexts related to users and POIs.
5. GeoUMF [24]: The model considers the influence of geographical factors and user
factors. The objective function in the model considers the difference between the
ranking generated in the recommendation model and the actual ranking in the
check-in data and defines a consideration of the difference in POI access frequency
in the objective function Approximation.

4.5 Performance Evaluation

Figures 6 and Figs. 7 correspond to the Gowalla dataset and Foursquare dataset
respectively and show the recommended performance of top  NðN ¼ 5; 10; 15; 20Þ in
different ways of processing the dataset.

Fig. 6. Performance of our method and other baseline methods on Gowalla dataset.
Multi-factor Fusion POI Recommendation Model 33

Fig. 7. Performance of our method and other baseline methods on Foursquare dataset.

According to the analysis in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, PMF is used as a basic matrix
factorization algorithm, and its precision and recall are the lowest; BPR is more pre-
cision and recall than the basic PMF algorithm, each user is regarded as a relatively
independent individual to make personalized recommendation for users in BPR. The
improvement of precision and recall rate proves that personalized recommendation for
users can improve the quality of recommendation; GeoMF integrates the spatial
clustering phenomenon into the decomposition model and increases the potential
factors of users and items through the active region vector of users and the influence
region vector of POIs. It can be seen from the figure that the recommendation effect of
GeoMF algorithm is higher than that of the previous two algorithms, which shows that
the geographical factors cannot be ignored in POI recommendation, which is conducive
to improving the recommendation effect; We use the current popular deep recom-
mendation network PACE in the baseline model to show the excellent performance of
this model, and show the strong learning ability of deep neural network by comparing
with BPR and PMF; GeoUMF considers the influence of geographical factors and user
factors at the same time. Its performance is higher than other baseline models, which
also proves the superiority of adding geographical factors and user factors; The pre-
cision and recall of the UPEMF algorithm proposed in this paper are higher than those
of the previous algorithms. UPEMF combines the features of the previous three
algorithms to improve the precision and recall. We can see that the pre-processing
based on region and time division, and the introduction of geographical influence
factors and personalized recommendations to users can significantly improve the
quality of recommendations.
34 X. Ma et al.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we use the relationship between user check-in behavior and user rating
behavior to improve POI recommendation. We learn the connections between users
and POIs and connections between POIs and POIs on LBSNs based on user check-in
behavior, user rating behavior, POIs geographic influence, and POIs similarity. We
model them under a unified POI recommendation framework. Our experimental results
demonstrate the importance of considering both user check-in behavior and user rating
behavior in explaining user behavior and improving the performance of POI recom-
mendations on the LBSN. In the future work, we will consider how to utilize the user’s
comment information on POIs to learn more user preferences and habits to improve the
recommendation quality.

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