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Cardiovascular Biomarkers: Research Article

Cardiology Received: January 8, 2019

Accepted after revision: March 22, 2019
DOI: 10.1159/000499867 Published online: July 12, 2019

Levels of Systolic and Diastolic Blood

Pressure and Their Relation to Incident
Metabolic Syndrome
Ju Young Jung a Chang-Mo Oh b Joong-Myung Choi b Jae-Hong Ryoo c
Pil-Wook Chung d Hyun Pyo Hong e Sung Keun Park f
a TotalHealthcare Center, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul,
Republic of Korea; b Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul,
Republic of Korea; c Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee
University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; d Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea; e Department of Radiology, College of
Medicine, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea;
f Center for Cohort Studies, Total Healthcare Center, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School

of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Keywords HR for MetS, even after adjusting for covariates. Subgroup

Blood pressure · Hypertension · Metabolic syndrome · analysis for normotensive participants indicated that the HR
Cardiovascular risk for MetS increased proportionally to both SBP (<110 mm Hg:
reference, 110–119 mm Hg: HR = 1.60 [95% CI 1.40–1.84],
and 120–129 mm Hg: HR = 2.12 [95% CI 1.82–2.48]) and DBP
Abstract levels (<70 mm Hg: reference, 71–74 mm Hg: HR = 1.31 [95%
Background: Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a component CI 1.09–1.58], and 75–79 mm Hg: HR = 1.51 [95% CI 1.25–
of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), and one third of individu- 1.81]). Conclusion: The risk of incident MetS increased pro-
als with hypertension simultaneously have MetS. However, portionally to baseline SBP and DBP, and this was identically
the evidence is still unclear regarding the predictive ability observed even in normotensive participants.
of BP for incident MetS. Methods: In total, 5,809 Koreans © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
without baseline MetS were grouped by baseline systolic
(SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) and monitored for 10 years to
identify incident MetS. A Cox proportional hazards model Introduction
was used to evaluate the HR and 95% CI for MetS according
to SBP and DBP. Subgroup analysis was conducted in the The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is defined by the si-
normotensive population based on a new guideline of the multaneous occurrence of at least 3 of the 5 metabolic ab-
American College of Cardiology and the American Heart As- normalities including abdominal obesity, high blood pres-
sociation. Results: High-BP groups tended to have worse sure (BP), high blood glucose, high triglycerides (TG), and
metabolic profiles than the lowest-BP group in both SBP and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) [1]. Prospective stud-
DBP categories. In all of the participants, elevated SBP and ies have suggested that the development of MetS may be
DBP levels were significantly associated with the increased the result of a combined interaction including insulin re- - 7/21/2019 7:24:35 PM

© 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel Sung Keun Park, MD, PhD

Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
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Seoul 110-746 (Republic of Korea)
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E-Mail kkkmin7 @

sistance (IR), obesity, and health behaviors including de- tion of the present study have been described in a previ-
creased physical activity and a sedentary life style [2–4]. In ous study [14]. The baseline survey of the KoGES Ansan
particular, the growing prevalence of obesity has contrib- and Ansung study was completed in 2001–2002, and fol-
uted to the markedly increased prevalence of MetS [5], and low-up surveys were conducted every 2 years. Initially, a
approximately 20–25% of adults globally are presumed to total of 10,038 participants aged 40–69 years participated
have MetS [6]. This trend is also prominent in Korea, in the study. A total of 5,018 participants were recruited
where the age-adjusted prevalence of MetS had risen from via the cluster-sampling method, stratified by age, sex,
24.9% in 1998 to 31.3% in 2007, with an estimated annual and residential district in the Ansung community, and
increase of 0.6% over 10 years [7]. 5,020 subjects were selected via the random sampling
MetS can result in increased cardiovascular morbidity method in Ansan. Of those 10,038 participants, 629 had
and mortality, which poses a substantial burden on public missing values for important clinical and biochemical
health due to frequent healthcare utilization and rising characteristics such as BP, fasting glucose, lipid profile,
medical costs. Thus, public health efforts have focused on BMI, and waist circumference (WC), and 2,977 partici-
early identification and management of the risk factors for pants had baseline MetS. During a 10-year follow-up pe-
MetS to reduce the medical comorbidities and long-term riod, 623 patients were further excluded due to loss to
sequelae of MetS. In this context, identification of the pre- follow-up or incomplete follow-up data. Finally, 5,809
dictors of MetS may be an important medical achievement participants were enrolled into the present study. All of
in terms of preventing MetS. the subjects participated in this study voluntarily, and in-
A high BP is a component of MetS, and MetS is present formed consent was obtained in all cases.
in up to one third of hypertensive patients [8, 9]. Elevation
of BP relates to IR, visceral obesity, and dyslipidemia that Clinical and Biochemical Measurements
are the main pathophysiologic features underlying MetS Study data included a medical history and sociodemo-
[10, 11]. In particular, IR is strongly associated with BP as graphic information provided via a self-administered
well as with MetS. IR leads to increased renal sodium reab- questionnaire, anthropometric measurements, and lab­
sorption, increased sympathetic neural outflow, and an oratory biochemical measurements. All of the study
impaired ability of insulin to dilate the peripheral vascula- participants were also asked to complete a health-relat-
ture [12], which may be involved in the pathogenesis of ed behavior questionnaire, which included the topics
primary hypertension in up to 40–50% of cases [13]. There- of alcohol consumption, smoking, and exercise. Physical
fore, it is postulated that BP itself may be a significant fac- activity was divided into the following 2 categories: regu-
tor related to the increased risk for MetS with mediation of lar exercise (≥90 min of exercise per week, at least mod-
IR. However, data is still insufficient on the predictive abil- erate intensity) and inactivity. Questions about alcohol
ity of BP for incident MetS. Additionally, there is only lim- intake included the frequency of alcohol consumption
ited information regarding the influence of BP on the risk on a weekly basis and the typical amount that was con-
of MetS in a normotensive population. sumed on a daily basis (g/day). Smoking status was di-
The aim of the present study is to examine the indepen- vided into the following 3 categories: never, former, and
dent role of BP on incident MetS. Using data from the Ko- current smoker. Diabetes mellitus was defined as a fast-
rean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES), we eval- ing serum glucose level of at least 126 mg/dL, a serum
uated the long-term risk of MetS according to BP levels. HbA1c level of at least 6.5%, or a 2-h glucose level of at
Our analysis was conducted in a normotensive population least 200 mg/dL, or ever having been diagnosed with di-
to identify whether an elevated BP, even within the normal abetes [15]. Hypertension was defined as ever having
range, increases the risk of MetS. been diagnosed with hypertension with or without in-
take of antihypertensive medication, or as having a mea-
sured BP ≥130/80 mm Hg at the initial examination
Research Design and Methods based on a newly published guideline from the American
College of Cardiology and the American Heart Associa-
Study Population tion (ACC/AHA) [16]. BP was measured at both arms in
All of the subjects were participants of the KoGES An- the sitting position after relaxation for at least 10 min.
san and Ansung study, which is a population-based, epi- BP measurement was conducted twice, with a 5-min re-
demiological study of rural and urban communities in cess between each measurement. The arithmetic mean of
South Korea. The detailed methods and the study popula- the BP was used to define the systolic (SBP) and the dia- - 7/21/2019 7:24:35 PM

2 Cardiology Jung/Oh/Choi/Ryoo/Chung/Hong/Park
DOI: 10.1159/000499867
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Table 1. Main clinical characteristics of the study population according to SBP

SBP (mm Hg): <110 110–119 120–129 130–139 140–149 ≥150 p for
(n = 2,072) (n = 1,633) (n = 1,060) (n = 501) (n = 283) (n = 260) trend

Male sex 864 (41.7) 852 (52.2) 622 (58.7) 299 (59.7) 158 (55.8) 137 (52.7) <0.001
Age, years 48.1±7.5 50.0±8.2 52.5±8.8 54.6±9.3 56.6±8.7 57.9±8.1 <0.001
Fasting glucose, mg/dL 82.7±14.6 83.9±14.3 85.3±16.3 84.4±13.8 84.3±10.1 84.8±11.7 <0.001
Total cholesterol, mg/dL 184.7±32.8 188.6±34.0 190.9±35.4 187.7±37.2 193.0±39.9 192.1±35.7 <0.001
HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 45.8±9.7 46.5±10.2 47.4±9.7 49.3±10.1 50.9±10.4 51.5±11.6 <0.001
TG, mg/dL 128.0±78.8 138.0±84.6 139.2±87.1 123.4±49.0 128.8±53.7 127.7±60.4 0.923
Average alcohol intake, g/day 6.6±16.2 10.4±24.6 12.8±24.6 11.6±24.0 9.8±18.0 10.0±18.7 <0.001
Current smokers, % 26.1 27.5 28.1 27.1 26.5 24.6 0.903
Regular exercise, % 31.8 40.7 43.8 48.3 49.8 51.9 <0.001
BMI 23.5±2.7 24.0±2.8 23.9±2.9 23.4±2.9 23.6±2.6 23.8±3.2 0.247
WC, cm 78.1±7.7 80.2±7.4 81.2±7.5 79.9±7.0 80.2±7.1 80.7±7.4 <0.001
SBP, mm Hg 101.0±6.3 114.2±2.9 123.9±2.9 133.6±2.9 143.8±3.0 161.2±11.5 <0.001
DBP, mm Hg 68.8±6.6 76.7±5.6 81.6±6.5 87.8±7.3 92.2±8.4 98.1±9.4 <0.001
History of hypertension, % 0.8 2.7 7.0 17.6 29.0 48.5 <0.001
Diabetes mellitus, % 3.7 6.2 5.8 4.4 5.3 6.5 0.039
Incidence of MetS 387 (18.7) 511 (31.3) 408 (38.5) 182 (36.3) 129 (45.6) 112 (43.1) <0.001

Continuous variables are expressed as means ± SD, and categorical variables are expressed as numbers (%) unless otherwise stated.

stolic BP (DBP). The WC, height, and weight were also Statistical Analysis
measured and the BMI was calculated for all of the par- The study participants were categorized according to
ticipants. SBP and DBP, respectively. Data are presented as means
After fasting overnight for 12 h, the plasma concentra- ± SD within study groups for continuous variables and as
tions of glucose, total cholesterol, TG, and HDL choles- proportions for categorical variables. The linear trends of
terol were measured enzymatically using a Hitachi Auto- variables between study groups were calculated using a
matic Analyzer 7600 (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Fasting linear regression model for continuous variables and the
plasma insulin concentrations were determined using a Cochran-Armitage trend test for categorical variables.
radioimmunoassay kit (Linco Research, St. Charles, MO, The baseline characteristics of the study population, in-
USA). HbA1C levels were measured via high-perfor- cluding participants with MetS, are also presented in the
mance liquid chromatography (VARIANT II; Bio-Rad online supplementary Tables 1 and 2 (for all online suppl.
Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA). material, see
The presence of MetS was determined according to Crude and multivariate adjusted HR and their 95% CI
the joint interim statement of the International Diabetes for MetS were obtained using the Cox proportional haz-
Federation (IDF) Task Force on Epidemiology and Pre- ards model. The covariates of the adjusted model were:
vention [1]. Elevated BP was defined as SBP or DBP age, sex, area, regular exercise, WC, diabetes, smoking,
≥130/85 mm Hg, elevated fasting serum glucose was de- alcohol intake, and HDL cholesterol. The incidence cases
fined as levels ≥100 mg/dL, high serum TG was defined of MetS and the incidence density (incidence cases per
as levels ≥150 mg/dL, low HDL cholesterol was defined 1,000 person-years) were also calculated in each SBP and
as levels <40 mg/dL in men and <50 mg/dL in women. DBP group. In the analysis of all of the participants, SBP
The presence of visceral obesity was defined based on the and DBP were divided by a unit of 10 mm Hg, and the
criteria of the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity group with the lowest BP level was used as the reference
(i.e., WC ≥90 cm for men and ≥85 cm for women) [17]. group (i.e., SBP: <110, 110–119, 120–129, 130–139, 140–
MetS was defined as the presence of 3 or more of the 149, and ≥150 mm Hg; DBP: <70, 70–79, 80–89, 90–99,
above components. and ≥100 mm Hg). The subgroup analyses were per-
formed in normotensive participants (subjects with a BP - 7/21/2019 7:24:35 PM

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Table 2. Main clinical characteristics of the study population according to DBP

DBP (mm Hg): <70 70–79 80–89 90–100 ≥100 p for trend
(n = 1,191) (n = 2,292) (n = 1,548) (n = 579) (n = 199)

Male sex 388 (32.6) 1,147 (50.0) 898 (58.0) 376 (64.9) 123 (61.8) <0.001
Age, years 48.3±7.7 50.2±8.4 52.2±8.9 54.2±9.0 53.4±8.6 <0.001
Fasting glucose, mg/dL 81.8±14.5 84.1±15.6 84.6±13.9 84.4±12.2 85.5±10.2 <0.001
Total cholesterol, mg/dL 183.3±32.1 186.5±33.9 190.8±35.1 191.5±37.2 200.1±39.8 <0.001
HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 46.3±9.8 46.1±9.9 47.6±10.3 49.7±9.7 51.3±11.6 <0.001
TG, mg/dL 124.5±71.8 133.0±79.2 137.8±81.1 132.8±84.1 132.4±65.8 0.003
Average alcohol intake, g/day 5.4±15.8 8.7±20.7 11.4±22.5 15.6±29.1 12.0±18.9 <0.001
Current smokers, % 20.7 27.6 29.7 30.6 24.1 <0.001
Regular exercise, % 29.0 40.2 43.4 48.4 43.7 <0.001
BMI 23.2±2.6 23.8±2.8 23.9±2.9 24.0±2.7 24.1±2.9 <0.001
WC, cm 76.9±7.5 79.7±7.5 80.7±7.5 81.5±6.9 81.1±7.0 <0.001
SBP, mm Hg 100.5±9.2 111.7±8.8 122.9±10.7 138.2±12.5 155.0±15.9 <0.001
DBP, mm Hg 63.9±4.4 74.2±3.1 83.3±2.9 93.2±2.9 104.8±5.7 <0.001
History of hypertension, % 0.8 2.6 8.7 24.4 43.7 <0.001
Diabetes mellitus, % 3.9 5.9 5.0 4.8 4.0 0.810
Incidence of MetS 192 (16.1) 636 (27.7) 575 (37.1) 237 (40.9) 89 (44.7) <0.001

Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± SD, and categorical variables are expressed as numbers (%) unless otherwise stated.

<140/90 mm Hg and without a history of hypertension). observed in the DBP groups (Table 2). The higher-DBP
The normotensive participants were grouped by a unit of groups also had the more males and worse metabolic pro-
10 mm Hg in SBP and a unit of 5 mm Hg in DBP (i.e., files than the lowest-DBP group, besides HDL cholesterol
SBP: <110, 110–119, and 120–129 mm Hg; DBP: <70, 70– and regular exercise. Statistical significance was identified
74, and 75–79 mm Hg). All statistical analyses were per- for all clinical and biochemical characteristics.
formed using R 3.4.3 (R Foundation for Statistical Com- Table 3 shows the unadjusted and adjusted HR and
puting, Vienna, Austria), p < 0.05 was considered statisti- 95% CI for MetS in the SBP and DBP groups. Even after
cally significant in all analyses. adjusting for the metabolic covariates, elevated SBP and
DBP levels were significantly associated with increased
HR for MetS. A clear dose-response relationship was ob-
Results served between DBP levels and HR for MetS (< 70 mm
Hg: reference, 70–79 mm Hg: HR = 1.46 [95% CI 1.24–
A total of 5,809 participants (2,932 men and 2,877 1.72], 80–89 mm Hg: HR = 2.10 [95% CI 1.77–2.49], 90–
women, mean age 50.8 years) were enrolled into this 99 mm Hg: HR = 2.63 [95% CI 2.16–3.21], and ≥100 mm
study. The overall incidence rate of MetS was 28.6% (n = Hg: HR = 3.94 [95% CI 3.05–5.10]). The subgroup analy-
1,729), and incidence density was 40.8. The final follow- sis for normotensive participants also indicated increased
up examination was done in 2011–2012. HR for MetS proportionally to SBP (<110 mm Hg: refer-
Table 1 presents the baseline clinical and biochemical ence, 110–119 mm Hg: HR = 1.60 [95% CI 1.40–1.84],
characteristics of the study participants according to SBP. and 120–129 mm Hg: HR = 2.12 [95% CI 1.82–2.48]) and
Compared to the group with the lowest SBP level, the high- DBP levels (<70 mm Hg: reference, 71–74 mm Hg: HR =
er-SBP groups tended to have worse metabolic profiles in- 1.31 [95% CI 1.09–1.58], and 75–79 mm Hg: HR = 1.51
cluding age, fasting glucose, WC, DBP, prevalence of DM, [95% CI 1.25–1.81]) (Table 4).
and incidence of MetS. The rates of male gender, HDL cho- Online supplementary Tables 1 and 2 present the as-
lesterol, and regular exercise were higher in the higher-SBP sociation between BP levels and the risk of incident MetS
groups than in the lowest-SBP group. However, statistical based on the cut-off of WC from the IDF task force (WC
significance was not identified for TG, BMI, and the pro- ≥102 cm in men and ≥89 cm in women). Even after
portion of current smokers. These findings were similarly adopting a cut-off for WC that was higher than the mod- - 7/21/2019 7:24:35 PM

4 Cardiology Jung/Oh/Choi/Ryoo/Chung/Hong/Park
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Table 3. HR and 95% CI for the incidence of MetS

Characteristics Unadjusted HR Adjusted HR Incidence Incidence

cases, n densitya

SBP (mm Hg)

<110 (n = 2,072) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 387 23.9
110–119 (n = 1,633) 1.83 (1.61–2.09) 1.58 (1.38–1.81) 511 42.2
120–129 (n = 1,060) 2.51 (2.18–2.88) 2.11 (1.83–2.44) 408 55.9
130–139 (n = 501) 2.36 (1.98–2.81) 2.31 (1.92–2.77) 182 52.7
140–149 (n = 283) 3.30 (2.70–4.02) 3.57 (2.90–4.39) 129 70.7
≥150 (n = 260) 3.51 (2.85–4.34) 3.52 (2.82–4.38) 112 72.2
DBP (mm Hg)
<70 (n = 1,191) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 192 20.5
70–79 (n = 2,292) 1.85 (1.58–2.18) 1.46 (1.24–1.72) 636 37.1
80–89 (n = 1,548) 2.74 (2.33–3.22) 2.10 (1.77–2.49) 575 52.8
90–99 (n = 579) 3.35 (2.77–4.05) 2.63 (2.16–3.21) 237 62.5
≥100 (n = 199) 4.09 (3.18–5.26) 3.94 (3.05–5.10) 89 74.1

Values were adjusted for age, sex, area, regular exercise, WC, smoking, HDL cholesterol, diabetes mellitus,
and alcohol intake. a Incidence cases per 1,000 person-years.

Table 4. HR and 95% CI for the incidence of MetS in subjects without hypertension

Characteristic Unadjusted HR Adjusted HR Incidence Incidence

cases, n densitya

SBP (mm Hg)

<110 (n = 2,055) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 381 23.7
110–119 (n = 1,575) 1.86 (1.63–2.13) 1.60 (1.40–1.84) 495 42.4
120–129 (n = 862) 2.49 (2.15–2.89) 2.12 (1.82–2.48) 327 54.7
DBP (mm Hg)
<70 (n = 1,180) 1.00 (reference) 1.00 (reference) 190 20.5
70–74 (n = 1,143) 1.64 (1.37–1.97) 1.31 (1.09–1.58) 286 32.9
75–79 (n = 1,078) 2.06 (1.72–2.46) 1.51 (1.25–1.81) 324 40.7

Adjusted for age, sex, area, regular exercise, WC, smoking, HDL cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, and alcohol
intake. a Incidence cases per 1,000 person-years.

ified cut-off in Koreans, the risk of MetS significantly in- yielded a mean BMI of less than 25 and a mean WC of 85
creased proportionally to the levels of baseline SBP and cm. Additionally, none of the groups had a mean BMI
DBP in both all and the normotensive participants. ≥25 or a WC ≥85 cm. These findings show the need to
assess other predictors of MetS besides obesity in Asians.
We grouped the study participants by stratification of
Discussion SBP and DBP and evaluated the risk of incident MetS ac-
cording to BP strata. Our results, despite the generally
Obesity has a great influence on the pathogenesis of nonobese figures of the subjects, showed a proportional
both MetS and hypertension. However, it is evident that relationship between the risk of MetS and SBP and DBP.
Asians have a higher metabolic risk despite a lower degree In the SBP groups, compared to the group with a SBP
of obesity compared to Caucasians [18]. Our study also <110 mm Hg, the risk of MetS significantly increased up - 7/21/2019 7:24:35 PM

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to 3.57-fold proportionally to SBP levels within strata. study demonstrated a gradual increase in the risk of MetS
This trend was identically observed in the DBP groups, in from SBP ≥110 mm Hg and DBP ≥70 mm Hg, which sup-
which subjects with a DBP ≥100 mm Hg had a 3.94 times ports the benefit of lowering the cut-off for hypertension
higher risk of MetS than subjects with a DBP <70 mm Hg. in terms of reducing the cardiovascular risk. In particular,
Despite the close association between BP and MetS, no it is of note that this association was identically identified
study has shown the predictive potential of BP for inci- even in the normotensive population. The current guide-
dent MetS. Palaniappan et al. [19] assessed the predictive line has a wide range of BP within a specific BP category,
ability of the risk factors for the MetS in 714 nondiabetic and thus individuals even within the same BP category can
subjects without MetS in the Insulin Resistance Athero- have diverse BP levels. Our results indicate an increased
sclerosis Study, but their analysis did not show a statisti- risk for MetS proportionally to BP levels even within a
cally significant association between elevated BP (≥130 normal BP category, which suggests the clinical impor-
mm Hg systolic or ≥85 mm Hg diastolic) and incident tance of suppressing BP elevation and maintaining an op-
MetS with an OR of 1.1 (95% CI 0.7–1.6). However, our timal BP for reduction of the cardiometabolic risk.
results clearly show a stepwise increase in the risk of MetS Our study was based on a hypothesis that BP elevation
proportionally to the levels of SBP and DBP, which indi- is a signal of derangement not only of circulatory stability
cates a close link between elevated BP and incident MetS but also metabolic homeostasis. In our study, BP elevation
as well as hypertension. In individuals with hypertension, was potentially linked to the increased cardiometabolic
incident MetS may have a synergistic effect with high BP, risk reflected by MetS. Even allowing for the adverse effect
resulting in a poor cardiovascular prognosis. Previous of a high BP directly on the cardiovascular system, our re-
studies have also demonstrated the graded associations sults suggest that MetS may play the significant role in
between higher SBP and DBP and an increased risk of mediation of the causative relationship between a high BP
cardiovascular disease (CVD). A meta-analysis of 61 pro- and CVD. Probably, the condition of BP elevation may be
spective studies indicated that the risk of CVD gradually a result of the comprehensive function of unfavorable
increased in a log-linear fashion from SBP <115 mm Hg conditions including structural instability in the vascula-
and DBP <75 mm Hg to SBP >180 mm Hg and DBP >105 ture, cardiac dysfunction, circulatory disturbance, and
mm Hg, respectively [20]. Additionally, in an observa- impaired metabolic homeostasis. These unfavorable con-
tional study including >1 million adults aged ≥30 years, ditions may be driven from the interaction of pathophys-
higher SBP and DBP were significantly associated with an iologic mechanisms like increased secretion of proinflam-
increased risk of CVD including angina, myocardial in- matory cytokines [23], oxidative stress and endothelial
farction, HF, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and ab- dysfunction by chronic systemic inflammation [24], over-
dominal aortic aneurysm [21]. Thus, it is inferred that production of adipocytokine from adipose tissue, and ad-
lifestyle modifications and educational interventions for verse effects of IR including an activated rennin angioten-
MetS should be conducted in individuals with an elevated sin system, sodium retention, and sympathetic overactiv-
BP even in a nonhypertensive state to reduce the cardio- ity [25–27]. Their interrelated functions may lead to BP
vascular risk related to MetS. elevation and, coincidentally, increase the risk of MetS
Our results may provide a clue to verify the validity of with insidious aggravation of metabolic conditions.
newly established guidelines for hypertension in predict- We longitudinally evaluated the risk of MetS accord-
ing the cardiovascular risk. Currently, the cut-off for hy- ing to BP levels in both normotensive and hypertensive
pertension is not agreed upon globally, showing subtle dif- populations and expanded the clinical implication of BP
ference across committees and regions. In particular, the to a metabolic risk factor. Nonetheless, the limitations
ACC/AHA published an updated guideline including a of our study should be acknowledged.
new BP classification in November 2017 [16]. In the new First, in the present study, the ACC/AHA guideline
guideline, although the cut-off of for normal BP remained was used to establish the definition of hypertension, but
the same as that in the 7th report of the joint national com- global agreement has yet to be reached regarding this
mittee (JNC 7) [22], the cut-off for hypertension was low- point. The ACC/AHA guideline presents a cut-off for hy-
ered from 140 mm Hg in SBP and 90 mm Hg in DBP to pertension of 130/80 mm Hg, which is lower than the cur-
130 mm Hg in SBP and 80 mm Hg in DBP. This disagree- rently used cut-off (140/90 mm Hg) in Korea. Thus, it is
ment may arise from the heterogeneous opinions regard- recognized that adopting the ACC/AHA guideline might
ing the anticipated cardiovascular risk derived from spe- have led to an overestimated prevalence of hypertension
cific BP categories determined by the BP cut-off. Our in our study participants. - 7/21/2019 7:24:35 PM

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Second, we could not identify detailed information on Acknowledgement
antihypertensive medication during the follow-up. Ran- Data in this study were from the KoGES (4851–302), National
domized clinical trials have shown that antihypertensive Research Institute of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
therapies with thiazide diuretics and β-blockers are asso- vention, Ministry for Health and Welfare, Korea.
ciated with an increased incidence of new onset diabetes
and other metabolic abnormalities [28, 29]. Thus, it is in-
ferred that types of antihypertensive medications might Statement of Ethics
have an impact on incident MetS during follow-up. How- Ethical approval for the study protocol and analysis of the data
ever, it was hard to confirm the types and kinds of anti- was obtained from the institutional review board of the Kangbuk
hypertensive medications during follow-up. This limita- Samsung Hospital.
tion arose from our dependency on a self-report ques-
tionnaire for identification of a history of antihypertensive Author Contributions
medications. Thus, the absence of detailed information
on antihypertensive medications should be recognized as Ju Young Jung coordinated this study, analyzed the data, and
a limitation. wrote this paper as first author. Chang-Mo Oh played a role in
analysis of the data and verification of the results. Joong-Myung
Third, our study participants were comprised of Ko- Choi participated in English editing and review of this paper. Jae-
reans only. Since the cardiometabolic risk can vary Hong Ryoo and Pil-Wook Chung participated in the conduction
among ethnicities and regions at given metabolic condi- of this study and the writing of this paper. Hyun Pyo Hong con-
tions, it is unlikely that our findings can be extrapolated ducted additional statistical analysis and writing of this paper in
to other ethnic and regional groups. the process of revision of this work.
Sung Keun Park is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had
In conclusion, our study presented that an elevated BP full access to all of the data in this study and takes responsibility
was significantly associated with an increased risk of in- for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
cident MetS in a Korean population. The incidence and All of the authors had access to the data used in this study and
HR of MetS increased proportionally to the BP level, and participated in the writing of this paper.
this was identically observed even in the normotensive
population. These findings indicate the clinical signifi-
cance of BP as a metabolic risk factor.

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