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Exam Held on : 24/11/2020

Name : SPARSHA SAHA Regn # : 2020/14293 Class : 11 Sci / F Exam Taken by :340
Subject :PHYSICAL EDUCATION Total Questions :20 Attempted : 20 Right : 16 Wrong : 4 Marks Obtain: 19

133445 According to Health -Carter measurement system in somato type or Body type extreme Mesomorph will be rated in

Correct Answer/s : a (Your Answers/s : a) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) 171

b) 117

c) 711

d) 272

133447 In Partial Curl Up the Knee should be flexed and feet should be _____ inches away from the Hip/buttock position.

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : c) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) 18

b) 16

c) 12

d) 10

133441 Which of the following is not the component of Health related fitness.
Correct Answer/s : a (Your Answers/s : a) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0
a) Maximum Strength

b) Muscular Endurance

c) Body composition h

d) Cardio Vascular Endurance

133455 Amit is aspiring to join India Armed Force, in his medical test his body weight and height measured as 78 kg and 1.75 meters.according
to BMI he is under the category of

Correct Answer/s : a (Your Answers/s : b) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Normal

b) Over weight

c) Overweight-I

d) None of them

133457 Quetelet Index is the other name of

Correct Answer/s : d (Your Answers/s : d) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0
a) WHR

b) Step Test

c) Partial Curl-Up

d) BMI

133442 This kind of trekking involve ascent to high altitude usually up and above 5000 m , they also involve some steep climbing is called

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : d) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Easy Trekking

b) Moderate Trekking

c) Strenuous Trekking

d) Difficult Trekking

133449 If the BMI of a person stand between 30.3 to 34.9 , it is under ______ category .

Correct Answer/s : d (Your Answers/s : d) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Normal

b) Overweight- I

c) Overweight - IV

d) Overweight- II

133450 Phlegmatic,Sanguine, Choleric and Melancholic these classification are made by

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : c) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Ernest Kretschmer

b) William Sheldon

c) Hippocrates

d) C.Butcher

133446 Harvard Step Test was developed by Brouha & Others in the year of

Correct Answer/s : d (Your Answers/s : d) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) 1916
b) 1952

c) 1916

d) 1943

133456 If an individual(Female) waist measurement is 34 inches and the hip measurement around 42 inches.After Calculation of her waist-Hip
ratio, her_____

Correct Answer/s : b (Your Answers/s : b) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Health at risk

b) Health not in risk

c) Marginal

d) None of them

133453 To measure muscular strength and muscular endurance we can go with

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : a) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Push Up & Modified Push up

b) Partial Curl up

c) Both of them

d) None of them

133451 V-Sit Test, Toe touch Test, Floor touch Test, Back Scratch test , Sit and reach test are given to a person to check the

Correct Answer/s : d (Your Answers/s : d) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Explosive strength

b) Muscular Endurance

c) Body Composition

d) Flexibility

133438 Adventure Sports are popularly known as

Correct Answer/s : b (Your Answers/s : b) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0
a) Outdoor sports

b) Extreme Sports

c) Indoor Sports
d) None of them

133439 ______ refers to the process of administrating a situation to obtain a quantitative data.

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : c) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Evaluation

b) Test

c) Measurement

d) None of them

133448 In this kind of adventure sports we can find both climbing and Hiking

Correct Answer/s : a (Your Answers/s : a) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Mountaineering

b) Trekking

c) Rock climbing

d) Rafting

133440 In which Adventure sports the Canopy is used ?

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : c) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) River Crossing

b) River Rafting

c) Paragliding

d) Surfing

133454 In Harvard Step Test of a 25 years old man, total duration was 5 minutes,heartbeats between 1 to 1.5 minutes was 80, between 2 to
2.5 minutes was 70 and 3 to 3.5 minutes was 60 then the fitness index rating will be

Correct Answer/s : c (Your Answers/s : c) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Excellent

b) Good/Above average

c) Average

d) Below Average

133452 In Harvard Step test the equipment are needed

Correct Answer/s : a (Your Answers/s : a) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0
a) A gym bench height of 20”, Stop watch, Cadence Tape
b) A Floor Mat, Pen and Paper, Stop Watch, 12”X16” box

c) 12”x12”x21” box , with paper and pen,stop watch

d) Stop watch, pen and Paper, 10”X12”X21” box

133444 In which kind of weather condition the athlete should postpone his/her training and competition schedule

Correct Answer/s : b (Your Answers/s : b) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) In Extreme Hot weather

b) In extreme Hot & Cold weather

c) Extreme Cold weather

d) None of them

133443 The sit-and-reach test was first developed by

Correct Answer/s : d (Your Answers/s : c) Attempted By : 0 Right : 0 Wrong : 0

a) Brohua and others

b) Adolph Quetelet

c) Baron Coubertin

d) Wells & Dillion

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