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Procedia CIRP 120 (2023) 99–104

56th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

Science and technology roadmap towards robotic in-line quality inspection

for implementing zero-defect manufacturing
Victor Azamfireia,, Foivos Psarommatisb,c
a MälardalenUniversity, School of Innovation, Design, and Engineering, Hamngatan 15, 6320, Eskilstuna, Sweden
b OsloUniversity, SIRIUS, Centre for Scalable Data Access, Gaustadalleen 23B, 0373, Oslo, Norway
c Research Center on Production Engineering and Management (CIGIP), Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-736621635. E-mail address:

The current manufacturing climate is characterised by the offering of customisable or one-of-a-kind products at mass production prices while
complying with sustainability demands. Consequently, modern manufacturing companies are employing more and more industrial robots to
increase flexibility and productivity. Nonetheless, for manufacturing companies to achieve true sustainability, a Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM)
approach is needed. Such an approach implies applying emerging technologies for quality inspection and improvement, as no system is perfect
or free from deviations. Science and Technology (S&T) roadmaps are employed as decision aids to improve the coordination of activities and
resources in increasingly complex and uncertain environments. This paper presents a S&T roadmap to guide all-size companies towards ZDM
through advanced robotics for in-line quality inspection. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and progress metrics for robotic in-line quality
inspection towards ZDM are outlined.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 56th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2023

Keywords: Zero-Defect Manufacturing; ZDM; robotics; sensors; quality inspection; in-line;

1. Introduction quality of the products was maintained and consistent as well as

continuously improved. Companies must produce high-quality
The current manufacturing landscape is characterised by complex, customised or one-of-a-kind products, leading to
increased competition, product complexity, and environmental frequent and necessary changes in production control while
requirements. Companies need to produce high-quality com- simultaneously improving productivity. These changes must
plex, customised, or one-of-a-kind products, leading to frequent be implemented efficiently to ensure companies survive the
and necessary changes in the production control, while simul- changing market requirements. These factors pushed industries
taneously improving productivity [1]. These changes must be to integrate more industrial robots, as they are the preferred
implemented efficiently so that companies survive the chang- machine for increasing flexibility. Furthermore, ‘eyes’ for such
ing market requirements [2]. Furthermore, with the rise of machines will be needed to increase their autonomy. An in-
re-commerce, customers are focusing on buying used goods, crease in advanced sensors is expected to meet all the demands
renting, and shopping online or secondhand [3]. Products must that complex products and new materials might present. How-
not only meet independent customer demands, but also have ever, human operators will always be needed for faster and more
a certain level of quality, cost, and environmental impact. To efficient programming of the robots and supervising the process
achieve true sustainability, companies must balance economic [4].
growth with social and ecological. One of the most promising strategies today is called ZDM
Quality control and inspection have always been a critical [5, 6]. This strategy has the goal to decrease and mitigate
part of the manufacturing process, as they can significantly failures within manufacturing processes and “to do things right
affect the profitability and sustainability of a manufacturing in the first time”, in other words, to eliminate defective parts
company, something very important for the contemporary man- during production. ZDM is a disruptive concept that is able
ufacturing domain. These processes helped ensure that the to entirely reshape the manufacturing ideology. ZDM can be
implemented in two different approaches. The product-oriented

2212-8271 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 56th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2023
100 Victor Azamfirei et al. / Procedia CIRP 120 (2023) 99–104

ZDM and the process-oriented ZDM [6, 7]. Defect prevention literature reviews, bibliometric analyses, and experts’ opinions
and preventive maintenance are two research areas that ‘com- in the fields are combined. Using the Scopus database, three
pete’ directly with quality inspection as a whole. The idea is different groups were used in our search strings, consisting of
that defects are produced by machines and by controlling the (i) “bibliometric OR review OR survey” AND (ii) “inspection
state the production will be stable within tolerances. ZDM’s OR detect OR measure OR metrology” AND (iii) “manufactur-
human-centric approach could result in fresh insights and ing”. The steps followed in this S&T roadmap were to identify
quality improvements because human behavior has a big impact ‘technology areas’ and ‘research directions’ relevant in terms of
on manufacturing quality [6]. Despite the trend of the past years impacts towards in-line quality inspection and towards ZDM.
to remove humans from the production environment in order to After the identification of technology areas of (i) measurement
prevent human error, research shows that incorporating humans unit, e.g. sensors, (ii) computation, and (iii) connectivity; the
to the production but with different roles can actually boost aim of the S&T roadmap was to identify expected features.
efficiency [8]. Expected Features of Technology Area are relevant technol-
Modern manufacturing trends aim to improve production ogy characteristics expected to become available in the future
efficiency, quality, and impact. Mass customisation provides thanks to R&D efforts.
tailored products, sustainability preserves the environment,
automation boosts efficiency and reduces errors, and
human-centred ZDM prioritises worker well-being. By 3. Literature review
integrating these trends, manufacturers can create an efficient,
sustainable, and customer and worker-centric production In this section, selected papers and EU projects in ZDM and
system To our knowledge, a S&T roadmap in the field robotic in-line quality inspection are reviewed using literature
aggregating such ideas is missing. This paper presents a S&T content analysis. The results are presented under ‘technology’
roadmap to guide all-size companies towards ZDM through and ‘science’.
advanced robotics for in-line quality inspection. The KPIs
and progress metrics for robotic in-line quality inspection to 3.1. Technology
towards ZDM are identified.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 explains Imkamp et al. [2] presented the Manufacturing Metrology
the research method for this work. Section 3 introduces the Roadmap. They highlighted the importance of peacemaking
encountered sciences and technologies and presents the S&T among measurements and Information Communication Tech-
roadmap on robotic in-line quality inspection systems. Sec- nology (ICT) for the development of Industry 4.0 concept.
tion 4 discusses the proposed roadmap and its challenges. Matheson et al. [10] reviewed the application of human-robot
Finally, Section 5 summarises the scientific and practitioner collaboration in the manufacturing industry. They identified
contribution of the article and presents future steps towards that human-robot collaboration not only doubled productivity
ZDM. compared to manual assembly but also decreased the number
of defects to zero. They highlighted that future work should
also focus on human-centred manufacturing, where fatigue and
2. Methodology intention are monitored. Urhal et al. [11] reviewed the usage
of robotics for additive manufacturing. In their study, they
A ‘roadmap’ is typically a plan of paths or routes that exist concluded that robotic systems are ideal for creating large parts
(or could exist) in a specific geographic area. Kostoff and despite their limited accuracy. Furthermore, robotics allows
Schaller [9] describes that ‘roadmap’ is a popular metaphor the usage of the same working space by multiple robots;
for planning S&T resources. Furthermore, Rober Galvin, for- thus, multiple techniques, such as quality inspection, can be
mer Motorola chairman, advocates for S&T roadmaps as “an performed in parallel. Psarommatis et al. [6] reviewed the
extended look at the future of a chosen field of inquiry com- state-of-the-art of ZDM and highlighted the importance of
posed from the collective knowledge and imagination of the shifting from local to global solutions while considering the
brightest drivers of change in that field”. S&T roadmaps are role of people and human activities in manufacturing. Azamfirei
used in industry, government, and academia to depict the et al. [12] reviewed quality inspection protocols and proposed
structural relationships among science, technology, and appli- a multi-layer framework for ZDM, characterised by holistic
cations. Roadmaps are employed as decision aids to improve data, intelligent control system, and connectivity. Babic et al.
the coordination of activities and resources in increasingly [13] reviewed the usage of image-based quality inspection in
complex and uncertain environments [9]. smart manufacturing. Out of their 224 reviewed paper, 78 used
Science mapping focuses on recent knowledge development ‘defect detection’ techniques, 59 automated the process through
in the field, trends, and predictions. Science is mapped based on computers and robotic systems, and 30 focused on ‘real-time
recent Research and Development (R&D) projects. Technology inspection’ with a strong correlation among the variables. Liu et
mapping focuses on available and future materials, machines, as al., [14] reviewed the concept of ‘robot learning’ for smart robot
well as computers and their models. There should always exist manufacturing. Thao Ho et al. [15] reviewed the integration of
a need for converted science or further developed technology. Augmented Reality (AR) in the Quality Control 4.0 movement.
This S&T roadmap has followed a hybrid approach, where AR can be used for assisting robot programming (e.g., welding)
Victor Azamfirei et al. / Procedia CIRP 120 (2023) 99–104 101

Fig. 1. Technology roadmap for robotic in-line quality inspection

or enhancing operators in performing an in-line quality inspec- and intelligent inspection tools created to support ZDM.
tion. Ramasubramanian et al. [16] reviewed the design of digital The 2016-2020 project, Z-Fact0r, introduced five multistage
twins for human–robot collaboration and their challenges. Data production-based strategies targeting (i) the early detection of
acquired from various physical sensors and from virtual sensors the defect (Z-DETECT), (ii) the prediction of defect generation
can assist in quality inspection and maintenance of machines (Z-PREDICT), (iii) the prevention of defect generation by
in real time. In a similar topic Dreyfus et al. [17] reviewed recalibrating the production line (multistage), as well as defect
the domain of Virtual Metrology (VM) which involves the use propagation in later stages of production (Z-PREVENT),
of production process data to estimate the product’s quality. (iv) the reworking/remanufacturing of the product, if possible,
This maintains the efficiency of the operation while allowing using additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques
for real-time monitoring of the product quality for each unit of (Z-REPAIR), and (v) the management of the aforementioned
manufacturing. strategies through event modelling, KPIs monitoring, and
Barbosa et al. [18] reviewed the interplay between smart real-time decision support (Z-MANAGE). The 2019-2022
manufacturing and digitalisation of metrology. They identi- project, QU4LITY, aimed to offer ZDM models that are
fied four emerging fields, namely (i) digital transformation SME friendly, highly standardised, reliable, and open. The
of metrological services; (ii) metrology in the analysis of 2019-2023 project, Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform
large amounts of data; (iii) metrology of the communication (ZDMP), combines state-of-the-art ZDM approaches based
systems for digitalisation; and (iv) metrology for simulations on commercial grade or open-source software. The platform
and virtual measuring instruments. Robots improve produc- allows end-users to connect existing (and new) devices and
tivity in Cyber-Physical System (CPS) applications such as sensors while enabling connections to related information
3D measurement of large-scale parts. Furthermore, in the con- systems and operational assets. The 2020-2023 project,
text of AR enabled quality assurance, the interaction between Eur3ka, presented a Plug&Respond platform running at scale
the operator and the robot should be enhanced, allowing a to enable effective 4R (Rapid, Reliable, Resilient, and Robust)
deeper interaction with the production process. Azamfirei et al. manufacturing. The 2020-2024 project, DAT4.ZERO, will
[4] reviewed the application of automation for in-line quality develop a Digitally-enhanced Quality Management (DQM)
inspection with ZDM in mind. They highlighted the lack system to prevent faults. With the use of smart, dynamic
of cross-field collaboration in the development of advanced feedback and feedforward mechanisms, the project will
robotic in-line quality inspection solutions. A new quality contribute towards ZDM in smart factories. The DQM system
inspection framework for ZDM was presented. Fig.1 depicts combines smart sensors and actuators with existing large data
the technological and conceptual advances in the field. sets to monitor process parameters such as temperature and
vibration during machining operations to ensure a correct
3.2. Science: R&D projects quality output. New measuring equipment will also be
used to collect data that will feed into intelligent decision
The following EU-funded projects were found to be relevant support to optimise manufacturing in smart factories and
for the development of the S&T roadmap. The 2016-2019 their ecosystems, which are characterised by smart logistics
project, GO0D MAN, focused on integrating quality control in operations. The 2021-2023 project, I4Q, developed a Reliable
multistage manufacturing production as a distributed system Industrial Data Services solution based on Internet of Things
architecture based on CPS using agent-based technology (IoT). The solution will manage a large amount of industrial
102 Victor Azamfirei et al. / Procedia CIRP 120 (2023) 99–104

Fig. 2. Concepts extracted from EU projects in ZDM that affect the roadmap for robotic in-line quality inspection

data and include simulation and optimisation tools for the challenge on the implementation of in-line robotic quality
continuous qualification of the manufacturing line process, inspection is the proper selection of equipment [20, 21] In
quality diagnosis, reconfiguration and certification to ensure addition, customer needs are directly linked to manufacturing
high manufacturing efficiency, leading to an integrated processes, which in turn are directly linked to metrology.
approach to ZDM. The 2022-2025 project, OPENZDM, aims Such needs are characterised by ‘reparable’, ‘updatable’, and
to develop an open platform that uses advanced ICT solutions ‘one-of-a-kind’ products. Under such market vision, a S&T
and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) to help companies roadmap for robotic in-line quality inspection systems is pro-
realise ZDM in a cyber-physical manufacturing process. posed in Fig. 3.
This will allow for a large reduction in wasted resources
and energy consumption while also helping manufacturers
provide high-quality products. The 2022-2025 project,
RE4DY, proposes the ‘data as a product’ core concept to 4.1. Science and Technology roadmap
facilitate the implementation of digital continuity in digital
threads, data spaces, Digital Twin (DT) workflows, and As described in [4], interest in the application of automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI). The 2023-2025 project, PLOOTO, for in-line quality inspection has grown exponentially over the
aims to provide Circular and Resilient Information System years. Quality inspection can be separated into two categories
(CRIS) to support manufacturers in their green, digital, (i) the hardware that ‘actuates’ on the product, ‘measures’,
and circular transition. CRIS enables waste reduction and ‘communicates to the system’, and ‘process data’, and (ii) the
end-to-end traceability of Secondary Raw Materials through software that ‘predicts defects’, ‘control the actuators (robot)’,
interconnected digital services for real-time decision making, ‘decides upon conformity’, ‘learns from historical data or
monitoring and certification of materials and products. human operators’, and ‘self-optimises’. Implementing ZDM
is vital that quality data processing is a vital process, and
currently, manufacturers face many difficulties on this topic.
4. Discussion One very common problem is data and systems interoperability
[22]. Ontologies serve as a viable solution for interoperability
Poor product quality can cause problems on many levels, problems, a recent research work developed the ZDM ontology
from direct economic losses to damage to the environment to align all in the domain [23], the ontology was developed
caused by lost resources [19]. Quality management is necessary based on a set of standardised terms [24].
for industrial businesses that want to keep or improve their The integration of technology with human involvement has
financial and operational performance. Poor quality can also the potential to achieve maximum benefits in the manufac-
hurt a company’s brand and customers’ happiness, according to turing process. Human-robot collaboration and its impact on
[19]. Robotic in-line quality inspection seems to be one of the productivity and defect reduction highlight the potential of
most promising quality inspection methods for assuring 100% technology in improving the efficiency of manual tasks. In
quality and at the same time maintain the performance of the addition, the role of human operators should change from
system. Current the Industry 4.0 concept offers a variety of performing repetitive, laborious, and tedious jobs to training,
advanced technologies for both the hardware and the software programming, and supervising robots and the different digital
for implementing robotic in-line quality inspection. The biggest technologies.
Victor Azamfirei et al. / Procedia CIRP 120 (2023) 99–104 103

Fig. 3. Science and Technology roadmap for robotic in-line quality inspection

4.2. KPIs and progression metrics and robotic in-line quality inspection systems. Though the
core value technologies of such quality inspection systems are
For manufacturing companies to succeed ZDM, a combi- mostly hardware, such developments presents opportunities for
nation of low and high level activities and development in achieving human-robot symbiosis for all size companies as the
hardware and software is needed, see Fig. 4. In a mid term, majority of projects focus on open source.
companies need to focus their attention towards detection The future of robotic in-line quality inspection is charac-
of defects. The more data they gather the more they will terised by the metrics of 100% inspection, fast, accurate, reli-
understand the real problem. The metric for such progress are able, flexible, connected, holistic, intelligent, and collaborative.
the usage of several sensors, the reach of 100% inspection, Thus, the KPIs of detection rate, false negative/positive, data
and target accuracy and reliability. Once such metrics are quality and quantity/holisticness, cycle time, predict-inspect
reached they can focus on reducing the cycle time until reaching rate, downtime, and cost of quality (predict, inspect, prevent)
real-time inspection, where quality inspection does not add were established.
additional time to the overall production but rather decreases Future work will focus on validating and completing the
it as the ZDM platform can now prevent and predict future S&T roadmap through focus groups with manufacturing prac-
defects. Cost of quality will raise on the short term until titioners. Additionally, a prioritisation list of encountered tech-
such prediction and prevention algorithms are performing in nologies, concepts, KPIs, and progression metrics will also be
an exponential benefit way. For that self-optimisation and developed.
robot-learning are necessary.

5. Conclusions Acknowledgements

In this work, we have provided a S&T roadmap for robotic The presented work was partially supported by the Automa-
in-line quality inspection towards ZDM. Through the usage of tion Region Research Academy (ARRAY) school founded by
literature and EU projects analyses, the ‘concepts’ and ‘tech- The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) and the projects RE4DY,
nologies’ necessary for achieving plug&play robotic in-line Eur3ka, TALON and PLOOTO, EU H2020 projects under
quality inspection systems are depicted in terms of hardware grant agreements No 101058384, 101016175, 101070181 and
and software as well as mid-term, long-term, and vision. The 101092008 accordingly. The paper reflects the authors’ views,
study indicates that major effort is placed in the mid- and and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be
long-term horizon on developing the software part of ZDM made of the information it contains.
104 Victor Azamfirei et al. / Procedia CIRP 120 (2023) 99–104

Fig. 4. KPIs and their metric progress for robotic in-line quality inspection systems

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